The Return of the Titans

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The Return of the Titans Page 19

by James Thompson

  “How could we be under attack?” Gerry muttered. “I thought no one knew where this this was? And how could they get in even if they did?”

  “All good questions, Mr. Smithson.”

  They turned and saw Mr. Bellisle standing next to the fountain. They all stared. The nice older man who had told them about the Arena game now looked completely different.

  He was wearing some sort of black leather armor, with bronze-colored plates attached to the chest, arms and legs. (Titanium, Justin thought.) And he was armed with a long, titanium sword. His face was grim.

  “We don't know how they got in, lads. But before this is all over, we will.”

  He gave them a small smile and walked past, heading for the main entrance.

  In the distance, they heard a huge bang, like an explosion. The girls backed toward the fountain, clutching each other. But Justin noticed that none of them were crying or talking. They were all watching the entrance to the courtyard.

  There was another blast from the direction of the Court. The ground shook slightly.

  “Hey, they must have come through the Entrance rooms,” Norm said. “They're past the Court, remember?”

  Gerry nodded. “Yeah, but that would mean they had a rune to port in. How could they get one?”

  Justin thought about that as he watched the far doorway. Then an idea occurred to him.

  “Guys, didn't they lose some Guardians when we were all rescued? I mean, Guardians and Titans both?” He thought briefly of Wilson and felt the usual pang of regret.

  “Sure. Mr. Hunter mentioned his friend, right?” Aaron answered. “He said she was killed along with the Titans she was rescuing.”

  “Exactly. So what if they got her Portal rune? And maybe some others. Then they could port in whenever they wanted.”

  They all stared at Justin. “I hadn't thought if that,” Norm said quietly. “You could be right, Justin. Question is, who are they? The government guys or the other Titans?”

  There was a shout from a group of Guardians that had run into the room through the entrance. They suddenly scattered as a bright red ball of fire shot out of the hallway beyond and billowed up slowly toward the ceiling.

  “Oh my God,” Aaron murmured. “What kind of weapon is that?”

  One of the Guardians whom Justin had never seen before hurried over to the group. “All of you, get around on the other side of the fountain.” She glanced around and noticed Denise, who looked calm and collected, watching her intently. “You. If they break through, take them all down the stairs to the Ocular room. You know where it is?”

  Denise nodded. “Good. Now, all of you, move.”

  The group began to move toward the rear of the fountain.

  “What's the point?”

  The Guardian, who had started to walk back toward the entrance, turned back. Benson was standing there, surrounded by his friends, staring at her.

  “What was that?” she said frowning.

  “I said, what's the point? If we retreat to the Ocular room, it will just postpone the end, won't it? Why bother?”

  “Look, boy, I don't have time for this.” Benson flushed at being called boy but before he could respond, the Guardian continued speaking. “There is a way out through that room. I wouldn't send you there for no reason. Someone is there standing by, just in case. Now, keep moving.”

  She turned her back on Benson and moved quickly back toward the entrance. Benson scowled at her back but slowly headed for the far side of the fountain. Justin stared at him for a moment.

  “What's his problem?” Aaron said.

  Justin shook his head. “I don't know.” He looked at Aaron. “My question was a little more basic.” He glanced at the Guardian as she hurried away. “Guess I can't ask it now.”

  Aaron looked puzzled. “What was your question, Just?”

  He smiled at Aaron. “I was wondering how we were supposed to get by the Sentinel guarding the stairs.”

  Aaron's mouth dropped open. “Yikes. I hadn't thought of that!”

  They both began walking slowly around the fountain. Justin kept watching the far doorway. None of the half-dozen Sentinels that were standing in front of it had moved. Neither had the three that stood near the fountain.

  “What are they waiting for?” he muttered.

  “Who?” Aaron asked.

  “The Sentinels. They're just standing there. They should be attacking while the enemy is bunched up in the corridor.” Justin stopped moving and watched. It looked like several of the Guardians were trying to make the Sentinels do exactly what he had said. A couple were holding a hand at their throats and gesturing with the other. It looked like they were urging the Sentinels to move, but nothing was happening.

