Royally Unexpected 2: An Accidental Pregnancy Collection (Surprise Baby Stories)

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Royally Unexpected 2: An Accidental Pregnancy Collection (Surprise Baby Stories) Page 46

by Lilian Monroe



  I think Prince Theo has a boner. I can see the bulge under the blankets when I wake up to howling wind and rough seas, but I can’t be sure. It’s dark.

  He groans, shifting his weight as he sleeps and pulling me into his chest. I walk my fingers over his pecs as my head stays nestled in the crook of his shoulder, closing my eyes for just a moment.

  I know I shouldn’t be in bed with him, and I certainly shouldn’t be enjoying it as much as this.

  It’s wrong.

  He’s only a friend. There’s Luca to think about. There are decades of history between us.

  But yesterday, we almost died. We’re all but alone on board, apart from the crew. What’s one night of platonic snuggling after an ordeal like that?

  His cock throbs, and I realize ‘platonic’ might be the wrong word. The way my heart stutters when I see the movement under the sheets tells me that my body isn’t thinking this is platonic either.

  I inhale, trying to rid my mind of my treacherous thoughts.

  Luca and I aren’t together anymore, but that doesn’t mean I should sleep with his brother. The best thing for me to do is leave Argyle and not look back. Just like I planned.

  “You’re awake,” Theo says in a low voice. I look up to see his slitted, sleepy eyes looking down at me. Theo’s arm stays wrapped around my body, his fingers tracing tiny circles over my shoulder.

  I nod. “Yeah.”

  “Storm sounds bad.”

  I nod again. My mouth is suddenly dry. Every sense is heightened. The Prince is so close. Every part of him is near me. I’ve never been pressed up against him like this. I’ve never been in bed with him like this. Never even dreamed of it.

  Never dreamed I’d like it as much as I do.

  Words stay stuck somewhere in my throat. His hand drifts up to my head, and he combs his fingers through my thick hair.

  “Thank you,” he says quietly. “You saved my life.”

  “Well, I wasn’t going to let you die out there.”

  His eyes are low. I like the way his fingers drift over my scalp, and how his heartbeat thumps against his ribcage. My own hand drifts over to his collarbone, his neck, his jaw.

  When my fingers slip up to touch his lips, the tension in the air crackles.

  It’s dark in here. Intimate.

  Anything could happen.

  I can see by the look on his face that Prince Theo isn’t opposed to something happening. All it would take is one movement from either of us. One kiss. One touch.

  We’re standing on a knife’s edge, staring at each other.

  Waiting for the other to act.

  Waiting to see if it’s worth the consequences.

  What would happen if we were together, I wonder? Would it be a one-time thing? Would it change my plans? Would it change anything?

  Or would it just be a kiss? A memory? A mistake?

  It would have to be a secret. Wouldn’t it? With everything that happened with Luca, being with me would be wholly inappropriate. Scandalous. Frowned upon. Completely out of the question.

  Theo has always been the responsible brother. The future King. He wouldn’t want anything to mark his name with scandal, especially not a salacious affair. That would be too much like his mother. He would never want to do anything like that with me.


  The Prince shifts his weight, pulling me closer.

  “Cara,” he whispers. It sounds like my name is a healing balm to him. Like he enjoys saying it. His uninjured hand drifts from my scalp down my spine, sending shivers tumbling through my veins.

  When his palm reaches the small of my back, he presses his hand into me. I melt into his body without resistance.

  We’re both ready to jump. Consequences be damned.

  Heat rips through me at the thought of pressing my lips to his. My body begs me to lean into him, to trace his lips with my fingers, to walk my hands down to the bulge under the covers.

  It would be easy. It would feel good.

  Instead, I pull away. I tuck my chin into my chest and roll away from Prince Theo, swinging my legs off the edge of the bed.

  I hear Theo sigh behind me. He doesn’t have to say anything for me to know what the sound means.

  He wanted it too.

  “I should go back to my cabin,” I say, not daring to turn around.

