Matter of Fact: A Hockey Romance (The Hart Series Book 7)

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Matter of Fact: A Hockey Romance (The Hart Series Book 7) Page 21

by M. E. Carter

  I shrug playfully but don’t deny it. She’s probably right. Liam has been so good for me. He makes me feel confident and sexy. But more important, he makes me feel valued. And that’s the best feeling of all.

  People continue to trickle in as Lauren, Kiersten and I decorate and set up for the shower. Our significant others are supposed to be helping but are they? No. They’re too busy checking out the kitchen remodel and discussing Liam’s new venture. I could be mad that they’re being lazy bums but in all honesty, I’m thrilled to have “couple friends”.

  I’ve always felt just slightly out of place, like I’m on the periphery of relationships, watching as people have strong bonds with everyone else but me. Now, everything is falling into place. I have a boyfriend I love more than I thought possible, I have solid friends who include me in their plans, I have a job I’m excited to go to every day, and Kevin? Honestly, I have no idea. The minute I quit my old job, I dropped that entire part of my history, not even caring to look back.

  He’s tried calling me a couple of times but I haven’t bothered to answer. Why should I? I have nothing to say to him at all and I finally realized, I don’t owe him an uncomfortable conversation that leaves me feeling yucky. I owe it to myself to focus on my new life.

  I can honestly say I’m happier than I’ve ever been. I just had to drop some of my reservations and start the journey to becoming who I’m supposed to be. I’m still not there yet, but I’ll get there eventually. It’s a journey I hope to continue on for as long as I can.

  My friends and I continue making sure everything is in place for the party of the year with minimal prodding towards the men. Well, minimal for me, anyway. Lauren finally threatened to do a striptease and then make Heath sleep on the couch if he doesn’t hustle more. Unsurprisingly, it works. Eventually, everything is set up and the door opens, the family of the hour strolling in… all dozen or so of them.

  Truly. Both Jaxon and Annika’s entire family all try to crowd through the door at the same time.

  “Ohmygod you are so cute,” Lauren squeals and rushes to a very pregnant Annika, who looks equal parts cute and pissed that she can only waddle across the room.

  Jaxon, on the other hand, is clearly delighted at the fact that he’s going to be a dad in three months or less. With his arm protectively around his wife, he practically glows more than she does.

  But they’re not who stops half the room in their tracks. It’s Jaxon’s dad that has all the men doing a double-take.

  In the entranceway stands Jason Hart, retired defensive lineman, and legend in the world of football. Or so I’ve been told. I knew Jaxon a bit in college but I had no idea his father was some big-time football player until recently when Liam put the family tree together. Ever want to see a grown man be reduced to a puddle of fangirl? Tell him one of the guys he’s been hanging out with and getting to know has a Hall of Fame trophy in his father’s den somewhere.

  Yeah. I had to hear about that for days and fielded lots of questions like, “Why didn’t you tell me?” My answer of course was, “I don’t follow sports.” Eventually, he let it go. Probably until now.

  Feeling said boyfriend approach behind me, I turn just in time for him to kiss me on the cheek.

  “You ladies did a nice job with this party.”

  He slides his arms around my waist and I lean into him.

  “You did a nice job with the food.” Gesturing to the crowd of people in front of us, I ask, “You sure you don’t want to go meet Jaxon’s dad?”

  “There’s time for that later. Besides, he’s not the guest of honor. It would be rude to make this party about him.”

  “You can’t figure out what to say without sounding like a super fan, can you?”

  “I’m a professional athlete. We don’t super fan.” Liam pinches my side making me giggle. “Also, yes. I haven’t been this nervous since waiting for scouts to show up at a high school game.”

  I swivel in his arms and reach up to give him a quick peck. Of course, he has to meet me halfway. Even with four-inch heels on I’m still significantly shorter than him. “You’re cute when you’re trying not to fangirl.”

  He slaps my rear playfully and as much as I’m enjoying being with him, I have a job to do.

