Angel of Darkness Books 1-5

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Angel of Darkness Books 1-5 Page 42

by Mackenzie Morris

  "My hair! How dare you?" Tarael jumped up and wrung his long brown locks out as he glared at Zeriel. "I don't expect you to understand. You're ugly. It takes two hours every morning to look this good."

  "Maybe if you spent that time actually taking care of your paladin-"

  "Don't finish that sentence. My new paladin is out there running laps right now and outperforming the others in pushups because he is strong. Why is he strong? Because I push him to be strong. Why don't we take a second to look at your paladin? Can you even call him a paladin?"

  Zeriel heard Jaylen's slight whimper from his bunk. "You have no room to talk about Jaylen that way. You have no idea what he has gone through. He is stronger and his soul is purer than every single man out there right now."

  Jaylen slid off of the top bunk and pulled his black chainmail over his head. "I'm leaving now. I don't want to be here and get caught up in the two of you fighting again. You're not here alone, Zeriel. I'm here too and everything you do reflects on me. Remember that. I have holes in my lips because of this bickering crap that you refuse to let go. If you truly cared about me, then you would get along and stop making a scene every day. I'm dying because of you!"

  Zeriel dropped the empty bucket. "Jaylen-"

  "How will you react when you find out that I'm dead?"

  "What do you mean by that? Jaylen, stop. Come back!"

  Chapter 5

  Jaylen stood at attention with the other paladins in the field surrounded by tents as his jaw ached tremendously. When General Riz passed by and yelled at someone else, Jaylen sneakily slipped a handful of pain pills into his mouth. He had to do something. What he wanted to do was crawl back into his bunk and stay there until the pain dissipated. The dull ache had spread down his neck and even into his shoulders.

  "Corrifus, what was that?"

  Oh, Hell. Jaylen stood there and looked straight ahead, pretending not to know anything.

  General Riz stopped in front of him. "I asked you a question, paladin. What did you just put in your mouth?"

  Commander Tyrin rode up on his white horse then slapped General Riz on the back of the head. "General Riz, I told you to stay away from the paladins for the remainder of the day. This is a direct disregard for my orders and authority."

  General Riz growled as he bowed then stormed off, muttering insults under his breath.

  Jaylen glanced over at the commander only to see two very familiar faces that he believed he wouldn't see for a long time. What was going on?

  Commander Tyrin slid off of his horse then pushed the two men forward. "We have two new paladins joining us, new members of Squad Eight. They are fresh out of the Divinity Trial. Greet your new brothers, Trevor Treylan and Liam Ulverin. You are dismissed for the day."

  Liam was limping from where his legs were burned by the archdemon they fought in Hell, but overall, he looked to be in decent health. Trevor still wore his short brown beard with pride after winning the right to have one in the slave games.

  Jaylen immediately grabbed his friend's arm. "Trevor? What are you doing here? Are you actually serious about this?"

  "As serious as I can be. I completed the Divinity Trial this morning. It was a shortened version because of how desperate they are for new paladins, but it was still brutal." Trevor lifted up his surcoat and chainmail to reveal the sun sigil on his hip. "I have the sun sigil and the scars on the bottoms of my feet to prove it. I did attend the Clerical Academy and trained to be a priest, remember?"

  "But I thought your family didn't have magic."

  "That is true."

  "Then how did you become a paladin?" Jaylen asked. "You're not even a virgin. None of this makes sense."

  "Wake up, Jaylen. None of the paladins actually uphold all their vows. Plus, Liam doesn't have magic either, but he's a paladin now as well."

  That was true. Jaylen turned to the thin green-eyed boy. "Speaking of weird things. How did a thief who never attended a day at any school in his life, who doesn't have a scrap of magic, and who probably hasn't ever prayed to Sola become a paladin overnight? None of this makes sense!"

