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Madi Page 5

by Pepper North

  “Daddy, I have to go to the bathroom,” Madi said urgently.

  “I know, honey. You’re wearing your diaper. You can go potty anytime you wish,” he said calmly.

  “You… You want me to use my diaper? Really? Like pee in it?” she asked incredulously.

  “Yes, Madi. You’re our Little girl. You’ll use your diaper to potty always,” he answered with a slight smile. He had thought that she hadn’t processed through why she needed diapers that fit.

  “I can’t do that,” she looked at him aghast.

  “You’re a Little girl. Little girls follow their parents’ directions, or they have consequences,” Ryan explained easily. “Let Daddy help.” Ryan turned Madi over to lay on her tummy across his muscular thighs. As her weight settled on her abdomen, Ryan heard Madi groan. When she began to try to stand up, Ryan pressed a firm hand between her shoulder blades restraining her in place. He then started to push on her lower back compressing her full bladder.

  “Nooooooo!” Madi wailed as they both heard the hiss of urine escaping from her body.

  Ryan held her securely in position for a little while before turning her over to cuddle on his lap. “Daddy’s proud of his brave Little girl.”

  “You think I’ve brave?” Madi asked with tears in her eyes.

  “I know you’re brave. It takes a lot of courage to allow someone to take care of you completely. You’ve dreamed of this day, and now, you’re letting your dreams come true. It’s hard to let someone else be in control.” Ryan leaned forward and pressed his lips to Madi’s. “You taste so good, Little girl. Just like sweet milk, naps, and Little girl lips.” He leaned in and kissed her more deeply sweeping his tongue in to taste her mouth. When he heard her moan, Ryan began to kiss down the tender side of her neck as one of his hands swept up to cup a small breast. Ryan rubbed his finger lightly across the nipple feeling it contract to a small point before caressing the other breast.

  Madi began to squirm for an entirely different reason. She completely forgot about her wet diaper. Her attention was on her Daddy’s mouth and hands as they explored her body. “Mmmmmm,” she hummed as he listened to her quick inhales of breath cluing him in on her arousal points on her body. Madi spread her legs wide as her Daddy moved his hand down to rub her tummy and down across the front of her diaper.

  “Daddy already loves his Little girl. Let me take care of you, Madi.” Ryan stood and carried her to the changing table. He removed her wet diaper and thoroughly wiped the urine from her skin. Ryan dipped a finger into the moisture gathering at her vagina. He raised his finger to his lips as she looked on with fascination. Licking it clean, Ryan murmured, “So sweet Little girl. Daddy needs a taste.” Ryan rotated Madi so that her legs dangled off the high table and he lowered himself to his knees. Ryan looked directly as Madi’s eyes as he dipped his head to run a firm tongue across her labia. “So sweet!” Ryan began to run his tongue around the entrance to her vagina and circle her clitoris. He held her thighs widely apart so that he could enjoy the sight of her spread in front of him.

  Ryan heard Madi’s breath begin to quicken. He pressed his tongue into her tight vagina and felt her squeeze him with her muscles. He saw a flash of light and realized that Nora had joined them in the nursery and was taking pictures that they would be able to enjoy later. He gestured with her to come over to them.

  Nora was so aroused. She was enjoying just watching the Little girl respond to her Daddy’s touch. When Ryan motioned her over, Nora immediately lowered her mouth to lick and then gently suck one erect nipple into her warm mouth.

  Madi’s eyes immediately flashed open and locked with hers. “Mommy!” she moaned as she felt Nora’s hand begin to tap erratically on her clitoris. “Please, please, please,” she began to beg. “Daddy, please.” Madi twisted restlessly on the padded table.

  “Come for Mommy and Daddy,” Nora encouraged as she turned her attention to the other dainty breast exposed in front of her. She could feel Madi’s tender breasts clench even tighter.

  Madi screamed as the overload of caresses forced her over into a massive orgasm. She closed her eyes tightly as everything started to go black around the edges. When she next opened her eyes, she was held tightly in her Mommy’s and Daddy’s arms. The smiles on their faces reassured her that everything was okay. She panted in reaction to the strong aftershocks, which shook her body as she recovered from her climax. She felt more loved and cared for than she could remember.

