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Demigods Page 20

by Robert C Ray

  "Ah spose Ah owe ya somethin'," she spoke charmingly into the phone with a deep, southern accent, as she lay back on the bed, and stared up at the ceiling, "if ya still rumemba me."

  "Only every other memory," he replied, having found such a convenient line in a country song, and thought that it might impress her. He had no idea that her accent was a ruse, and that she had never even heard the song, yet still she was impressed.

  "You are too kind, su," she responded in a way that made him believe that she might be blushing, "but a line is jest a line."

  "It was far more than a line," Robert assured her, having meant it quite literally, for the moment that he had met her, he had feelings like those that no other woman had ever produced, and they were honest feelings. He simply never understood that they had come from an unnatural source.

  "Just tell me what you like to do," he asked, very eager to please the woman that he had met just the other day, and only for a few moments.

  "Same as evra gal, Ah spose," she told him as she smiled brightly at the ceiling of her room. "Shoppin' an travel."

  He took a brief moment to think about what to say next, for he had googled her, and discovered that Kitty Hall was the heiress of a rather large estate, or so the computer had told him. If he went cheap she would most likely be offended, and he was not about to let this one slip by, but what if she was impressed by simplicity?

  "Tell you what," he began as he formulated his strategy. "Why don't I have a limo pick you up at your house tomorrow?"

  He was about to continue before she interrupted him.

  "Ah can be where we fust met," she told him, "but Ah don't know ya well enough to show ya my home."

  She could sense him smiling on the other line, and they both knew that the game was on. Unfortunately for Robert, he did not understand the rules, for they were far different when Viper was one of the players.

  "Alright then," he continued with charm in his voice, "I’ll meet you there, and take you shopping, if only you would tell me where you would like to travel to, afterwards."

  "Do ya mean that day?"

  "For an entire week," he replied, attempting to impress her again, "to anywhere that you would like to go."

  For a moment, he heard silence, and did not know what to make of it, but then she spoke up once more.

  "Ah can’t decide," she told him, with a hint of confusion in her voice. "Ah always thought about seein' two different places."

  Robert found that the answer to this problem was an easy one.

  "Then we’ll go to both," he told her, feeling rather good about the way things were going, "and my jet will make it all that much easier."

  Once again, he heard silence, and began to feel that he had said the wrong thing, but he could not figure what it might have been, until she spoke up again. When she did, it made him laugh, and desire her even more.

  "Ah will not be a part of your mile high club, su," she answered with a slight laughter in her tone. "Fust class will do jest fine."

  "Good enough, Kitten," he replied without understanding what it had done to her when he called her that, yet she got over it quickly.

  "Ah will bring myself," she replied with her tiny little voice, "An you can spoil me for a week... but you had betta behave."

  "I promise," Robert told her, feeling that he was actually making a connection with this very beautiful woman that his mind would not allow him to get over. "Just make sure that you bring nothing but the clothes on your back, because everything else will be on me."

  She had consumed his thoughts from the moment he had first met her, and he was elated that she had actually made contact with him. At this very moment, he would have done anything that she would have wanted him to do, and without knowing it, he had.

  "Vera well then," she told him. "Ah shall be there at noon."

  She never gave him the chance to respond, and this left him longing, which was her intent. She really did not need to say more than that, and he truly did not need to hear any more.

  * * *

  The next day would be an eventful one, as he rode around with Ms. Kitty Hall in his black limousine, stopping at various places to pick up various things. First came the clothes, and he was more than happy to give his opinion on all the ones that she tried on. He was not sure how helpful he was since she had excellent taste, and wore them all beautifully, though it was a delightful event nonetheless.

  She also chose a variety of other things, such as make-up, personal grooming supplies, and a couple of small backpacks. He wondered what she intended them for, but was willing to wait to discover the answer.

  Then came the luggage, and once that was done, he had them and the clothes delivered to his home where they would be packed by his servant, and ready for when they were to depart.

  Finally came the gadgets. A laptop, a tablet, and a smart phone, all top of the line, and from these she insisted upon making all of their reservations, using his credit card of course. She told him that it would be a surprise, and that he would know where they were going when they got there. He of course, was delighted by her playfulness.

  It was an afternoon to be remembered, Robert thought, surely to be followed by even more wonderful days.

  * * *

  Waking in the beautiful hotel suite, the haze lifted from Robert’s mind, and he began to remember the events that had recently occurred. He remembered how Kitty had taken care of everything, from the airline tickets to Duluth, to the hotel reservations in a beautiful High-rise, with a view of Lake Superior.

  He thought that the twin, red Jeep Wranglers that were waiting for them at the airport was a very nice touch, especially when she had challenged him to race her to the hotel. He was happy enough to find her vehicle parked out in front of it, as she smiled back at him from the sidewalk.

  To be honest, Kitty Hall was the most interesting woman that he had ever met. She was so eloquent, yet with such southern charm, though she seemed so down to earth as well. To be true, he wondered if he was dreaming, as he still lay motionless in his bed.

