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Madi Page 3

by Pepper North

  “I am very strong, Madeline. You are not going to hurt me. I would love to hold you in my arms. Will you let me?” Nora asked softly but with steel in her voice. It was important that Madeline learn now that her Mommy was as able to take care of the Little girl as her strong Daddy. When Madeline relaxed back to lay her head on Nora’s shoulder, both women smiled. “Thank you for trusting me, Madeline. I’ve been waiting for you for a very long time. It’s a dream come true that you are here. I think I hear your Daddy’s footsteps coming down the hall,” Nora said naturally amazed that she had already made the leap of faith in considering Madeline as their Little girl.

  Ryan paused in the doorway. He was entranced by the sight of his beautiful wife’s blond tresses forming the perfect frame for Madeline as the Little girl and her stuffed animal laid against Nora’s shoulder. His eyes met his wife’s, and they exchanged a glance filled with hope and happiness. She was here. Their Little girl was here.

  Ryan walked to take a seat next to Nora on the couch. He wrapped his arm around both women and suggested lightly, “How about watching a Friday Night movie?” When they both agreed, Ryan selected an animated movie, and they all settled in to watch. Little girl giggles filled the air as the characters encountered all sorts of challenges.

  Madeline loved being cuddled between the two, and she struggled to make herself remember every second of their time together. Soon, however, the stress of the near accident and the decision to list herself on PLAYTIME began to take their toll. She started yawning widely as her eyes blinked heavy with sleep.

  Nora whispered softly to Madeline, “Little girl, you’ve fallen asleep. The movie is over. Would you let me show you the room your Daddy and I designed for you? I would love knowing that you are tucked safely in your nursery.” Madeline nodded sleepily. She felt Ryan lift her from her warm spot in Nora’s arms and she fussed drowsily.

  “I know, Madi girl. You already love being in your Mommy’s arms,” Ryan kissed the top of the sleepy Little’s head as he carried her down the hall to the master bedroom. He walked through the large room and paused for Nora to open the door into the adjoining nursery. He set Madeline on the changing table and began to take off her tee shirt and jeans gently as Nora found a nightgown in the drawer. They had selected medium-sized clothing just guessing at the size of their future Little. It would be huge on Madeline, but it would work for tonight. Nora helped Ryan remove her bra before sweeping the nightgown over her head. They smiled at each other after having the first glimpse of their Little girl’s sweet body with the small, high breasts and the small, rounded tummy. They left her blue panties on for the night. They would get smaller diapers in the morning.

  Ryan lifted Madeline and laid her relaxed body in the waiting crib. Nora tucked Snuffles into the enclosed bed with the precious Little. She eased a pacifier into Madeline’s mouth and smiled to see her begin to suck on it gently as she rolled onto her side. Ryan lifted the railing to protect her from falling out, and the new parents stood quietly at the railing looking in at their adorable Little. Finally, Nora laid a soft hand on Ryan’s shoulder, and they moved away from the crib. Ryan turned on the baby monitor and picked up the receiver while Nora turned on several soft lights to illuminate the nursery. They tiptoed out of the room and closed the door slightly.

  Chapter 8

  Madeline ran a warm hand over her eyes. She had slept so well. Her mind flashed back to Nora and Ryan, and her eyes popped open. She looked to her right and saw the railing enclosing the bed. “I’m in a crib,” she said to herself. She reached out a hand to test the railing, and it rattled solidly. Madeline sat up on her knees. She looked around the beautiful nursery that was now softly lighted by the morning sun. The walls were a light blue and decorated with sparkles and delicately painted fairies. She could almost imagine the fairy dust coming from the ends of their glowing wands. Beside her crib, there were several different pieces of furniture. Her eyes focused on an oversized rocking chair. Madeline wrapped her arms tightly around herself. Her Mommy and Daddy were going to rock her there. A shiver of delighted anticipation ran down her spine.

