Angel of Darkness Books 1-5

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Angel of Darkness Books 1-5 Page 31

by Mackenzie Morris

  "Zeriel, you should stop. You are treading in dangerous water. You don't know what forces you are playing with."

  "I said to be silent. I'm thinking. You have high cheekbones and a thin jaw line from what I can see around the mask."

  "I'm very flattered, but-"

  "You said it was a masquerade?"

  "Uh . . . what?" Gavin was obviously distracted. "Oh, yeah."

  "You said that incubi can change certain things about themselves?"

  "I can take any form you'd like, but I'm really not comfortable doing anything like that with you. You're my friend. This is awkward. I didn't know you were like that . . ."

  Zeriel let him go. "Hold on. What? What are you talking about?"

  "What are you talking about?" Gavin asked cautiously.

  "Oh, Sola's rays. Not that. No. I was noticing how similar some of your features are to Jaylen's and I wanted to see if you would go in his place in case this entire thing is a trap."

  "Oh!" Gavin giggled and covered is his eyes with his hand. "You need to make your intentions clearer next time. You had me thinking something completely different, angel."

  "You're awful." Zeriel smiled as he went back to the dresser. "But listen. I have a very difficult time believing that King Talyn didn't know about any of this. He could be fishing for Jaylen to go to the masquerade where he could capture him and kill him."

  "Good thinking."

  "I want you to go to the masquerade disguised as Jaylen. While you're there, try to find out how the clergy is adapting, what the rumors are in town, and if there have been any sightings of Jaylen. Got that?"

  "Are you giving me orders now?" Gavin asked.

  "Well, Stephan isn't around to do it."

  Gavin shook his head as he laughed. "You are too much, you know that? I'll do it. For you. You've been the . . . the best friend I've ever had. I mean that. I know you don't approve of some of the things I do, but you're always supportive. That means a lot to me. I just wanted you to know that."

  "You mean a lot to me as well, Gavin."

  * * *

  Canvas tents were stretched out on the edges of trees and large boulders surrounding a bonfire that scattered light around the small clearing. About ten boys were busy either cooking food in a dented pot on the fire, gathering sticks, or sharpening daggers and swords. Jaylen's stomach ached as he smelled the food cooking. He needed energy, sustenance, and heat. He shivered and gritted his chattering teeth as he crawled the last few feet out of the thick underbrush on his bruised and cut knees then collapsed onto the forest floor.

  "Well, look who it is, boys. Our gimpy little paladin made it to camp." Leader strutted over to Jaylen and squatted down in front of him to take his face in his hands. "How did that compare to your Divinity Trial?"

  If Jaylen wasn't so sore and exhausted from crawling what felt to be at least two miles over trees, rocks, and icy streams, he would have spit in the guy's face. But instead, he closed his eyes to wait passively until the humiliation was over. His first priority was survival, and he knew if he was kicked out of the camp that he couldn't survive on his own in this unknown forest in the middle of a freezing night.

  "Aren't you going to take my hand? You have to be cold down there."

  Jaylen opened his eyes to see Leader's hand outstretched to him. Was this some kind of trick? Against his better judgment, he took the boy's hand and shakily stood to his weary feet. The world began to spin around him as he lost his balance.

  "I've got you." Leader braced him up and led him over to the fire. "We're not your enemies here, as much as Liam wishes that was the case. That boy really seems to not like you very much. Did you comment on his creepy green eyes or something? Here. Sit. I'll get you some stew and water." As Leader filled a wooden bowl with the spicy-smelling stew, he continued. "We make every new recruit show their determination by having them crawl to camp. Liam did it earlier today. We weren't expecting there to be anyone in our little trap we dug. Imagine our surprise when Xair went to check our hunting traps and found you in there."

  Jaylen took the bowl of stew and hastily started eating. He was grateful when Leader draped a grey blanket around his shoulders. "So, Xair is one of your boys?"

  "Yes . . . and no." Leader motioned back over his shoulder where Xair was leaning up against a tree with a long dark purple wool cloak on and the hood hiding his face completely. "Look at him. He does what he pleases. When I tried to make him crawl to camp, I woke up with no idea where I was or who I was until he showed up and scared me half to death. He took off whatever spell he had cast on me then started carving strange runes into the trees around camp. No idea what they mean. He creeps me out. He changes how old he looks like it's nothing."

