Angel of Darkness Books 1-5

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Angel of Darkness Books 1-5 Page 35

by Mackenzie Morris

  "How did those paladins hurt you?" Jaylen asked.

  "They held me under the water in the stream 'til I couldn't breathe. Then they would ask me questions about the stuff I stole the third time. They did it over and over. I thought I was gonna die. I was pukin' and coughin' and they had to breathe for me after I passed out a couple of times."

  "They were torturing you. Why? What did you take the third time?"

  Liam dragged the tip of his boot over the edge of the rug. "I took some grapes and a book from the temple. It musta been holy or somethin'."

  "Why did you take a book when you couldn't read?"

  "I thought I could sell it for food. It had gold on the bindings."

  "What happened to the book?" Jaylen asked.

  "The guards caught me when I tried to sell it. They took it. I still don't like being around water 'cause of them. You can whip me or do anythin' else, but please don't drown me like they did. Please."

  "I won't drown you. Paladins can be very strict."

  "I'll try not to disobey you, sir."

  "That's all I ask. Tell me what you can do in combat. We might have to fight from time to time. I saw how good you were with a bow and arrows. Anything else you can do?"

  His green eyes flickered with mischief. "I can pick locks and make really fun potions."

  "Fun potions?"

  "Ones that make smoke or annoyin' sounds."

  "Hmm. That could come in handy."

  Liam bounced on his toes. "I can also copy people's signatures. I can't write anythin' else, but I can make my curly lines look just like their curly lines. That's how I was able to sneak into the temple."

  "You copied the signature of High Priest Corin?"

  "Yep. I had one of my friends write it to make it sound official. Then I copied his signature. Easy peasy. All I had to do then was to sneak onto a farmer's wagon who was takin' cotton into Ilyan. It was a long ride, but I made it."

  "Do you want a haircut?" Jaylen asked.


  "Your hair is long and messy. I can have Zeriel cut it short."

  Liam instinctively covered the brands with his hands. "But then my brands will show. Everyone will know what I've done."

  "Let them. You are better than the old Liam now. Be proud of where you've come from. You weren't stealing just to line your own pockets and get things you wanted. You kept your family alive. You did everything you could to keep them fed. That is a very honorable thing, Liam. Wear those brands with pride."

  The boy's face lit up. "Really?"

  "Yes. There's no need to be ashamed around here. Remember, I own you for at least five years, so you'd better get used to fitting in. Now, how about that haircut and some saltwater taffy that Gavin made?"

  "Yes, sir. It sounds good."

  Jaylen patted his back. "You go into the kitchen and let Gavin know that I am allowing you to have some candy, okay?"

  "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

  Jaylen watched Liam run off down the tunnels of the vampire coven and laughed. Poor kid. He wasn't looking forward to the inevitable times when he will be forced to discipline him. Of course it would come at some point. While Jaylen was new to being a slave owner, he knew that slaves and servants had to be trained. Even paladins had to be trained. It was part of the cycle of being controlled by someone or being the one in control. Then he thought to his angelic servant who was still locked in his room. Yes, even Zeriel was a part of that cycle.

  Jaylen went to Zeriel's door then knocked softly on it. "Zeriel, are you awake?"


  "Can I come in?"

  Zeriel opened the door and bowed. His eyes were pink and puffy as if he had been crying the entire time. "You can do whatever you want, Master."

  He entered into the darkness where only a single candle burned on the bedside table. For a few minutes, he paced around the bed, trying to collect his thoughts and find the easiest way to do this. "I'm not happy."

  "I know. It's my fault."

  "I lost my hand because my wounds got infected during the trip on the slave ship from Tivareshen to Cilona. They had to cut it off to prevent the infection from spreading. I lost so much because of what you did. I can't cast my magic. Then I was a scribe in the Haunted Library where I got lashes for spilling ink. I was then accused of setting a fire there. I was sentenced to die by starvation in an isolation cell on the coast. For nearly five months, I was locked in there. Five months. Carvael was the only thing that kept me alive. He would leave crackers and oranges there for me. Then he came back and made me compete in the slave games."

