The Wild Belle

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The Wild Belle Page 21

by Lora Thomas

  * * * *

  Michael and Andrea arrived at Holland’s Gym a short time later.

  “You wait here,” Michael instructed Andrea.

  “What?! You expect me to wait on the street?”

  “Yes,” Michael answered as he dismounted.

  “Thought you said London was a dangerous town?”

  “You’ll be fine here,” he said. He drew his brows together and turned towards her. “Just don’t say anything.”


  “The English still hold a small grudge against Americans.”

  “And that’s my fault?”

  “Well, no. But it could cause issues.”

  “So you expect me to stand here holdin’ the horses with a smile on my lips?”


  “And if someone should ask me what I’m doing, I should just stare at them with a dumb look to my face and say what?”

  “You’re not going in.”

  A tight-lipped smirk crossed her face as she sweetly batted her eyes. She dismounted and took the reins of his horse.

  He eyed his wife suspiciously but entered the building anyway. As he entered, his eyes began to water from the smoke and smell of sweat. He blinked rapidly several times to adjust his vision to the dim light and began scanning the gym. There were a few men punching a cotton-filled sack and others shadow boxing. But he did not waste his time looking for Matthew within those groups. He headed straight to the back of the gym were several men had gathered. He spotted Matthew in the ring. Matthew had his shirt removed and was sparring with a man several years his junior. Matthew’s muscles rippled across his wide muscular back. Of all the St. John brothers, Matthew was the stoutest built. He resembled a professional fighter.

  Michael knew the younger opponent, Zachary Hollingsworth. Michael and Zach were good friends. In fact, more times than not, Michael had had dinner at Zach’s home with his father, Phillip, and sister, Reanna. Also, Phillip owned and operated the textile mill where the Sea Island cotton was to be transported.

  Michael cringed as the younger opponent was sent staggering backwards by Matthew’s fist connecting with his jaw. The younger man spit blood out of his mouth and advanced on Matthew. Zach’s punch connected with Matthew’s mouth, sending Matthew stumbling backwards several feet. There were several cheers accompanied by disgruntled groans.

  Matthew shook his head and motioned with his hands towards the younger man. Michael studied his brother’s opponent. Zach reminded Michael of Tobias. Michael watched the two fight for several more minutes. The one thing he had learned long ago about Matthew—never interrupt his sparring.

  * * * *

  Andrea entered the gym and drew her brows together. She knew this was definitely not an establishment women should enter, but in her opinion, Michael had taken too long. As she walked past the men in the building, their discussions would stop. The awkward silence followed her all the way to the back of the gym, where she found her husband watching his brother fight. If he wanted to watch a fight, then he was going to have to wait until they got home, then she’d give him a hell of a fight! It appeared to her that Michael was not going to stop the fight, so she was. She walked right up to the ring, in her male attire, hat missing, her long wavy blond hair down her back. Placing her two pinky fingers in her mouth, she blew. The loud shrill whistle caused the men in the ring to stop.

  Both stared at her in disbelief. Matthew walked over to her. “What are you doing in here?” he asked angrily.

  “Doing what that stupid husband of mine was supposed to be doing! We’ve found my sister and need you.”

  Matthew looked around the gym and spotted Michael standing over by one of the support pillars. His eyes then returned to his sister-in-law. “This could not have waited?”

  The anger was apparent in Matthew’s eyes, but Andrea did not back down. She grabbed his arm and pulled him to her. “Get out of that ring before I come in there and drag you out myself. And don’t think about scolding me. I am tired, I am hungry and I am worried sick about my sister. So unless you want me to make an ass out of you in front of your audience, I suggest you come on.”

  Andrea watched Matthew’s eyes lower to slits. She braced herself for his tongue-lashing, but was surprised by his response. He began to laugh.

  “You got yourself one hell of a wife, Runt,” he yelled across the gym.

  The men in the gym began whispering loudly.

  “Here, what is this?” came the question from across the gym. “There are no women allowed in my establishment.”

