by Amy Cecil
I straighten my tie and reply, “Yeah, you could say I clean up pretty good.”
“You are so full of yourself!” she exclaims.
“Of course I am. And may I remind you, my lovely wife, you wouldn’t want me any other way.”
She laughs. “No, I wouldn’t”
We had a wonderful dinner with the family. They absolutely loved Zaira, and it was obvious she adored them as well. In the limo on our way back to the property, I watch my beautiful wife as she sits looking out the window. “So, Zaira, we’ve only got a couple more days here before we have to head back home.”
“I know,” she says sadly. “I was just thinking the same thing.”
“What was your favorite part?” I ask.
“Oh, Michael, I loved the Uffizi, the Gallerie dell’Accadema, and the Santa Croce. The art is amazing, and to actually see original works by Michelangelo and Botticelli has truly been the highlight for me.”
“Is there anything you want to see again?”
“The David and the Birth of Venus. Oh, Michael, can we please go back to the art museums?”
I smile. “Of course we can.”
We spent the last few days of our trip at the museums, and now we are at the airport ready to head home. I’ve got mixed feelings about returning home. I’ve got to deal with Gallardi, which is not something I am looking forward to. We need to strike back, but we have to make sure to keep our hands—as well as the MCs’ hands—clean. It’ll be tricky, but I still believe it can be done.
Alex called a couple days ago with more intel on their compound. It appears Romeo returned two days ago. Alex said Romeo’s wife, Marina, is very unhappily married. Good, that works in my favor. He’s also got a niece he is a ward to. I think our first move is to grab Marina and the niece. I want them for two reasons. First, I want to give him a taste of his own medicine and take something from him that he loves. Letting him sweat, wondering what I’m doing to his wife and the niece, is an added bonus—not that I would actually do to them what he did to Zaira, but I like the idea of letting him think I would. And, secondly, they can serve as a backup plan. If we can’t find or get to the money, I have some bargaining power by having them in my custody.
Darius told us Romeo loves two things, Marina and his money. I’ll get Marina, then we have to get the money. Alex informed me Romeo doesn’t believe in banks, so he has all his money in a safe on his compound. There is only one man who can get himself in, get the money, and get out in one piece—Sainte. Since the MC wants in on this as well for obvious reasons, it will be real easy convincing Sainte to take care of this.
I look at Zaira as the plane takes off. For the first time in two weeks, she looks sad. “Are you all right, sweetheart?”
“Yes, just sad to be leaving,” she replies.
“I know, love, but we will be back. I promise.”
“I know.” She moves her gaze out the window, and I can tell something else is bothering her.
“What else is wrong, Zaira?”
“I’m just worried, Michael.”
“Worried? Why on earth are you worried?”
“Michael, be serious. I’m not so naïve that I don’t know what’s gonna happen when we get home. I know what kind of business you’re in. Hell, I was raised in the same business, probably worse. There is going to be retaliation, and well, I’m worried for you.”
“Oh, baby, don’t worry. I’m invincible.”
“Your confidence isn’t helping, Michael.”
“I’m sorry. I’m just trying to put your mind at ease. I promise you, the family and I will come out of this unscathed. I’ve got a plan, and it’s quite perfect if you ask me. It’ll all work out.”
“What are you gonna do?”
“Sorry, love, you know the rule. Don’t ask me about my business.”
“Okay, Michael Corleone,” she says sarcastically.
I can’t help but laugh at her sarcasm and reference to the Godfather movies. It doesn’t take me long to realize she really isn’t trying to be funny, however. “Seriously, babe, the less you know the better. Trust me.”
“I do, but it still doesn’t keep me from worrying about you.” She sighs. “I just got you back, Michael. I’m not ready to lose you again.”
“You’re not gonna lose me.” I try to reassure her, but obviously nothing will until this is all over and she sees I am fine and everything worked out as I said.
She’s quiet for a while before she asks, “Speaking of business, Michael, there’s something I have been meaning to ask you.”
“What is it, babe?”
“Bella Celeste, you are now the CEO, right?”
“Yes,” I reply a little hesitantly.
“And ultimately, the hiring and firing of employees lies in your hands?”
“Well yes, sort of. We do have a human resources department that usually handles that stuff.” Where is she going with this?
“You know, Michael, I always wanted to work. I’ve got a college degree in fashion and a masters in art. Papà would never let me work, always told me my only purpose in life was to be a good wife and have lots of babies. Well, I want to be a good wife and would love for us to have a family, but I would really like to work. I think Bella Celeste would be a great place for me and my knowledge.”
I’m quiet for a minute as I let what she told me sink in. I’m definitely not the kind of Italian male who wants his wife barefoot and pregnant all the time. The thought of seeing Zaira pregnant does do something to me, but that’s beside the point. She will be pregnant someday, and we will have a family, but she’s got a point. She needs something too—something she will enjoy and hopefully make a name for herself in. “Zaira, that is a fantastic idea,” I say.
“You really think so?” she asks, hopeful.
“I do. And I know the perfect position for you.”
