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Madi Page 9

by Pepper North

  She pressed the pacifier out with her tongue to cry, “Noooo!”

  Nora calmly picked the pacifier up from the table and dipped it into the jar. “Madi, the doctor needs to look at your bottom. Be a good girl for Mommy.” She pressed the pacifier against Madi’s lips looking sternly at her. Madi opened her mouth to complain, but Nora quickly replaced the pacifier. Madi closed her eyes in embarrassment as the doctor began to press a large finger into her bottom. She could feel him rotating his finger to examine the sides of her rectum before he pulled one finger out and pressed two inside. “Aaaaahhhh!” Madi mumbled behind the pacifier. She melted back onto the table when the doctor finally withdrew his fingers.

  “Almost done, Madi,” the doctor soothed her. He inserted the smaller anal speculum in her bottom and looked at the sides of her rectum. Again, he swabbed the interior surfaces with the warming mixture before removing the speculum. Before standing, he used a swab to apply the warming mixture to her clitoris. He stood looking between her legs as he rubbed her tummy. “Madi has done a great job today. I’ve given her a little reward. We’ll just let her lay here for a few minutes while I withdraw your blood for the tests. She should react very quickly.”

  Ryan and Nora kept their eyes on Madi as the doctor withdrew their blood. She began to lift her hips as she panted. Within a few minutes, her body contracted, and she orgasmed strongly. There was no doubt that their Little girl had liked her reward. She lay relaxed on the padded table with a small smile peeking from behind her pacifier. The doctor wiped the extra mixture from her clitoris and washed the area with a warm cloth. He withdrew blood from Madi’s arm and moved between her legs for the final testing specimen. Moving quickly, he slid a catheter into her urethra and allowed her urine to fill a cup. Before she could protest, he had removed the tube and smoothed a soothing gel at the entrance to her urethra.

  “I would suggest that you make an appointment for Madi to have her intestines examined with a scope. I can’t do that today because a more extensive prep must occur before the scope can slide deeply into the colon. Look at your schedule and give me a call back. I’d like to see her in about thirty days. I can monitor how the vitamins are working at that appointment as well. Okay?” he waited to see Nora and Ryan’s nods of agreement. “Perfect. Now, I want you to start Madi on a vitamin suppository each evening. I’ll start her out on a generic vitamin designed for young ladies.” He held a large, bullet-shaped suppository out of Madi’s line of vision. “Use lots of lubricant and press it in as far as possible. If you feel her try to push it out, just hold your finger in place for several minutes until it starts to melt and rub it around her inner walls.” Dr. Richards pushed the large suppository into Madi’s bottom. She tried to twist and move, but he quickly was able to move it into position. “Also, Madi’s tummy needs some help processing and eliminating her waste. Insert two suppositories after you take her temperature in the morning and then two again when she returns home from work and you are changing her clothes. She’ll have a little discharge from her rectum as the suppositories melt so again a wearing a diaper at all times is recommended.” He moved quickly to draw a shot, and he injected this into Madi’s bottom before she could tense her muscles.

  “That will take care of the threat of pregnancy in a week. Until we get the test results back and the birth control becomes effective, use protection. She’ll need a regular enema using the cleanser at least once a week. Follow with two rinses. Don’t hesitate to administer additional enemas if Madi becomes sluggish or her behavior deteriorates. These usually signal that her tummy needs to be cleaned. Any questions for me?”

  Dr. Richards laughed at their overwhelmed expressions. “There is a lot to remember. Please call me any time if you have a question. You will find that our age play community is very close-knit. The other Mommies and Daddies will be very supportive. I’m going to send home some supplies, an instructional brochure, and a list of this month’s activities. Please come join us. Zoey will want to see you again, Madi. She didn’t have nearly enough time to ask you questions tonight.” Ryan and Nora were relieved to see that the doctor had gathered a couple of bags of suppositories to send home with them. They removed Madi’s restraining straps and helped her sit up. Ryan began to dress her gently as the Little girl leaned against his broad chest. He lifted her into his arms, and she dropped her head to lay on his shoulder. She was ready for home and her crib.

