The Wild Belle

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The Wild Belle Page 15

by Lora Thomas

  He gently lowered her to the cave floor and began his examination of her body again. She felt his hands explore her body, and her breathing increased with each gentle touch. His hand slowly made its way to the triangle of hair between her legs. She arched her back as his fingers gently entered her and caressed, moving in and out slowly.

  She writhed with pleasure under his touch. Never would she have imagined such a pleasurable sensation was possible. While his fingers gently caressed her core, his lips traveled over her body sending shuddering spasms throughout her. A moan of pleasure exited her lips, and her hips moved against his hand harder. The desire escalated through her to the point that she thought she would go up in flames. Disappointment filled her when he stopped his assault, then suddenly, she felt his weight on top of her.

  Looking deep into her eyes, he whispered, “I’m sorry for this.” Before she could ask why he was apologizing, he entered her in one swift move.

  She let out a gasp from the pain of her rupturing maidenhead. But he kept moving gently, methodically inside her and soon the pain subsided and was replaced with the pleasurable sensation again. As he moved inside her, she arched her back to him and matched each thrust with her own. She could feel his hand on her leg as he pulled it up on his side and thrust deeper inside her.

  His hips moved gently against her, burying himself inside her body. She dug her nails into his back. Her hips thrust harder against his and he matched her movements rhythmically. She was so wet, so warm. Her velvety softness around him was a feeling he had not experienced before.

  He felt her body tighten and then spasm around him as ecstasy found her. He kept moving until her climax was complete and then allowed himself to explode deep inside of her.

  She could feel him shudder as he found his release and then he laid his head on her shoulder and gently kissed her neck. He rose up and looked down at her, breathing heavily. He rolled off her and pulled her to him. She laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes.

  Neither spoke as they lay in the cave, with the storm raging on outside. He reached over and pulled his shirt over her naked form. Before long, they both drifted off to sleep.

  Michael awoke first and looked down at the sleeping pixie by his side. A realization hit him—he could not leave her. He’d had a taste of her and knew that it would be impossible to live without her.

  He tenderly stroked her cheek. Her eyes fluttered and she lazily stretched. Her hand touched the cave wall and her eyes flew open. The realization of what had transpired between them hit her and a blush crept up her face. He gently kissed her lips.

  “Come along, Mrs. St. John. It’s late and everyone will wonder where we are.”

  “What time is it?”

  “If I had to guess,” he said as her stomach growled. “And from the rumbling in your stomach, I’d say it’s around six.”

  “Oh my gosh!” she exclaimed, sitting up quickly, a panic-stricken expression on her face.


  “I had a fitting at four for my bridesmaid’s dress.”

  Michael smiled and gave a small laugh. “Well, I’d say you’re just a little late.”

  “Abigail is going to kill me.”

  “She’ll be fine. Just tell her the truth.”

  She looked heatedly towards him. “Oh, yes,” she said, sarcasm oozing from her words. “Sorry that I didn’t make it to my fitting, Abigail, but I was making love with my husband. I’m sure that would go over really well.”

  He gently caressed her back, placing butterfly kisses down her spine. “Just tell her you were getting to know me better.”

  “You’re incorrigible, do you know that?”

  “I thought we already had that established,” he said and stood up. He turned, picked up her dress and tossed it at her.

  She blushed as she realized he had caught her admiring his body. “You know you should put your clothes on, too.”

  “I could think of other things I’d rather do,” he said, staring at her breasts.

  “Incorrigible,” she repeated.

  He laughed and pulled on his trousers. “I can’t help it. You have such a perfect little body, and I find it too tempting.”

  She threw his shirt at him and hit his head. “Get dressed.”

  “As you command, my lady,” he said with a mocking slant to his mouth, giving him a boyish appearance.

  Both dressed quickly. Michael helped her climb down the slick, moss-covered rocks and then onto Ghost. He mounted behind her and headed towards the house.

