Heavyweight (Hallow Brothers Book 3)

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Heavyweight (Hallow Brothers Book 3) Page 8

by Tricia Andersen


  Henry’s thoughts were scrambled as he drove down the dark highway. He had no idea where he was going. Rock and Cort were on his ass. The fields that spread out on either side of him glowed eerily in the moonlight. Signs indicated the highway was about to tee off east and west. A small, antique service station appeared in the dark. The unlit windows told the world they were closed even though an amber light appeared from behind it. The whole area seemed vaguely familiar.

  Henry squinted his eyes. There was a beaten-down dirt trail barely visible in the heavy tree line that spread as far as the eye could see. Rock and Cort wouldn’t follow him in there. Would they?

  The tug that possessed him pulled him forward. He was about to be saved or caught. He buried the gas pedal to the floor as his car was swallowed by the forest.

  The narrow dirt road was déjà vu to him. He had been bumped and jostled like this before in recent memory. He felt totally lost along with terrified out of his skin. Cort’s headlights bounced off the massive tree trunks with his. No matter what he did, he couldn’t shake them.

  He didn’t know whether to be relieved or panicked as he reached a clearing. The nine log buildings didn’t allow him to go any further. He stopped in the center of the camp and threw open the door. He’d have to flee on foot. He was as good as dead.

  Henry only took two steps before he was face to face with something more horrifying than the murderers trailing him. He stood tall at six-foot-four. This thing hovered over him. It resembled a wolf but taller, stronger, and deadlier. Fangs dripping in blood jutted out from its lower and upper snout. Claws ripped up the earth beneath its paws. It was covered in coarse black fur. It growled and snorted angrily as it tossed its massive head.

  Henry couldn’t breathe as he heard more beastly sounds. Craning his neck, he could see six more creatures like this one in various shades of browns, grays, and blacks. Each was equally as terrifying as the one he was face to face with. The scene was enough to make him forget Rock and Cort. Maybe they were scared as shitless as he was and ran.

  The lightest gray of the wolves stalked to Henry and the first of the monsters. It had an odd trail of tufted fur on its head, almost like a Mohawk. It grunted to the first almost though it was talking. The black werewolf huffed in return and sauntered off. As the gray monster brushed against Henry, the most delicious jolt of lust ripped through him. It left him breathless. Not that he was breathing much. He was terrified beyond comprehension.

  “The Hallows.”

  Henry spun around to find Rock and Cort out of their car. The smiles on their faces nearly made Henry pass out. The light gray wolf used its snout to nudge Henry behind him. Another shiver burned through him. He stared at the beast as what Cort said sank in. The Hallows. He remembered what Delilah had told him, that she saw Samuel, and that everything he said was true.

  Sam was really a werewolf.

  He shook his head violently and then touched the wolf. He shook as the same rush hit him. He swallowed hard then spoke, “Sam?”

  The werewolf stared back with yellow feral eyes. Then it tossed its head as if it was nodding. All Henry could mutter was “holy shit.”

  “I hate to break up the reunion,” Cort continued, “but we’re here for the amulet. We will search every building until we find it.”

  The seven werewolves flanked out across the camp, snarling at the two men. Sam left Henry’s side to take his place with his brothers. Henry stumbled back a couple of steps as he took in the showdown. Then he pinched himself hard. This couldn’t be happening. He flinched at the sharp pain.

  He caught the bolt of lightning that hit the wood and metal tower out of the corner of his eye. He didn’t get a chance to turn before something fiery hot pierced through him. Thousands of electric volts shook him violently. He struggled to meet Sam’s wide-eyed stare as the werewolf turned to him. Then he looked up to the star-splattered sky. There wasn’t one cloud in the vast, black expanse.

  The pain that consumed him was too much to take. His vision faded in and out as his gaze dropped to the ground. He frowned, puzzled, at his hand. The metal wristband of his watch was there. Then it was gone. His bare arm was covered in a gauzy, spectral linen robe. A scepter was in his hand. He studied the markings engraved on it. He wasn’t in so much agony that he couldn’t make them out. They were hieroglyphics.