  Justin heard the other teens walking up behind him. He glanced around. It looked like everyone wanted to see what was happening. Even Denise had come back. She gave him a small smile then looked past him at the Guardians.

  They saw another group hurry through the doorway. There had to be twenty Guardians there now. The last to enter the courtyard was Mr. Fitzgerald. He strode into the room wearing his usual long frock coat. He looked calm. Somehow Justin wasn't surprised.

  Mr. Fitzgerald looked across the distance to the group of teens around the fountain. He seemed to catch Justin's eye for a moment. Then there was another loud bang and thick black fumes poured out of the doorway. The Guardians all moved back away from the smoke.

  Justin walked forward a few paces. Even at a hundred feet or so, he could hear the Guardians talking. But he couldn't quite make out what they were saying. Suddenly one of them, he thought it was Jonathon, said loudly, “Why won't they move?”

  Justin watched as Jonathon actually got behind one of the Sentinels, an ogre, and tried to push it toward the doorway. Several of the teens giggled, sounding a bit hysterical. To Justin, it wasn't funny, it was almost sad. For some reason, the Sentinels weren't protecting Sanctuary. He had a feeling that the enemy was responsible, somehow.

  Justin heard Mr. Fitzgerald say “Get back! They're coming through.”

  All of the Guardians hurried back from the door. They moved to a point about halfway to the fountain and then stopped. They formed a line and turned to face the doorway. Mr. Fitzgerald stood in the middle. Justin knew that they were going to protect their charges, no matter what. And still the Sentinels didn't move.

  There was a long moment of silence. And then several figures emerged from the doorway. Some of the teens around Justin gasped. He knew he was gaping at the intruders in shock.

  There were only six of them. Unlike the Guardians, none of them seemed to be wearing armor. Instead, they all wore long red sleeveless robes. Hoods covered their heads and Justin couldn't see their faces. Their forearms were covered by long, spiraled brass-colored bracers. As the six spread out slightly, another robed figure, who was not wearing a hood, entered the courtyard. At least a foot taller than his comrades, it was a man with a thick black beard and dark eyebrows. He wore black leather and Justin saw that instead of a spiral bracer on his forearm, he was wearing a bracelet like the ones that each of the teens were wearing. He was grinning with apparent delight.

  He looked at the Sentinels towering over him, standing like statues. Then he looked directly at Mr. Fitzgerald.

  “So these are the mighty Guardians,” he said loudly. “Ha! You've not given us much of a fight, have you? Are you tired of running? Or should we chase you some more?”

  “There will be no running,” Mr. Fitzgerald answered. “But before you continue, would you mind declaring yourselves? Surely it would be courteous to tell us who you are?”

  The leader looked puzzled for a moment, then grinned widely. “Oh, come now. You know who we are! Our lord is destined to rule this world, once you are out of the way.” He gestured at the Sentinels. “Even your toys know us. See how they refuse to attack a true Titan?”

  Justin and Aaron looked at each other.

  “True Titan?” Aaron whispered. “What's t
hat supposed to mean?”

  “Shh, Aaron. I want to hear this,” Justin murmured.

  They both looked back at the invaders.

  “Your lord?” Mr. Fitzgerald sounded politely puzzled. “What lord is that?”

  The leader laughed again. “Don't pretend you don't know, Guardian. My lord is Hyperion, leader of the Titans. He is reborn again. He will take back this world which was stolen from him long ago, when your kind sided with our traitorous brothers.” He pointed at the teens huddled around the fountain. “Although I doubt these pathetic heirs to those traitors would have been a threat, even if they had reached maturity. Human-titan hybrids, pah!” He spat on the floor. Then he shrugged. “However, we are ordered to destroy them now, so that we can get on with taking back this world and not concern ourselves with their possible interference in the future.”

  Mr. Fitzgerald raised his hands and clapped politely. “Lovely speech,” he said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. “But you are assuming that you will actually be allowed to harm our charges. I'm afraid we can't allow that to happen.”

  “You think you can stop us? You? Pathetic human scum. Half a dozen of your so-called Guardians lie dead in the halls behind us.”