  They walked out of the examination room to find a brightly colored bow wrapping the book that Madi and Zoey had loved hearing Ryan read. A small note written in crayon addressed the book to Madi from her new friend, Zoey. Nora and Ryan looked at Dr. Richards with amazement as Madi pulled the book into her arms holding it against her chest. She pulled the pacifier from her mouth to mumble politely, “Thank you, Dr. Richards and Zoey.” Her parents echoed her thanks. They thanked Dr. Richards for seeing their Little girl and bundled her out and into their car.

  Madi was asleep before they drove through the large iron gate. She sat slumped in her safety seat with the wonderful book still held firmly to her chest.

  Chapter 22

  By the end of the week, Madi and her parents had settled into a routine. Nora and Ryan followed Dr. Richards instructions exactly to the dismay of their Little girl who struggled to adjust to the suppositories. Madi did enjoy her parents’ attention and affection. They spent all their free time together. Madi had never been so happy. She loved being at home. She started dreading going to work to see what new forms she’d have piled on her desk.

  Nora discussed her idea with Ryan on the way to work on Friday. He was immediately excited and threw kisses at his lovely wife as she drove them to the office. They walked through the building looking at spaces and found a small unused space between both of their offices. “This would be perfect. Don’t you think, Ryan?” Nora asked with a smile.

  “I think you’re a genius to think of this, Nora. When can we tell her?” Ryan asked eagerly.

  “Can you call and get a desk with a computer and phone placed in here today?” Nora asked. “I think we should tell her tonight.”

  “Consider it done!” Ryan moved immediately to start calling to set up the room.

  Nora ran out at lunch and picked up a few decorations for the walls. They both stopped to see the progress before they left for the day. The room was just waiting for someone special to begin working there. It was ready.

  They turned to walk out the door and their phones buzzed with a message. Oliver had texted them to say that Madi had called two hours earlier and left a message on the answering machine at their home. He’d just listened to it, and she had called to tell them she’d be sleeping at her apartment that evening. He said she was crying.

  Ryan and Nora looked at each other and ran to the car. Nora drove since she knew where Madi’s apartment was located. They pulled into a parking space and walked quickly to her door. Ryan knocked on it saying, “Madi, it’s us. Let me in, sweetheart.”

  They heard slow steps coming to the door and then a small voice said, “It’s okay. I know you’re just here to be nice. You can be matched with another Little.” They heard soft sobs from the other side of the door. “I don’t want you to have to keep me. It would be bad for your business.”

  Nora had enough, “Madi if you don’t open this door right now, your Daddy is going to kick it in. Stop this and let us in!” she said sternly. They held their breath to see if she’d respond. “Click!” Slowly the door opened, and a devastated Madi stood bedraggled in the hallway.

  Nora rushed in and hugged her tightly. “Little girl, I’m so worried about you. What’s all this nonsense about you being bad for our business?”

  Ryan moved the ladies gently inside the door and closed it firmly. He wrapped his arms around both of them and just hugged the beautiful women in his life. “Madi, talk to us, please,” he urged.

  “I’ve been filling out all those forms at work,” she stopped and looked at them before going on, “I’ve done a good job
on all of them. The big boss came in today and saw me working on a stack of forms. He talked to the agent that I’m supposed to be shadowing. The jerk told him that I refused to leave the office and only wanted to do the paperwork. He said he was just doing me a favor by covering up my phobia of working with clients.” Madi stopped and sniffed loudly as tears ran down her face.

  Ryan pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and held it to her nose. “Blow, Madi.” He waited patiently until she blew her nose and then he turned it over and wiped her cheeks and eyes. “So, this jerk lied?”

  “Yes!” Madi shouted balling her hands into fists. “No one would listen to me. The big boss just fired me on his word because he’d been there for a long time. It’s totally unfair!”

  “It is totally unfair,” Nora agreed. “What would you like to do about this Madi?”

  “I want to go punch him in the nose. He made me lose my job.” She sniffed loudly, and tears began to run down her cheeks again. “And now, I’m going to lose you all. What Mommy and Daddy would want a loser, like me? I couldn’t even get them to listen to me!”