  The rabbit stew was the best thing he had eaten in a while. "How long has he been here?"

  "About a month."

  "Why was he a slave then?" Jaylen asked with his mouth filled with stew.

  "He really wasn't. He thought it would be fun to go play in the slave games. I think he's been watching you. I bet he's studying your every movement now. As for your arch enemy, Liam, he actually was a slave." Leader sat down next to Jaylen and smoothed his curly mustache. "What did you do to the boy? He hates you."

  "Paladins killed his family. He thinks I'm like them."

  "Ah. Understandable. We can't have fighting here. This is your one and only warning. You are welcome to stay with us for as long as you need to, so long as you pull your own weight around here. We have medicine and food. That's more than you'll find anywhere else in this forsaken forest. If you go back to Cilona, Archangel Carvael will kill you. It's best to just steer clear of him."

  A flicker of anger still burned in his soul. "Believe me, I know."

  "Mind telling me how a holy paladin winds up as a slave?"

  "My angel left me. I got into a fight with him and he thought I wasn't worthy of his help anymore. I got in trouble when I wasn't able to pay my bill at the inn in Tivareshen. The innkeeper sold me to Carvael."

  "Can I see your sun sigil?" Leader asked.

  Jaylen set the bowl down and lifted up his tunic. "It's purple because I'm Tainted. And before you ask, yes, my angel is Fallen. But I'm not evil or anything. I don't mean anyone harm. I can't even cast my magic anymore because I have one hand now. I'm useless."

  Leader patted his back. "You'll find something you can do. I've already had a serious talk with Liam about not fighting. If anything happens, you come get me."

  "I don't need your sympathy because I have one hand."

  "That's not what this is about at all. I care about all of my boys and safety is my number one priority out here. We've all been through the slave games and managed to survive. Every year, we gain one or two new recruits to our family. Make yourself as comfortable as you can. This is your home now. See the tent over there between the two cedar trees? That's my tent. You're my new tent mate. We ran out of available spaces in the other tents with Liam, and Xair has to have his own tent, so you will be sharing mine with me."

  Jaylen stared at the dancing orange flames. "Oh."

  "I see the concern in your eyes. Go ahead and tell me. If there's something I need to know, it's best if you tell me now. What is it?"

  "I'm not saying that you would, or that you are even interested, but please don't try anything with me. I'm sworn to chastity and celibacy."

  "Don't worry." Leader said. "If anything, I will be able to protect you the others who may or may not value your vows as much as you do. I respect your choices. My grandfather was a paladin."

  "In Ilyan?"

  "No. I'm from Calchedona."

  "The gemstone mining town in the east?" Jaylen asked.

  "Yep. I was sold about six years ago when some werewolves from Wolfekin raided the town. Eventually, I ended up in Cilona. Now I'm here." Leader stood and stretched. "You should finish eating then get some sleep. I will tend to that cut on your face once you're in our tent, okay? I would hate for it to get infected. Do you have any other
questions or concerns?"

  Jaylen felt uncomfortable as the other boys had joined him around the fire and were all glaring at him. "Do they all hate me?"

  "They are leery of newcomers. Many of them have been hurt by Archangel Carvael and the clergy. Seeing a paladin joining our group is a volatile matter, one that I hope doesn't lead to any violence. You know how far the arms of the clergy stretch. Before this latest Cleansing, there were paladins scattered all over the Northern Continent. Wait. That brings me back to you. How long have you been a slave?"

  "About seven months."

  Leader's eyes narrowed. "And you weren't sacrificed in The Cleansing?"

  "No. I wasn't. I was there, the last one. My angel saved me. He couldn't kill me. He loved me like a son, but I let him down. I saw it all, the hundreds of noble paladins cut down like animals by the angels who cared for them and protected them. I tasted the spiced wine for the condemned. I should have died there, but I didn't. Zeriel risked everything to save me. And now look at how I've repaid him for that sacrifice. By being so stubborn and hateful to the point that he didn't want me anymore. I brought it on myself. If I hadn't been so mean to him, none of this would have happened. I would still be with him. Sure, I would have my issues with the clergy in Vilyron, but at least I would have someone who cared for me. I've lost everything. And that's not all I've lost."

