Girlfriend Agrees to go Topless (First Cuckolding Book 11)

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Girlfriend Agrees to go Topless (First Cuckolding Book 11) Page 6

by Matt Coolomon

  “Are you still going to do it again today?”

  She nods. “Yeah – I still want to.”

  “Cool. I cleared my phone so I can do some clips as well as photos…. You still want me to, don’t you?”

  “Uh huh….” Lisa utters, her blush rising again as the neighbour guy tilts his head for another look at her legs. “You really have to promise you’ll never tell Nick, though. Okay?”

  “Yep. Absolutely! You can trust me, Lisa.” Trent takes his phone from his pocket and opens the camera. He starts filming from Lisa’s face, slowly downward. He touches her shoulder and she turns toward him a little. “Your tits looked so great in that nightie last night,” he says. “I can’t wait till we go to the beach and you flash them properly.”

  Lisa looks down at herself as he films her legs. “It’s going to be strange going topless in front of you, you know? It’s probably going to be easier with these older men.”

  Trent grins. “Because I’ve always been younger while we were growing up?”

  “Yes – exactly…. And I’ve noticed you always trying to perv on me.”

  “Yeah, but I can’t help that. It’s just natural.” Trent films back up her body and pauses at her chest. He moves to the side and focuses in through the fold of her robe. “Can you open this a bit more so I can nearly see them?” Lisa tugs at the edges of her robe, peering down at herself. Trent tilts the phone down. “Yeah – a bit more….” He says, and she tugs the garment loose at her waist. “Fuck yeah – that’s it,” Trent says and snaps a pic.

  He immediately checks it on the screen. His smile broadens and he shows Lisa. “Nice nipples, Lisa.”

  Lisa bites her lip, blushing. Trent stops smiling and his eyes flash down and up. He then leans forward without the phone and peers down Lisa’s robe. He hooks a finger in the edge of it and pulls it open more. She just watches his face as he gawks at her breasts. He looks back up and meets her eyes, holding her gaze for a moment, then he reaches in with a hand and feels one of her tits.

  “Aw fuck yeah,” he groans, squeezing it and pinching the nipple.

  “Okay, but not too rough,” Lisa utters.

  He glances up but immediately looks back at what he’s doing. He changes hands with his phone and feels her other tit. “Is it okay like that?”

  “Yes – that’s nice like that.”

  He massages softly and plays with her nipple then moves back to her other tit. He looks up again and she does too. “I want to finger you, Lisa. I’ve been looking at your pussy so much last night. I want to finger it.”

  “You want to what? Trent!”

  “Come on just let me, huh? No one’s here….”

  “Okay, but just a little bit,” Lisa says. “Just for a minute down my panties in case Alan comes back.”

  “Okay – just for a minute….” Trent whispers excitedly, his eyes rolling down to Lisa’s legs.

  Lisa leans back against the counter and Trent slides his hand down the front of her panties. He feels her pussy and she parts her legs a little for him. He spreads her folds with clumsy fingers and finds her opening, pushing one of his thin digits in. “Aw yeah there it is…. Fuck yeah….” he groans. “Man that’s really tight, Lisa.”

  “Uh huh…. This is crazy, though,” Lisa says, bracing back against the counter and parting her thighs a little more. “Uhh..hhh.. Trent!”

  “Damn you’re so wet, Lisa. It feels so hot up inside.”

  “Okay, but that’s enough now…. I shouldn’t even be letting you.”

  “Yeah but it feels so great.” Trent withdraws but slips his finger back in. Lisa waits and lets him feel around inside of her again. His other fingers are pressing against her clit and making her belly tingle.

  “Uhh..hhh… Trent! Ouch…!”

  “Sorry – it’s only two…. Oh wow – that really crushes.”

  “Well, be more gentle. Don’t just stick them up me like that. I wasn’t expecting it.”

  “Okay…. Is that better now? Is it nice when I go in and out?”

  “Uh huh – that’s nice….”

  “Can I lick you?”

  “What? No!”

  “Aw – can I? Just a little bit?”

  “No, Trent! Oh my god – uh…hhh not so fast….”