  As soon as the agony started, it stopped. His mind filled with thoughts not his own, thoughts of power, of domination, of hate. He studied the new garment covering his arms, his body, his legs. He looked up to find all eyes on him.

  “The Heka,” Cort said with his voice breaking. He seemed to be fanboying. Henry had no idea of what, but the new personality taking him over was impressed.

  “The what?” Henry struggled past his new self to question.

  Rock and Cort took slow steps back to their car. “This is an exciting development. We’ll be back for the amulet, Hallows. Be certain of it.”

  The two men slipped into their car. Their headlights briefly blinded Henry as they whipped the vehicle in a circle and tore down the lane into the forest. The spirit that filled him slowly faded away. He glanced down to find his khakis, polo shirt, and wristwatch back where they belonged.

  A grunt brought him back to the situation at hand. The men might have disappeared, but seven beasts still stared him down. He swallowed hard.

  The light-gray one sauntered forward from the group and snarled. Henry backpedaled away but stopped as it collapsed to the ground. It shivered violently as it huddled in a ball. Coarse fur melted away into smooth flesh. Fangs and claws receded. The tufts of fur returned to the Mohawk he knew and loved.

  Sam stood on shaky legs and then collapsed to his knees. He wretched into the dirt below him.

  Henry rushed to his side, fighting to ignore how gloriously naked the man he loved was. “Sam, sweetheart, are you okay?”

  Samuel coughed hard as he wiped his mouth off with the back of his hand. “Turning back during the full moon or resisting the change feels like my stomach is being ripped out. So, no.” He waved his hand around in the general direction Henry had stood. “What the fuck was that?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “First you were struck by lightning, which is impossible since there are no fucking clouds anywhere. Then you flickered back and forth between you and some ancient Egyptian dude. Who in the holy fuck is the Heka?”

  Henry didn’t miss the six pairs of yellow, feral eyes still watching him. “Sam, I have no idea. This has never happened before.”

  “Okay, then answer me this. What possessed you to bring those assholes to my home?”

  Henry pointed toward the lane heading into the woods. He tossed his arm erratically. “Those assholes killed my assistant, Jenny. He put his mouth to her neck, and I don’t know what he did, but she’s dead.”

  Samuel stared at him with his mouth gaping. “Wait. What?”

  “I’m not making it up. Don’t you even think of questioning what I said.”

  Samuel shook his head. “I’m not. Shit. I wondered what was different about them. Shit. I can’t believe it.”

  Henry clenched his hands to his hips. “Believe what?”

  Sam sat back. The terror that filled Henry gave room to lust as he stared at Sam’s swollen cock.

  Sam ran his hand through his Mohawk. “Henry, I think they’re vampires.”

  Henry choked on his breath. “Vampires?”

  “You watched me change from a gigantic wolf into this. If werewolves exist, then vampires could too. And fuck knows what else exists out there.” Samuel glanced around. “Where’s Delilah?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Samuel scrambled to his feet. “What do you mean you don’t fucking know? They could find her. They’ll kill her.”

  “She said she had your sister-in-law’s number. She was going to contact her. From there I don’t know.”

  Samuel blew out a low, steady breath. “If she reached Eve,
she’s on the reservation with Momma and Littlefoot. She should be fine. They won’t find her there. And if they do, Littlefoot and his people have ways to ward them off. I’m sure we’ll see her tomorrow.”

  “And until then? Are you changing back to whatever you were?”

  Samuel chuckled. “Do you want to see a huge beast throw up? The change is too much.” He cocked his head at Henry. “You’re white as a ghost.”

  “Well, first vampires, then werewolves, then some crazy ass Egyptian guy.” He shrugged. “I’ve had my world turned upside down. So maybe I feel entitled to be a little scared shitless. Frankly, I have no idea when I’ll ever feel okay again.”

  Samuel crossed the camp to him and pulled Henry into a deep, crushing kiss. He was certain the Hallow bruised his lips. It was all right as long as he kept doling them out. Henry wrapped his arms around his mate and let his hands wander Samuel’s naked flesh. He stopped when his hands clenched Sam’s ass.

  “Let me make you forget this for a while,” Samuel murmured. He nipped at Henry’s earlobe and then down his jugular. Henry went from aroused to rock hard in a split-second. He didn’t miss that Sam was the same way.