  Annika is already seated in the place of honor with a dark-headed kiddo’s hands on her protruding stomach when I reach her. I give her a quick side hug so I don’t interrupt the moment.

  “You look so great. How are you feeling?” I ask as she runs her hands over Carson’s dark hair. He doesn’t even look up, too intent on trying to feel the baby kick.

  “Kind of like a whale, but I guess it’s for a good reason so I shouldn’t complain.” Annika looks me up and down. “Damn girl, you look freaking amazing. Don’t stand too close. I look frumpy next to you.”

  “You look like you’re bringing new life into the world,” I say through a laugh. “Nothing looks better than that. Did you guys get the job situation worked out?”

  That was one of the hardest things for Annika when she found out she was pregnant. How was she supposed to continue her job as a trainer for the San Antonio Steer and be a new mom at the same time? Based on the look in her eye, though, I’m pretty sure she’s figured it out.

  “I think we did.”

  Cocking my head, I refuse to let her get away with half the information. “What? Why do you look like the cat that ate the canary?”

  She glances around quickly. “I’m almost positive we’re stealing Nicole away from here to be our nanny. It’s not set in stone yet, but it looks that way.”

  “Oh, how fun. She’s so great.”

  “And she’s Kade’s girlfriend so it’s basically a family member caring for my child. That just feels better, you know?”

  I don’t, being that I’ve never been in the situation, but I can imagine.

  “Anyway,” Annika continues. “She hasn’t told Paul yet so I probably shouldn’t have said anything in front of this one.” She gestures toward Carson who’s still staring at her stomach intently.

  “I don’t think he’s paying attention.”

  “Yes, I am,” Carson blurts out. “But I don’t care where any of you work.” His eyes suddenly go wide and he gasps quietly. “Was that the baby or did you fart?”

  Annika and I burst out laughing as he moves his hands around, trying to feel whatever it was again.

  “It was the baby, Carson,” she says through another giggle.

  “Are you sure? That was a pretty weak kick.”

  Still laughing, I stand back up to leave them to it. “I’m going to leave you two to sort this out. I think one of the hors d’oeuvres stations needs a refill.”

  “Okay but I want to hear about your new job later,” she calls after me. “I need to know if you have better perks and I should change organizations.”

  “We’ll compare notes later.”

  I give her another quick hug and go about my way, making sure food hasn’t run out and drinks don’t need to be replenished. We may be having the baby shower at Frui Vita, but the bar is closed. No one is working except the hostesses.

  Actually, that means me. No one is working except me. I don’t mind, though. Replenishing the mimosa pitcher means I get to take a breather and look around at this amazing friend group of mine. Lauren is chatting up Jaxon’s mother and Kiersten is trying to explain to Carson that no, Annika didn’t fart. Babies just feel weird when they move in utero.

  And then my eyes latch onto Liam. His tall, broad frame fits right in next to his football hero that he’s finally had enough nerve to go talk to. His oversized smile as they no doubt talk shop could light up this whole room.

  And when he glances around the room, doing a double-take as he catches my eye, he winks. And my heart melts. Never did I think a man like Liam could love a woman like me, but he does. Every single day he shows me exactly how much.

  It’s wild to think, a year ago, I was passively sliding through life, making decisions based on what
other people wanted. And today, I have everything I never realized I needed and so much more.



  Standing at the high-top table, sipping on my whiskey, I take a moment to take it all in.

  My wife, chatting up our daughter-in-law and one of her friends. My daughter ribbing her big brother over God knows what, entertaining several of the guests. And Jaxon… the boy who made me a father, beaming over the future and the birth of his first child.

  I still remember that sad little boy who was so excited when I visited his school on his birthday, and the friendship that turned into so much more. I have vivid memories of him in that hospital bed on the verge of death as his mom and I prayed for a miracle. I will never forget when that miracle was born and how one unplanned baby pulled our entire family together and saved his brother’s life.