  Zeriel seemed to be close to crying again. "Please believe me when I tell you that I never wanted any of that to happen to you. I didn't know my actions would lead to that."

  "Then why did you take my money?"

  "So that you would stop being so stubborn and angry. When you found out your money was gone, I thought that you would come home and admit that I was right. I know now that it wasn't the correct way to handle that situation."

  "I want to be mad at you. I want to hate you for what you put me through, but I can't." Jaylen held out his hand to his angel. "Zeriel, I forgive you. Can we move on?"

  He gratefully took Jaylen's hand. "Thank you."

  "The truth is . . . I miss you. I miss us. I miss what we had before Tivareshen."

  Liaxa opened the door then turned away. "I'm sorry. Is this a bad time?"

  "No. We were just talking. Come on in."

  She joined Jaylen's side and put her arm around his back.

  Zeriel appeared to immediately take notice. "You two seem to be on friendlier terms."

  "Should we tell him?" Liaxa asked.

  "Tell me what?" Zeriel asked. "Jaylen, what have you done?"

  With a racing heart, Jaylen squeezed Liaxa's hand. "Liaxa and I are . . . courting."

  Zeriel stood up and went to the corner away from them. "No."

  "Don't be angry. Why are you angry?"

  "You can't be in a relationship, Jaylen. Your vows-"

  "Are still the most important things in my life. I have no plans of breaking them. This isn't about getting married or having children. We just needed each other. "

  "Then call it something else. You can't be together. No offense, Liaxa, but you're a demon. You're a succubus. I know what you want with Jaylen. I will not sit back and watch you take his soul. Jaylen's soul is mine to take." Zeriel instantly covered his mouth. "Damn it."

  Jaylen pushed Liaxa away and stood up from the bed. "What did you say?"

  "Nothing. I'm just tired, that's all."

  "No." He stormed up to the angel and grabbed his shoulder to turn him to face him. "You want my soul? Why?"

  "I misspoke."

  "No, I heard what I heard! Why are you taking my soul? Answer me!"

  Liaxa wrapped her arms around Jaylen's waist. "Baby, don't get angry. He's a fallen angel. Of course he wants your soul, just like every other demon. He wants it to enhance his own powers."

  "So you tricked me?" Jaylen asked. "You lied to me this entire time? That's the real reason you became my angel, isn't it? So you could steal my soul away? You never did care for me, did you? I was just a vessel that held the soul you needed for your power. The only reason you wanted me to come back from Cilona was so that you could have me closer to you so you could somehow round up all of my soul segments and devour them for your own power! Answer me!"

  "Yes." Zeriel's white eyes pierced into Jaylen's mind like frozen spikes. "It was all a trick. I wanted your soul and nothing more. Without that, you are worthless."

  Jaylen gasped as he backed away from his angel. "No. You're lying. You said you loved me."

  "I'm Fallen. We lie all the time. "

  Instead of crying, Jaylen steeled his emotions and reached into the pocket of his coat. He pulled out the note from Zeriel that he had found in that glass bottle after it washed up into his cell. It had kept him alive, kept him hopeful. Now it was all lies. He took the corner in his front
teeth and began ripping it apart. The tattered pieces fell to the floor until the note was completely destroyed. "Never speak to me again, Zeriel. Stay away from me."

  * * *

  He watched Jaylen run out of the room with his daughter following close behind. Gavin locked the door before passing his hand over the black wings and altered body that made him appear exactly like Zeriel. That was one of the hardest things he had to do. He didn't want to break Zeriel and Jaylen apart, but sometimes desperate actions are the only actions that get things done. Having Zeriel and Jaylen back together would only make plans more muddled and complicated. Why? Because when those two get thinking on something, they feed each other's curiosity. And curiosity is what could get everyone here in a lot of trouble. Curious people like to pry into things that should remain secret. And masks are the enemies of curious people.

  The closet door creaked open as Stephan grinned darkly and strutted up to Gavin. "Good job, darling. This is for the best. You'll see. So, where is my angel?"

  "Tied up in the back of a cart about a mile down the road. I had to clip his wings so he wouldn't try to fly off. Other than that, he is in pristine condition and ready for you."