  “Uh-huh.” It was all Henry could get out.

  He had no idea when the other six Hallows left, but they were alone in the middle of the camp. No more gigantic, terrifying beasts. No more murderous vampires. Just him and his lover. And the Heka possibly. He had no idea where the bastard went. Or was he still inside Henry? He shook his head to clear the thought from his head. The Heka scared him the most.

  Samuel laced his fingers between Henry’s and smiled. He brushed his mouth against his ear. “I love you, Henry Hakimi. I love you with everything I am. Whatever this means, whatever happens, that will never change. We will figure this out together. Okay?”

  His words were enough to drive the demons away for the moment. They would have to wait. This man was the only thing that mattered right now. Henry clung as tight as he could to Samuel as his mate led him across the camp to one of the cabins and closed the door behind them.

  Chapter Seven

  Delilah had never been so scared in her life. She had a death grip on the steering wheel as she bounced along the trail in the woods following Littlefoot’s truck. Sam’s truck creaked and moaned as it crawled among the trees. She had no idea how the bucket of rust stayed together. But her luck was holding so far. Hopefully, it wouldn’t collapse in a heap before she got to her destination.

  Henry never called the night before. She had no idea where he was. As far as she knew, he was dead. She couldn't stomach the idea of being without him. Littlefoot found her over the toilet twice, losing what little she ate that day. That’s what the thought of living without him did to her.

  Littlefoot and his nephews kept guard for anything suspicious. Not that Delilah knew the threat coming after her. Henry didn’t leave much of a description other than a couple of guys that sucked the life out of his assistant. Eve stayed up all night, trying to help her get her mind off Henry. They talked. They played games. It didn’t help.

  She couldn’t call Sam. He was probably prowling the countryside not knowing their mate was in grave danger. She needed him so bad it hurt, but it wasn’t the need she had before. She wanted him to hold her close, to comfort her, to tell her everything was okay. But most of all, she wanted him to go find Henry with her. She didn’t want to rest until they were all together.

  She let a relieved sigh escape as the sun broke through the blanket of branches and the clearing appeared. She barely got the truck turned off when she hopped out and ran across toward the cabins. She stopped dead in her tracks confused. Which one was Sam’s? She couldn’t stop and call his name. Could she?

  A hand grabbed hers and dragged her along behind them. She focused on Eve striding in front of her as she fought to find her footing.

  “I go left, and you go right. I married brother number two. You are mated to brother number three. Meg is married to brother number four. Remember you are between Meg and me,” Eve instructed.

  Delilah nodded. “Got it.”

  As they reached the decks of the cabin, Eve let her go. She watched as Eve climbed the deck steps and opened the front door. Eve called out, “Honey, I’m…” then when quiet. Or sort of quiet. By the moans and whimpers, it was pretty obvious Micah was happy to see her.

  Delilah ascended the steps and opened the door to step inside. She caught the crimson reds and blacks of the decorations, the small kitchen, and the fireplace as she raced by. Her sole thoughts were of getting Sam and finding Henry. She’d become acquainted with the place later.

  Her heart caught in her throat as she stepped in the bedroom. The wave of relief she felt knocked her to the floor. She took a deep breath to calm her stampeding heart and then leaned against the doorframe.

  Her men were fast asleep in the bed together. Sam cupped Henry’s head in his hand to cuddle him to his shoulder. Henry’s face was buried in the curve of Sam’s neck. Delilah could only guess Sam was comforting Henry to keep the nightmares away as they slept. It would be a precious sight to behold if the sheet hadn’t been kicked to the foot of the bed. Both men were majestically naked. Sam had his free hand clenched around Henry’s ass. Henry had his fingers wrapped around Sam’s already rigid cock.

  Delilah’s blood boiled as she gazed at them. Her worry disappeared. She tugged off her shirt and bra and then shoved her shorts and panties to the floor. Her boys were safe. It was time to go join them.

  She kneeled on the foot of the bed and carefully crawled her way up until she was between their sprawled legs.

  Henry cracked open an eye. “Morning, beautiful.”

  “You scared the shit out of me.”