“You do? I’ll do anything, Michael. I’m definitely not opposed to working my way up the corporate ladder.”
“Oh, darling, no wife of mine will ever have to work her way up a corporate ladder. You are starting at the top, babe.”
“Michael, no! I couldn’t. I don’t have the experience!”
“And you think I do?” I reply.
“You’re not actually thinking… no, you couldn’t be?”
“Oh, yes I am. I don’t have time to run Bella Celeste, and I think you would be fantastic at it.”
“You’re serious?”
“I am. I need to run it by Pop, but I am sure it won’t be a problem.” I pause and look at her sheepishly. “But when you do take over, you may need to find a new personal assistant.”
“Why?” she asks, and I hear hesitation in her voice.
“Remember the girl I was with at the welcome party for the Knights? Well, she and my assistant are one in the same.”
“Oh, you didn’t! Michael, dating your assistant!”
“What can I say, darling? I can be an asshole at times. I wanted to make you jealous, and Laurel was too easy.” I pause and quickly say, “But I didn’t sleep with her.”
“Well, that’s a good thing.”
“Oh, baby, I’ve been faithful to you since the day you hit your head and forgot all about me.”
“Speaking of Laurel, that reminds me. Remember when you were on your date at the MC dinner and we argued about her?”
“Yes.” Where is she going with this one?
“That night, you called me Cleopatra. Why?”
My laughter comes out before I realize she is dead serious, but I can’t help it, and I can’t stop laughing.
“Michael, answer me,” she demands.
When I finally am able to get a hold of myself, I say, “What is another name for Cleopatra?”
She thinks for a minute. “I don’t know.”
“Okay, but she was a queen, right?”
“Queen of what?” I ask.
; “Broader than that. She’s also known as the Queen of the…”
“Nile!” She narrows her eyes with confusion, and I can’t help but laugh. “I don’t get it.”
“Queen of the Nile. Queen of Denial?” I chuckle. “Get it?”
“Oh, you rat!” She squeals and punches on my arm teasingly. When she stops, she looks at me all serious again and says, “You know, you were the only person I felt I knew. It was your eyes, Michael. They’ve always been captivating and kind. I could never forget them.”
I turn toward her and pull her into my arms. “Have I initiated you into the mile-high club yet?”
“Um, yeah, I think you did.”
“Well, darling, it’s time to pay your club dues.” I get up from my chair and drag her to the bedroom. And of course, she’s not complaining.
Chapter 27
We’ve been home now for two weeks. I still miss Florence and look forward to when we can go back. Michael has been really busy with family stuff. I know what it all is, and I am trying my hardest not to think about his retaliation. Hopefully today will help. It’s my first day at Bella Celeste. As soon as we got back, Michael talked to Domenic, and he was thrilled with the idea of me taking over the agency.
When the elevator dings, I prepare myself to face Laurel. Michael made the announcement that I would be taking over as CEO about a week ago, and it was well received. Many employees seemed glad to see a full-time CEO at the helm, and even Laurel offered me her congratulations. I decided to keep her on. If she and I can remain professional, there is no reason for her to lose her job. And from what I hear, she does a really good job. I’m hoping she is beyond the Michael thing and we can work together.
“Good morning, Mrs. Vitali,” she says as I walk off the elevator.
“Good morning, Laurel.” I stop at her desk. “I’d really like it if we could spend some time together this morning so you can help bring me up to speed on things.”
“Absolutely,” she replies eagerly, and I am immediately put at ease.
“Give me fifteen minutes to get settled and then why don’t you come on in.”
She nods, and I proceed to my new office. Michael ordered all new furniture for me. When he originally showed me around the company, he noticed my frown when I walked into his dark, manly office. I didn’t even have to say anything to him. He volunteered to get me whatever I wanted to brighten the place up. All the heavy wooden furniture has been replaced with sleek contemporary pieces. The walls have been painted a light-cream color, and my new glass desk sits pristinely in the center of the room, adorned with a beautiful bouquet of red roses. I walk to it and pull out the card.
Knock ’em dead, gorgeous, the card reads, with All my love, Michael at the bottom. I smile. I truly lucked out in the husband department.
I put my bag and coat in the closet and walk to the mini kitchen and see a pot of coffee has already been brewed. I pour myself a cup and walk back to my desk and sit, taking in my surroundings.
A few minutes later, there is a knock on the door. “Come in,” I say.
In walks Laurel. She stands awkwardly, and I can see she is nervous. I think it is best to put her mind at ease, right from the start.
“Have a seat, Laurel,” I say, and she sits. “I want to start by saying I hold no ill will against you. Michael and I were separated at the time, and he was free to date anyone he chose.”
She lets out a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank God!” She exclaims. “I was so worried you would replace me.”
“Oh, goodness no. I’ve heard a lot of good things about you and your work. I’d be a fool to replace you. Actually, I am counting on you.”
“Mrs. Vitali, thank you so much. I promise I won’t let you down.”
“First of all, please call me Zaira. I don’t work well with formalities.”
She smiles.