  Matthew looked over Andi towards Mr. Holland. “It’s all right, Ace. She’s family.”

  “I don’t care if she’s the Queen. This is a male establishment.”

  Matthew’s look turned dangerous. “And she will be welcome,” he replied, exiting the ring. “But do not worry, Ace. Your establishment’s secrets are safe. We were just leaving.”

  “My Lord, I did not mean to offend you, but—”

  “You insulted my family, therefore you have insulted me.” Matthew replied as Michael approached.

  “What did she say?” Michael asked as he looked at Andi.

  “I didn’t say a word,” Andi defended.

  “She’s a yank!” Ace yelled.

  “Southern,” Andrea corrected. “There is a huge difference.”

  “My apologies,” Ace replied. He stood there for a moment and realized that she had him apologizing for protecting his establishment. “She’s clever.”

  Michael answered, “Exactly. Now come along, Matt. We need to get to your office post haste.”

  Matthew grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his muscular frame. “We’ll have to continue later, Zach. I have a family matter to attend to.”

  The younger man smiled. He had overheard the exchange between Matthew and the southern beauty. He wanted no part of her rage. “Then we’ll consider this my win.”

  “A draw,” Matthew answered and headed towards the door.

  “Only in your opinion,” Zach yelled back. He then turned to Michael. “Good to see you’re in London, Michael. Maybe you can help me find my sister when you have found your wife’s.”

  “Reanna is missing?”

  “Yes. She has been gone for quite some time. But go help your wife. I have people searching for Reanna as it is. In fact, my father just traveled to Paris on a lead.”

  Michael nodded his head. “Let me know if you need any help.”

  “I will. Now you better get going. Lord knows I don’t want to be on the bad side of your wife. When you find time you’ll have to give me the details of how she managed to drag you to the altar.”

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” Michael said and followed his brother out the door.

  “Now what is so bloody important that you had to interrupt my fight? It’s hard to find a skilled opponent such as Zach.”

  Michael looked at his brother, then to his wife. “I’ll explain on the way to your office.”

  “All I have to say is that you owe me. I didn’t get to finish my fight, so you will have to take Zach’s place.”

  “I was afraid you’d say that,” Michael replied with dread.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Michael explained to Matthew what had occurred since he and Andrea had left for Chesham. He then told Matthew about the information that Mouse had given him.

  “That vagrant was in my house?” Matthew exclaimed and turned towards Michael, blocking the doorway to the shipping office.

  “Yes, but that is irrelevant,” Michael insisted.

  “Like hell it is! Did he steal anything?”

  “Mouse would not steal . . . from us. Now which one of us was here?”

  “Noah was here. I’m not sure the exact date that he left, but it was about a week before you arrived,” Matthew said, pulling the key to the door out of his pocket. The door creaked on the hinges as it swung open.

  Matthew held the heavy oak door open for Andrea and then followe
d her in. He walked to his desk, opened one of the drawers and pulled out the shipping manifesto. He thumbed through the pages. Andrea watched Matthew’s fingers scroll down the page. Michael walked over and peered at the book from the left side.

  Matthew’s fingers stopped and he tapped the page. “Here it is.”

  “When did he leave?” Andrea asked, hurrying towards the desk.

  “He left eight days before you arrived. So that would have him a little over two weeks out.”

  “Damn, we can’t catch him at sea. What is his heading?” Michael asked.


  Michael smiled. Home. He was finally going to get to go back home.

  At that time, Mouse entered with Pete in tow.

  “It’s about time,” Michael said, watching the pair enter the building.

  Old Pete looked nervously around. He had never been intentionally invited into a building unless he was about to be arrested. He cautiously made his way into the room, his good eye scanning for a trap.

  “What’s this all about?” Matthew asked as he looked between Michael and the man who entered with Mouse.

  “This is the man who saw the girl board Noah’s ship.” Michael motioned for the man to come closer. “Come now, no harm will come to you.”