  Andi leaned back against Michael and a content smile crossed her face. She felt so happy. She did not want this to end. He planned on leaving her here to avoid the heartache of leaving her family. But the heartache she experienced at just the thought of his departure was a pain she could not bear. A feeling crept into her chest and her eyes grew wide at the realization that what she was feeling was love. She had fallen for this sinfully handsome man. The knowledge caused a determination like no other to enter her. She refused to let him leave without her. She would find a way to convince Michael to take her with him, even if she had to tempt him with her body to do so.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The rain soaked the couple as they returned to the barn. Once inside, Michael gently sat Andrea down to the ground and led Ghost into the stall. As they exited the barn door, they were approached by a running figure.

  Andrea furrowed her brows when she noticed Oscar running towards them. “What’s wrong?”

  The young boy looked frantically around. “Miss Mandy needs to speak with Miss Alyssa.”

  “So?” Andi replied.

  “She ain’t with you?”

  “No,” Andi answered. “I haven’t seen her since she retired for her afternoon nap.”

  Oscar’s eyes grew wide. “She left to go for her fittin’ and hasn’t returned. Miss Mandy assumed she was with you.”

  Andi looked fearfully at Michael and then darted out of the barn at a full run. Michael followed suit after her. He reached the back door ahead of her and opened the door for her as she approached. She didn’t stop, but ran past him. Just as soon as she entered the house, she shouted, “Mammy!”

  Amanda raced towards the back entrance of the home and looked frantically around. “Is your sister with you?”

  “No, I haven’t seen her since her nap.”

  Amanda grew pale and wobbled. She grasped a chair in order to steady herself. Michael raced to her side before she fell.

  “Miss Amanda?”

  Amanda looked fearfully up at Michael. Grabbing his arm forcefully, she spoke, “She left to go for her fitting for her bridesmaid’s dress around two. I thought you went with her.” At Andrea’s guilty expression and shake of her head, Amanda grabbed Michael’s arm. “She’s been gone for over four hours!”

  “I’m sure she’s fine, Mammy. You know how she likes to talk.”

  “And just where were you, young lady? You were supposed to go with your sister. She left without you.”

  “How was I supposed to know she would go out alone in this horrid rain? Anyone with any sense wouldn’t travel to Miss Clara’s during a squall. The roads flood.”

  Amanda’s eyes grew wide. “Oh no! Her carriage could have been washed away. I’ve got to go find her.”

  Ott entered the room at that time. “No. It’s too dangerous for you to go out, Mandy. You’ll get your fool self killed. I’ll go.”

  Michael looked around the room as guilt entered his conscience. He had kept Andrea occupied this afternoon. If he hadn’t, she would have talked her sister out of going. “I’ll go.”

  “Absolutely not,” Ott protested. “She is my daughter, therefore she is my responsibility.”

  “And she is my sister-in-law. Just direct me in the direction and I will go look for her.”

  “I must object—”

  “Look, Ott,” Michael interrupted. “I am used to traveling in the elements. This is a harsh, cold rain. You will catch your death.”

>   “But—” Ott began to protest. He was interrupted by his wife.

  “For Pete’s sake, Ott, quit arguing with the man and let him go after my daughter!” Amanda interjected, standing up.

  Ott reluctantly nodded. Amanda turned towards Michael. “Miss Clara’s house is about a quarter mile past the Petersons’ plantation.”

  “Peterson?!” Michael questioned with urgency.

  “Yes, why?”

  Michael looked eerily at Ott. “Surely he wouldn’t have?”

  “Go quickly! He has her!” Ott yelled.

  “Who?” Andrea and Amanda both questioned simultaneously.

  “Go!” Ott yelled at Michael. “I’ll give them the details while you’re gone.”

  Michael ran out the back door towards the barn. He saddled Ghost and spurred the gelding out of the barn in a gallop, heading south towards the Peterson plantation. He would stop there first, before heading to Miss Clara’s.