  Trevor shrugged his shoulders. "They are so desperate to refill their ranks that they are taking anyone who has had a paladin in their bloodline. I was originally trying to be a priest because they don't require the capability to use magic. That was years ago. But I came into town with Liam shortly after you left the coven so that we could figure out a way to stay around you and help out. That's when we were approached by High Priest Corin who offered to admit us to the Divinity Trial. Sulstair the elf decided that Liam wasn't worth his trouble or something, so he left with Axaniel. I don't know what he was trying to accomplish in the first place. He was creepy anyway. And now we're here. Surprise!"

  "And Liaxa?" Jaylen asked. "I saw Gavin yesterday, but his daughter wasn't with him. How is Liaxa holding up with me gone?"

  They glanced at each other then Trevor rubbed his neck. "Well . . ."

  "Well what?"

  "Liaxa is . . . uh . . ."

  Liam leaned close and whispered to him. "She's missin'. She ran away."

  "Ran away? Why? Did she say anything before she left?"

  "I believe her exact words were, 'I hate every single one of you. You can all go to Hell and suck my pretty pointy elf ears.' Sound like something she'd say?" Trevor asked.

  "I don't understand. Why was she upset?"

  Liam kicked a clump of dirt with the toe of his boot. "Gavin wanted her to break up with you."

  "This is my fault?" Jaylen then smiled as he thought of the woman he loved. "So she does care about me."

  Trevor nodded. "A little too much, it seems. Apparently Gavin found something in her room."

  "And that was?"

  "Maybe you should talk to Oviel when he gets back. He knows more about it."

  "I want to hear it from you." He turned to Liam. "I own you for five years. You're my slave. I order you to tell me what you know."

  "It was a weddin' dress."

  "A wedding dress?" Jaylen asked. "Are you sure?"

  Trevor sighed. "Absolutely sure. She had a ring for you as well. We think she was planning on forcing you to propose."

  "I don't believe you. Liaxa wouldn't do something like that."

  "Believe what you will. There are many reasons why we decided to come out here to be with you. Protecting you from your succubus girlfriend was one of them. She's crazy."

  "She's not crazy, Trevor. She's just . . . misguided."

  Trevor scoffed. "You're a virgin paladin sworn to chastity and celibacy who is courting a succubus. Tell me what is wrong with that. Everything. Everything is wrong with this situation. You had better scores than me on very single test we took in the Clerical Academy. I know you're not this stupid."

  "I don't need you calling me names, Trevor."

  "Then don't be dumb."

  Liam was too busy fidgeting with his chainmail to join in the argument. "This stuff is heavy. Can I get some simple leathers?"

  "All paladins except for Commander Tyrin wear chainmail and all soldiers wear full plate."

  "Ugh. I can't move in it."

  "You'll get used to it. Once we're out on the battlefield, we can probably talk to Commander Tyrin and he might let you wear something else. Are you going to be able to use your longsword when you get it?" Jaylen asked.

  "Probably not. They're so heavy."

  Jaylen only shook his head then turned back to Trevor. "Who is your angel?"

  "My angel is Brinx, of course. You know that we're in a relationship. We might have bent the rules with that one, but Brinx helped."

  Jaylen looked to Liam who was fidgeting under the unfamiliar weight of the chainmail. "And what about you? Who is your angel?"

  "I am." The turquoise-winged angel stepped up to them and grinned like he had been planning this all along. "Fancy meeting you here, Jaylen."

  "Oh, Sola help me. Go ahead and tell me. What squad have you two been assigned to?" Jaylen asked.

uiem Squad, of course." Liam bounced on his toes. "We're with you!"

  Oviel looked concerned as he studied Jaylen's face. "What happened to your lips? They are swollen. And are those . . . holes? What have these monsters done to you?"

  "It's a long story."

  "We have time. Tell me."

  "My lips were sewn shut. Then I was force-fed through a hollow vine they put up my nose and down my throat. Now my jaw is swollen and I'm on some really strong pain medicine. It was awful."

  Liam gave a whimpering sound as he latched onto Oviel's arm. "Ovi!"

  "What is it, Liam?"

  "You promised that this wasn't dangerous, that they were all nice. Do they actually do that to people?"