  Pete looked towards Mouse, then back to Michael. “Dis ain’t na trap, is it?”

  “I can assure you that this is not a trap. Now, tell us about the woman you saw board one of our ships.”

  Old Pete looked hesitantly around the room again and nodded his head. “I wuz at Doc’s Place,” he began, referring to a local tavern. “As I wuz comin’ owt, dis bloke bumped inta me. I tot ‘e was tryin’ ta steal from me. Tryin’ ta pick me pockets. But when I nabbed ‘im, da scrapper screamed. Dat’s when I realized ‘e wuz a she. I let go and she ran away.” He licked his lips and looked around the room again.

  Michael motioned towards a chair for Pete to sit in. Pete shook his head, refusing the offer. Michael shrugged his shoulders and came to the front of the desk. He leaned back against the desk and crossed his arms. “Go on.”

  “Well, a few days later one of yer brother’s wuz ‘iring ‘elp ta load one of yer ships. As I wuz loadin’ a crate on, I noticed dat girl again, sneakin’ around da ship. I chased after ‘er ‘n caught ‘er. I told ‘er ship capt’ns don’t take none ta kindly ta thieves er stowaways. She took ‘er ‘at off ’n started beatin’ me wit it. ‘Bout knocked me wooden eye owt. That’s when I gots a good look at ‘er.”

  Andrea listened to the story intently. Alyssa was raised and trained to be a lady, a gentleman’s wife. Alyssa was as cautious as a mother deer and as demure as the fawn. She could not picture her sister being so brazen or resourceful.

  “Would you know what she looked like if you saw her again?” Andrea questioned.

  “Yeah. I could never ferget a pretty face like dat.” Andrea approached the man. He looked nervously around.

  “Wot’s going on?” he questioned.

  Andrea removed her hat. Pete’s eyes grew wide. “I tot ya got on dat boat?” He looked around again, realizing that she must be the woman of one of these two men. “Look, if’n I ‘urt ye er offended ye, I apologize.” He began backing towards the door. “Just don’t let yer man ‘urt me.”

  Andrea gave the man a huge smile and jumped at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Pete quickly raised his arms high above his head. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” she said and she squeezed the man even harder.

  “Andi, let the poor man go before you strangle him,” Michael said as he approached them.

  Pete kept his hands raised to prove he was not trying anything inappropriate with the beautiful woman whose arms were wrapped tightly around him. The confusion was apparent on his face.

  Michael laughed. “The woman around your neck is my wife. And it was her sister you saw the other day. She was kidnapped and we were concerned for her safety.”

  “I ain’t after yer wife, Ma Lord,” Pete stated his hands still up in the air.

  “Good thing, because I don’t think you could handle her. Andrea, please let the poor man go.”

  Andrea let go and gave Pete a peck on the cheek. He blushed. He watched the beautiful woman walk over to her husband and beamed.

  “When can we leave?” she asked excitedly.

  “The Emerald Jewell has yet to be granted docking privileges. I would say it is a safe bet that no supplies have even been delivered to the ship, and the crew are scattered all over London,” Michael informed his wife.

  She lowered her head and stuck her lip out. Pouting never gained her a thing as a child, but it did Ashton, even as an adult.

  Michael looked down at his wife and then over towards Matthew.

  “Don’t look at me. I don’t have a ship,” Matthew replied.

  “Please give Pete something for his trouble,” Michael told his brother.

  Matthew gave Michael a hard look. “First you interrupt my fight,” he spoke and opened a drawer, pulling out a small purse. “Now you want me to pay your bills,” he finished, tossing the purse towards Pete. “That should cover whatever tragedies you have encountered with my sister-in-law and her sibling.”

  Pete caught the bag and looked back towards Matthew. The amount in the small purse was more money than he could earn in two years of stealing.

  Matthew could see the doubt in the man’s eyes. “Is that not significant?”

  “No, sir,” Pete answered shaking his head. “It’s more ‘n ‘nough.”

