Bound in Blue

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by Jessica Ingro

  Bound in Blue


  Jessica Ingro

  Published by Jessica Ingro

  Copyright© 2014 Jessica Ingro


  Copyright© 2014 Jessica Ingro

  Cover design© Arijana Karčić, Cover It! Designs

  Edited by Kathy Krick

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  ePUB Edition, License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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  Table of Contents



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Excerpt from Urban Love Prophecy


  About the Author


  To my beautiful niece, Kayla.

  Today you are a woman, but to me you’ll always be my “bookers.”

  Love you more than words can express.


  Six months earlier…

  I love cocks. Long ones, thick ones, short ones… Well, maybe not the short ones… Okay, yes. Short ones included, as long as the male wielding it knows how to use it.

  The fact that I love them so much is the reason why I was not at all surprised by the fact that my back was to the wall, and I had a rather gorgeous one pounding into me right now. Long, thick and beautifully veined, it had pointed straight at me like it knew how badly I wanted to touch it, taste it and worship it.

  It had been so long since I let myself give into the thrill of a fast, hard fucking. Dr. Dean Thompson may have become my go-to sexual partner when I needed to alleviate the ache inside, but no matter how many times we fucked, it barely quelled the desire within me.

  Dr. Thompson was safe. He was familiar.

  This was anything but.

  A tall, dark and dangerous looking stranger was plowing into me and making me feel reckless and wild. Alive.

  Everything I told myself not to be after my obsession with cocks got my sister raped and murdered.

  It should have been me.

  I closed my eyes tighter to block that thought out and focused on the way the man took what he wanted from me. The way our breaths mingled as we both panted. The way it felt against my legs whenever his butt flexed with each powerful thrust. He had my hands pinned to the wall above my head, which was fucking hot. My hips were tilted just perfectly for an explosion of sensations to hit me each time he plunged into me and retreated again.

  God, I had missed this.

  Living on the edge like this was almost an addiction. A craving that I couldn’t quite figure out the reason behind.

  Ever since I was seventeen, I was obsessed with sex. Sex in beds. Sex in cars. Sex in public places. Sweaty sex. Slow sex. Hard sex. As long as it was sex, I wanted to try it. I was a raging monster full of far too many hormones. No matter how much sex I had, I always wanted more.

  When the partner of my patient’s police officer boyfriend, asked me out for drinks tonight, I politely told him I didn’t date.

  “Neither do I,” was his response to my rejection, along with a heated, pointed look that would have been hard to miss. It put a rather large chip in my resolve.

  I chewed on my lip for a moment and let my eyes rake over him. Dark brown hair lightly peppered with gray around his sideburns, worn in a messy style that didn’t look like he styled it that way, rather that he pulled his hand through his hair and it settled there. He had piercing blue eyes. The muscles underneath his tight blue henley weren’t bulky, but appeared to be lean—starting at his broad shoulders, tight chest, down to a narrow waist, ending with long, powerful legs. I might have thought him to be too perfect, had it not been for the scar that ran through the right corner of his upper lip.

  It was his smirk, though, that did me in. It spoke of a cockiness and confidence that never failed to get my blood pumping and my panties wet.

  With a sure hand, I led him into a supply closet and locked the door. Not wanting there to be any awkwardness, I immediately lifted on my tiptoes and fused my mouth to his. The kiss immediately spun out of control with him taking the reins. Within mere minutes, we were both naked from the waist down, and I was moaning his name as he slid home.

  He had to have the thickest cock I’d ever taken. And that was saying something.

  His tongue along my neck brought my focus back to the unbelievable way he was making me feel, and my muscles tightened around his length. His answering groan was enough to fuel the climax that had been building since the moment we locked eyes.

  “Yes,” came out of my mouth almost reverently as I let each wave wash over me. My pussy muscles clenched, and my breath caught. My body shook with the force of my release, and my head flew back into the wall. Each reaction from my body only serving to add to the deliciousness of it all.

