Victor Deus (Heritage of the Blood Book 1)

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Victor Deus (Heritage of the Blood Book 1) Page 22

by Brent Lee Markee

  Excited murmuring broke out amongst the crowd. They had been expecting the announcement, but not the woman herself. The King went over to the princess as she came out the double doors behind them, and brought her to his son's side, joining their hands and raising them high. The crowd cheered and then went back to talking amongst themselves about what this meant for the Protectorate.

  Victor knew what to expect based on Nim's short description of the seventeen year old girl, but he was still stuck by the contrast of the princess from most other people in Safeharbor. Instead of the clearly defined sharp features of most of the people on Terroval, she possessed a smoothness that made her almost exotic. Instead of the striking beauty and captivating eyes of the women of Safeharbor, her eyes were calm and intelligence shown through like a beacon. The fact that her eyes couldn't grab on to you and hold you made them more pleasant to look at in Victor's opinion. He knew the draconic heritage that the people of Safeharbor shared was the reason for these differences. He also knew that anyone in this room from the continent of Terroval could snap her in half with little effort, she would have some of the best soldiers in the palace as her guard. It wasn't easy to get an assassin within the walls of the royal palace, but it wasn't unheard of. Should she live past any assassination attempts there is still the problems that could occur during child birth for any mother without Draconic blood. The clerics should be able to control anything that should happen during the time she would carry child, but there was little that could be done during birth. In short Victor thought this would be interesting.

  The King held up his hand so the talking would stop again, and motioned for the princess to speak.

  “Greetings Citizens of the Protectorate and peoples of Terroval. It pleases me to be here under such circumstances. It is not often one of royal blood is able to be betrothed to someone they care for. I am lucky to have come to this land, and meet his majesty and the other members of the council. I know that I am not of this land so there are differences between us, but I will work studiously to earn your respect.”

  No one outside of Terroval was supposed to know about the Draconic heritage of it's people. In fact most of the people living within the walls of Safeharbor were blissfully unaware of that fact as well. Victor wondered if she was told what she was getting into when she got here and if she really understood the differences between her and the people before her.

  “I thank you for your kind reception. I have only been here a little while, but I feel a kinship to all of you. My father has always spoken well of the Protectorate and the job you do here, you have the respect and admiration of the peoples of Tien'Dier. I hope that this union will serve to bring our people even closer together.” She turned to the King as she spoke the end of her speech. “Your Majesty I thank you for accepting me into your household and I hope that I can be as good of a woman and Queen as your wife.” The Princess then embraced the King and Queen before moving back beside Theodrik the third.

  “With that I would like the ball to…” Before the King could finish his sentence High Commander Cantel cleared his throat loudly. Victor noticed that the King wasn't overly surprised by this, and expected it was all a part of the planned reception. Turning to Stewart Cantel the King said “Is there something you wish to add Commander Cantel?”

  “Yes your Majesty, I believe there is something of importance that I must convey while everyone is present. First I would like to congratulate the prince on his courting such a lovely young woman, and may you both find years of love and a bevy of children. It is my duty however to report the goings on in the land of Terroval even on such a joyous occasion.” Victor yet again didn't know what the High Commander was talking about, but Nim's stoic appearance led Victor to believe that he did.

  “I have news from the east. As you all know the city of Asylum guards our eastern border along with the Wardens. Since the end of last summer we have noticed an increase of goblin, orc, and others influenced by the Dracair east of the shield wall. Our scouts report a large buildup of encampments East of the Elven city Eske'Taure, and their forest of Dreams. We believe that Asylum will start defending against a massive army within the next few months. There is a reason this is called the month of Preparation, as the month turns to Ragnós we will march. As you all know we cannot transport troops past the shield wall along the lines of power in any direction since the cataclysm that shook our world more than three thousand years ago. We are able to take them North West of Asylum and march them to the city so with the help of the Mages we will have our soldiers in position on the first of the Month of Ragnós. From the size of the forces amassing in the east we may have a long campaign on our hands.”

  This news was received about as well as could be expected. Some of the 'Softer' women and men assembled let cries of despair escape their lips, while the most common response was a stoic acceptance of the inevitable fate of those who make the Protectorate. Most of the royalty assembled were commanders, soldiers, Mages, or priests. They would all be on the front lines as they had been before and would be again. Victor watched as the information sunk in and was surprised by the response. He had always thought of the royal house of the Protectorate and the rest of the nobles were weak of character and of arm. Seeing the faces of those assembled, and the hands gripping sword hilts all around the room he was hit with a powerful respect for these men who not only keep the order in the city, but march to war when the need arises.

  “General Theromvore will go ahead with the Two Twenty Second and the Two Twenty Third to secure our position and guarantee that Asylum isn't overrun before we are ready. It doesn't seem likely that the Dracair would be in position before the middle of Ragnós but we all know they have more tricks than a street magician. I know all of you will make us proud, and as always. We see, we hear, and we act!” Throwing his fist into the air the mood in the room turned from somber to somewhere between outrage at an invading enemy, and a glimmer of the battle lust that befalls most soldiers, especially those with Draconic heritage. The wizards call it a genetic memory. The emotions and skills of the parents being passed down to their children and their children's children. This hatred for the ideals of the Dracair has only grown over the years, and the idea that the defense from this threat is paramount has never faltered as it was bolstered by the same feelings in their ancestors.

