Angel of Darkness Books 1-5

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Angel of Darkness Books 1-5 Page 7

by Mackenzie Morris

"My heart?" Jaylen stepped back around the corner with a robe wrapped around him. Did he hear what he thought he heard? "That needle is going into my heart?"

  "Three needles. Come lie down on the table here and remove your robe."

  Jaylen looked to Zeriel for support. "Zeriel . . . I'm scared."

  Zeriel caught one of his feathers as it drifted down towards the floor. "Here's your feather, Oviel. Jaylen, I wouldn't be condoning this unless I had full faith in Oviel's abilities."

  After a few minutes of grinding up the paste and filling the syringes, Oviel handed one of them to Zeriel. "Hold this one over the fire in the hearth and I will take this one outside."

  Jaylen's heart was racing as he waited anxiously. None of this sounded like a good idea. All he wanted to do was to go to bed and sleep for hours, but it was becoming very obvious that those plans were going to be put on hold.

  Oviel entered the house again and waved his hand to make the mage-glow brighter. "All right. Let's do this."

  Zeriel removed Jaylen's robe and helped him up on the table then quickly pushed him down on his back. "Do I need to hold him down?"

  "Yes. Keep him still, or I could miss and puncture something vital. Here, put this rag in his mouth so he won't scream." Oviel held up the first syringe. "If this goes poorly, I apologize in advance, Jaylen."

  Jaylen bit down on the coarse rag and looked up into Zeriel's pale eyes as the first needle plunged deeply into his chest. The piercing pain shocked him and he felt his heart momentarily stop. His body began convulsing and shaking uncontrollably as the blazing fire spread through his veins and the pressure in his chest grew. When another needle skewered his heart, his vision began to go fuzzy. He was screaming through the gag as tears stung in his eyes. All at once, Jaylen stopped screaming. He couldn't breathe and his skin felt as cold as ice. When the final needle entered his chest, he drifted into unconsciousness.

  * * *

  The mage-glow was dimmer when Jaylen stirred awake from underneath the warm blankets on his bed. He moaned as his vision returned to him. The world around him was still hazy and slightly out of focus. His head was pounding with the worst headache of his life and his chest felt sore. But other than that, he was able to think and sit up without too many problems. As he continued to regain his bearings, Jaylen listened to the two angels arguing in the next room.

  "What have you done?" Oviel asked angrily. "Don't you understand the consequences we could be facing with this? What if Sola finds out?"

  "Don't you think Sola already knows?"

  "That's not the point, Zeriel. Jaylen could have opened a rift to the otherworld. You have put countless lives at risk because of you hiding that. And where does that put you? Under the control of an incubus who has some stock in your paladin? Who are you? What other secrets are you hiding?"

  "Oviel, stop." Zeriel snapped at him. "I was willing to take the risk."

  "Oh, perfect. So you are willing to risk your paladin's soul without even informing him. Have you completely lost your mind? He is your Master, not the other way around. It doesn't matter that he is still a kid. It is your job to guide him and protect him, not bet his soul."

  Jaylen used all his remaining strength to slide out of bed and pull on his robe around his body. He slowly shuffled down the hallway, holding himself up on the wall as he went, until he reached the main room. "I thought angels never lied."

  Zeriel groaned as he held his head in his hands. "Jaylen . . ."

  "I'm leaving." Oviel picked up his bag from the table and went to the door. "Whatever you've heard, Jaylen, I'm sorry. It's not your fault. Your angel has a great number of issues that he needs to fix immediately, or things will go downhill very quickly. Also, make sure you guard your soul from those who would try to take parts of it. Now that your soul has been awakened, you will find new spiritual portals, realms, and forces in the world around you. Be extremely careful when dealing with demons. I'm sure now that the truth is coming out, Zeriel will explain your new enslavement."

  "Enslavement?" Jaylen turned to Zeriel. "What is he talking about? I'm no slave."

  Zeriel rubbed his eyes and shook his head. "Why put it like that, Oviel?"