  He also remembered last night, and how they had finished a bottle of Southern Comfort together. She had talked endlessly about her mother, and how beautiful she was, seeming to touch on every detail. She told him that she was the greatest woman ever, and as he looked at her, he believed it whole-heartedly.

  As he thought about her, he knew that it must be true, for only a perfect mother could create such a woman as Kitty Hall. Certainly, he would have never believed that she was created in a lab, by the United States military.

  He also thought about how he had wanted her so badly, and how she seemed to be submissive to his needs, but he found the strength to resist. It was not easy, but he believed that it was so very important. If he had slept with her last night, then her emotions might change, and she was someone that he was hoping to never lose.

  This was when he heard a knock at the door, and he raised himself up to answer it, though began to wonder where she might be.

  "I'm coming," Robert stated loudly, as he still continued to look around for her, but was saddened to find Kitty nowhere.

  His heart, however, found solace when he opened the door, and found her behind the room service cart, smiling playfully up at him.

  "Ah made you breakfast," she told him as her light green eyes did things to him that he had no control over.

  He opened his mouth, but no words came out as she pushed the cart past him, and the exaggerated sway in her hips, due to the pushing of the cart, did as much to him as her eyes had.

  "They were kind enough to let me use their kitchen," she told him, as she removed the lid, and began to set the food on the table.

  Of course they were, Robert thought to himself, knowing very well how persuasive she could be.

  As he sat down in front of the food, he was quite impressed by what he had seen, for it seemed simple, yet refined at the same time. He understood just how refined it was, when he asked her about it.

explained to him that the bacon had been marinated in burgundy and honey, and that the redskin potatoes were roasted with three types of peppers, and onion, while being seasoned with fresh garlic, rosemary, and kosher salt. This created a scent that was almost a potent aphrodisiac by itself.

  As for the scrambled eggs, they had been seasoned with the salt, and course ground black peppercorns. She found no need to tell him that she had undercooked them, so that their own heat would finish them off, creating the perfect texture, without ever being close to dry.

  She finished it off with rye bread, lightly toasted, hand squeezed orange juice, and half of a grapefruit lightly sugared, and with just a tiny pinch of salt. The Bloody Mary was the topper that would help clear his head.

  "You are an impressive lady," he said as he looked up at her from across the table, with a smile that seemed to make her blush.

  "It was nuthin," she replied with batting eyes, and a smile of her own, and he was certain that she was the most beautiful creature on the planet.

  He sat there with his fork in his hand, waiting for her to take the first bite, and when she did, she did so as eloquently as she had done everything else. Certainly, she was as refined as they come, and he found it hard to believe that fate had brought him such good fortune.

  When he tasted what she had cooked, he could not have been more pleased, and he doubted that his own chef could have made such a simple breakfast seem so fine, and tasteful.

  "You are so full of surprises," Robert told her before biting into another piece of bacon. "What else might you have in store?"

  * * *

  The trip north to the cottage was a slightly lonesome one, for Kitty had insisted that they drive separately. It was only slightly so, because they had talked the entire way, with their Bluetooth devices, and he hung upon her every word.

  She told him all about her childhood, and how her grandmother was such an influence in her life. She was the one that had taught her how to cook, along with many other things. She told him that her grandmother was the one to teach her how to be a lady, and she enjoyed the telling of such a tale, for she had always imagined what it would be like to have such a loving family. If her creators had given her such a false memory before her abduction, it would have been better than the emptiness that they left her with.

  All Robert knew was that Ms. Kitty Hall made him feel like no other woman ever had, and his mind was adrift, like dead wood floating in an open sea. She was Aphrodite, and he only hoped that he could find himself in her favor.

  "We’re here, love," she told him as they pulled into the lodge parking lot, "an you betta be a gent, an go get the key."

  At this, he pulled in beside her, and smiled her way as he entered the office. She was the perfect mystery, and he was so very willing to go along with whatever game she wanted to play.

  "I believe that we have a reservation," he told the man at the desk. "It would probably be under the name Kitty Hall."

  The man thumbed through the keyboard, obviously not adept at the technology that he was using, until he looked back up at him with a simple smile.

  "The honeymoon suite," the man replied with a grin. "Congrats!"

  Robert thought about this for a moment, and found that he was pleased with the idea.

  "Thanks," he told the young man, as he pulled the key into his palm, and began to wonder what this special woman might be thinking.

  As he left the office, he found that her vehicle was no longer in front of the office, and he soon spotted it a bit down the way. It was an easy decision for him to drive right down to where she was awaiting him, and she smiled a devious grin as he pulled in.

  He almost started to tell her how devious she was, though she was quick to beat him to words.

  "Will you carry my bags?" Kitty asked as she held her hands behind her back, and softly swayed from side to side.

  How could he resist? She was the picture of loveliness, and every motion, along with every word, enslaved him. He had no idea that her effect on him was more than natural, and if he had, he would not have cared, for it was a feeling that all men long for.

  "I will do anything you desire," Robert told her with a charming smile, thinking that he might have a moment of control, if even in the role of a perfect gentleman.