  In the rain, it took about thirty minutes to reach the Peterson plantation. When he arrived at the large plantation home, he didn’t knock, but entered and yelled, “Peterson!”

  Michael heard a door slam and a malicious sneer crossed his face. He found the study door closed. When he tried the knob, the door was locked.

  “Open the door, Peterson,” he yelled at the occupant inside. When his command was ignored, he said, “No? Fine, have it your way.” He took his booted foot and kicked the door in.

  When the door burst open, he heard a woman scream and Mr. Peterson held up his hands. “Now see here! What is this all about?”

  “Where is he?”


  “That sniveling whelp you claim relationship to, that’s who. Where is he?” The tone of his voice made it clear that he was in no mood for delays.

  “Egbert left just after he arrived back from the Craycrafts. He said he was going back to England since you went and stole his bride.”

  Michael narrowed his eyes. His voice was frosty when he spoke. “I didn’t steal his bride. And if that bastard should return, advise him to remain here or I will kill him.”

  “Now see here—” Mr. Peterson began.

  Michael left before Mr. Peterson could finish his sentence. Michael mounted Ghost again and headed towards Miss Clara’s. He found the house about ten minutes later, after he had ridden past it twice. The darkness of dusk, combined with the storm, shrouded any light coming from the window of the cottage. He must have been a terrifying sight to the older woman inside, for when she took one look at Michael, she screamed and begged him to not hurt her and indicated that all her belongings were in the back bedroom.

  After Michael explained his reason for being there, she informed him that she had not seen Alyssa. She figured the storm had kept the women from coming for their final fittings. Michael bid the woman a curt thank you and headed back towards the Craycraft plantation. He rode slowly this time, scanning the side of the road. He rode up and down the road for over an hour and was about to give up when a streak of lightning crossed the sky. His eyes caught a glimpse of several broken tree branches along with a path to the side of the road.

  Thanks to the torrential sheets of rain, he hadn’t even seen the small covered path. He rode down the path several feet and found a coach. Tying Ghost up to a tree, he cautiously approached, staying close to the tree line. As he neared, he saw a man lying face down on the ground. Michael gently rolled him over and recognized him as being one of Ott’s slaves. When Michael gently shook the man’s shoulder, he felt the stickiness on his shirt. Michael pulled up the shirt and found the bullet wound had punctured the man’s heart.

  Looking warily towards the coach, he stood and cautiously approached. When he reached the door, he knelt down and picked up a thick branch. He took a slow breath and threw open the door. The darkness made it hard to spot the passenger. He held his club up and was about to bring it down on the figure inside until he noticed that the passenger was bound and gagged. Michael reached across and pulled the gag out of the girl’s mouth.

  “Where is she?”

  “He took her,” the slave said as she looked frightfully around.

  “Who?” Michael questioned, although he thought he already knew. Still, he needed to be certain. The girl just looked at him and shook her head. “Who?!” he yelled.

  “I . . . I . . . I don’t know.” She shook her head. Tears streamed down her cheeks. “He shot Moe. He hit me. He was so mean. He hit Miss Alyssa. He knocked her out and then took her.”

  Michael motioned for the girl to calm down. “It’s all right,” he said and gestured towards her hands. She held up her bound hands, and he untied the ropes. “Describe him to me.”

  She nervously licked her lips. “He was tall and thin. I didn’t get a good look at his face, but he sounded kinda like you.” She covered her face as she began to cry again.

  “What is your name?”

  “Ruth Ann, sir.”

  “I will find her, Ruth Ann. But first, I have to get you back to the Double Oasis.”

  “Yes, sir. You’ve got ta find her. She was my responsibility. I was her chaperone this trip.”

  Michael patted the girl’s hand. “Ruth Ann, I’ve got to get both of you back to the plantation. Do you understand my meaning?”

  The girl shook her head.

  “I’m going to put Moe in here with you.” He could see the apprehension in the girl’s eyes. “I can’t leave him here. If you want, you may ride with me in the driver’s seat, but be warned, the rain is piercing.”