  "Because the boy needs to know that he is partially owned by a demon. Are you too much of a coward to tell him yourself? Fine. Then I'll do it. Jaylen, there is a demon mark on your back that binds a part of your soul to Gavin the incubus. If anything comes between you and Zeriel, Gavin gains immediate control of you. The only thing keeping you from becoming his slave and being completely under his possession is that sun sigil on your chest. A demon cannot control a paladin who is bonded with an angel. Now, goodnight you two. I pray that no rifts show up in the coming days. Sola protect us."

  Chapter 10

  Jaylen had just awakened from the most restless night of sleep in his life. Every time he managed to fall asleep, a nightmare filled with horrible events would torment him until he woke up in a cold sweat and his heart would be racing. Every dream he had was of a large shadow trapping him, suffocating him, and devouring him. He couldn't get away. Over it all, there was one pervading similarity. The voice. Gavin the incubus's voice. It teased him, laughed at him, and called to him. Something had definitely changed in Jaylen since the ritual.

  Zeriel stepped into the room with a cup of hot tea in his hands. "Time to get up, Master. You are needed at the temple."

  Jaylen was almost afraid to look around at the world he thought he knew. When he did, everything looked normal . . . that was until Jaylen looked at Zeriel. There was a slight black fog that clung to him, almost like an aura. When Jaylen blinked, it vanished. What was that? When he focused on trying to see that shadow again, his vision blurred and he saw the shadow surrounding Zeriel. He rubbed his eyes and it was gone again. Could he control it? Did that shadow designate beings from the otherworld? When Jaylen used his special sight on his own hand, a glittering aura of white light danced across his skin. Of course. That would be because of his light magic. Did Oviel's ritual last night do this to him, awaken that part of his mind that he couldn't use before? Oviel did say that he would be more receptive to otherworldly forces.

  "You had a rough night, didn't you?"

  "Yes." Jaylen held up his hands and summoned his light magic, just to make sure he still could. When the golden light swirled around his hands with the comforting cool tingling, he knew everything was still fine, when it came to his magic at least.

  Zeriel laid out Jaylen's chainmail, surcoat, pants, and tunic on the edge of the bed. "Reports are pouring in about demonic activity in Ilyan. Every paladin is being summoned to the temple for orders."

  "Including me?"

  "Yes, including you. Why wouldn't you be included? You're a paladin. You are going to help them fight off the demons."

  "But it's my fault, isn't it?" Jaylen asked, still coming to terms with everything that had happened. "I opened a rift to the otherworld."

  "No, it's my fault. I should have told Oviel the truth before the ritual."

  Jaylen hurriedly pulled his armor on and combed through his hair. "Do you even know how to tell the truth about anything, Zeriel? I don't think I can trust you anymore. You're selfish and . . . and evil."

  "I deserve that. Really, I do. More than you know. You're still angry at me, aren't you?"

  "Should I be anything else? You lied to me. Now I know that angels do lie and that makes me question everything you've told me. I don't even know who you are anymore. We are supposed to have an unbreakable bond, but I don't feel that now. I haven't lied to you, so why do it to me?"

  "I know this isn't an excuse, but I didn't tell you the truth because I didn't want you to worry. I wanted you to go on with your duties and try to live the next few short years of your life without having to deal with that mark on your back. Call me selfish. Maybe I am, but I did it for you, Jaylen. I know how stressed you have been. I only did what I thought was the best for you."

  Jaylen figured this was as good a time as any to tell Zeri
el about his newest ability. "I'm seeing things differently."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I can activate some sort of alternate sight and see what I can only explain as auras."

  Zeriel didn't seem surprised in the slightest. "Spirit sight. Oviel told me it could happen last night. He can't use it, but he said it was one of the ethereal gifts you could be blessed with. You are seeing the light or demonic forces surrounding a magical being. It will prove to be very useful in the days to come when you are hunting down demons. You will be able to tell the difference between them and holy beings. It will be interesting to see if any of the other ethereal gifts manifest themselves in you."

  "I see." Jaylen slung his bag over his shoulder and tied his sword onto his belt before going to the door.