  “Blow, Madi!” Ryan cleaned up his Little girl again. He pulled her over to the sofa and sat pulling her into his lap. “I don’t ever want to hear you say that you’re a loser again. You are my wonderful Little girl. Your Mommy and I don’t care if you have a job or not. We’d love to have you with us always.” He kept talking to her in a low voice as he listened to Nora talking on the phone to a friend from college that just happened to be the vice president of the real estate firm where Madi had worked. He saw her turn and nod at him. He thought to himself, “No one realizes it, but it’s seriously dangerous to mess with anyone that Nora loves. And she loved her Little girl with all her heart.”

  Nora walked over and sat next to Ryan and Madi. “Madi, I am very disappointed in you. No, listen,” she held up her hand to stop Madi from talking, “I’m disappointed because you didn’t trust that your Daddy and I love you regardless of anything you might do, or that might happen. Now, I’ve talked to Edgar Phillips.” Madi gasped at the name of the man that worked on the top floor in management. “He’s pulled the log of the agent you’ve been shadowing. It seems like he was so far behind in paperwork that he had been given a two weeks’ notice to complete all of it or his services would no longer be needed. It also seems like he had never volunteered to have a new real estate agent shadow him until he had been given this notice. Edgar has contacted the ‘big boss,” Nora used her hands to form air quotes, “and he is ready to offer you a personal apology for firing you without grounds.”

  “Really?” Madi’s face lit up with hope.

  “Yes. Really.” Nora answered. “However, I would like you to consider a different job before you decide to go back to the real estate office. Your Daddy and I have decided that we need someone that we can trust to help market and advertise our commercial buildings that we are designing. We want someone who we can trust, someone who can do market research into the needs of the business community, and someone who we’d desperately love to have with us every day at work.” Nora said observing Madi’s reactions.

  “Really?” Madi asked again. “You really want me to use my real estate knowledge to help you at work? I’d get to go to work with you every day?” Madi’s eyes filled again with tears but this time tears of happiness.

  “Again, with the tears! Madi, my handkerchief is going to be sopping wet. You have to stop crying,” Ryan teased and then, just held his Little girl tightly as she launched herself at him with a sizzling kiss.

  “Mommy, I’m so happy,” Madi turned to kiss Nora as well. “When can I start?”

  “Your office is waiting for you now. Would you like to go see it?” Ryan asked his Little girl.

  “No. I’d rather go home with my Mommy and Daddy to celebrate. There’s time for work on Monday,” she decided. She hesitated before saying, “I should probably tell you this, too.” Madi looked at the ground. She shuffled her feet on the carpet. “I haven’t told you something important. It may make you change your mind about me. I’ve told you that a string of nannies raised me. My biological Daddy is not a nice person.”

  “You are not your father. Why is he important?” Ryan asked puzzled.

  “He’s Trent Danton,” Madi said still looking down. When she didn’t hear her Mommy and Daddy’s voices, she looked up to try to judge how angry they were. Ryan and Nora simply looked puzzled. “He’s in jail,” she added.

  “We know who Trent Danton is, Madi. He’s in jail for embezzling a lot of money from his company. He also swindled a lot of people out of a lot of money. What does that have to do with you?” Ryan asked.

  “He’s my father,” Madi said softly. “You know, I have his genes. I could be a bad person, too. There are a lot of people that think I’m dishonest just because my father was.”

  “Are you dishonest?” Ryan asked simply.

  “No! I’m probably the most honest person around. That’s why it hurt so bad to get fired. I don’t want to be my father,” Madi said urgently. Of all the people in the world, she wanted Ryan and Nora to believe in her.

  “Madi, you will always be our sweet, Little girl. We would never judge you for your biological heritage. I don’t want you ever to think we would be so shallow,” Ryan said with a steely glint in his eyes. “Is there anything else that you should tell us?”

  Madi shook her head emphatically to say “no.”

  “Then I think we should go home and celebrate. I want to spend time with my family,” Ryan decided.

  “I think we should go home as well. But, there’s something we need to take care of first,” Nora said ominously. “Stand up, Madi. Come here,” She spread her legs so Madi could stand closely in front of her. “You didn’t trust your Mommy and Daddy. You came here to hide, and you ran away from home,” she lectured. “You have earned a spanking, Madi.” Nora began to unbutton her slacks and pulled her underwear and pants to her ankles. “Over my lap, Madi.” Nora helped Madi lay over her lap, and she patted her bottom. “You’ve earned ten spanks from me, and ten spanks from your Daddy. Count for me, Madi,” Nora said firmly as she lowered her hand sharply causing Madi to gasp. “Count, Madi, or they don’t count.”