  On hearing this, Justin felt a cold lump in his stomach. Who was dead? He hadn't seen Mrs. Mallon in the courtyard. Surely she was somewhere safe. He stared at the invaders and for the first time in his life, he felt real hatred.

  The leader folded his arms. “But if you think to stop us, then come ahead. I'm looking forward to getting to know my relatives a little better.” He was staring at the teens. “There are several lovelies over there who should provide a little entertainment for us. A reward for all of our hard work today.”

  The other invaders laughed loudly at their leader's joke. Several of the girls around Justin moaned with terror. He felt a surge of rage that he had never experienced before. And then a stab of pain shot up his arm and his right hand went numb. He gasped and looked down, almost expecting to see a wound. But all he saw was the mark on his palm. It had gone from a pale silver to a deep black. He bunched his fingers into a fist but there was no feeling in his hand at all.

  What's going on? he wondered. He remembered hearing about people having strokes. Didn't their arms go numb? No, wait, that was the left arm, wasn't it? Could you have a stroke at fourteen?

  He had stopped paying attention to the scene at the door, until suddenly he heard shouts and screaming. He looked up and saw that the Guardians hadn't waited for the invading Titans to attack. Instead they had leaped ahead, while the leader was still talking and laughing. The invaders were caught off guard. Each of them was being attacked by at least three Guardians.

  But the Guardians couldn't seem to reach the invaders. Justin saw the armbands on the strangers flare bright colors and the attacking Guardians were thrown back, as if hit by a invisible hand. One of the invaders made a complicated gesture and two daggers appeared spinning in front of them. They shot toward a Guardian who managed to block one with his weapon. The other sank into his shoulder and he staggered back with a groan.

  “Fall back, Jackson,” Mr. Fitzgerald told him and the man stumbled back several feet.

  Another invader, whom Justin assumed was male from his size and build, crossed his arms in front of himself, then flung them toward the attacking Guardians. A blazing ball of fire appeared with a crack like lightning then shot with terrific speed at the defenders. They scattered and Justin watched in disbelief as the fireball shot over their heads, passed the teens and smashed into the far wall, leaving a glowing hole dripping molten rock.

  Justin and the other teens were now crouched down. Some had moved back behind the fountain for protection. Others lay on the ground with their hands over their heads, shivering with fear. Justin stood and watched, unable to move. He found the battle almost mesmerizing and felt frozen in place.

  More Guardians fell as the invaders summoned winds, shards of ice, other flying weapons and more fireballs. How could the humans fight against that? Justin thought wildly. Weapons were no good against an enemy that couldn't be touched.

  The leader was just standing there and smiling, letting his comrades do the fighting. Justin could feel the man's contempt and arrogance as he looked over at the teens cowering around the fountain.

  Mr. Fitzgerald still hadn't moved. He stood halfway between the invaders and the young Titans and Justin knew that he would be the last to fall.

  And then all the Guardians fell back, some helping injured companions to move with them. There were two bodies on the floor, but Justin didn't recognize either one and felt a guilty relief that he hadn't known them.

  The leader of the invaders laughed loudly. “Had enough?” he shouted. “Or did you want a short break? Perhaps a cup of tea or a spot of brandy?”

  Mr. Fitzgerald inclined his head. “How nice of you to offer,” he said sarcastically. “But we're fine, thank you. We just needed to buy a little time. Thanks for letting us do that.”

  The leader's smiled faded and he looked puzzled. “Time? Time for what?”

  There was a disturbance in the space between the Guardians and the invaders. Justin thought he saw a flicker in the air. He heard a loud splash and gallons of water sprayed up in front of the enemy and then there were a dozen figures standing there. All were dressed like the invaders but instead of red robes, they wore sleeveless robes of deep blue. They also had spiral bands on their forearms. But none wore hoods. So even from the back, Justin recognized the tall thin man from the Arena room.

  “Time for us to arrive,” the man said quietly. “Sorry to keep you waiting, sir,” he said over his shoulder.