  Trent grins up at Lisa. “Wow, it’s so wet everywhere now. My whole hand’s getting wet from you.” He forces his two fingers in deep and holds, kind of rubbing back against Lisa’s G-spot. Her eyes widen. “Is that good? Is that the right spot?”

  “Uh huh…. How do you know to do that?” Lisa resists the urge to enjoy and clamps her thighs together, squirming away from the intense sensation. “You little shit. Where did you learn that?”

  Trent shrugs. “Online porn of course.”

  “Oh – of course!” Lisa giggles. “Hey – don’t!... Trent!”

  Trent is licking his fingers and making Lisa’s belly tingle some more as she blushes. He defies her and licks them thoroughly, just grinning at her. “Yum.”

  “You little shit. I’d better not end up regretting letting you do that.”

  “I won’t tell anyone, Lisa. You can trust me.”

  “Hmm – okay, I trust you.”

  “And thanks,” Trent adds mildly. “I loved that. It was awesome.”

  Lisa peers back over her shoulder from washing up in the sink.

  “You liked it too, didn’t you, Lisa?”

  “Yes – I liked it. It was nice except for when you changed to two fingers.”

  “So, one was better?”

  “No – two is nice too, but if you just went in more gently that first time.”

  A door opens upstairs and footsteps approach. Lisa does a mock horror frown and re-ties her robe. Trent checks her out and gives her a thumbs up. “I’d better finish the mowing,” he whispers and leaves.

  Lisa greets Evan with a smile over her shoulder. She’s started washing dishes from the previous night.

  “Hey, baby, this is pretty,” Evan says, approaching behind her. “You know I’ve got to have a little tickle of you in this, don’t you?”

  “Uh huh,” Lisa answers, bracing as his fingers clutch. She flinches but just leans back against him. The older man’s fingers then grip her ribs and she squirms and presses her arms down tight. His hands are beneath them, though, and he kneads her flesh and makes her half giggle and half pant as she squirms more. He has her chest shuddering, her breasts jiggling. Lisa keeps her arms pressed to her sides as he looks down over her shoulder at her tits. She can feel him erect against her bottom. His hands lower to her hips and he grinds against her down there.

  Lisa looks at her breasts then back up at him. Evan peers down over her shoulder again. He strokes up her arms and squeezes them. She lifts her chest. “Yeah – they’re fucking nice, baby,” he whispers.

  “Thank you,” Lisa utters softly, and she relaxes back against him again.

  Evan strokes over her shoulders and down her front, closing his hands over her breasts and trailing fingers softly between them. His hands return to clutch her hips and hold her while he presses the bulge in front of his pants against her. “Do you know what blue balls are, baby?” he asks into her hair.

  “Um…. I guess – sort of…. I’ve heard about that.”

  “Yeah, well you gave me serious blue balls all yesterday and I really need a release.”

  “A release?” Lisa utters, her skin tingling with excitement.

  “And there’s only one way to get a proper release for blue balls…. Stroking off just doesn’t do it.”

  “Uh huh…. So, how can you get a proper release?” Lisa asks sweetly. “Where do you need it to be, Evan?”

  “I think you know, baby….”

  He reaches down and clutches above her knees, making her giggle and bend over to grab his wrists. He keeps tickling and making her wiggle, and she can feel him deliberately grinding against her bottom. He grabs her wrists and bends her over the counter, holding her there. “Do you give in?”
he teases, and she shakes her head, biting her smile. He smacks her bottom and she shrieks. He then moves over her back, pressing his package against her bottom again. “Give in or you get another one,” he says into her ear.

  Lisa giggles but also tilts her pelvis and holds still as Evan’s erection probes between her legs. He grinds against her then rolls his hips, splitting her through her panties with the head of his cock. She grips the counter top, still lying over it. He’s fully covering her and breathing into her ear. He pulls back then slowly presses forward again, his cock head poking between the lips of her pussy. She lifts to tiptoes and keeps herself presented to him. Lisa peers back at the older man. She turns her head further and Evan kisses her. He forces his tongue into her mouth, making her head spin. He also fumbles between them down below and suddenly he’s inside of her.

  He’s entered Lisa’s pussy through the edge of her panties. She glares back at him in shock but he just grips her tight around the waist and thrusts once, twice, then he thrusts once more and holds firmly up her, his cock throbbing powerfully as he ejaculates.