  Kitty, on the other hand, seemed to fall for it, for that is what she knew well... How to lead a man.

  "Jest cuz Ah ordered a single bed," she made sure to let him know, "does not mean that Ah will let you sleep in it."

  He started to believe that she was being honest, thinking that he would have to sleep on the couch, but she threw him a playful grin, causing him to laugh just a little.

  "Wherever you want me," he responded with a smile, "that is where I’ll be."

  "More than ya know, love," she returned as she carried a bit of her luggage into the bathroom.

  At this, he was given a moment to actually think about what she was saying. She was a woman that seemed to know exactly what she wanted, and she had told him so in so many words.

  He began to feel foolish for not trying to make love to her last night. He had wanted to so badly, but chose not to, in hopes that it would impress her even more, yet now she had invited him into a room meant for lovers. Such an irony.

  "Wanna go hikin"," Kitty asked with playful eyes, as she emerged from the bathroom.

  "More than you know," Robert told her, as helplessly as a man can.

  * * *

  The day was beautiful, but the hike itself will bring heat to the body, and Robert was beginning to feel it. He was a businessman, after all, and although he was still young enough, he never had time for endurance conditioning. The first big surprise was what happened next.

  After casually walking the path, talking about everything from the DOW, to the obvious freedom that Tibet should enjoy, Kitty stopped, and pulled an item from her backpack.

  "Ah've neva done this before," she explained as she lit the joint that she had gotten from the befuddled student on the streets of Tallahassee.

  She held her breath for a moment, as she offered it to Robert, while her head tilted to one side, and her eyes bated him.

  "Then why do you do it now?" he asked before hitting it himself, as he remembered his college days for only a moment.

  "Cuz Ah wanted you to feel me," she said in a way that left him wondering what she meant, but still he followed her lead, until she tossed what was left of it to the ground.

  "Follow me," she told him as she turned off the beaten path, and began to walk into the denseness of the woods, and he began to follow, without ever thinking about it.

  She did not walk too fast, knowing that he was now more submissive in his current state, but a little slow to respond. She also found it interesting for herself, because the drug had far more of an effect on her than the alcohol did. Never did it mess with her mind, yet it did with her senses, and she consumed it as she would any new experience.

  "Try to keep up, love," Kitty tossed back at him, and Robert held a perpetual grin that told her he was well devoted to the task.

  They walked for about the space of twenty minutes, deeper into the woods, and he followed her like a lost puppy until she turned back to him, throwing a seductive smile.

  She removed her backpack like it was a simple purse, and she quickly found what she was looking for. From it she pulled two half pints of Southern Comfort, and he was barely quick enough to catch one of them, albeit in an awkward fashion.

  "You want me to drink it?" he finally spoke up, but before he could finish the sentence, she tossed another object at him.

  "It's called an Ipod," Kitty said with a playful laugh, knowing very well that he was the CEO of a tech company, but the smoke had softened him up to her resolve.

  "When you finish the bottle," she said in a seductive, pouting way, "Ah will give you a suprise."

  Naturally, Robert bottomed it up, and Kitty did the same with her own, yet the end was well designed.

  As he insert
ed the earbuds, and pushed play, he began to notice her swaying slightly. As the music began, he found that she was enveloped by it, despite the fact that she shouldn‘t even be able to hear the music. Little did he know, an owl would be envious of her hearing.

  The song was Kid Rock's "Cowboy", and Ms. Kitty Hall seemed to be consumed by its rhythm. Softly she swayed, seeming both innocent and sensual at the same time, until she began to prance with a sweet, country demeanor.

  All Robert could do was stand there, staring at her as she tossed her hair and her hips to the beat of the music. She seemed so angelic as she tugged hard at the strings of his heart, and he hardly noticed his legs beginning to weaken.

  He staggered backwards slightly, and leaned up against a tree, as his vision began to blur, but still he could not stop watching her. Desperately he rubbed his eyes, hoping to see as clearly as possible.

  Then, as the short piano solo began, she kneeled down, and hung her head low, while he slid down the trunk of the tree, and sat beneath it, still captivated by her every action.

  When the brief solo came to an end, so did its cowboy sound, and what followed was a rampant rock beat. At this, Viper sprang up, and began to dance like a rock goddess, rather than a sweet country girl, and Robert was far from disappointed.

  Prancing, and tossing her hair wildly, she positioned herself in front of him, teasing his instincts with her every motion. How unfortunate he thought it was that he could no longer move, though was happy that his vision had not yet completely left him.

  For the remainder of the song, she danced there, grinding her hips in front of his face, on more than one occasion, until it was over, and she reached down to him, and placed her hands upon his cheeks.

  "It made me so happy that you were well behaved last night," she whispered in his ear, without the fake, southern accent, before gently kissing him on the lips.

  "If you had made love to me," she explained as she began to walk away, "you would be dying right now."

  He was heartbroken, because his sight was useless now, but his disappointment was brief, for he quickly lost consciousness.


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