  “Not at all, Democritus. I know how far you had to travel.” Mr. Fitzgerald's tone was very formal and respectful.

  The leader of the invaders still looked puzzled but one of his comrades took a step back. “Destroyers!” he hissed. Justin thought he heard panic in that voice.

  The leader's face whitened but his smile returned. “So, the legendary Destroyers. Come at the call of your masters, have you?”

  Justin couldn't see his face, but he could hear the smile in Democritus' reply. “We have no masters, stranger. As you well know. We come and go as we choose.” He stepped forward one pace. “And today we chose to come.”

  There was a sudden flurry of motion and both sides attacked. This time, fireballs were met with showers of ice and spinning daggers were deflected by invisible shields. Obviously the Destroyers had the same powers as the invaders and Justin watched in fearful fascination as the conflict spread out and the opposing sides got closer to the fountain.

  One of the invaders went down, crisped by a fireball. Justin almost cheered but the next moment, a Destroyer fell with a dagger through her heart.

  Even outnumbered two to one, the invaders seemed to be holding their own. Justin knew it was because of their leader. He had finally entered the fray and he seemed to be twice as fast and powerful as his followers.

  He was not longer laughing though. A look of insane rage was on his face and Justin was reminded of the picture of Hyperion he had seen. His expression had been exactly the same.

  The leader waved his arm and several of the Destroyers were sent spinning across the courtyard to slam into the walls. Not all of them got back up.

  As the combatants got closer to the fountain, the other teens retreated. But Justin didn't want to leave. Mr. Fitzgerald had backed up somewhat to give the Destroyers room, but he still stood between the teens and the enemy. Justin was shaking with rage and a sense of futility. He had to do something! But what could he do that the adults, trained for this, could not?

  He looked at the Sentinels. None of them had moved. He walked forward and stared up at the minotaur, his favorite. “Please,” he said, almost whispering, “you have to help us.” He could have been talking to a statue. The eyes were empty, the red flame inside was dead. They were just heaps of useless metal.

  “Okay, everyone. Let's head for the Ocu
lar room.” Denise moved forward, touching people on the shoulder, turning several of the girls who were watching in horror toward the back of the courtyard. Justin stood there, staring up at the minotaur.

  “Come on, Justin. Let's go,” Aaron said, trying to pull him away. Justin shook him off and Aaron staggered back. “Justin, come on! We have to go!”

  He just looked up. “You have to help us. You have to protect us.” Justin looked over at the battle. Mr. Fitzgerald was still standing there, watching the leader. Justin could see at least six Destroyers on the ground. Whether dead or hurt, he couldn't tell. The leader was now roaring with laughter, summoning fireballs and grinning horribly.

  The rage in Justin threatened to choke him. He fell to his knees, tears of anger and futility filling his eyes. With a gesture of useless fury, he slapped his palm on to the Sentinel's leg and gave it a push. “Help us!” he yelled. His head felt like it was bursting at the sound. The echoing of that voice rang in his ears until the sound of it forced him to cover his head. Whose voice was that? he wondered. It was deep and deadly and shook the courtyard. Above him, the Minotaur's eyes suddenly blazed with red flame and it bellowed with fury. The two Sentinels on either side of it also roared, and the six immobile Sentinels near the door raised their weapons and leaped forward to attack.

  Justin knelt there, gaping as the minotaur lowered it's huge head and charged. The other two Sentinels followed. As it ran, it moved faster and faster. And it hurled itself straight at the leader of the invaders.

  Justin watched as the invading Titan stared in disbelief at the attacking Sentinels. Justin had a momentary glimpsed of the man's eyes widening with terror before the minotaur slammed into him, and crushed him to a pulp against the wall of the courtyard. The other Sentinels had caught the invaders completely off guard. Several were smashed to jelly by huge, titanium fists. One invader was grabbed by the ogre Sentinel and literally torn apart.

  He saw the last of the attackers back away from the Sentinels and Destroyers. Her hood had fallen back and she looked straight at him. “Cronus!” she screamed and ran straight at him. Justin stared at her, unable to move as she raced forward. But at the last minute, she swerved and ran toward the fountain.


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