  Lisa waits while he finishes in her. He thrusts once more and kisses the back of her neck. “Sorry – I couldn’t stop myself,” he breathes into her hair.

  “It’s okay,” Lisa utters. “Does that feel better now?”

  “Yeah, but just let me get you off too….” He feels down the front of her panties and touches her clit. He massages softly and begins sliding his cock in and out. “Like that?” he groans into her ear.

  “Uh huh – like that,” Lisa moans, squirming back against him. She’s already close. He continues slow fucking her and rubbing her clit until her orgasm hits. He then just holds firmly up her while she cums on his cock.

  “Yeah – that’s it. That’s so fucking tight, baby,” he says into the back of her neck. He withdraws a little then surges, fully erect again.

  “Uh huh….” Lisa utters, lifting to tiptoes and peering over her shoulder. “Do you want to cum again?” she asks sweetly. “You can if you need to….”

  Evan pulls out and strips her panties down her legs then lowers onto her back and puts an arm around her waist. He holds her close and tight and starts rolling his hips, his cock spearing in and out of her. She tilts her pelvis forward, lifting her bottom and presenting herself for him. The weight of his upper body is upon her back so she supports herself on the counter with folded arms. He moves her hair aside and kisses the back of her neck, his other arm still wrapped around her waist and holding her firmly.

  “Am I too heavy on top of you like this? You’re so petite, baby, and I’m a lot bigger than Alan.”

  “I know – you’re really heavy but I like it.”

  “Do you want to get on hands and knees for me, then – let me mount you properly?”

  “Okay – I’ll try to.”

  Lisa is suddenly lifted off the floor completely. Evan has his arm under her knees and carries her around the counter and into the living room with his cock still up her. He bends carefully and lowers her to her hands and knees, remaining upon her back. He surges into her firmly and forces her to tilt her hips and angle her opening to suit him. He does a few long strokes in and out then just uses his pelvis again, rolling it and pumping her. Lisa goes back into orgasm and he holds firmly up her, just kissing her shoulder and massaging her tits with one big hand.

  When she takes a breath, he moves fully over her back and whispers into her ear, “Are you ready, baby? Ready to take my weight?”

  “Uh huh – I’m ready….”

  “Okay. If you get tired just go down to your belly but keep your bum up so I can keep riding you.”

  “Uh huh,” Lisa utters again, but Evan wraps his arms around her body and she groans a little under his weight. She can hold him with her legs and knees bent but he’s very heavy for her arms. She locks her elbows straight and is able to hold him up while he continues pumping her.

  “That’s it, good girl. Keep your arms straight like that and you can take huge men, and we get to hold you and play with your tits while we’re doing you.” He sucks hard on the back of her neck, making her moan as his cock probes deep inside of her. He’s feeling her tits again now, another hand under her belly and then fingers are parting her pussy lips while his shaft slides through them.

  Lisa’s arms are beginning to ache. “I’m getting tired now,” she says back over her shoulder.

  “Okay, baby, I’ve been holding back a bit anyway. My balls are nice and full again now…. So, you’re on the pill then, Lisa? It’s safe for me to cum in you?”

  “Yes, it’s safe. You can do it again.”

  “Aw fuck yeah,” Evan groans and immediately clamps his body to Lisa’s back, his cock jumping then throbbing powerfully inside of her.

  Lisa lowers to the floor but keeps her bottom raised for him. He jerks and spasms, his huge body taut with muscle. He’s squashing her but soon lifts his upper body and has a look at their coupling. He spreads the cheeks of her bottom and keeps her open as he pulls his cock out.

  “Yeah – that’s a load, baby.” He’s grinning and winks.

  “Gee thanks,” Lisa tosses back at him, smiling too. “I feel like I just had a big horse on my back.”

  Evan laughs. “A horse, huh?” He pulls up his pants and sits on the couch.

  “Well, not that I would ever want to have a real horse on my back, thank you very much.” Lisa picks up her panties and scrunches them in her hand. “But it was interesting when we watched those horses having sex last time we were here.”

  “Shit yeah – they go at it, don’t they?”

