Angel of Darkness Books 1-5

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Angel of Darkness Books 1-5 Page 28

by Mackenzie Morris

  Chapter 3

  Zeriel stepped out of the kitchen after he finished eating his breakfast when he heard shouting nearby that was echoing down the winding tunnels of the vampire coven. At first, he didn't think much of it. The vampires usually dragged some poor defenseless peasant down here to feed. They needed to eat too, after all. But when it continued for a few minutes and things began crashing, he decided to go check it out.

  He followed the screaming until he was standing awkwardly outside of the guest room where Gavin and Stephan had been staying. Glass shattered inside as they both hurled colorfully profane insults at each other. Black shadows seeped out from under the door. Zeriel debated on leaving and coming back later, but it was somehow entertaining. So he stayed.

  The wooden door was pulled open and Stephan was pushed into the hallway by a very angry and blood-splattered Gavin. Gavin slammed the door shut and locked it from the inside.

  Zeriel tried to look away from the naked incubus who was sweating and continued to yell. Why was he naked?

  "Don't do this. Gavin! Damn it, at least give me my pants." Stephan tried to cover himself, but soon gave up on that venture and instead pounded on the door with both of his fists. "Gavin!"

  Gavin opened the door and threw Stephan's pants and a backpack full of his belongings against the far cavern wall. "Go back to The Veil and stay there, you heartless bastard. Do whatever you want with the house. I couldn't care less about it because it smells like you all through it. Better yet, just burn it down then go back to Hell!"

  Stephan jumped as the door slammed in his face. "Ugh! I hate you sometimes!"

  Zeriel crossed his arms as he leaned against the wall. "Lover's quarrel?"

  "Hardly." Stephan pulled his pants on and buckled his belt. "Honestly, that demon is ridiculous. Can you believe him?"

  "I don't really know what is going on."

  "I'll tell you what's going on."

  Zeriel held up his hand. "Before you get started on what I feel is going to be a very long and disturbing rant, please spare me the graphic details. I have no desire to hear about your bedroom escapades."

  "Do I make you uncomfortable, angel?" Stephan asked, his orange eyes narrowing. "Are you prejudiced? Do you hate men being together? Huh?"

  "Don't push it. I don't care what you do as long as you don't force it on me. You have no idea what I've been through, so take what you can get. Now, if you want to talk like a man, then talk like a man and respect my opinions. If you want respect and acceptance, then you have to give them as well. I'm not going to lie and tell you that I believe it's a great thing. But I'm also not going to judge you for your own personal beliefs. If this is the way you were created, then that's fine. Don't you dare try to call me judgmental or hateful. There are reasons I feel the way I do that you wouldn't even begin to understand."

  "There are angels like me, you know? Oviel was in love with his paladin, Gawain."

  Zeriel absentmindedly tried to shelter himself with his wings. "I know. That doesn't mean I approve. Now, if you have something to say to me, then say it. All I did was ask you to not tell me the things that will inevitably give me nightmares tonight."

  "So you are a bigot. I knew it!"

  "No, Stephan. I'm not. I can't deal with the haunting flashbacks. I don't hate people like you. There are things that happened to me in my past that still hurt. In time, I will be able to move on, just not right now."

  Stephan's demeanor completely changed to something resembling sympathy. "What happened to you?"

  "My paladin before Jaylen . . . he . . . he raped me."

  "Oh, Zeriel, that's not what's going on here. Gavin and I love each other."

  "I know, I know. I have a fear of it, though. No offense to you or anyone else, but seeing it makes me remember what Doran did."

  Stephan sighed and patted Zeriel's black feathers. "I understand. I'll respect your wishes. But I really have to tell you this story. Maybe you can help me figure out what to do about Gavin."

  "Okay. What is the problem? If you need me, I'll listen."

  "He won't take off his mask."

  "Oh. I thought this was something much more . . ."

  "Intimate?" Stephan asked, smoothing his slick hair. "No. The only reason I was naked was because I was trying to take a bath when Gavin started screaming at me for no reason. We haven't exactly been very loving lately."