  The Little girl stretched a tentative hand on the railing and tried to press it down. She had been holding her breath to see if it was all real. It was. She wasn’t in control. She remembered going to sleep last night while watching the movie tucked warmly between Nora and Ryan. Madeline shook her head. “No, that’s Mommy and Daddy now.” She was not going to second-guess herself. She wrinkled her nose as she tried to concentrate. She remembered being tucked in their arms and then, nothing. What had she missed? She looked down at her body to see the large nightgown that hung off her small frame. Mommy and Daddy had undressed her and tucked her in the soft crib, but she didn’t remember any of it. She looked around the crib, a little panicky because she’d lost time that she couldn’t remember. Her pulse settled when she saw Snuffles.

  Madeline pulled the well-loved teddy bear to her chest and whispered in his ear, “Snuffles, I’m so glad you’re here. I can’t believe PLAYTIME found Nora and Ryan for me. What do you think we should do? I’ve wanted to be a baby for so long. Now, I don’t know what to do?”

  Ryan hesitated outside the door. He’d started to the nursery immediately when he’d heard the railing rattle. His heart melted a little more when he heard Madeline’s confession. He had waited to be a Daddy for so long, too. “We’ll just have to learn together. Starting now,” he decided as he opened the door.

  “Good morning, sweetheart! Did you sleep well in your crib?” Ryan asked with a smile as he walked to the crib. He lowered the railing to reach inside and lift her out sweeping her high in the air before settling her against his warm chest. Ryan leaned in to press a soft, brief kiss against her lips. “Thank you, Madi. I’ve needed some sugar from my Little girl. We’ve been waiting so long to find you.” He paused and looked deep into her eyes. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  Madeline smiled and pursed her lips childishly. Her Daddy smiled broadly and kissed her again. “Are you going to call me, Madi?” she asked. “Everyone always calls me, Madeline.”

  A soft voice came from the doorway, “We’re not everyone, Madi. We’re your Mommy and Daddy. Only when you’re a Little girl, do you get to be called, Madi? Okay?”

  “Okay, Mommy,” Madi said without hesitation. She stretched her arms out toward Nora. Her Mommy instantly walked to give her a hug. When Madi puckered her lips, Nora smiled and leaned in to kiss her Little girl. Madi had been expecting a light peck like she had exchanged with her new Daddy, but Nora took control of the kiss. Madi moaned at the firm press of her Mommy’s firm lips. While her lips were parted, Nora’s tongue swept into Madi’s mouth making her moan louder. When her Mommy leaned back licking her lips as if to savor the last taste of her Little girl. Madi’s eyes flew to her new Daddy to gauge his reaction.

  Ryan settled Madi on to his hip. His eyes were delighted to see the light blush on her cheeks. He felt her thigh move restlessly against his waist and he let her slide down a little lower so that her bottom touched his rock-solid erection. Madi’s cheeks blazed red.

  “Daddy?” Madi asked looking down to try to give herself a moment to recover.

  “Yes, Madi. I love seeing you with your Mommy. We are both glad you are here,” Ryan said softly. He wrapped his arms around both Nora and Madi and pulled them in for a long, hug.

  They stood there wrapped around each other until Madi began to squirm. Nora asked softly, “What’s wrong, honey?”

  Madi hesitated and then confessed, “I have to go to the restroom.”

  Ryan said firmly, “Little girls use their diapers to potty. Our Little girl is smaller than we expected so we didn’t have any diapers to wrap around you last night. You’ll have to use the potty here in the nursery. It’s normally only used when your bottom needs to be cleaned out.” Ryan set her on her feet and walked over and pressed several buttons on a large wooden chair that was designed like a fairy princess’ throne. He pulled the center of the sea
t out turning it into a potty chair.

  Nora led Madi over to the potty and pulled her oversized nightgown over her head revealing her small, nude body and the blue panties. Madi tried to hold on to the edge of the nightgown, but Ryan firmly peeled her fingers back. “Be good, Little girl,” he warned as he helped her sit down on the potty chair.

  Madi wrapped her arms around her torso to try to hide her small breasts. Her muscles locked into place preventing her from urinating into the potty while they were watching. Madi dropped her head down so that her chin laid on her chest. She didn’t think she could do this while they were watching. She glanced up as she felt Nora kneel beside her.

  “Madi, you need to relax and go potty. Mommies and Daddies always are in the room when their Little girls or boys are on the potty. I know it’s tough at first. Can I help you?” Nora asked softly as she brushed Madi’s shoulder-length brown hair back from her forehead. When the Little girl nodded hesitantly, Nora began to press on her lower abdomen compressing Madi’s bladder. That’s all it took. The sound of splashing urine into the potty’s receptacle sounded loud in the quiet room. “Good girl,” Nora praised.

