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Page 11

by Pepper North

  Oreg smiled at the small, human female cuddled in his arms. He’d trained many humans as companions for his species. All had been different. Each had come with their special challenges to being trained for their new lives. Only the luckiest of his species would ever be matched with a human. To be a Keeper was the dream of all Nrantians. Now, he had found the little human that was perfect for him. He would train her with extra care.

  When Oreg was sure the small female was sound asleep, he stood up cuddling her in his arms, walked to a wide dresser with a cushioned top and laid her carefully down. Stripping off the protective clothing that Marnie had worn in the stasis bed that had transported her to Nrantia. Oreg was delighted with little human’s delicate form. From her jet black long hair to her dainty toes, she was entrancing. Her breasts were high and small. The nipples clenched tightly from the cool air in the room as he watched. Her tummy was softly rounded, and he ruffled her curly, black pubic hair. Marnie shifted slightly on the dresser top at his touch. Oreg separated her white thighs. The contrast of his purple skin covered by soft, short fuzz against her pale, smooth flesh delighted Oreg. He stroked the inside of her thighs and as Marnie spread her legs by reflex. One of Oreg’s large hands with six fingers tenderly rubbed the moistening flesh, separating her labia, and revealing her delicate vagina topped the precious button of her desire. He stroked her inner labia and was delighted to hear Marnie moan softly. She was so responsive. He was a very lucky Keeper.

  Oreg forced himself to cease his intimate play. It was important that the little human had time to adjust to the difference in gravity and air pressure in her new home. Many became very ill during the transition. Oreg had discovered that if the humans were kept tranquilized and slept for the first three days to acclimate, their bodies would adjust to the new environment easily. The milk from the magriri plant would help his little human relax. To insure that she remained unconscious, he would need to medicate her carefully. Raising her legs toward her chest, Oreg held her legs firmly in his gentle grasp. Another arm reached to the shelf and withdrew a large red, cylindrical capsule from a medicine pouch filled to the top. Turning it, so the gently rounded end pointed toward her body, Oreg’s third and fourth hands spread her bottom cheeks widely so he could insert the capsule deep into her rectum. Marnie shifted restlessly on the table as he pushed it into her warm bottom. Oreg’s finger entered her anus and continued to press the tablet into the tight passage until he felt resistance. Steadily, he pressed the tablet against her inner sphincter until it popped through. “Perfect,” he thought as he held his finger inside her. She was so beautiful. With regret, Oreg gently withdrew his finger, and as he watched, the human’s muscles relaxed into a deeper sleep. The luryx medicine worked quickly but would need to be frequently reinserted.

  Oreg released the human’s bottom cheeks and picked up a quobon to wrap around her bottom. The padded quobon would absorb her liquid and solid waste. She would not like wearing one, Oreg knew. That would probably be the first challenge to her training. On her planet, only infants wore quobons. Here on Nrantia, all humans were lucky to be cared for as the precious treasures they were. Their Keepers were proud to take care of all their needs. She did not have a choice. The evacuation chambers the Nrantians used were too forceful. Soft, delicate human intestines were pulled from their bodies if they tried to use them. She would become accustomed to the quobon with time.

  Lifting her with two of his muscular arms, Oreg returned to the chair to sit in the deeply cushioned seat which began to smoothly slide in a sideways motion to help his new baby sleep deeply. Wrapped in Oreg’s four velvety arms, Marnie slept unaware that she was no longer on earth and that her whole life had changed. Oreg purposely kept Marnie asleep for four days preferring to wait an additional day to have his human awake as insurance that her body would have time to transition.

  At the end of the fourth day, he stopped inserting the luryx medicine into her tight bottom passage. He fixed a fresh bottle of magriri milk and rocked his precious female in the soothing chair. Looking at her dark hair and slight form, Oreg finally decided what to name his new human. From now on, she would be known as Payi named after the Nrantian animal with smooth skin and black markings. He began softly speaking to Payi urging her to open her beautiful, blue eyes. Oreg stroked her smooth back gently with a large hand over her gently rounded bottom wrapped in the green quobon. When he felt her begin to stir, he pressed the nipple to her lips and smiled when Payi begin to suck reflectively. Her deep blue eyes opened slowly and began to look around the room. The magriri milk served to relax her muscles and slow her return to full consciousness. Oreg was glad he had taken the step to dull her reactions when he suddenly saw her eyes widen as they landed on his hand dwarfing the bottle he held to her lips.

  Payi saw the purple hand and counted twice to be sure she didn't imagine the six fingers. Following the hand to a muscled forearm, bicep, and then massive shoulders, Payi counted again. There were two arms on one side. She shook her head and blinked her eyes. She had a dull headache. “What in the world had she done last night to be hallucinating?” Payi wondered. Her eyes slid across a bulky chest to another shoulder and, “Two more arms? How could this be?” She was cuddled against a hard, warm body was purple and slightly fuzzy like velvet. Payi lifted her eyes and looked at Oreg’s head. She began to struggle to get away from the firm grip that held her as she saw Oreg’s face. What was this thing that held her? Sure, the face looked vaguely human. Two eyes, a nose, and a mouth looked down at her. But the head was shaped almost like a rounded triangle. And it was all purple.

  Continue Payi story now on Amazon!




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