  "Are you ready to leave?"

  "I'm going alone. I don't want you anywhere near me."


  Jaylen slammed the door to the house shut behind him as he left. If he couldn't trust his angel, then his angel didn't deserve to accompany him to the temple. He would do this alone and give himself some time to calm down before he did or said anything to Zeriel that he would regret. Sure, he still cared for his angel and believed that he had his best interests in mind, but that didn't mean that he couldn't be angry. It was justified at that point. Jaylen didn't want to think about the demon mark on his back or hear Gavin's voice echoing in his mind anymore. He hoped that the fresh icy air could clear his head on the walk to the temple.

  It wasn't too cold outside and the snow had long ago tapered off. He looked up at the endless sea of stars that twinkled high above the barriers of mage-glow and trapped heat that made life possible in the sun's absence. For some unknown reason, Jaylen didn't actually miss the sun that much. That may have been because he was only a small child when it went into hiding again. Only in his earliest memories was there a glowing orb in the sky. From then on, it was mage-glow.

  As Jaylen walked down the busy streets, he practiced switching between normal sight and spirit sight. Every paladin was surrounded by a hazy white glow while the angels were all in bright white light, so bright that it rivaled the mage-glow that lit the city. Interesting. Zeriel's aura didn't look anything like that. But he did mention something about being on probation, didn't he? Maybe that had something to do with it.

  Jaylen followed the last few paladins into the temple and joined them in line. They all stood at attention as they waited for the high priest to come into the cloister and address them. He felt almost naked without Zeriel there behind him. Every other paladin was accompanied by their angel. From across the room, Jaylen spotted Oviel who mouthed something to him, but he couldn't make it out. He looked worried.

  After a few minutes of silence, the high priest emerged from the doors behind the statue of Sola. His white and yellow robes glided over the floor, the citrines and diamonds glittering in the light from the braziers and the hovering balls of mage-glow. He cleared his throat then held out a frail hand to them all. "Holy paladins of Vilyron, by now you all know of the eminent demonic threat that bears down upon this city. Our capital city of Ilyan is on the brink of falling to Hell's forces. The priests have uncovered an unstable area in the barriers between this world and the otherworld. Yes, gentlemen. Someone has torn open another rift. Demons more evil than your normal succubi and vampires are spilling through uninterrupted. Nothing we have been able to try has worked to seal the rift again. If this influx of demonic energy continues, we will either have to abandon this beloved city . . . or destroy it. If we do not take immediate action to combat the demons, we will have to begin systematically slaughtering anyone who is possessed or exhibited signs. We do not have the time or the resources to perform enough exorcisms for the entire population. Beyond that, inaction will only lead to the demonic threat being spread to other cities. That is a scenario that we cannot afford under any circumstances. This threat must be stopped."

  One of the scribes approached the high priest and whispered something in his ear while flipping through an ancient leather-bound book. They continued to speak where no one could hear them until the scribe bowed and handed the high priest a pen.

  The high priest sighed as he scribbled something into the book then addressed the paladins again. "The longer the sun remains dormant, the darker our world becomes. We must bring back the sun as soon as we possibly can before the demons take over our realm. That is the true reason we have summoned every paladin here today. We cannot wait four more years. The Cleansing will be performed tonight."

  Tonight? Jaylen felt he blood drain from his face and his hands turned clammy. He had been looking forward to at least living for a couple more years before any of this was brought up. How could this have happened? Even as he thought it, Jaylen knew the answer. It was his fault. Every paladin here would die that night because of his actions. And he would be one of them.

  The paladins began frantically whispering and talking amongst themselves and their angels. A few of them shouted their disapproval at the high priest, but their angels quickly calmed them down. As Jaylen's nervousness rose to levels that threatened to make him physically sick, he traced the silver angel wings embroidered on the front of his yellow surcoat. He had to tell Zeriel.