  When Madi was done, Ryan stood his Little girl up and leaned her over to wipe her bottom clean of urine. He lifted her in his arms and kissed her lightly as he carried her to the high, flat table. Stretching her out on the changing table. Ryan placed his lips on her tummy and blew making a rumbling sound on her belly.

  Madi giggled and grabbed her tummy as she rolled around. “Daddy, that tickles,” she laughed.

  The sound of his Little girl calling him Daddy felt amazing. He looked over a Nora with his heart in his eyes. She nodded silently. This was what they had always wanted.

  Chapter 9

  Nora gently rolled Madi over on her side to face away from them. “Madi, Mommy’s going to take your temperature to make sure you are feeling well.” She opened the drawer below the table and opened the lubricant jar and scooped a glob before lifting Madi’s top buttock.

  Madi tried to roll back over as she realized what her Mommy was going to do. “You can take my temperature in my mouth. I feel fine. You don’t need to check.”

  Ryan rolled her shoulders back into place. “Little girls have their temperature frequently checked, Madi. You’re too Little to hold the thermometer in your mouth. Relax your bottom,” he instructed firmly.

  Madi felt her Mommy’s finger begin to apply the cool lubricant around her anus. She shivered in reaction. “No! Not in my bottom!” she protested trying to rock her hips to avoid her touch. Her Daddy pressed a solid hand on her hip anchoring her in place. Madi felt her Mommy’s long finger press deep into her rectum spreading the lubricant around her sensitive tissues. Madi moaned in reaction. “This shouldn’t feel good,” she thought as the invading finger slid in and out of her bottom. Finally, her Mommy removed her finger to slide an oversized thermometer deep into her rectum.

  Ryan’s large hand began to rub the small of her back. He smiled as he watched Nora move and adjust the thermometer in Madi’s bottom. Their Little girl was making soft protesting sounds as she shifted on the changing table. She wanted them to think that she didn’t want the invader in her bottom but Ryan had a feeling that she was not as unhappy as she was pretending to be. When Nora finally pulled the thermometer out and rotated it to check the temperature, Madi relaxed onto the padded table surface.

  “No fever, Madi,” Nora pronounced patting her affectionately on her bare bottom.

  Ryan turned her over to lay on her back once again. He separated her legs slightly and ruffled her curly, brown pubic hair. “You missed your bath last night, Madi. We’ll give you a bath to make sure you are clean before we take you to get some clothes and diapers that fit. Before we put you in the tub, I’m going to give you a little haircut. Little girls don’t need these curls to hide from their Mommies and Daddies.” He looked up to see Nora holding an electric shaver for him to use. “Madi, I need you to keep your legs spread just like this.” He widened her thin thighs away from each other to expose the space between her legs fully. “Can you stay still, sweetheart?”

  Madi nodded her head slowly. She hadn’t thought about having her hair shorn from her pubic area. As she watched her Daddy bring the trimmer to her body as he began to clip away her visible sign of being an adult, Madi’s eyes closed as she felt overwhelmed by all the changes. She felt something brush against her lips, and she opened by reflex to allow her Mommy to put the pacifier into her mouth to comfort her. It made her feel better. She concentrated on sucking on the pacifier as her Daddy finished quickly.

  As Ryan smoothed the hair away from his now bare, Little girl, he dipped his fingers lower between her legs to make sure that the shorn hair hadn’t fallen in that sensitive area. He saw that her outer lips were glistening wetly and discovered that the fingers he brushed through were coated with Madi’s slippery arousal. He held his fingers toward Nora to show her. She nodded with a half-smile. She, too, had noticed that while their Little girl might show signs of being uncomfortable, Madi’s body was responding fully.

  Nora stepped over to the elevated tub and turned the water on warm to begin filling the tub. She turned and watched as Ryan lifted Madi’s legs and bent them back toward her chest raising her cute bottom off the padded table and spreading her bottom naturally so that he could trim the few hairs that had spread along the crease of her buttocks. Nora chuckled to herself. She could see Madi’s face flame red from across the room. Her Little girl was a little shy – especially when it came to someone looking at her bottom. “She’d get used to that,” Nora told herself. “That cute little bottom will get plenty of attention here in the nursery.”