  “Yeah.” His voice is gruff. It tugs at my heart, sending echoes of desire rattling through my body.

  “You need anything for your shoulder?”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  I nod, finally gathering the courage to glance back at him. Lightning flashes outside, carving out the angles in his face. Hooded, dark eyes stare back at me.

  “I hate that you’re leaving,” he says.

  My heart thuds. I gulp. “I have to. For me. For my sanity.”

  The Prince grimaces. He shifts his gaze to the dark porthole, where nothing is visible except splashes of water and a dark, stormy sky.

  “My father’s abdicating.”

  I freeze. “What? When?”

  “Within a month.” Theo still stares out the window, and I long to reach for him.

  “So that means…”

  “I’ll be King,” he finishes.

  I curl my fingers on the edge of the bed, feeling the luxurious cotton sheets between my fingers. My mouth is dry, and I’m not sure what to say.

  “Why is he stepping down?”

  Theo swings his eyes over to me and lets out a heavy sigh. “He’s sick. Been hiding it for years now, but it’s getting worse.”


  “Parkinson’s. It’s starting to get obvious. People are talking.”

  “And he wants you to step in?”

  Theo nods. “I’ll be the first unmarried King to be crowned.”

  His words ring in my ears, and I’m not sure why. “Is that… Is that allowed?” I whisper, like I’m afraid to say it too loud.

  Theo sighs. “No. At least, I don’t think so. I’ve asked Dante to look into it and talk to lawyers about me being an unmarried King. That’s why he couldn’t come on this trip.” He glances at me. “I’m ready for it. This is what I was born to do. I’ve always known it would happen.”

  “It’s just sooner than you expected.”

  Theo nods.

  I let out a deep breath. “How do you feel about it?”

  Theo chuckles bitterly. “I could sense my father getting worse over the past few months. That’s why I wanted to do this trip one last time. I’m not sure I’ll be able to do it next year. It might be the last trip I’m able to take for myself.”

  My chest squeezes as sadness wells up inside me.

  Everything is changing. I’m leaving. Luca is already gone. Theo will be King.

  This trip isn’t just a goodbye for me—it’s a goodbye for Theo, too. We’re both moving on with our lives.

  Only Dante and Beckett are just as they were, but Dante never leaves the castle, and Beckett has always kept to himself. Secretly, I think he resents the fact that he’s only a half-brother, born of his mother’s affair. Even though the royal family pretends it doesn’t matter, everyone knows he’ll never have any official duties as a Prince.

  “Looks like both our lives are about to change.” I reach over to place my hand over Theo’s. The warmth of his skin sends sparks flying up my arm as an ache grows in the pit of my stomach.

  The Prince curls his fingers around mine. My body screams at me to lean over and press my lips to his. I can tell by the look in his eye that he wants it, too.

  But once again, I pull away.

  I have to.

  He’s the future King, and who am I? I’m the girl that was supposed to marry his brother. I’m a wannabe singer who won’t be here next week. The daughter of a washed-up Olympian and a social-climbing mother.

  A nobody.

  He’ll probably end up married to some princess from another kingdom, and this night will fade from our memory soo
n enough.

  Pushing myself off the bed, I give Theo a tight smile. “You’ll be a great King.”

  “That’s what everyone keeps telling me. See you tomorrow.” His eyes speak something else, though. They say, Stay. Come back. Wrap your legs around me and let me claim you right here in this bed.

  It takes all my willpower to tear myself away from his gaze. Heat pools between my legs as I turn away from the Prince, the echo of his skin still burning against mine. As soon as I exit his room, I lean against the wall and let out a sigh.

  Leaving is the right thing to do, but it feels so, so wrong.

  Tiptoeing back to my room, I collapse into bed. Even though we’re on a boat, the mattress is plush and comfortable. I sink into the pillows, staring up at the ceiling as I squeeze my eyes shut.

  Prince Theo and I have no future together. There’s no point in pursuing any sort of temporary desire that may exist between us.