  "Perfect. I will get the information out of him. Eternal Eclipse will always get the information Carvael needs."

  "Yes . . . I'm sure."

  Stephan stroked Gavin's red hair with his claws. "I knew you would see this from my perspective, Gavin. You are making everyone in Hell very happy. Who knows? Maybe after Carvael finds a way to bring the archdemons into Heaven, he will be so pleased with your work that he appoints you as the new archangel. If he's the new Sola, then he could make anyone an angel, I bet. Wouldn't you like that? To have pretty wings?"

  Gavin shivered in the cold air as he stared down at the floor. "Sure. You'd better get going before the Wolfekin invasion."

  "Oh, how I would love to be in Ilyan when the red paladins summon their demons. It will truly be a sight to behold. Well, I'm off now. Kiss me." Stephan pulled Gavin to him and roughly kissed him, drawing blood from where he punctured Gavin's lips with his pointed teeth. "There we go. I will be in touch. And Gavin?"


  "You got a little blood on your face." Stephan slipped into the shadows and vanished.

  Gavin went to the dresser and took the cloth from the basin of water. As he wiped away the blood, he felt nothing but shame. Traitor. That's all he was. He had betrayed Sola. He betrayed Liaxa and Jaylen. Most of all, he had betrayed Zeriel, his one and only friend. He stared at himself in the mirror, his red hair, his fangs, his orange eyes . . . his mask. With one feral scream, he punched the mirror, sending shards scattering down on the floor. He couldn't look at himself anymore.

  Thinking quickly, he found a sheet of paper, a quill, and an inkwell in one of the dresser drawers. He scribbled a note that he addressed to Jaylen, pretending to be Zeriel.

  Dearest Jaylen,

  I realize that I have hurt you too much to be forgiven. That is all my fault. I know I tricked you and made you believe that we had something more than what we had. The truth is that I'm evil. I couldn't move past those desires to devour your soul. I don't ask you to forgive me for those things. That is why I cannot stay here any longer. I am going back to Heaven to turn myself in to my father and the Angelic Court. By the time you get this letter, I will have already been executed. Do not weep for me, Jay. You tried to change me, but I was just too far gone to even see the light in the words of a holy paladin. There was one thing I wasn't lying about, though. I do love you. Forever.

  With love,

  Fallen Angel Zeriel

  Chapter 13

  Jaylen ran out of the vampire coven and across the wet field to the makeshift stable they had constructed for Gavin's gryphon and now Pegasa as well. He didn't have much time. He pulled open the heavy wooden doors then threw the golden saddle on his horse's back. "Liaxa, get the reins."

  She did and secured them onto Pegasa. "Where are we going?"

  "Just get on. I'll explain on the way. We don't have much time." Jaylen jumped onto Pegasa and pulled Liaxa up into the saddle behind him. "Hold on tight. Read this."

  Liaxa took the letter and read it as they took off into the sky. "Are we going to Heaven to stop Zeriel from turning himself in?"

  "No. We're going the opposite direction. That letter wasn't written by Zeriel."

  "How do you know?"

  "Zeriel would never call himself evil. He is far too proud to turn himself in to Carvael."

  "Then why are we going to Hell?" Liaxa asked.

  "To rescue my angel."

  "From who?"

  Jaylen kicked the sides of Pegasa so she would fly faster through the always darkened sky. "From Stephan Angel Slayer."

  "Oh, no. You don't think Stephan has him, do you?"

  "I know he does." Jaylen tightened his grip around the reins so he could slip off the sky blue amulet and hand to Liaxa. "Look into the amulet and tell me what you see. Tap it a couple of times."

  "By Hell's flames . . . it recorded what happened in the room."

  "Exactly. There's no sound, but it works. I had no idea it would, but I had left it there in the room when I first spoke with Zeriel. It must have fallen out of my pocket. That amulet holds all the evidence I need."

  "My father . . ."

  "Is working with Stephan and Carvael. Pass your finger over the stone in the other direction so you can watch what happened earlier today. Your father drugged Zeriel then cut off his long feathers so he couldn't fly."

  "Have you told Oviel or Axaniel?" Liaxa asked.

  "Axaniel is in Wolfekin with Sulstair. He is his angel now, remember?"