  She stepped out of the way as Ryan carried their Little girl over to the tub. He gently placed her inside and turned the water off. Nora splashed a few tub toys into the water for Madi to play with during her bath. The Little girl pounced on the toys and began dunking them under the water to see which one would pop up the fastest. A small burst of water would splash up from this game and Madi began to edge the toys over to where her Daddy stood by the side of the tub. Suddenly, there was a large splash that burst from the surface of the water.

  Ryan stepped back quickly to avoid getting wet. Laughing, he told the grinning Little girl, “Not today, you Little rascal.” He picked up the soap and lathered a washcloth before handing it over to Nora to do the same. He started washing Madi’s neck, back, and shoulders while Nora tried to wash the face of a Little girl who was having too much fun playing with her toys to close her eyes. He stepped around Nora to stand on her other side and began to spread thick soap suds around her tummy and up her torso to her delicate, little breasts. Madi’s nipples clenched tightly, and she froze in place.

  Nora finished washing and rinsing her face while she was still. She chuckled, “Madi, now I know how to get you to sit still to have your face washed. I just need your Daddy to wash your pretty breasts.”

  Madi looked up with concern etched on her face. “They’re not very big. Maybe Daddy only likes big breasts like Mommy has.”

  “Daddy loves Mommy’s breasts. Hers are very beautiful. Daddy loves his Little girl’s body as well. See how sensitive you are to Daddy’s touch?” Ryan drew her attention to the sight of his large, masculine hand cupping her slight breasts. “You’re just the perfect handful for Daddy and for Mommy.” He moved slightly so Nora could cup one of Madi’s rose-tipped breasts. As Nora briefly plucked at her nipple, Ryan moved his hand to take over caressing the Little girl’s sensitive peaks as Nora’s hand slid down to wash Madi’s tummy and then down between her legs.

  “You’re so wet, Madi. I think you like bath time,” Nora observed, as she brushed the washcloth against Madi’s delicate pink tissues. Her Little girl widened her thighs to allow her Mommy’s caresses to reach her sensitive areas. Nora watched Madi start to lean back, and Ryan was there immediately to support her as she laid back in the tub. “Mommy’s going to check to see that Daddy removed all that gr
own-up hair,” she whispered as she released the washcloth to float away. Nora moved her fingertips softly across the newly shaven area before sliding downward to press lightly against Madi’s sensitive clitoris. She moved her fingers to press into Madi’s vagina. It was drenched with the slick fluid betraying Madi’s arousal. Nora carefully inserted one long finger in small, in and out motions until it was deep inside. Nora loved the bewildered look on her Little girl’s face. Madi was struggling to make sense of all the sensations. Nora continued her loving caresses while moving her other hand to press against the tightly closed opening almost exposed by Madi’s spread thighs.

  Ryan caught Madi’s knees as she snapped them back toward each other. “No, no, Little girl. You need to be clean. Your Mommy is washing a very important place. We’ll need to keep this area very clean.” He held her legs apart with gentle but strong hands that pressed them to the side of the tub. He watched as Madi’s fascinated eyes focused on the area between her thighs as Nora began to press a soapy finger into her anus.

  “You’re so tight, Madi. Have you ever had anything inserted in your bottom?” Nora asked quietly as her inward motion continued slowly.

  “Nooooooo!” wailed Madi as the soap stung her inner tissues. “Can you take it out now?” she begged, closing her eyes in embarrassment.

  “Just a bit more, Madi,” Nora said calmly continuing to slide her finger in slowly. She nodded to Ryan asking him silently to take over caressing her vaginal area. He took over smoothly and began to tap his thumb against her clitoris as he slid a large finger into her tight vagina.

  Just as their fingers reached the deepest location possible, Madi cried out in pleasure as her body began to shudder from her orgasm. Nora and Ryan held their fingers deep inside Madi as her body slowly calmed from her intense orgasm. They enjoyed the feel of Madi squeezing their fingers as she lay back in the warm water. As her tremors eased, Nora and Ryan slid their fingers from their Little girl’s body.


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