  And here I am, all these years later, with a beautiful wife I’m still madly in love with, three healthy children, and my first grandbaby on the way. It’s crazy how fast the years pass by and yet, I wouldn’t have changed a thing. Not one thing.

  A slap on the back pulls me out of my memories.

  “Shouldn’t you be sitting at the bar?” Deuce asks. “I hear grandpas are prone to broken hips if they fall.”

  “You make fun of me now, my friend, but I see Trace over there eyeing up one of Jax’s med school friends. Your turn is coming.”

  “Man, he just turned twenty-one. Give him some time.”

  “Jaxon met Annika when he was twenty-one. Look around you, brother. See where we are now?”

  My best friend for the last two decades glances around the room before a menacing stare falls onto me. “Don’t be trying to marry my kid off yet.”

  “I’m not. I’m just telling you it’s coming. We are getting old.”

  “I don’t know who you think is getting old but I could still take you,” Deuce grumbles into his drink. For whatever reason, he’s decided mimosas are his beverage of choice today. I don’t get it, but this is Deuce we’re talking about. I learned long ago not to question things.

  “Please. You couldn’t take me when we were their age.”

  “Those are fighting words, my friend.”

  “Make sure Vanessa has the essential oils ready for you after I kick your ass, you pussy.”

  He gapes at me. “Don’t bring my Little Mamacita’s side biz into this. You haven’t lived until you’ve rolled some lavender oil on your feet before going to bed at night. You’ll sleep like a baby is what you’ll do.”

  “I’m good, thanks,” I say with a laugh. “I actually don’t think I mind getting older.”

  Deuce furrows his brow and raises his girly champagne glass to his lips again. “I feel like you’ve been having some deep thoughts over there, grandpa, so hit me. Why don’t you mind getting older?”

  I shrug. “I just feel like I’m a better person now. Like age and experience has chilled me out.”

  Deuce snickers. “How so? You still take on too many projects, are a helicopter parent at all Matty’s games, and let’s not even talk about how your head almost exploded when that boy asked Lucy to be his girlfriend.”

  “She is in 8th grade. There will be no boys at least until high school. Or ever.”

  “Oh yeah. You’re so much more chill now. Can’t wait for you to be a helicopter grandpa,” he says sarcastically.

  “Nah. I know I’m a shit father.”

  “Aren’t we all at times.”

  “Ain’t that the truth. But for all my failings as a dad, I feel like I’m gonna be a kick-ass Papa. Something about it feels different.”

  “You mean the part about spoiling your grandbaby rotten and then sending him home for his parents to deal with?”

  I tilt my glass toward him. “That would be the part. It’s going to be fantastic.”

  Before he can respond—but really, what else is there to say?—someone begins clinking their glass, signaling it’s time for a toast.

  As conversations start to wane, I quietly turn to Deuce. “Have you met Heath Germaine yet?”

  “The dude clinking the glasses? Yeah. He’s a good guy. Fucking phenomenal running back.”

  “No shit. What I wouldn’t have given to play with someone like him back in the day.”

  “Amen to that.”

  “I know toasts aren’t typical during a baby shower.” Heath’s opening statement is met with some chuckles from around the room. “But if you had seen how much work some of the lovely women in this room put in to make this event special, you’d know why it had to be done. Lauren, Kiersten, Ellery, can you please wave so everyone knows who you are?”

  The three young women, one with pinkish hair who looks very embarrassed to be called out, all wave to the small crowd.

  “What about me?” someone yells from across the room.

  “You own this place, Paul. Using your key to let us in doesn’t count.”

  Amid more laughter, Heath takes a few steps to the side and suddenly I know we’re about to have more of a show than anyone here realizes.

  “I also want to give everyone a friendly reminder that this is a social media free party. Meaning until the guests of honor post pictures on their social media about this event, please don’t post any pictures on yours.”

  “Damn,” Deuce murmurs. “I’m so glad we didn’t have to have disclaimers at our parties when we were playing.”

  “We did. You just didn’t care.”