  “I’ll ride in here.”

  Michael placed Moe’s body in the carriage with Ruth Ann. He tied Ghost to the back of the carriage and headed back towards the Craycrafts. When he reached the plantation, he drove straight to the barn and yelled for Hezekiah. After giving a brief description of what had transpired, he left.

  When he entered the home, he was surrounded by the entire Craycraft clan, each one asking a hundred different questions. Even Ashton had a concerned look on her face.

  Michael held up his hands to silence the crew. Michael explained what had transpired since he left ending with, “I need to borrow a horse to travel to Beaufort. Hopefully, I will be able to locate Peterson and Alyssa before they sail to England.”

  “I’m coming with you,” Andi stated.

  “No, you will stay here with your family.”

  “But you don’t know the way and—”

  “And it’s too dangerous, Andi.”

  “She’s right,” Amanda admitted.

  “What?” was echoed by Michael, Andrea, and Ott.

  “He doesn’t know the way. The current in the river is too swift to travel by boat. There are robbers on the main road and craggy beds and gators along the river.”

  “Then give me a guide,” Michael stated.

  “Hello!” Andi stated and grabbed Michael’s arm. “I can guide you.”

  Michael turned and gently took Andi by her upper arms. “No. I cannot bear the thought of you becoming injured. You stay here. I’m sure Ott has someone who can assist me,” Michael said as he looked at the older man. At Ott’s nod, Michael continued, “I will send word just as soon as I am there.” He looked into Andi’s eyes. “I won’t give him the opportunity to harm you. I will find him.”

  Peterson’s threats echoed in Andi’s mind. She reluctantly nodded. Michael turned to Ott. “Who do you recommend?”

  “I’ll take him,” a voice replied from the doorway. A gasp came from Abigail when she spotted Tobias standing in the doorway.

  Ott nodded his head. “Very well. Have Hezekiah saddle two horses.”

  “I’ll be there in a few minutes. I have to retrieve a few things from my quarters and I will meet you in the barn.”

  Tobias nodded his head and left. Michael climbed the stairs two at a time and hurriedly went to his room with Andi following on his heels. She watched as he opened the bottom draw on the wardrobe and pulled out two pistols. He turned to her. She opened her mouth to speak, but n
o words would come out.

  Michael crossed the room to her. He captured her face between his hands and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. “I will find your sister. Stay here and stay safe, love.”

  Before Andrea could warn him about the threat that Peterson made, she watched with a heavy heart as her husband left. She knew he could take care of himself. She knew he would find out where her sister was. But she couldn’t help but worry about him—he was her husband. She had wanted to tell him how she felt before he left just in case Peterson ambushed him, but the words would not form. Walking over to his sea chest, she sat down and looked at the new occupants. Pepper and her kittens were sleeping so peacefully, blissfully unaware of the turmoil going on. Unconsciously she began petting the cat. Sending up a silent prayer, she asked God to watch over her husband and return him safely to her. For the first time in her life, she felt helpless and all because she had fallen in love.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Michael followed Tobias out of the barn and towards the riverbank. Tobias instructed him to follow his exact path and not to veer off to either side. When Michael asked Tobias how he knew of the back way to Beaufort, he told him the truth—that he had tried to run away from his previous master and this was the way he had traveled. He had made it to the outskirts of Beaufort before he was caught.

  “Why did you volunteer to help me?” Michael asked.

  “It wasn’t you I was helpin’ but Master Ott. He’s a good man and I don’t like seein’ him or his family hurtin’.” Michael accepted the man’s answer without question.

  They rode for half an hour in the pouring rain, carefully dodging the craggy beds, which Michael learned was a local term for oyster beds. The edges of the exposed shells were sharper than any surgeon’s tool. They could slice a man’s, or horse’s, leg wide open leaving them severely maimed. When they reached the outskirts of town, Michael took lead. The duo made their way to the docks. After several inquiries, Michael found out the needed information.


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