  Once the commotion had ebbed, the high priest held out his hands to them all. "All paladins will report to the stones behind the temple at precisely one hour before midnight. That is when you will offer yourselves to Sola in order to regain her favor and bring back the sun to this darkened world. This is what you have all been working towards. When you joined the Holy Order, you knew this would be a possibility. Holy Angels, you will do well to remind your paladins of their sacrifice and their vows. Keep them focused on prayer and their roles in the ceremony tonight. If you want a part of their souls, then you must be able to prove to Sola that you served them well. As you all well know, The Cleansing will completely destroy the souls of the sacrificed paladins, but the brightest souls will be reborn, either as your new angelic brothers or as blessed souls to be consumed by the Angelic Court. Paladins, if Sola deems you worthy, there is chance that you will gain your wings and ascend to Heaven as a Holy Angel. However, the odds of that happening are next to zero. There hasn't been a new angel in centuries. Die with honor, divinity, and grace. You are giving your lives for the common people who need you. That should be reward enough."

  * * *

  Jaylen didn't wait to be dismissed. He raced from the temple and jumped down the white marble steps. Nothing was going to stop him from getting to Zeriel. As he darted through the crowds of people, Jaylen's heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest. He couldn't die tonight. Someone had to stop this, to save him. There was one ultimate thought that entered Jaylen's mind as he ran. He knew that to be the one fact in his confusing life. He didn't want to die.

  He didn't want to die for the common people, for the clergy, for the angels, or for anyone else. He had joined the Holy Order so he could save his family name and make up for the sins of his father, not to be sacrificed at fifteen years old. Would it have been that bad if it was going to happen in four years instead? Maybe. Jaylen didn't have time to weigh his options or the possible consequences that awaited him. He had to do something. He had to live.

  Jaylen threw open the door to the house and shouted as he stumbled inside. "Zeriel! Zeriel, I need you!"

  Zeriel emerged from the bedroom. "What is it? What's wrong?"

  Jaylen doubled over as he caught his breath. "The Cleansing . . . tonight."

  "What? Sit down and catch your breath then speak when you can. Why are you in such a hurry? Did you run here from the temple?"

  Jaylen crumpled into the chair and breathed heavily. "The high priest told us that The Cleansing would be performed tonight. All the paladins are required to report to the stones behind the temple an hour before midnight. Sola help me. I don't want to die!"

  "Why are they doing it tonight? This doesn't make any sense."

  "They are desper
ate. When we opened that rift, they all knew about it. Everyone knows about the demons, Zeriel. The clergy is afraid that Ilyan will be overrun by demons that even the paladins won't be able to defeat. What have we done? I'm so scared, Zeriel. Don't let them kill me!"

  "Breathe. You're starting to hyperventilate. Now be quiet and let me think." Zeriel paced back and forth across the room. "They've never moved up the time for The Cleansing before. I thought we still had time to develop a plan. None of this makes sense. A single rift wouldn't be able to cause too much destruction, at least not enough to warrant this kind of radical action. How did they other paladins react to the news?"

  "They were angry. Some started shouting, but their angels made them stop."

  "Having years cut off of your life will do that to mortals."

  "If you're trying to be funny, it's not working." Jaylen picked up a glass of water from the table, but his hands were trembling so violently that the water spilled onto his surcoat and the glass fell to the floor where it shattered.

  "I'll get it." Zeriel cleaned up the mess as he started humming the same eerie song he was singing last night.

  Jaylen wiped the water from his clothes as he listened to the haunting song. "What is that you're humming?"

  "You don't know? I thought a man like Doran would have sung it for you. It's the paladin dirge. The common people all sing it during The Cleansing to guide the souls of the paladins to the sun. Thousands of paladins have taken their final breaths during that song over the centuries."

  "I won't be one of them."

  "If I have my way, no you will not." Zeriel said. "We will find a way to stop this."

  "And do what? The high priest told us that this was the only way to close the rifts."

  "If you believe everything that old man has told you, then I have more of a job to do with you than I previously thought. That isn't important right now, however. Tonight, you will go to The Cleansing."

  Was he serious? "What? No!"

  "It is your responsibility and your duty as a paladin to adhere to the laws of your position. Everyone is counting on you, right?"


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