“Secondly, why don’t you tell me, from your perspective, what it’s like working here, perhaps some information about your coworkers.”
She fidgets in her chair.
“Nothing you say will be held against you in any way. I promise.”
She nods. “Well, this is the second modeling agency I have worked for in the last eight years. I love my job, and I love this industry. You know, most people think working in a place like this is glamorous, but to be honest, we are nothing but pimps without the sex.”
I laugh at her analogy and realize she is absolutely right.
“Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not dogging this industry but trying to make you understand I am not here for the glamour. Many of my coworkers, I believe, are absolutely insane. Actually, I think most are just unhappy with their lives because their lives revolve around the lives of others. We are forced to be incredibly selfless with our clients yet act selfishly on their behalf. It’s a weird balance, but I believe Bella Celeste does an excellent job with the balancing act.” She pauses a moment. “You’ve got a lot of egos you will have to deal with, Zaira, but I assume you expect that. You’ve got a lot of people who work hard enough for our models because they reap the benefits and the payoff is quite lucrative. You’ve got a good team, and with you at the helm, we can turn an amazing agency into the top agency in the country.”
“You’ve thought a lot about this, haven’t you?” I ask.
“I have. I see where we can fix things, and I see where we can make the good things even better. Fashion has been my life ever since I was a little girl.”
“Well, I’m definitely open to suggestions. I want this to not only be one of the top modeling agencies in the country. I want it to be the top,” I reply. “Now tell me about some of our clients.”
“Frankly, they are all a bunch of egos like I said, but I believe our account managers know their clients and know how to deal with them. You know, each one is different and each one has their own special needs. Our managers cater to those needs and deliver.”
“Good. I definitely want to keep things that way. If we don’t, we will lose clients instead of gain them.”
“Exactly. At the other agency I worked for, we had a young model come in. I believe she was sixteen. She was absolutely a beauty and as sweet as can be. She quickly became very popular, and after a Vogue cover and some top couture campaigns, she became an unruly bitch. When that happened, the agency tried their best to put up with her shenanigans, but she became worse and left. Said she would find an agency that would treat her with the respect she deserved. She is one of the top models in New York now, and guess who her agent is?”
“We are,” I reply.
“Damn straight. And it’s because our account managers adapt. They know that with every young model who comes in here their egos will grow until they are too big for them.”
“Laurel, let me ask you something. Why are you a personal assistant? Why aren’t you an account executive or something higher up? You know this industry so well. Surely you have more ambition than to be—and I say this with the greatest respect for what you do—an assistant?”
“I would love nothing more, Zaira, but unfortunately, this industry doesn’t promote a lot. People get into the higher management type of jobs, and they stay, like, forever.”
“Well, you know I was originally not going to make any changes, but now, I think I am. I want you to find me a top-notch personal assistant. Someone like you, without the ambition. I’m gonna create a new position for you as my director of corporate development.
“Your what?”
“Laurel, you have the knowledge I need. I’ve got the education, and together we are going to make Bella Celeste the best!”
“Wow, Zaira, I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t need to say anything. We’re gonna do great things together.”
“Thank you,” she replies, and I can see the gratitude in her eyes.
“I think that should do it for today. You get working on my new assistant, and as soon as he or she is trained, we will move you. Also, could you get me the
corporate financials for the last three years too, please?”
“I sure will,” she says and gets up to leave.
I am very pleased with my meeting with Laurel and quite surprised by her insider knowledge. She and I are gonna make a great team.
About fifteen minutes later, the information I requested arrives via email. I spend the rest of my day going over them, taking lots of notes as I go along. All in all, I would say my first day at work was a good day.
Chapter 28
“Are you ready for this?” Ricco asks. We’re sitting in my office, accompanied by Alex and Sal. I’ve got Ice and Sainte on speakerphone.
“Hell yeah I’m ready,” Sainte replies.
“And you know what you need to do?” I ask.
“Michael, yes, I know.”
“Tell me again, just so I know we got it down,” I say.
Sainte clears his throat. “Me and my guys go in. We get the wife and niece out. We get the money, and we get the fuck out of there.”
“Okay. Are you sure you and your two guys can handle this?”
“Michael, I’ve been doing this shit for a long time now. I got this.”
“Ice, you cool with all this?”
“Yes, I’m good, but I’ve got one question. When do we take the fucker out?”
“All in good time, Ice, all in good time. There are things about Gallardi you don’t know yet. I will share, but I need to get the women out first. Then we can go after Romeo.”
“I’m running out of patience, Michael. I just fucking lost my best friend because of Gallardi. I don’t know how much longer I can wait.”
“I get it. I promise I will tell you once they are safe. You have my word.” I get up from my chair and begin to pace. I don’t know what it is about being able to think better on my feet, but it works. “Sainte, I’ve arranged transport for you into Mexico, but once you are there, you and your men are on your own. Your return transport leaves at approximately eleven p.m., two days after you arrive. I’m expecting you to report back as soon as you can.”
“Got it, Michael. I won’t let you down,” he replies.
“Okay, I think we are done here. Ice, we’ll talk soon.”