  “Yes, and it was even more interesting because there were the two males and the one female, and they both mounted her.”

  Evan grins. “Yeah – one after the other.”

  “It wasn’t right after. But it was interesting that they had a fight and the winner got to mount the female and service her. Then later the loser was having a turn….”

  “So the dominant one fucked her first. Sounds fair enough.”

  Lisa tucks her legs up beside Evan on the couch. “I agree the dominant male should be allowed to go first with a female. Like with a man like you and my boyfriend…. It would just seem more natural to let you go first….” Lisa’s blush rises. “I don’t think I’ll say no anytime you want to mount me again while we’re here, Evan.”

  Evan nods. “So you’re going to tell Alan that I fucked you?”

  “Yes – I’ll tell him when he gets back.”

  “And that you want it again?”

  Lisa bites her smile. “I’ll tell him that you’re entitled to have me again – multiple times…. I think we’ve established that you and George are definitely in charge of me this week…. Alan and I have already been talking about it.”

  Evan lifts Lisa’s chin and presses his lips to hers. She catches a breath and closes her eyes. He parts his lips and she does too, his tongue entering her mouth as he deepens the kiss. “This is okay?” he mumbles.

  “Yes – it’s nice being kissed afterwards.” She accepts his tongue again. He bends her back and extends further. Lisa relaxes into his embrace, moving her arm aside as he feels her breast. He lifts from her and opens her robe.

  “Fuck these are nice, baby.”

  Lisa just chews a lip and watches his face as he thumbs her nipples and feels her up. She slips a hand between her legs and squirms her thighs together. “It feels all wet under me. I think some of your cum’s leaking out.” She steadies with a hand upon his shoulder and gets up onto her knees. There’s a creamy wet spot on the black leather where she was sitting. They both watch as more of Evan’s semen trickles down her thigh. “Oops,” she utters, holding up her robe.

  “Fuck that’s sexy, baby. Don’t be embarrassed. I pumped a lot into you.”

  The trickle drips all the way to her knee then seeps into the pool on the couch.

  “It’s nice that it’s from you,” Lisa says sweetly. “If it’s okay wetting the couch, I don’t mind
just sitting in it.”

  “Okay, baby, sit in it. It’s not going to hurt the leather. You can just enjoy the feel of it dripping out of you and we can give the cushion a wipe over later when it dries.”

  Lisa wraps her panties around her wrist then gets off her knees and sits. The back door opens and bangs closed. Alan appears in the kitchen doorway.

  “Hey, man, did you get everything?” Evan asks.

  “Yeah, I think so.”

  Alan leaves the shopping bags on the counter and approaches. Lisa tugs her robe closed tighter. Her panties are still wound around her wrist. Her boyfriend is looking at her, frowning a little.

  “Hey – what’s up?” he asks softly.

  Lisa’s blush fires up.

  “I’ll let you guys talk,” Evan says, giving Lisa’s knee a squeeze as he gets up. He pats Alan’s shoulder in passing.


  Alan approaches and sits on the end of the couch. He swallows. “Did he have sex with you?”

  Lisa nods. “Yes, Alan. It just kind of happened…. It felt so natural.”

  “Natural?” Alan swallows again, his throat seemingly dry.

  Lisa reaches for his hand and intertwines fingers. “He really needed to, Alan…. He even said he had that blue balls thing. But that’s because I was teasing them so much yesterday.”

  “Yeah, but they were the ones tickling you all the time. It wasn’t just you teasing.” Alan looks over his shoulder to where Evan went out the back. “So, where did it happen? Did he take you to his bed?”

  “No – it was right here…. I’m still sitting in it.” Lisa has a look down between her legs and takes her panties from her wrist to bunch beneath her. “It’s amazing how wet I am from him. That must be because of blue balls, huh?”

  Alan is craning his neck, trying to see. “But are you okay, baby?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just leaking semen – way more than usual…. I could really feel it, though, Alan. It was so interesting having a different one in me. His is a bit thicker than yours, and when he was cumming it really jumped. I felt it throb about six times so powerfully and he was sort of grunting when that was happening…. It was just so different and exciting.” Lisa stands and wipes her pussy with her panties. There’s a creamy wet spot on the couch.


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