  "Oh, yeah. What about Oviel?"

  "I didn't have time. As soon as I found the note and recovered my amulet, I saw what it had recorded. I knew I had to go as quickly as I could. I need you to figure out where the closest rift is so we can pass through to Hell."

  "You haven't gone to Hell before, have you?"

  "Is that a problem?" Jaylen asked.

  "It's a huge problem. Where is your soul key?"

  "Zeriel had it . . . oh, damn." It dawned on him that it might be a bigger problem than he thought.

  "Precisely. That's the problem. Part of your soul is now in Hell. You're a paladin. Tell me that's a bad thing. You should know."

  "Yes, I do know. What can Stephan do with my soul key in Hell?"

  "You don't want to know."

  "Tell me." He insisted.

  "No, really. You just don't want to know."

  "That bad?" Jaylen asked.

  "Stephan isn't just an incubus."

  "Oh, this is going to be good. Tell me what else he is."

  "A Nephilim."

  Jaylen nearly fell off of the winged horse's back in surprise. "Sola's rays! Is that what we are going up against?"

  "I told you that you just didn't want to know. You studied them, didn't you?"

  "Of course. I learned all sorts of things in the Clerical Academy. Most of it was religious. Oh, Sola defend me. You would know better than I would. Correct me if I'm wrong. A Nephilim is one of the first fallen angels who tried to overthrow Heaven then were bound to Hell by magic and turned into demons."

  "Stephan's crime was the worst. He tried to rape Sola."

  Was she serious? "You're joking."

  "I wish I was."

  "But Sola was his mother."

  "Exactly. He was ruled by his unquenchable lust. That's why he was turned into an incubus."

  "Does Gavin know this?" Jaylen asked.

  "I don't think so. Those events happened so long ago that many of the archdemons don't even know. The few that do choose to keep it quiet for fear of repercussions from Stephan."

  "If Stephan is so powerful, then why isn't he an archdemon?"

  "He chose not to be one. Don't know why."

  "How long have you known this?" He asked.

  "Since I did some research in Hell's Library."

  "There is a library in

  "Of course." Liaxa squeezed her arms around Jaylen's waist. "We're demons, not peasants."

  "And you didn't think to let your father know that he was romantically involved with a Nephilim?"

  "You ask that like you think he would have believed me in the first place. No. Gavin is headstrong beyond belief. Plus, it wouldn't do any good now anyway. Gavin and Stephan have a blood covenant."

  Blood covenant? "Explain."

  "Two demons can enter into a blood covenant when they become forever bound to each other. Most of the time, they do so without even meeting their partner first. It is supposed to strengthen both of their power. Think of it kind of like an arranged marriage by a matchmaker in the human world. Stephan and Gavin were matched by the female archdemon of lust. Yeah, not such a grand idea, I know. But my father is unfortunately governed by lust as well. So I guess they were a match made in Heaven . . . well, more like Hell, but you get the gist."

  "But they're both male."

  "Ha! You think that matters?" Liaxa asked. "Oh, Jaylen, poor innocent Jaylen. Just wait until you see what goes on in the open in Hell. Nothing is off limits. I will defend you to the best of my abilities, but you should know that every demon there will be watching you and licking their lips, imagining what your soul will taste like. That sun sigil on your chest only makes them want you more. Pure humans are difficult to come by and even though it's purple now and you are technically Tainted, they know. They can smell the holiness on you. If we had time and a secluded place, I would take your virginity before we go to make this easier."

  "That's not funny."

  Liaxa's mood turned serious. "Good. I wasn't joking. That is our single largest liability right now. You are putting not only us, but Oviel, Liam, Gavin, and Xair in danger. Every demon in Hell can smell you. They are drooling over you. You're like a beacon for them. It's dangerous. I bet you don't know that Zeriel was having to work all night long fighting off demons who tried to get to you before you were sent to Cilona."

  "He did?"

  "Yes. It was worse before he was completely Fallen, but it is still bad. Even Oviel has to set up barriers around your room in the coven to protect you from the vampires."

  "And you're saying that this wouldn't be an issue if I broke my vows?" Jaylen asked.


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