  Chapter 14

  Later, Madi sat in her high chair as her Mommy spooned warm soup into her mouth. She was so hungry after all the events of the morning at Gordon’s and following her nap. Madi hummed appreciatively as she swallowed each bite. She had tried to take the spoon and feed herself, but her Mommy and Daddy had stressed that she needed to allow them to do their job. She was just finishing a second cup of soup when the doorbell rang. Madi refused the next bite as she craned around to try to hear what her Daddy was saying at the door.

  Nora wiped her Little’s face carefully with her bib before pulling it over her head and unfastening the tray to allow Madi to hop down. They could hear the voices getting louder, and Madi wedged herself so that her whole body was pressed against Nora. Her Mommy straightened out the new outfit that Madi had been dressed in after her nap and patted her diapered bottom. “I think you have a friend that has come over to visit,” she said with a smile.

  A large, Hispanic male with a large black mustache walked into the kitchen holding the hand of a chubby black woman. She was wearing a pink jumper and fuzzy boots and carrying a stuffed giraffe. He smiled at Madi as she tried to hide. “Hi, cutie! I bet your name is Madeline. Do you know who I am?” he smiled at her.

  At the sound of his deep, gruff voice, Madi knew this was Victor Adams, the police detective who had provided a character reference for the Redmonds. She smiled at him replying, “You’re Detective Adams. You have a Little girl named Emily. Is this Emily?” she said shyly.

  “You’re right, Madi. This is my Little girl, Emily.” He turned to Emily and prompted, “Say hi, Emily.”

  Emily looked carefully at Madi. She walked slowly forward and leaned forward to look into her eyes carefully. Almost immediately, she began to smile, and she threw her arms around a totally surprised Madi. “You’re nice. I can tell. Would you like to be my friend?” she asked leaning back to look into Madi’s eyes again.

  Madi nodded quickly. “I’d like that.”

  The adults shooed both girls to the family room, and they sat down to talk as they watched the Littles. Madi ran down the hall quickly to get Snuffles to introduce him to Emily. Returning to the family room, the two girls sat down and introduced their animals to each other. Snuffles seemed to really like Spot, the giraffe. Together, they set off for an exciting adventure around the zoo previously known as the family room. The Little girls crawled around on the floor making animal noises under Ryan’s chair. That’s where the monkeys lived. They slithered under the coffee table flicking their tongues out at each other pretending to be iguanas. The adults kept a careful eye on their antics as they chatted.

  Finally, Detective Adams stood and motioned Emily to come to him. “I’m sorry to cut our visit short, but I’m sure you all need time alone to bond,” he said waving off everyone’s denials. “Besides, Saturday night is Emily’s regular enema night. She always feels and behaves better when her tummy is cleared out.” He chuckled at the sight of both girls blushing and looking down at their toys. “Come on, Emily. Let’s go see to your bottom. She’s been spanked twice today. I think it will take some extra cleanser tonight.” He winked at Ryan and Nora as they nodded in agreement. “Thank you for letting us come to play. We’ll have to get together again.”

  Emily hugged Madi tightly. “I’m sorry we have to go. I’m glad you’re my friend.”

  “I’m glad you’re my friend, too. I’m sorry about your enema,” Madi said turning red.

  “I don’t mind them too much. My Daddy is good at distracting me,” she
laughed at Madi’s incredulous expression. “Just wait. You’ll see.” Emily laughed before walking to her Daddy and slipping her hand into his large grasp. Emily waved as they walked to the door. “Bye, Madi. See you soon.”

  When Ryan returned from showing Emily and Victor Adams to the door, Madi was sitting on the floor holding on to Snuffles. He was concerned to see her rocking back and forth with an ashen face. Nora had answered the phone and was talking quietly on the far side of the room. She inclined her head toward Madi looking concerned as she tried to speak.

  Ryan sat down crossing his legs on the floor and lifted Madi’s small body on to his lap. He wrapped his arms around her and just held his Little girl. They swayed back and forth together. Ryan just let Madi think. She’d tell him what was bothering her when she was ready.

  Finally, Madi opened her mouth looking up at Ryan’s face. “Daddy?”

  “Yes, Madi,” Ryan answered calmly.