  Thrusting in two more times, Mack planted himself to the hilt and grunted into my neck. I could feel the head of his cock twitching with his release and something about the intimacy of that sent a warm rush through my veins. His lips grazed my skin as he slowly pumped in and out, bringing us both down from our high.

  Sliding out of me—much to my dismay—he removed the condom and tied it off before redressing. I surreptitiously studied his movements as I too put my undergarments and scrubs back on. The way he moved spoke of a barely leashed power beneath his skin. I imagined him fucking me hard for hours and never tiring—showing me what a real man was made of. And there was no doubt in my mind, he was as real as a man should come. Something about the gun holstered to his jeans sent a shiver through my body. Maybe I had a thing for law enforcers and protectors?

  Settling my lab coat on my shoulders, I reached out and grabbed the business card he was extending my way.

  Shane MacAllister. Nice name. Irish name. It suited him.

  “Call me anytime, buttercup. That was…” he trailed off looking for the right word. Explosive. Mind blowing. Perfection. All those came to my mind. “Amazing,” he decided on.

  “Thanks,” I murmured and flipped the card over and over again waiting for him to leave. This is where I always struggled. The part where I took what I needed was easy. The part where I wanted them to leave afterward, not so much.

  “Hey.” His index finger curled under my chin and forced my gaze to him. “You aren’t regret
ting what just happened are you?”

  “Not at all. I just have to get back to work,” I answered too quickly.

  “Right,” he said under his breath. His eyes scanned my face and it was plain to see he didn’t believe me. I didn’t have it in me to care. No strings. No attachments. I wouldn’t be seeing him again, so it didn’t matter. “Take care and be sure to use that card.”

  Before leaving the room, he planted a kiss to my forehead and gave me a gorgeous smirk. Damn the man and that smirk. It only made me want him all over again.

  The clicking of the door closing had me sighing. Back to my regularly scheduled programming… such a shame. I really could have gotten used to that cock.

  Chapter One

  Present day…

  “Megan? There are two officers waiting to talk to you about the patient in room six,” Cory, the charge nurse, informed me when she came around the corner. I looked up from the chart I was writing in and nodded my head.

  Today was one of those days where I wished I could have stayed in bed. I took off my black framed glasses and rubbed the bridge of my nose. Never a dull day.

  The emergency room was slammed with cases—one of which was a DWI where the man was allegedly trying to get away from the scene of a robbery where he shot the cashier. He proceeded to slam into a car with four teenage girls in it. Luckily, the girls walked away with a few bumps and bruises. Wesley Jenkins, the drunk driver, was not as fortunate. Karma was a bitch, right?

  The worst part about today was the fact that I received a call from Martha, a woman who had been staying at the women’s shelter I volunteer at. After weeks of sitting with her and being her shoulder to lean on, she informed me that her husband convinced her to go back home. Of course, he swore he had changed and led her to believe they would live happily ever after. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve heard that before, just to have the cycle of abuse start again.

  My joints creaked a bit when I stood from the stool at the counter where I had been sitting. I’m only thirty-three years old. I shouldn’t be creaking. Something else to add to my list of complaints for the day.

  As I rounded the corner to the waiting room, my steps faltered when I saw the two officers waiting for me were none other than Shane “Mack” MacAllister and his partner, Jacob Matthews.

  Worst day ever.

  The first time I met Mack and Jacob was six months prior when Jacob’s girlfriend, Kara Andrews, had been attacked by her ex-boyfriend who also turned out to be a serial killer. After treating her, she and I became friends. I counseled her about her trauma, and she started volunteering at the rape crisis center with me.

  The day Kara was brought into the ER, Mack approached me during a moment of weakness and asked me if I wanted to go for a drink. My emotions were so raw from the similarities in Kara’s case to my twin sister, Rachel’s that I immediately brushed off his advances. Remembering Rachel’s prone and bloody body made my stomach churn with a guilt that never went away. Besides, him finding out his partner’s girlfriend was in a medically induced coma not twenty minutes prior was probably not the best time for him to be asking me out. Or so I told myself.