  "I noticed, but I felt uncomfortable asking about that."

  "I don't know why I even try anymore. I love Gavin. I really do, but sometimes he can be impossible. I have to know what he looks like underneath that mask. I have given everything to him, but he absolutely refuses to take it off. Nothing I do is ever good enough for him."

  "You were kind of mean yesterday in the conference room." Zeriel said. "I think you hurt his feelings. Gavin is my friend, and I hated seeing him hurting like that. Maybe you need to try apologizing to him."

  "Have you ever been in a relationship, angel? I'm not talking about what happened with Doran."

  "Then no."

  "Wow. And you are how old?" Stephan asked, obviously intrigued.

  "One hundred and sixteen. I am one hundred years older than Jaylen."

  "You've been alive that long and haven't found love?"

  Zeriel closed his eyes and thought of Jaylen. "Not romantic love. I have many other kinds of love."



  "But you aren't interested in more with him?" Stephan asked.

  "Absolutely not. Jaylen is a virgin and will always be a virgin. It is part of my duty as his angel to ensure he never loses that. Even if I'm not technically bonded with him still, I will defend his honor."

  Stephan picked up his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. "That must be tough for him."

  "He finds strength in it. His purity has become a very important part of his identity."

  "Well, good for him. I kind of admire him a lot more now. There aren't many men, human or otherwise, who could do the same thing."

  "Jaylen is a great kid. I hope that he has the willpower to continue down the path he has chosen while I've been away from him. He should be going through puberty any time now. That's when this gets a lot harder for him."

  "You'll find him. If he's alive, I'm sure you'll find him. There is something you should know. Every year in Cilona, there are these ruthless competitions called the slave games. Every male slave who was brought into Cilona during the year is forced to compete or die. If Jaylen is alive, he will more than likely be competing in the games. When a slave loses, they are chased out of the city and into the forest surrounding the island called the Crypt. I hope Jaylen is skilled in combat."

  "He is a great swordfighter. You should see him wield a longsword sometime."

  Stephan giggled then took a deep breath. "Sorry. Incubi have dirty minds. Anyway, I thought I'd let you know. So, can you talk to Gavin for me? He listens to you. He talks about you all the time. Zeriel this, Zeriel that. It drives me crazy. Please don't let my relationship end like this, not over something so stupid like him not removing his mask."

  "I will talk to him."

  Stephan started down the corridor. "Thanks. For now, I'll be at his house in The Veil if you need me. Be careful in there. The room is a mess."

  A bit frustrated that he got dragged into this, Zeriel groaned as he went to the door and knocked softly. "Gavin, it's me, Zeriel. I want to talk to you."

  No answer.

  "Hello? Are you in there?"

  Still, there was no answer from the other side of the door.

  "Gavin? I'm coming in." With one powerful kick, Zeriel sent the door breaking free from the hinges. He stopped as he looked at the swirling black vortex that was spread across the far wall. A cold breeze emanated from it, sending the loose papers scattering around the floor. "What is going on? What is that?"

  Gavin turned to him and held out his hand. "Stay back, Zeriel."

  "What is that?" He asked again.

summoning portal. Someone is summoning a demon, and it's my turn to see if I want to go to her. We will talk later. I think I'm going to take this one. Like you, I have a soft spot for children."

  Zeriel's initial curiosity morphed into desperation. "A child is summoning a demon?"

  "Not just any demon. Elves and vampires don't get these. Only the upper echelons of demons get them. Like incubi, succubi, Dyvaes, Xinis, and the archdemons. Dyvaes and Xinis are the really bad ones, though. They are usually summoned for revenge or mass murders."

  "Why would a child be summoning an incubus?" Zeriel asked.

  "I don't know. All I know is that it's a young girl in Wolfekin. I have to go."

  "You won't be using your . . . abilities on her."

  "No. No. Just because I'm an incubus doesn't mean that sex is all I do. I will be back later. If Stephan comes back, tell him we're through. I believe he's a double agent, working for Carvael. Bad eggs in the recipe. I tried to warn you yesterday, but you didn't get it. He's not the only one. Don't trust anyone, not even Oviel." Gavin stepped into the swirling shadow portal and vanished as the shadows disappeared as well.