  “Emily was going home, and her Daddy was going to give her an enema. I don’t know what an enema is exactly, but I know that Charlotte mentioned it, too. Detective Adams said something about cleaning out her bottom. Are you going to give me an enema? I don’t think I’ll like it,” she said. Her voice cracked with emotion.

  “Little girls often need an enema. It’s simply a way to clean out a Little girl’s bottom, so her tummy is happy. It keeps your tummy from getting clogged with poop,” Ryan explained. “Sometimes Littles don’t enjoy enemas when they are happening, but it’s a type of medicine. They feel better later, and they are happier after having had one. Have you ever had a bad cough and had to take cough syrup that tasted bad?”

  Madi nodded her head slowly. “I don’t like cough syrup. It’s too sweet, and it tastes like candied whiskey.”

  “But if you have a really bad cough, what does the cough syrup do?” Ryan persisted.

  “It makes your cough go away for a while,” Madi answered wondering what her Daddy was trying to tell her.

  “Enemas are like the cough syrup that you don’t like to swallow. You take it, and you get better. A Mommy or Daddy gives their Little boy or girl an enema, and they feel better. The tricky thing with enemas is that often the Little boy or girl doesn’t realize that they don’t feel good until after they’ve had an enema. And it’s easy to forget that they felt better after their enema. Mommies and Daddies always know when their Little boy or girl needs an enema and even if the Little boy or girl doesn’t want an enema. Who gets to make the decisions, Madi?”

  Madi sighed and leaned back against her Daddy’s chest. “The Mommy and Daddy get to make the decisions.”

  “That’s right, Madi,” Her Daddy leaned forward to kiss her. “You are a very smart Little girl. Now, tell me what did you think about Emily?” He glanced at Nora as the doorbell rang. She was just hanging up the phone and pointed at herself letting him know she would answer the door. As Madi was talking about how funny Emily was, he saw Nora walk back in with a large white bottle with a prescription label on it. She carried it to the nursery to put it away. Dr. Richards had sent over the cleanser for Madi’s bottom. Ryan distracted her from wondering who had been at the door by beginning to tickle her softly. “So, you think Emily is funny? Do you think she’s funnier than your Daddy?” The two rolled around on the floor as Madi giggled.

  Chapter 15

  The trio spent the last of the afternoon playing a board game. They each almost won but in the end, Madi was able to reach the final space. She stood up and danced around the room. She was having so much fun. She had the best Mommy and Daddy in the world.

  As the shadows began to gather outside the large windows, Ryan worked on preparing a light dinner. As he whipped up his special omelets, Ryan watched Nora and Madi work together to set the table and add drinks. When they were all seated, Ryan looked at his beautiful wife and his adorable Little girl and said silent thanks to Noah Sandoval for inventing PLAYTIME and bringing them together.

  Nora shared her large omelet with Madi. She fed her bite after bite of the savory dish until Madi shook her head and waved off the fork. “No more, Mommy. My tummy is going to explode,” the Little girl said groaning. Madi had decided to try not to drink anything, so she didn’t have to wet her diaper. She didn’t think that they had noticed, so she picked up her sippy cup and pretended to drink.

  “Let me fill up your cup with more milk, sweetie,” Ryan offered standing up and reaching for her cup.

  Madi pulled it back against her chest and said quickly, “I’ve got plenty. Thanks!”

  Ryan was instantly suspicious. “When I brought your cup in from our game, it was still full. I’m worried that you’re not getting enough liquids. Let me have your cup, Madi.” His voice was stern, and instantly Madi was on guard.

  “I’m working on it,” she said lifting it to her lips and pretending to take a big drink while plugging the cups spout with her tongue.

  “Madi, hand me your cup immediately,” Ryan insisted.

  Madi thought very quickly. She started to hand it to her Daddy and then bobbled it in the air allowing it to tumble to the ground. The lid popped open on impact and milk spilled everywhere. Nora stood up and grabbed the paper towels to hand them to Ryan who began to mop up the spreading liquid. Both parents looked at each other. They were not fooled.

  Once the mess had been cleaned, Ryan filled a new cup to the brim with milk and placed it on Madi’s tray. “Drink all of your milk, Madi,” he instructed. He sat back at the table and finished his omelet talking lightly with his wife and Little girl. When everyone had finished the meal, Ryan picked up Madi’s cup to discover as he had thought. It was full. “Madi, why aren’t you drinking your milk?”

