Nothing In Common, Except ...

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Nothing In Common, Except ... Page 15

by Edward Kendrick

  Brax put his arm around her shoulder, replying, “You’re a wonderful, sweet woman, so don’t give up hope. Someday a man will walk into your life and decide you’re the only one for him. What you did before you—” he made finger quotes “—retired won’t matter to him. He’ll love you for the real you.”

  “Promise?” she whispered.

  “As much as anyone can promise something like that, I do.”

  “Just like I love him, despite his many faults,” Kyle said, obviously having overheard at least part of their conversation.

  “Faults? Me?” Brax feigned horror at that idea.

  “You’re only human, so…yeah,” Caleb put in, winking at them. “That said, you know what your next step will be, Brax and Kyle, now that you’re finally cohabitating.”

  “Getting a dog?” Kyle replied without blinking an eye.

  “He means you have to get married,” Lynn whispered to Brax.

  “I know,” Brax whispered back with a bit of a smile, before saying aloud, “I could deal with a dog, as long as it wasn’t a little yippy one.”

  The friends went on to discuss the merits of various breeds of dogs, and other things, until Caleb pointed out that it was getting late. “We should leave so these two can celebrate the end of moving day in private.” He grinned salaciously at Brax and Kyle.

  “Like we have the energy to do anything but sleep,” Brax retorted.

  Everyone laughed, then after helping clean up the remnants of their meal, Caleb and the others left, with Brax and Kyle’s thanks for their help ringing in their ears.

  “Alone at last,” Brax said as he and Kyle headed upstairs. “If I had an ounce of energy left, I’d say we do as Caleb suggested and celebrate being here, but…”

  Kyle stopped on the stairs to hug him. “We can do that in the morning.”

  “Can, and will.” Brax kissed him softly then took his hand as they walked the rest of the way to their bedroom.

  It wasn’t until they were in bed, wrapped in each other’s arms that Brax asked, “Did you mean it when you told Lynn that you loved me?”

  “Of course. I thought you knew.”

  “I do. It’s just…You’ve never said the words. But then, neither have I and I do love you, more than you know.”

  Kyle smiled, tracing a finger over Brax’s lips. “I know. Words are good, but it’s actions that count.” He chuckled when Brax said, “Too tired.”

  “Not those actions, though they count, too. It’s the little things that say I’m more than friend and lover. That I’m the man you want to be with no matter what. Those tell me that you love me.”

  “I do,” Brax said passionately, before giving Kyle a tender kiss.

  “And I love you,” Kyle replied when the kiss ended. “Now, that we have that settled, can we get some sleep?”

  “We can, because we have plans for the morning, and while we might not get out of bed to accomplish them, being wide awake at that point would be a good idea.”

  “No kidding.”

  * * * *

  Three months later, Brax and Kyle decided to take the final step in their relationship and get married. They kept it small, inviting only their close friends—Judd and Jenna, and Caleb, as well as Doc Wilson and of course, Lynn.

  When he told Lynn, she asked shyly, “Can I bring a friend?”

  Brax smiled, saying, “Have you been keeping secrets from me?”

  “Sort of? I met a guy. He’s very nice but I didn’t want to, you know, believe he could really like me. I didn’t want to jinx things by telling anyone. But he does. Like me, I mean. Even after I told him everything. So, yeah, I’d like to bring him, if it’s okay.”

  “You bet it is.”

  They held the wedding at the house. “Less commuting,” as Brax put it. The officiant was Pastor King, one of Caleb’s good customers—a legitimate one, not one from what had been his and Brax’s other business, before they quit.

  “I now pronounce you husband and husband,” the pastor said as the ceremony ended. “You may kiss.”

  “I don’t think they need permission to do that,” Brax heard Judd whisper to Jenna.

  “Not even,” Brax called out as he and Kyle sealed their vows with a deep kiss.

  Cheers erupted, followed by congratulations. Lynn came over, bringing a slender, average-looking man with her. “This is Tom,” she said by way of introduction.

  “Tom Riley,” Tom said, chuckling. “She sometimes forgets that I have a last name.”

  “I don’t,” Lynn protested, swatting his arm. “Well, maybe.”

  Everyone laughed as they made their ways to the dining table where food and drinks were set out. There was wine, for those who wanted alcohol, and sparkling cider for those who didn’t. Caleb did the honors, pouring glasses for everyone before lifting his, saying, “To the happy couple. May your lives be all that you wish, now, and forever.”

  “Who knew,” Kyle said softly to Brax as everyone lifted their glasses to toast them, “that when we met, we’d end up like this?”

  “Not me. Maybe…” He paused, then laughed under his breath. “Maybe we should thank Russo?”

  “I think I’ll pass on that,” Kyle replied dryly. Wrapping his arms around Brax’s waist, he kissed him heartily and then called out, “Let the party begin.”



  Born and bred in Cleveland, I earned a degree in technical theater, later switched to costuming, and headed to NYC. Finally seeing the futility of trying to become rich and famous in the Big Apple, I joined VISTA—Volunteers in Service to America—ending up in Chicago for three years. Then it was on to Denver where I put down roots and worked as a costume designer until I retired in 2007.

  I began writing a few years ago after joining an online fanfic group. Two friends and I then started a group for writers, where they could post any story they wished no matter the genre or content. Since then, for the last five years, I’ve been writing for publication—my first book came out in February of 2011. Most, but not all, of my work is M/M, either mildly erotic or purely ‘romantic.’ More often than not it involves a mystery or action/adventure, and is sometimes paranormal to boot.

  For more information, visit


  JMS Books LLC is a small queer press with competitive royalty rates publishing LGBT romance, erotic romance, and young adult fiction. Visit for our latest releases and submission guidelines!




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