  “You bring us grave news High Commander. I thank you for your vigilance. My people, we head to war, but we would not be the people we are if we didn't know how to enjoy the time we have. Tonight is for celebration. I must retire with the Commander and the Mages to discuss these important matters, but my son and his Betrothed will gladly accommodate your praises for their union.” Watching the people change their temperament yet again to a lighter attitude that a party brings out, Victor got the feeling from somewhere inside that people's emotions were like a tide, always moving and always changing. Having no time for introspection as to where this feeling came from and if there was more he could learn from it Victor was lead into the double doors at the top of the stairs with the rest of the Council.

  Chapter 11


  Year 3043 AGD

  Month of Preparation

  Night of the Third Day

  Continent of Terroval

  City of Safeharbor

  Royal Palace

  Nim you scoundrel where have you been hiding?”

  “Obviously not where I should have been.” Nim said with a scowl.

  “You know the Theodrik had to do that for the nobles to accept you as an advisor. Why it would be scandalous to have Nim the artist, bard, and most financially endowed bachelor of Safeharbor to advise the King. None of us have ever asked you where you acquired such a vast wealth either. Now you see though that your nobility makes all of your 'talents' laudable.” The Queen said smiling.

  “Well, if I told you where I got most of my wealth you probably wouldn't believe it. Not that I'd tell you anyway.”

  “Spoilsport.” The Queen
said affectionately.

  “Come now mother leave Nimus alone.” Nim winced visibly again at the sound of his full name. “If you aren't careful she'll have you betrothed before morning to one of the ladies in waiting.” The prince said in a feigned confidentiality.

  The Queen's eyebrow quirked like she hadn't thought of that idea, and opened her mouth to say something to Nim. Victor saw Nim struggling for an excuse to change the subject rapidly so he figured it was a good time for him to interject.

  “Nim, I know your distracted by the title announcement and all, but it feels rude of me to stand here listening to your conversations without a proper introduction.”

  Nim gave an audible sight of relief when the Queen seemed to forget what she had been about to say and focused her attention on the boy in front of her. Not only did the Queen look at him, but his voice seemed to have carried throughout the room as it met what seemed to be a lull in their respective conversations. Victor knew that they had all been secretly listening to the conversation that Nim and the Queen had been having however. A few of the members of the council moved forward to become part of the group as the Queen scrutinized Victor.

  “Ah yes, I suppose you are right.” Nim said as he turned so that only Victor could see his face and mouthed 'Thank you.'

  “It is not of consequence my lord.” Victor said referring to the thank you and the spoken reply to his interjection.

  “Little consequence! I think not, who be ye boy?” Dodrick Flanteel said to Victor incredulously.

  “This 'boy' is my adopted son.” Nim replied, in a flat tone, to the high wizard and those assembled.

  Victor knew that the royalty as well as the senior members of the knights and Mages of the Protectorate possessed a great self will, and had also been trained not to let their emotions show. Looking around the room however he realized that must not fall into play in private. He noticed that besides himself and Nim there wasn't a face in the room that didn't show open surprise, and a hint of disbelief on more than a few.

  “Well you don't have to stare at me like I just told you the royal guard were quitting to become troubadours.” Victor said in a mock display of being hurt by the looks.

  The faces in the room showed even more surprise at the comment before many of them broke into laughter.

  “Well, if that doesn't tell us Nim is raising the lad I don't know what would.” the Arch Magus intoned lightheartedly.

  “That answers one question.” said the King thoughtfully, “But the how, why and when are still running around in my head.” The rest of the group nodded in agreement to the King's questions.

  “Well, Victor and I chanced upon each other one night a few months ago. He wanted to know what it was like having a father, and I wanted to know what it was like having a son.” Victor almost laughed at the absurdity of Nim's simple statement before a tiny voice in his mind said Well that's really the short of it. Grudgingly Victor conceded to his wiser inner voice.

  “Leave it to Nim to compress what is probably one of the most complicated things in recent history in this city into two sentences.” Zander Halcyon shook his head as he spoke.

  “If this is a joke Nim I think it is in poor taste.” The Queen looked like she was trying to grasp at facts that seemed to be eluding her.

  “No joke I assure you.” Nim shrugged, “we just seemed to be destined to meet.”

  High Commander Cantel groaned “Now he's talking about destiny. I can only think of three possibilities. He's either really sick, he's under some powerful enchantment, or…”

  “He's finally starting to understand.” High Priestess Lane interjected.

  Now it was Nim's turn to groan. “Give off priestess you may count Ashur and Dunnagan amongst your followers, but I am no ones puppet.”