  "They're not supposed to. Looks like it's time for me to lay down the law. Come with me, Liam. I am going to have a serious talk with Prince Averin about how he and his lackeys have been treating my paladins."

  "Your paladins?" Jaylen asked.

  "Oh. What? What did I just say?"

  "You said they were your paladins."

  Oviel laughed nervously. "Oh, silly me. I meant to say Vilyron's paladins. Let's leave Trevor and Jaylen alone so they can catch up."

  Trevor sighed and shook his head as he watched Oviel lead Liam away. "I can't believe I volunteered to join Squad Eight. It's cursed, you know? Every time Requiem Squad is formed and fights in a conflict, every member but one dies."

  "That's . . . that's a bit concerning."

  "You're telling me. And it's not over a long period of time. No. It's all at once. They all die. Then the survivor is left with all kinds of trauma and guilt because he was the one paladin who survived. Most of the time, the remaining paladin is hanged for some reason or another. There are how many men in Requiem Squad right now?"

  Jaylen quickly counted. "Thirteen plus their angels."

  "And three out of that thirteen are me, you, and Liam. I wonder who's going to be the one survivor."

  "Don't talk like that. We can't think like that, Trevor." Then Jaylen overheard two other paladins whispering to each other by the tents.

  "A thief? Why would they let that scum join us?"

  "Good question. Those brands on his face prove that he has sticky fingers. They'd better lock up the weapons tightly from this one."

  Jaylen went up to them with his fist clenched tightly. "Hey! If you have a problem with my friend, then say it to his face. Sneaking around spreading lies and gossip makes you no better than he was. Liam is a good man now. He is one of us, through and through. That sun sigil on his shoulder proves as much."

  Everyone stopped what they were doing as the entire camp fell silent. A glowing purple rift tore open the sky to the south as lightning streaked in the dark sky. The all-encompassing haze of mage-glow that simulated the sun pulsed brighter then abruptly went out, leaving everything in a pitch-black night. Screaming from the citizens in the city nearby echoed against the mountain range in the distance as flocks of birds screeched and flew up from the willow groves.

  Trevor reached out to steady Jaylen. "That's a rift, isn't it?"

  "Yeah . . . yeah it is. This isn't good."

  "Demons come out of those, right?"

  "Yep. Lots of demons." Jaylen jumped as a low horn filled the air and the soldiers on the other side of the camp leapt into action gathering their belongings and packing up tents.

  Sergeant Riz led his black horse hurriedly behind him as he ran up to the crowd of stunned paladins. "Squad Eight, you're under my command. Let's move out."

  Commander Tyrin rode up on his white horse. "General Riz, what are you doing? You can't take Requiem Squad out there first."

  "You're not superstitious, are you? Come now, Commander. We can't be governed by rumors and coincidences."

  "Riz, I'm warning you. Let Prince Averin's men go first. At least let the other more experienced paladins take the lead."

  General Riz mounted his horse. "We need a small squad to scout out the situation. Sending the entire Vilyron military will only attract unneeded attention. We cannot afford those casualties this early in the war."

  "Do what you will, but hear me now, Riz. If Squad Eight falls and you survive, I will personally see you hang."

  "Save that rope for you own neck. Squad Eight, grab your bags, line up for your swords, and find your angels. You will each be assigned a horse if you do not have one. If you already have a mount, secure it here immediately. We move out in thirty minutes."

  Chapter 6

  Squad Eight was buzzing with an electricity-like anxiousness as all thirteen paladins were in their black chainmail and blood red surcoats with new longswords on their hips. Most of them were riding the brown and grey horses that the military had given them, but Jaylen had Pegasa. The winged white horse reared back as the paladins gathered around to admire her. She greedily gobbled up the sugar cubes and carrots they gave him, paying them back with only a giddy whinny or a lick to the face.