  * * *

  Jaylen flinched as Reya applied the salve to the pink welts across his back. "Thank you for doing that."

  "How often are you going to want me to whip you?" She asked. "I don't think I can keep doing this. I hate seeing you in pain."

  "It's for my own good. I feel much better now, though. Can you put some of that salve on my left arm as well? I need a new bandage."

  "Of course." Reya unwrapped the bandages then gently dabbed the soothing salve onto Jaylen's wrist where his hand used to be. "Does that help?"

  "Wonderful. Thank you. Sometimes I . . . I can feel it."

  "Feel what?"

  "My hand. It's gone, but it's like I can almost feel it moving. Most of time, it hurts. Not where it was cut off, but like it's there."

  She massaged his arm. "That's actually more common than you'd think. It's normal."

  "I don't like it."

  "This salve should help at least a bit. I don't know what else I can do for you."

  Jaylen took her face in his hand and kissed her. "Just be here. That's all I need."

  Reya continued to tend to his wounds until she rewrapped his arm and tied the bandages tightly. "The slave games start in the morning. Are you physically ready for this?"

  "As ready as I can be." Jaylen smiled as Reya snuggled up next to him and traced his sun sigil with her fingers. He breathed in the floral scent of her hair on his shoulder. "I'm going to die tomorrow."

  "Shh. Don't say that. You can't go into this thinking like that."

  "But it's true. I've accepted it. I'm ready to die."

  Reya ran her hand up Jaylen's thigh and crawled on top of him. Her brown curls hung down over her chest as she removed her corset. "I have something for you."

  Jaylen tried to squirm away from her, but she held him down with her legs. "Reya, don't."

  "But you're going to die tomorrow, right? Why don't we enjoy tonight?"

  "You know how I feel about this."

  "We won't go all the way. Just let me calm you down a bit. You'll enjoy tonight and still have your vows in place. Don't worry." Reya leaned down and kissed him as she took his hand and guided it up to her breasts.

  A million contradicting feelings and thoughts rushed through Jaylen's mind. He shouldn't. He couldn't. But in the end, he opened his eyes and began kissing every inch of her body, reveling in her warmth and the sweet scent of her skin. It was unlike anything he had experienced before. He held his breath as she slid his underwear off and kissed him as well. It took every scrap of self control and willpower to not take things further. Jaylen bit his lip and pictured Sola in his mind, the one thing keeping him from breaking his vows. When Reya finally moved off of him and slipped her nightgown on, Jaylen breathed a sigh of relief. With a slight surge of panic, he scrambled to find his underwear to conceal his body from her.

  "That wasn't so bad now, was it?" Reya joined him in bed again and blew out the candle on the bedside table. "Goodnight, darling."

  Jaylen stared up at the ceiling in the darkness, listening to his pounding heartbeat in the silence. When he took his vows, he knew it was going to be difficult, but not this difficult. All he wanted was Reya to touch him again and not stop. However, he knew that the clarity of his soul was more important than the desires of his body. As he focused on the will of Sola, Jaylen's body relaxed and he drifted to sleep with the woman he loved in his arms.

  Chapter 4

  The wheat fields were cut short for the slave games, but still tall enough to tickle Jaylen's bare calves as he joined the groups of male slaves at dawn. They were all dressed the same, in tight black short pants that stopped above the knee and soft breathable tunics that laced up the sides. Each tunic was a different color, but Jaylen loved his the most. Reya had picked it out for him to ensure that he got the pale yellow of the Ilyan paladins that he held so close to his heart. The color itself had become so sacred that it had merged with his own identity. He couldn't imagine himself wearing any other color.

  A tall slave in a green tunic with messy brown curls waved to him. "Hey, Jaylen! Get over here with me."

  Trevor Treylan. Jaylen could have smiled if he wasn't being herded to his death. He joined his friend's side, sending whispers and rumors through the circle. He leaned closer to Trevor. "I don't think they like me very much."