  His glass stops halfway to his mouth. “Oh yeah, I guess that’s true.”

  I turn back to Heath with a shake of my head. We may be older, but Deuce’s sense of humor never changes.

  “I need to quickly apologize for hijacking this party,” Heath continues. “But I have gotten permission from the guests of honor. Jaxon, if you wouldn’t mind holding my drink.”

  Jaxon grabs the glass while Annika looks on with a smile.

  “Oh shit,” Deuce whispers. “Is he about to do what I think he’s about to do?”


  Sure enough, Heath drops to one knee in front of Lauren, whose hands immediately cover her mouth while the rest of the guests gasp and squeal.

  “Lauren Bagley...”

  Another rumble of excitement goes through the crowd.

  “Looking back on the last few years,” Heath continues. “I don’t know how I ever did life without you. I was a blind fool to not see what was right in front of me all those years. But I see you now. I see you and I appreciate you and I love you deeper than I knew was possible.”

  “More than football?” someone yells making everyone laugh.

  Heath drops his chin to his chest briefly before looking back up. “More than football. More than the 2006 AFC championship when the Colts came back from a 21 to 3 deficit and beat the Patriots to get into Peyton’s first Super Bowl.”

  Everyone laughs at Heath’s quip, including Lauren who responds with “You’re such a romantic, baby.” She’s being a good sport about the tangent this proposal is taking.

  “That’s a lot of love,” Deuce says to me. “I don’t even know if I love my kids that much.”

  I snicker but keep my eyes on the almost engaged couple.

  “Okay, okay.” Heath holds his hand up to quiet the crowd. “Now what was I saying?”

  “You love me more than football,” Lauren blurts out, eyes still wide.

  “I knew you’d know, baby. I love that you keep me on my toes and life never gets boring with you. I love that you keep me on track and that you understand the stressors of my job and always roll with the punches that go along with it. I love that you don’t take my shit or placate me and are the first one to tell me to get out of your way because you have shit to do.”

  “Are you still talking about the bathroom paint color?” Lauren interrupts. “It was floor exercise day at the gym. You know how much I love tumbling. I didn’t have time to discuss decorating.”

  “I will never let it go because it’s just another example o
f how you don’t take my shit. Baby,” Heath reaches his hand out and Jaxon slaps a small black box in his open palm. Heath opens it and presents it to her, eliciting another gasp. “I never, ever want this to end. I know you don’t care about marriage but I do. And I want to stand up in front of God and everybody and tell the world we’re forever. Will you please do me the honor of marrying me?”

  “It would be my pleasure,” she says and cups his cheeks, kissing him. But that’s not the end of the smoochy time. As soon as he puts the ring on her finger and stands up, she launches herself at him, wrapping her legs around his waist to keep with the tonsil hockey.

  The crowd cheers at the public display of affection until someone finally yells, “Get a room!”

  Things begin to die down and Deuce slaps me on the back again. “Welp, I see the little missus is getting teary over that impromptu proposal so my duty as husband calls. Are we still on for dinner tonight?”

  “Yep. Reservation for twelve at seven.”

  “Sounds good. I’m already starving. These finger foods aren’t cutting it, man.”

  He wanders away, still grumbling about how empty his stomach is. I, on the other hand, can’t keep my eyes in one place. Looking around the room, I marvel at the family-like relationships Jaxon has made over the years and how it’s growing. He reminds me so much of me at that age, I know I must have done something right.

  As I continue to stand on the periphery just observing, a guy with floppy blond hair walks by with his phone stuck to his ear. “What do you mean I’ve been traded? To where? Florida? What the fuck is in Florida?”

  I shake my head at the poor sucker as he storms out the front door into the parking lot, which is no doubt quieter than in here. I remember the shock from my teammates whenever they got the call that they were being traded to another team and their life had been upended. But they were always fine. And he will be, too.

  My chapter may be over, but the story never will be. Life will continue to march on. I just have to always remember to enjoy where I’m at so I don’t miss a thing.


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