  Even if I hadn’t dated his brother, he’s one of my closest childhood friends. He’s the next King, and I’m only a commoner. My family may be well-off and well-respected, but I’m not a future queen.

  Now, more than ever, Theo is off-limits to me.

  I roll onto my side and pull the blankets up to my chin. The boat rolls in the waves, and I try to ignore the cracking of the thunder and the flashes of lightning outside. I force myself to sleep, hoping I won’t dream of Theo.

  We dock early in the morning. Captain Withers looks haggard and tired, with big blueish-black circles under his eyes. The lines on his face are deep-set, and he nods at me as he helps me off the yacht.

  “Thank you for yesterday,” I say.

  He grunts in response, turning back to the boat as soon as I’m safely off the yacht.

  Prince Theo waits for me at the end of the pier. I have my overnight bag slung over my shoulder, and I walk over to stand beside him. We watch the first rays of sun peek over the horizon as dawn breaks, and a shiver courses through his body.

  “Guess I’d better get you home.” When his gaze swings toward me, it sends a jolt of heat straight down my spine. Regret roars inside me at the thought of what could have happened last night.

  My throat is tight. I gulp, nodding. “Yeah.”

  Theo turns away from me to head back down the pier, and I reach out to grab his hand. He pauses, turning to look at me with unreadable eyes.

  “Thank you,” I say. “Even with the storm, it was nice to spend time with you again. And… good luck. You’ll be a great king.”

  Prince Theo’s lips flatten, and he turns away from me without answering. Pain pierces through my chest, and I wonder if I’ve done something wrong.

  Maybe I shouldn’t have left his bed last night. Maybe I should have stayed and acted on my impulses.

  But where would that leave me? What future is there between us? What kind of person does it make me if I jump from one brother to the next?

  We drive without speaking. Both of us ride in the back seat, and one of the royal chauffeurs ferries us back toward my parents’ house. Theo can’t drive with his injured shoulder.

  When the car pulls up outside, Theo finally breaks the silence. “Thank you for saving my life.”

  “Twice,” I add.

  For the first time all morning, Theo cracks a smile. “Twice.”

  “Don’t be a stranger, okay? I…” I hesitate, and then suck in a breath to gather my courage. “I missed you.”

  Theo holds my gaze as he nods. “Me too.”

  Leaving him is hard. It feels final, like even though we spent our childhoods together, even though we had traditions and good times, it’s all coming to an end. There’s no space in my life for him, and there’s no place in his life for me.

  I watch the royal vehicle drive away, and then trudge up the wide, slate staircase to the big double doors of my parents’ home. When I step inside, I hear voices coming from the library.

  My mother and father are arguing.

  With drooping shoulders, I try to tiptoe toward the staircase. I don’t have the energy to deal with any fights right now. I can’t face my mother and her eagle-eyed stare. I can’t look at my father’s face. Everything feels like a lie when he doesn’t know I intend to leave next week.

  But as I near the staircase, my parents’ words become clearer.

  “You should be happy I did this, Tristan,” my mother says. “After the ordeal with Prince Luca, we almost lost our chance to be part of the royal family.”

  “I don’t care about being part of the royal family!” my father booms.

  I freeze with my foot on the bottom stair.

  “You got your Olympic gold medal nearly twenty years ago, Tristan. Your sponsorships have all dried up, and you insist on running that charity for underprivileged swimmers that you call a business. We have seven daughters to take care of! Charity isn’t paying the bills. We need something else. Cara is our best hope.”

  “Six of our daughters are already married. Why can’t you just let Cara be? Why does she have to be thrown into a marriage that she doesn’t want?”

  “She would be lucky if we were able to pull this off. The King seemed receptive, but we have to act fast. I’ve heard rumors of an abdication. Who knows if he has another woman planned for Theo?”

  My blood ices. I creep closer to the voices, hugging the wall as I make my way toward the library.

  My mother continues. “Besides, who said she doesn’t want it? Theo was here the day before yesterday, and I saw the way he looked at Cara.”