  Henry let go of Sam and squiggled out of his arms enough for her to fit. “I know. I’m sorry. But we need to talk.”

  Delilah nestled herself between the two men. She turned on her side toward Henry and left a long, lingering kiss on his mouth. “About what?”

  He moaned and licked his lips. “What do you know about the Heka?”

  She frowned. “The ancient Egyptian deification of magic?”

  “Say the fuck what?”

  Delilah gasped and then groaned as Samuel rubbed his erection in the cleft of her ass. He gently grabbed her hips as his strokes picked up pace. She arched back against him and then looked back at Henry. His eyes were wide open, and his hand was wrapped around himself. She watched his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed hard before he spoke. “Sam.”

  “What?” The word was a grunt more than anything else.

  “Dee and I were talking.”

  “And I woke up with a warm, soft ass snuggled against my cock. What do you expect of me?” Samuel slid a hand down her leg and hooked it under to lift. Once he had her leg high enough, he drove deep inside her.

  “I’ve never been so scared in my life. I don’t know what this thing was that possessed me. What if it happens again? Is sex all you think about?”

  Delilah felt Sam’s head against hers as it raised to look at Henry. “And fighting. But you’ve never complained before.”

  Delilah arched her head back to share several kisses with Samuel. He drove deeper and harder into her like a man possessed. She turned to Henry and smiled. He might have vocally protested about them having sex, but the rest of him was perfectly fine with it. He kneeled on his knees over them, watching them with a glazed-over expression on his face. His fist pumped furiously up and down his erection. He bit his lower lip as he groaned.

  She motioned to him. “Come here, Henry.”

  He crawled across the bed to her. She took him from his own grip. She ran her tongue up and down the length of him before she enveloped him in her mouth, sucking as she bounced up and down. It was only moments before he threaded his fingers in her auburn curls to guide her. He bucked in time with her motion.

  Delilah shivered as she felt the explosion building in her. Two men loving her, touching her, tasting her made her mindless wit
h need. She stared up into Henry’s eyes. She could tell his focus was hazy as he caressed her face and brushed her hair away. Sam clung to her as he plunged deep, his lips devouring whatever flesh they found. She struggled to keep sucking as she peaked, the blaze nearly tearing her in two. She let go of Henry to cry out in sheer pleasure.

  “Fuck, Dee. I’m so close,” Henry murmured.

  Delilah couldn’t answer. Another wave hit her as Sam buried himself inside her.

  “Lay down, Henry,” Samuel demanded with a growl almost not human.

  Henry flopped down on his back obediently. Delilah whimpered as Samuel pulled free, leaving her empty. He nudged her toward Henry until she was straddling his hips. She dropped on him and rode him hard. She was beyond thought. Her body moved purely on instinct.

  “Fuck, Dee. I’m going to come,” Henry warned.

  “Hang on, cowgirl.” Sam slid up between Henry’s legs. “I’m not there yet. Lay down on him, sweetheart.”

  She heard him spit a couple times and then felt something warm and damp against her puckered hole. She squeaked when he pressed a finger inside, teasing her. When he replaced his finger with his cock, another orgasm rocked through her. The rush left her seeing stars.

  “Oh, bella,” Henry groaned as he bucked. He ran a hand through his hair and then sat up to catch one of Delilah’s nipples in his mouth. He suckled hard before letting it pop free. He reached up past her to touch Sam’s face. “Sam, please go. I need to feel you move. I’m so close.”

  Samuel growled as he slammed his hips into Delilah’s ass. She watched them out of the corner of her eye as she tried to match their pace. Sam ran his tongue across the pad of Henry’s thumb and then sucked the digit into his mouth. His thrusts grew nearly violent as he gripped Delilah’s hips. Henry roared as he gripped her ass, throbbing hard inside her. The sight of his head thrown back in pleasure sent another peak through her. It was so incredibly sexy. She dropped her lips to his chest to nip at the dark nubs. He knotted his fingers in her hair as he groaned.

  Another hand joined his, clenching her hair to pull her head back. She whimpered in need when Sam slowed his tempo as his whole body stiffened. She gripped tight to his arm to hold him close to her as his rush filled her. He peppered her shoulders and back with kisses as he released.


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