  “Oh, I’m just too full to put anything else in my tummy,” she replied smiling as she rubbed her belly and moaned to distract him.

  “I don’t believe you, Madi. You need to drink your milk before we leave the table,” Ryan said with concern. The new parents watched as Madi pretended to take another drink.

  She made an awful face. “I think it’s bad or that I’m allergic to milk,” Madi tried to think quickly.

  Nora picked up the sippy cup and took a drink. “The milk is fine, Madi. You’ve had milk before. What makes you think you’re allergic?”

  “Oh, I itch a lot!” Madi lied as she began to scratch her arms and throat.

  “Well, it’s a good time to find that out,” Ryan began winking secretly to Nora. “I made an appointment with Dr. Richards for you on Monday after work. Tomorrow, we’ll have to take some extra steps to make sure you’re ready to see the doctor. I’ve seen those needles to test for allergies. They’re big. I’m so sorry that Dr. Richards will have to give you so many shots at your appointment.” Ryan shook his head sadly.

  “How many shots will he have to give me?” Madi answered with a voice quivering from nerves. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea. How could she get out of this?

  Nora answered, “Oh, the doctor will give you a shot in both arms and hips before you have the series of injections in your tummy.”

  Madi laid her head on her tray. She hated shots. She hated shots more than using her diaper. She closed her eyes trying to decide what she should do. She was going to be in so much trouble if she admitted that she had lied.

  “Ryan, I think Madi must be sick. Let’s take her to the nursery to take her temperature,” Nora suggested quickly as she helped Madi sit up. She removed the tray quickly and stepped back so Ryan could pick the Little girl up. Nora followed them down the hall. When Ryan sat her on the changing table, Nora helped him quickly strip all Madi’s clothes off her small frame.

  Madi wrapped her arms around her chest and shivered. Her Daddy swung her feet up and laid her on her side facing the wall. He spread her buttocks widely, and Nora began to press her lubricated finger into Madi’s rectum. Madi felt the finger invade her bottom despite her efforts to tighten the puckered opening. Then, she felt the cold thermometer slide into her bottom.

  Nora rotated the thermometer
in Madi’s bottom as they waited ten minutes for her temperature to be accurate. She rubbed a soft hand over Madi’s small buttocks. “Oh, Little girl. I’m so sorry that you’re going to have such a big shot in your bottom. You’ll be a big girl and only cry a little, right?”

  Madi started crying. “I’m sorry, Mommy, Daddy. I’m not allergic to milk. I just didn’t want to drink anything, so I wouldn’t have to use my diaper. It’s embarrassing.”

  “We know, Madi. Two more minutes on your temperature, Madi, and then we’ll deal with your lie to your Mommy and Daddy,” Ryan said calmly. He watched the big tears puddle on the padded surface.

  Nora left and returned with a piece of soap cut from a bar. It was two inches long and about a half inch wide. She laid it on the changing table near Madi’s eyes.

  “What’s that?” Madi asked with apprehension.

  “That’s the punishment for telling a lie, Madi, in our house,” Nora said quietly.

  “Are you going to wash my mouth out with soap?” Madi asked rubbing her eyes.

  “No, Madi,” Ryan said calmly as he withdrew the large thermometer. “No temperature, Nora.” He lifted Madi from the table and stood her on her feet. He led her over to the big rocking chair. Ryan and Nora sat down with Madi standing nude in front of them. “Drop your hands, Madi. You don’t hide from Mommy and Daddy.” He waited until she moved her arms away from her chest revealing her small breasts. Ryan looked at Madi for a long time. She was a beautiful Little girl as she stood naked in front of them. His eyes roamed from her shiny brown hair, and tear-filled eyes passed her small, high breasts with their puckered, pink nipples, down her bare nether area to her tiny bare feet. He saw her shiver in reaction.

  “Madi, you’re a Little girl, and Little girls sometimes make mistakes. Unfortunately, those mistakes have consequences. Lying to your Mommy and Daddy is a very serious mistake. Usually, you would receive a spanking and have to stand in the naughty corner. Your Mommy and I want you to remember that you should never lie,” Ryan began looking very seriously at Madi.


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