  Madi said “One!” urgently as she felt her Mommy’s hand land on her other buttock. “Two!” She continued until she reached ten and Nora stopped spanking her. She felt her Mommy’s warm hand rub her red bottom softly. Madi was lifted and draped over her Daddy’s lap. “Count, Madi!” was the only warning that she got from her Daddy as his hard hands spanked her already sore bottom. Ryan continued spanking her firmly until Madi gasped a final, “Ten!” Madi melted over her Daddy’s lap.

  “What’s the lesson you should remember, Little girl?” her Daddy’s kind voice asked gently.

  Madi rubbed the tears from her eyes and sniffed again, “I should always talk to Mommy and Daddy. . . And I should always go home and not to this apartment.”

  “And why is that, Madi?” Nora asked softly.

  “Because my Mommy and Daddy love me, and I love them… And we’re a family!” Madi stumbled over the words.

  “Exactly, Madi.” Ryan lifted Madi from laying over his lap, and he hugged her small body to his chest. “Exactly!” Ryan’s eyes met Nora’s over Madi’s head.

  “Let’s go home,” Nora suggested. Two heads immediately nodded their agreement.

  Chapter 23

  Nora sat in the back seat right next to Madi’s safety seat on the way home. She held Madi’s hand firmly in hers. Ryan checked on them often loving the sight of his two favorite people in the world. No one spoke. It wasn’t an awkward silence, but one filled with promise. Finally, they drove through the gate and parked in front of the mansion.

  Oliver came rushing out. He stopped abruptly at the sight of the trio together. He nodded his head at Ryan and slid his eyes over to meet Madi’s. She smiled radiantly at him. Oliver could see the happiness written on her expressive face. As he walked past her, Oliver swat
ted her firmly on the bottom. At her gasp, he said quietly, “That’s for making me worry, too. I’m glad you’re home.”

  She whispered back, “Thank you for caring and sending help.” She turned away as Nora wrapped a sheltering arm around her and led her into the mansion with Ryan holding the door for them.

  Nora steered Madi to the master bedroom. Instead of leading her through the adjoining door into the nursery, Nora took a seat on the bed and drew Madi between her legs. Ryan joined them and stood behind his Little girl. Nora cupped Madi’s sweet face. “I think it’s time for the three of us to join together fully, Madi. Are you ready for this big step?”

  Madi’s smile spread widely across her thin face. “I love you, Mommy and Daddy.” She peeked back to look at Ryan’s face.

  “We love you, too, Madi. We’re never going to let you go, Little girl,” Ryan promised. His fingers wrapped around the hem of her blouse and raised it over her head. He smiled at Nora as she unbuttoned Madi’s slacks and slid her pants and underwear back off her body. Ryan leaned down to help Madi step out of her shoes, socks, and the discarded clothes. He kissed her red bottom. “Such a naughty, red bottom,” he murmured softly and felt a shiver go down Madi’s spine. Standing, Ryan watched Nora’s deft hands release the hooks on Madi’s small bra and ease it away from her delicate breasts.

  Nora pulled Madi on to her lap and began to caress her soft skin. She turned Madi so that she could watch as Ryan stripped his clothes off. His shirt was tossed to the ground, and he reached over his head to grab the back of his tee shirt pulling it over his head. He unbuckled his belt and eased his zipper over his growing erection. Watching Madi lick her lips involuntarily as he pushed his briefs and slacks to the ground, Ryan groaned and stood. Watching her, he ran a hand down his erection.

  Madi had seen her Daddy nude, but she had never had the opportunity to just stare at his muscled form. Instantly, she was wet and so aroused. Her Daddy walked toward her slowly and lifted her in the air allowing Nora to stand. He laid Madi gently on her back on the soft bed as he knelt between her legs. He lowered his head to the needy place between her legs. He stopped and inhaled her sweet aroma before running his tongue through her moisture. “You’re so wet, Little girl,” he praised.


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