  "Tell me."

  "I was seventh in line to the throne of Vilyron. I was a duke. The Duke of Ilyan. King Talyn is my uncle. I had a house, plenty of money, prestige. None of it mattered. Not only have I failed Sola and the church, but I've failed my country and my people. Everyone looks up to a paladin for guidance, but what kind of example am I now? I'm nothing. I don't even have my angel by my side. I'm a wingless paladin. That's about as low as a paladin can get, isn't it?" Jaylen scoffed as he tossed a handful of leaves into the fire. "Wingless."

  Chapter 8

  Jaylen screamed as the hands grabbed him, but something was stuffed in his mouth and only a panicked whimper escaped his throat. Dazed and still half asleep, he thrashed against his attackers who dragged him out from under his blankets and outside of Leader's tent. They had his arms and legs secured by some kind of leather straps that they managed to cinch tightly around him as he had been asleep just moments before.

  The fire was still raging and crackling in the darkness as Jaylen was roughly thrown to the hot ground inches from the blazing inferno. The boys pulled the leather straps taught and stood on them, ensuring that Jaylen couldn't squirm free from his bonds. Liam stepped forward and drew a thin dagger from his belt. In one swift flick of his wrist, he sliced through Jaylen's clothes and tossed them into the fire. Jaylen groaned his muted protests through the gag to no avail.

  Liam sat on Jaylen's stomach then pressed the razor sharp blade against his throat. "Where is your angel, paladin? Huh? How does it feel to be wingless like the rest of us? You don't get to simply whistle for your angel to come rescue you then fly outta here. No. Once you're here, you're here for life. You are no better than any one of us now."

  The boys laughed as one of the older ones dragged his own blade from Jaylen's shoulder down to his hips. "Hey, Liam, you said you had a friend who was punished by a paladin, right?"

  "Yes. In the worst way possible."

  "Want to do the same thing to this paladin? See how he likes it? Too bad we have to keep him gagged so we don't wake Leader. We can't hear him scream and beg for mercy."

  "I wanna do it. Let me do it!"

  Jaylen thrashed his head back and forth as someone grabbed him roughly. He was screaming through the gag. Every muscle in his body tensed and tears burned in his eyes. They wouldn't actually do something so heinous, would they? His questions were immediately answered when the pain flashed through him, radiating from between his legs. His vision flashed red and the air left his lungs.

  * * *

  "Two gold says I roll a twelve."

  "Twelve?" Zeriel asked as he opened another bottle of wine. "There's no way you're actually going to roll that. I'll raise that to four gold."

  Gavin grinned as he picked up the bone dice and shook them in his hands. "Won't you feel so stupid if I'm awesome?"

  "You're not that awesome."

  He let the dice roll on the table and held his breath as they came to a stop. "Twelve! Haha! What are the odds of that?"

  Zeriel did not look amused. He groaned as he fetched the velvet coin purse from his pocket and tossed it on the table. He took out four gold Vilyron coins and placed them in front of Gavin. "There. Four gold."

  "Hold on a minute." Gavin picked up the coin purse and turned it over in his hands. "It's embroidered. Jaylen Amalas Corrifus. Why do you have Jaylen's coin purse?"

  "I took it when he was in Tivareshen."

  Was he serious? "Zeriel, no!"

  "What? I took it so he would come back home once he realized he didn't have any more money. He would have to come back."

  "Jaylen was sold as a slave by the owner of that inn he was staying in because he didn't have his money to pay for the room and the damage he did to it. This is all your fault!"

  Without a word, Zeriel stood up and backed away from the table. He coughed a couple of times before falling to the floor, clutching his lower stomach.

  "Zeriel?" Gavin slid off of the chair and knelt down in front of him. "Zeriel, are you all right? Come on. Talk to me."

  Zeriel remained motionless.

  Gavin started to panic. What was he supposed to do? He had no experience tending to injured angels. He shook Zeriel's shoulder, wings, and face. "Zeriel, don't do this to me. It's not funny. If this is some sort of joke, it's really mean. Oh for Hell's sake." He jumped up as Zeriel coughed up blood, sending a puddle spreading over the floor. "Oviel! Oviel, get in here. It's an emergency."