  "Who cares? It's every slave for themselves now. They're sizing you up, seeing if they can take you down. Face it, Jaylen. You're super skinny and short. The only slaves you'll have any chance against are maybe those toddlers and children under eight over there. Look at the four of them. So tiny and young. It's a real shame that they will more than likely end up being the slaves exiled into the forest."


  "Very sad. But you fight for you own life, you hear me?" Trevor asked with passion blazing in his pale grey eyes. "Even if you are paired up to fight against a child, you have to win. They are slaves just like you are. Don't let their age cloud your actions. You can't die here."

  "Why are you giving me all this advice?" Jaylen asked.

  "Because I owe you for what you did in Ilyan. You saved me. If you hadn't told the high priest that it wasn't me who defaced Sola's statue, I would have been expelled from the Clerical Academy or worse. They would have been well within their rights to disfigure me then leave me in the mountains to die."

  "That's what they did to the other boys, the ones who actually defaced the statue. You weren't there when they did that. I was forced to watch by the high priest who thought I should see what my actions had done, how I had spared you from such a fate. I guess it was meant to be a good thing for me, but it wasn't. I didn't want to watch."

  "What did the priests do to them, exactly?" Trevor asked.

  "I don't want to talk about it."

  "That bad?"

  A cold shiver traveled down Jaylen's spine as he recalled the horrific scene of that night. "There was blood everywhere. They screamed. They begged for death. No one gave them mercy. If you must know, I will give you a hint. The clergy wanted to make sure that they didn't have any chance of reproducing, even if they somehow managed to crawl down the mountain and find a town. It wasn't done by the priests, either. It was done by paladins. Only the pure were permitted to conduct such punishments."

  Trevor spit into the dirt. "Damn. To have that part of you taken by someone sworn never to use his own . . . I can't even imagine."

  "Good. Don't. I'm done talking about it."

  "The clergy isn't as innocent and welcoming as it seems to be from the outside. But you know that all too well, paladin. And you're so young."

  "Shut up, Trevor." Jaylen pushed him away. "What I've seen or been through doesn't matter. We have to focus on winning today. You said so yourself."

  "You said the paladins did those punishments. Have you done that to anyone?" Trevor asked, almost sounding concerned.<
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  "I said stop talking about it."

  "Is your aversion to answering actually a guilt-filled admittance?"

  Jaylen turned his back to him and stared at the dark soil below his leather boots. "I've done things that I'm not proud of. I've seen people suffer for Sola. But everyone must atone for their sins in their own ways. If they didn't want to suffer through the punishments, then they shouldn't have done the crime."

  "You know, for such an innocent kid, there sure is a lot of darkness in your past, isn't there?"

  "You have no idea."

  Jaylen and Trevor stood side by side and watched the land grow brighter as the sun rose over the mountains by the coast and the dark forests that stretched far off towards the horizon. Slowly, the wheat fields became crowded with Cilonan citizens, all eager and waiting for the slave games to start. The spectators lined up to place bets on which slaves they thought had the best chance of triumphing in the games.

  A warm wind blew through the fields as the shimmer of golden wings glinted in the sunlight. Archangel Carvael landed in the middle of the clearing and clapped his hands together to get everyone's attention. "Citizens and slaves of Cilona, welcome to the annual slave games!"

  The crowds all cheered their approval.

  Carvael glanced directly at Jaylen and gave him a sneering grin before turning back to the audience. His booming voice echoed against the buildings. "Every year, the new male slaves compete in a variety of games including the street race, swordplay, wrestling, and archery. At the end of the games, the losing slaves will be exiled from Cilona, stripped of their titles and privileges, then chased into the forest surrounding the city. It is aptly named the Crypt because no slave ever returns from the hundreds of miles of thick forbidding forest. Slaves, being sent into the Crypt is a death sentence, so compete to the absolute best of your abilities. Four of the slaves here will be exiled today. May Sola give your bodies strength and have mercy on your miserable souls. Now, let the slave games begin!"


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