  “That’s how everyone looks at Cara, Selma. He loves her because they grew up together, not because he’ll agree to marry her. You had no right to arrange anything without speaking to me, or her, or Theo himself.”

  “I haven’t arranged anything. I’ve only planted a seed.”

  “Well, you have no right to plant seeds without my knowledge.”

  “Please,” my mother scoffs.

  Planting seeds? Theo? What are they talking about? My heart thuds as I reach the edge of the doorway. I pause. My back is glued to the wall and I’m almost afraid to take a breath.

  What did my mother do? Why is my father so upset?

  Their voices drop, and I lean my head off the wall and closer to the doorway. I can only hear snippets of words, and I creep closer to the doorway.

  I need to know what they’re talking about. I need to know what my mother has planned, even if it’s just a planted seed.

  She’s never been supportive of my singing. She’s never wanted me to have my own voice or my own life. She just wants me to be some cash cow that she can marry off to the highest bidder.

  That’s why I haven’t told my parents I’m leaving. The more time I give my mother to sabotage my plans, the more chance she has of doing it. I wish I didn’t have to do it this way, but I do.

  Now, more than ever, I need to leave. Especially if she’s planning on arranging another relationship for me.

  Just when my head is about to poke through the doorway, my father comes rushing through. I yelp, tumbling backward and falling onto the floor. My father lets out a surprised gasp, scrambling back.

  “Cara,” he sighs. “It’s you.”

  His face is dark. I stare up at him from my spot on the ground, not sure if he’s angry with me or not.

  Then, my mother appears in the doorway. A wicked smile curls her lips as she crosses her arms across her chest.

  “Well, well, well, speak of the girl herself. If you play your cards right, my darling daughter, you’ll have gained yourself a husband.”



  I ask my driver to take me straight to the royal doctor. His office is located in one of the outbuildings on the palace grounds. My shoulder is throbbing, and I already know I’ve done some lasting damage. I need the doctor to run some tests to make sure the injury isn’t as bad as it feels.

  At least the pain takes my mind off what happened last night.

  Or rather, what didn’t happen.

I almost kissed Cara. Almost did a whole lot more than kiss her, too.

  Closing my eyes as the car takes me to the doctor’s office, I replay the events of the sailing trip in my mind.

  Would it have been so bad if we’d hooked up?

  Yes, of course it would have been bad. I’d be betraying my brother, for one. It would be an incredibly irresponsible act, which I can’t afford when I’m so close to becoming King.

  I’ve known Cara since we were kids. She’s one of the only people outside of my immediate family that has been genuine to me. One of the only people that I can call my friend.

  And now, I want to throw that all away just to sleep with her?

  She’s leaving. I can’t complicate things for her right as she’s starting a new life for herself. I should be celebrating with her and wishing her the best, not imagining what it would feel like to have my cock buried deep inside her.

  Plus, me being King is supposed to unite the Kingdom. I’m supposed to be the fresh, new start for Argyle after a tumultuous time under my father. I’m supposed to turn a new leaf after my mother’s affair and exile, not have my own scandal right as the crown is placed on my head.

  Sighing, I open my eyes as the car stops. I’m tired. When my chauffeur opens the car door for me, I nod to him and head for the doctor’s office. I’m ushered inside and seen to right away.

  Perks of being the future King, I guess.

  I feel like a robot as I answer the doctor’s questions. I explain what happened and how my shoulder was dislocated. I tell him what medication I’ve already taken, and how the chef put my shoulder back into place.

  He orders x-rays and an MRI, and tells me to expect to be in a sling for the foreseeable future.

  I just nod and try not to think of Cara.

  Her fingers trailing over my lips. Her body pressed up against mine. Her warmth, her scent, her sex. She’s burned onto my brain, and I don’t know how to get her out.

  When I exit the doctor’s examination room, my father’s butler is waiting for me in the lobby. The old man bows to me.

  “Your father would like to see you.”

  “Now?” I ask, knowing I sound like a whiny child. My shoulder is throbbing and all I want to do is sleep.


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