  Oviel raced into the room, his white tunic stained with whatever potions he was working with. "What's going on? Sola's rays." He went to him and removed Zeriel's jacket and black shirt. "What happened?"

  "I don't know. We were just playing dice and then he collapsed. He's coughing up blood and not responding."

  "He's not breathing. What did you do to him?"

  "Why do you think I did something?" Gavin asked.

  Oviel held up his hand to reveal the black mist on his fingertips. "Because his back is covered in demon magic."

  "What? I don't understand."

  "You've been spending quite a lot of time with him lately. Was he your next victim?" Oviel asked.

  "No! Zeriel is my friend. I would never hurt him."

  "Axaniel! I need your assistance." Oviel wiped the blood from Zeriel's face then began trying to resuscitate him.

  Gavin went around behind them to see the shadows vanishing from between Zeriel's wings. Why was there shadow magic here? It didn't make any sense. He was absolutely certain that he hadn't done anything with his own demon magic. He reached down and dipped his hand into the fading blackness. Once he brought it to his nose and sniffed it, he knew whose magic it was. "Stephan. Come out, Stephan. Show yourself. I know you're here. I would know your scent anywhere. What have you done to my friend? It's not funny. You can't go around hurting people just to get back at me."

  Axaniel, with his newly grown scraggly brown beard, entered the room. "What's the problem? What happened to Zeriel?"

  "Let me take care of Zeriel." Oviel said between breaths. "You take the incubus to one of the cells the vampires use to hold their prey. Keep him closely guarded. He can't be trusted. He did this to Zeriel."

  Axaniel turned to Gavin. "What? Gavin . . . why?"

  "I didn't! You have to believe me. I swear it! This is Stephan's magic, not mine."

  "Let's see. Shall we trust the evidence or the word of a dirty demon?" Oviel asked. "Take him away, Axa."

  * * *

  Oviel fluffed his turquoise feathers and braided his long white hair before flying up to the golden gates of Heaven. He landed there and looked around at the surrounding rolling hills covered in v
ineyards and sparkling blue streams. The land was bright with the white mage-glow that encompassed the world, bringing a warm yet cooling aura to everything. With one deep breath to keep himself from losing all control, he stepped forward and bowed to Archangel Carvael who was guarding the gates.

  Carvael crossed his arms over his white robes and golden stole. "Holy Angel Oviel. To what do I owe this unexpected meeting? It has been quite a long time since you have graced this place with your . . . confused and . . . unnatural presence."

  "Confused and unnatural? Is that all you have, Carvael? Pathetic. I didn't come here to be berated and insulted by you."

  "Then what did you come here for?" Carvael asked coldly.

  "Listen. I don't know what kind of vendetta you have against Zeriel and Jaylen, but I believe that it is high time for things to be settled once and for all. Too many people have been harmed by this feud."

  "It's not a feud. I have the right to punish and discipline my own son."

  "I agree." Oviel said. "However, all you are doing is pushing him away. Be the bigger man and apologize before something happens where neither of you are able to make amends any longer. Look at me. I am still a Holy Angel. Let me mediate between you and Zeriel so you two can get back to the loving relationship you had before all of this started. I want to help. Fighting and bickering between angels only leads to pain on all fronts."

  "Leave. Now. This is none of your business."

  "What have you done to Jaylen?" Oviel asked.

  "You can ask that question all you want, but you will not get an answer. Now, I strongly advise you to either enter Heaven and carry on with your business, or go back to Aldexa."

  "Zeriel's bond is still active."

  Carvael seemed shocked. "What?"

  "Zeriel and Jaylen are still bonded somehow. I need to know what you've done to Jaylen so I can help Zeriel."

  "I don't care."

  "Carvael, your son is dying and unless I am able to figure out what has happened to Jaylen, both of them will die. There is some sort of demonic magic going on either with Jaylen or Zeriel and it's affecting your son. He's unconscious and bleeding . . . a lot. At first, we thought one of our incubi affiliates had something to do with it, but we were wrong. Gavin is innocent. So I did some more tests and found Jaylen's soul key on a cord around Zeriel's neck. It was active. They are still bonded to each other."


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