  “Good. Mouse, please show your friend out and close the door as you leave.”

  Mouse patted Pete on the back and the pair left.

  “When can we leave?” Andrea asked again.

  “It’s not that simple, Andi,” Michael began as he looked at his wife. “Supplies have to be gathered for that long—“

  As if angels were listening to their conversation, the door opened again and in strolled none other than the eldest St. John brother, Eli, along with a beautiful woman at his side.

  “Eli!” Matthew exclaimed and came from behind his desk and extended his hand towards his brother.

  Eli took Matthew’s outstretched hand and pulled his brother in for a one-armed hug.

  “You keeping London intact?” Eli asked as he looked around the office. He spotted Michael and his eyes grew wide with disbelief. “What are you doing here, Runt? I thought you would still be in New York.” Eli’s eyes then took in Andrea. He raised a black brow and then his gaze went back to Michael. “Who is this?”

  Michael knew the look Eli was expressing. He had seen it countless times. It was the exact same look their father gave them when he disapproved of something or someone. Michael wrapped a protective arm around Andrea’s shoulders and pulled her in close to him.

  Andrea could feel the tension in her husband’s body and grew nervous. She studied the man named Eli. He was very handsome and she could see the similarities in facial features he had to her husband. He was tall with black hair and the blackest eyes Andi had ever seen. Nellie would call them devil’s eyes. He had a firm, square jawline and the same Greek nose that Michael and Matthew possessed. She could imagine that from a distance one would not be able to tell the difference in the three brothers present.

  “Eli, this is Andrea . . . my wife.”

  “The hell you say?!” Eli exclaimed, looking back towards Andrea.

  “It’s true,” Andrea said and smiled, purposefully accentuating her southern drawl.

  “Egad! She’s a yank,” Eli replied. The disbelief on his face was replaced with humor as he began to laugh.

  “What’s so funny, old man?” Michael asked at the same time Andi said, “Southerner.”

  Eli’s eyes smiled. “I stand corrected,” he said to Andrea. He then looked to Michael, “Mother is going to kill you.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because she is determined to see one of us married in a sensible fashion and you were her hope. What happened?�

  “Madison had a sensible marriage,” Michael insisted.

  “What part? The part where she was abdeucted by a pirate during her honeymoon, a pirate who just happens to be her husband now, or the—”

  “What?!!” Michael and Matthew asked together.

  “Oh, that’s right, you weren’t there. You both departed just after Father’s announcement of our new brother. Well, it turns out that our brother-in-law was none other than Alexander Xavier and our newly introduced brother was his quartermaster.

  “Bloody hell.” Michael leaned back against the desk.

  Andrea looked at the men with confusion in her eyes. “Who’s Alexander Xavier?”

  “That is the pirate who abducted our sister and had been a pain in Emerald Shipping’s side for years,” Michael informed Andrea.

  “The good news is that father is now back on speaking terms with the governor,” Eli told the group.

  “He stopped speaking to Jonathan?” Matthew asked.

  “Yes. Apparently Jonathan knew about his son’s alternate lifestyle. Knew about it for years.”

  “Blimey,” Matthew replied.

  “Yes. Governor’s Harbour has been a bloody mess since you two left.”

  “And how did all this information come about?” Michael asked.

  Eli gestured towards the woman hiding behind him. “Miss London found out the information.”

  “And who is Miss London?’ Matthew asked, looking at the beautiful woman by his brother’s side. She had her light brown hair pulled up on the sides, allowing the long tresses to rest on her delicate shoulders. She smiled sweetly and he noticed her full pink lips. Her eyes had a slight shyness to them, but he could see adventure and sassiness behind their light blue color. She was quite a bit shorter than Eli. As Matthew studied her, he realized that her frame was much too dainty and delicate for his tastes. She reminded him of a porcelain doll, someone you look at, but don’t play with. She looked very familiar, but Matthew could not quite place where he knew her from.

  “You know . . . the woman who washed ashore.”

  “This is her?” Matthew asked.


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