  Megan Lane bristled visibly “Nimus Theromvore! We are not…”

  It was Admiral Swiftflow who came to the rescue this time. “Now now, let's not have a theological debate right now, the night isn't long enough.” He put his hand on the High Priestess's shoulder in a calming gesture, and it earned him a change of focus of her glare from Nim to him.

  King Theromvore coughed softly. Victor thought it might have been to replace a chuckle. “So what do we call this fine young man Nim?” The King asked loudly.

  “His name is Victor Deus.”

  Coming out of her temper tantrum High Priestess Lane said “Interesting choice, your parent's must have had great hopes for you.”

  Victor raised his eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

  Though it had been directed at the High Priestess it was the Arch Magus that answered. “Your name means 'Champion of god,' or maybe 'the gods; depending on how it is interpreted. He answered offhandedly like a teacher lecturing his pupil. Simon Windsbane was so distracted in his study of Victor that he didn't notice the return of the High Priestess's glare, which was now focused on him, a fact that made her bristle more.

  “The boy has already touched his powers for Shaping, I can sense it within him.” Victor frowned because they were talking about him like he wasn't there, and because he hadn't known that you could sense such things from others. He then noticed that the other mages were looking at him like a bug caught in a jar for examination. His frown became deeper.

  “Yes I know,” Nim stated nonchalantly. “I'm sure we have more important matters to discuss tonight though so let's get the introductions over with.”

  The Arch Magus was not used to people brushing him aside, and found himself staring at the door Nim and Victor had been in front of moments before. Nim escorted Victor down the line of people. The introductions were much the same as the announcer had given to the gathered crowd minutes before. Victor felt a much more profound feeling of awe as Nim introduced him personally to all of the members of the council.

  Two of the group had been standing slightly apart from the rest as the conversation had developed, and when the introductions had started. Nim brought Victor over to the two people who seemed to be studying him the most intently, with what Victor could only describe as barely restrained curiosity.

  “This Victor, is my cousin twice removed, Analya Theromvore. Or is it Daystar now?”

  “Ah no,” Lagelion stated. “We elves do not take the last names of our mates. We feel that to change your name would be denying who you are.” Victor knew that the elf was referring to Nim's own disdain for his own name.

  “This Victor, is Lagelion Daystar, former High Elven guard of Eske'Taur.”

  “Pleasure to meet you ma'am.” Taking her hand and kissing it as he had done with the other ladies, except the High Priestess. Victor then turned to Lagelion and bowed respectfully. “Sir.”

  “Well aren't you proper.” The elf replied quietly.

  “How old are you dear?” Analya asked calmly if not a bit too quickly.

  He had been asked that question several times this night, so he hadn't been surprised to hear it. “I turned eight last New Beginnings.” Victor would have sworn he saw moisture gathering around the lady's eyes before his attention was diverted to the King telling Nim that it was time to get down to business.

  “Time for bed.” The Queen said to her two youngest. They responded in kind with verbal complaints and physical gestures of resistance. “None of that, you'll be a part of these soon enough, and you'll be looking for excuses to do something else like your brother.” She turned towards her eldest son and raised an eyebrow. “You are over that aren't you?”

  Prince Theodrik Theromvore the third looked at his fiancé and gave her a look that said I have no idea what she's talking about. “Mother, I can think of no other place I would rather be.”

  Admiral Swiftflow sniffed, “That's odd… I can.” Which earned him a stern look from the High Commander and High Lieutenant Commander. “What?” He asked innocently then mumbled “I can.” The Commander's then looked at each other and rolled their eyes skyward.

  The young prince and princess were now being lead out by their nanny and the Queen then t
urned to Victor. “We can get you a room in the palace for tonight too.” She said while visibly sizing Victor up. For what he didn't know, and decided he didn't want to know.

  “Ah” Nim said. “Actually I would like Victor to stay, he's a very patient lad when it suits him, and he won't bother us.” Victor watched as the King's eyebrow rose.

  “It's probably going to be dreadfully boring to one of your age boy, are you sure you wouldn't rather get a good nights sleep?”

  That clenched it, the only thing Victor hated more than being called a boy or ignored while people talked about him over his head was being talked down to. Putting on the broadest grin he had in his repertoire he looked at the King and said. “Gee your majesty sir, I'm not very tired. I'd like to stay here with Nim, or I might get afraid and lost in such a big place. I promise I'll be a good boy.”

  He then effected to forget the King was there and skipped over to a bench and plopped down. As he pretended to look around at everything in the room in awe he kicked his feet back and forth as he had seen other kids do. Nim let out a curt laugh before taking his place at the table.

  The meeting on preparing for the upcoming battles and other possible threats went on through the night. Victor noticed that people at the table kept watching him when he forgot to play the ignorant child. He was deep in thought about what was being discussed a few times before he noticed the looks. After one such glance from the High Commander when Victor had nodded to an assessment that had been made he laid himself on the bench with his back turned towards the council. He could feel the eyes on his back until the meeting came to a close and Nim came over to 'wake' him.


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