  They rode for about two hours before they found the first signs of demonic activity from the distant rift. General Riz continuously talked to Oviel about the possibilities and what they might find ahead in the far-stretching fields between Vilyron and Wolfekin. They chatted and occasionally laughed as if they had known each other for a long time. Unlike the other angels, Oviel did not fly the entire way. Instead, he rode a horse with Liam in his lap. The tiny boy slept soundly against Oviel's chest with the cutest look on his face and one hand holding a clump of the angel's turquoise feathers.

  Even though Pegasa could fly, Jaylen rode on the ground with Zeriel in the saddle behind him. He glanced back at his black-winged angel. "You doing okay back there?"

  Zeriel didn't sound happy. "Just thinking about stuff."

  "Want to talk about it? We have time."

  He leaned closer so no one else could hear what he had to say. "Don't you think this is weird?"


  "My sister is here in the open and none of the paladins have said anything. Even the other angels haven't taken notice of her being female."

  "I'm sure it's nothing. Maybe they are simply occupied with their paladins and trying to figure out what is going on with that rift. I wouldn't worry about it." Jaylen looked up to see the female angel with pink wings and a tight purple dress flying closely above Trevor. "Look. Trevor and Brinx are happy together."

  "It's not that. These other paladins aren't like you. I'm sure you still vividly remember your Divinity Trial. It wasn't one day. Yours lasted for two weeks. Then you were given your light magic. Liam and Trevor can't use magic, they weren't given magic, and their angels volunteered before the list of angel names was listed off. How are they paladins now? It doesn't work this way. They call them red paladins, but in my view, they are heretics parading around falsely calling themselves paladins. How could High Priest Corin allow something like this to happen?"

  "Drop it. They needed more paladins, so they took some shortcuts to get their numbers up. I don't blame them."

  "It cheapens everything you went through. You are better than these false paladins. That's why I got you this." Zeriel dropped a bundle of pale yellow fabric in Jaylen's lap. "Put it on instead of your red surcoat. I had Oviel speak to Commander Tyrin and got you permission to wear it instead."

  Jaylen handed the reins to Zeriel then unfolded the fabric. It was his yellow surcoat with the silver wings on the front that all the Ilyan paladins used to wear before The Cleansing. He changed then smiled as he smoothed the soft fabric. "Thank you. It feels so much better."

  "There was a downside to this, though. In exchange for you wearing your old surcoat, you had to stand out as an original paladin."

  "Okay. So what does that mean?" Jaylen asked, almost not wanting to know.

  "You go into battle first."

  "What? What have you done?"

  "You will lead Squad Eight into battle and be the one to negotiate with the enemy if applicable. Commander Tyrin wants you to have the responsibilities that a true paladin would have had. You a
re the leader now whenever General Riz is unable to be."

  "Somehow I don't think General Riz took this news lightly."

  Zeriel laughed. "He didn't have a choice. Commander Tyrin ordered him to not argue about it or try to stop it. The red paladins will listen to you because they respect the vows you have taken."

  "And they haven't taken those same vows?"

  "Not exactly. In order to get the numbers up, they relaxed the rules so it would appeal to more people. You are the last, the one and only true paladin."

  "Do they even have magic?" Jaylen asked.

  "Some of them do, most of them don't. They completely rely on their angels for everything. Only a handful of them even went to the Clerical Academy. Where you were trained from age five to be a priest or a paladin, the red paladins are blacksmiths, farmers, field hands, merchant's kids, and street cleaners. They don't know the first thing about Sola."

  "So Commander Tyrin wants me to be the one to teach them about religion?"

  "More or less. At least Trevor attended the Clerical Academy and he knows something."

  "That is true. And how do you feel about your sister being with Trevor?" Jaylen asked.

  "I don't approve. Angels should never be romantically involved with their paladins. I've seen firsthand what that kind of behavior can do to people. It's not right. I fear for Brinx. If anyone reports her, she could face the Angelic Court for this. I don't want her to suffer."

  General Riz called out to him. "Corrifus, get up here."

  Jaylen's heart skipped a beat as he rode up beside General Riz. "Yes, sir?"

  "It has been brought to my attention that you are better than us. Is that what your yellow surcoat stands for? Being better than us?"


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