  After turning him down though, I somehow found myself being thoroughly fucked by him in a supply room.

  See… weak.

  Sure, I enjoyed myself that day. More than enjoyed myself actually. If I was being honest, I’d admit that it was by far the most sated I had felt after sex in… well… ever. Didn’t matter though. I had a strict philosophy about staying unattached.

  Mack’s been into the hospital a few times since then, but I’m always cautious to avoid him. Especially after he was able to corner me two weeks after we did the deed.

  “You didn’t use the card,” he said that day with disappointment lacing his low, sexy voice. “Damn shame, buttercup.”

  Like an idiot, I stumbled and mumbled some excuse before turning tail and running as fast as I could.

  My insides gave a little trill remembering the way he said that to me.

  I refused to regret my decision to stay away from him. I couldn’t allow myself to give in to my baser needs and desires. The last time that happened my sister suffered the consequences. It’s best for everyone involved that I remain detached, and given my increasing obsession with the memory of Mack, I knew there was no way in hell I could remain detached from him.

  “Gentlemen,” I greeted both men as I joined them, ignoring the butterflies in my stomach at being so damn close to Mack. Thank goodness my voice came out steady and didn’t betray my nervousness.

  Jacob immediately shook my hand, but Mack’s gaze blatantly ran up and down my body before he finally extended the same courtesy. Of course, he had a damn smirk on his face that wreaked havoc on my willpower not to ask for a second round with him.

  Dr. Thompson had been getting more frequent visits of the sexual nature from me than he was used to—not that he was complaining—but they did little to take off the edge. If anything they made me needier than before. Even fucking him in the same supply room hadn’t elicited the reactions from my body that Mack did.

  “Can we question Wesley Jenkins yet?” All business, Jacob asked. The fact that I was friends with his girlfriend didn’t even come into play whenever he was in cop mode. I enjoyed that fact about his disposition. He was a kindred spirit, and I understood where he was coming from since most days I was no nonsense at work as well. Except for whenever Mack took over my thoughts causing me to do reckless things—like having sex at work—that is.

  “He’s under mild sedation at the moment.” Trying my best to speak in layman’s terms, I explained the patient’s status and instructed them to proceed with caution since he wasn’t necessarily fully cognizant of his surroundings. Too often I found myself jabbering away in medical speak, only to discover the other person’s eyes had glazed over and that I lost them. A hazard of the job I suppose, so I always tried to be conscientious about not getting carried away. Judging by the looks on their faces, I’d say they were relieved to not have to sort through the jargon.

  “We’re placing officers at his door,” Mack interjected causing me to have to look his way.

  Bad move.

  In the depths of his eyes, I saw lust and something else I was afraid to latch onto. Hope maybe? The promise of something more? I didn’t want to read into it because a long time ago I stopped having hope for a man who could deal with my baggage and give me a normal, loving relationship. Then again, I could just be seeing what I wanted to see. It wasn’t like we really knew each other. Although we had spent some time together in the biblical sense, it could hardly be mistaken as anything other than a one-night stand.

  “Okay,” I agreed with his statement. It was a moot point because there wasn’t much I could do even if I didn’t agree with their decision. Besides, everyone here appreciated the additional security. You’d be surprised how quickly situations could deteriorate in a hospital emergency room; especially at Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington D.C. where I’d been a doctor for the last four years.

  Jacob lifted his chin at me in a universal see you later gesture and headed towards the room where there was now two uniformed officers stationed outside. Fully expecting Mack to follow suit, I turned on my heel and proceeded to walk away. A strong hand wrapped around my bicep and pulled me up short. My eyes turned up to look into Mack’s breathtakingly blue ones. My heart stopped at the heat that seemed to burn even brighter in them.

  “Want to see you again,” he murmured into my ear right before he breathed my hair in deeply. It wouldn’t surprise me if the majority of women would have found him sniffing me creepy. I, however, found it way too sexy.

  “Not a good idea,” I whispered and my body trembled when his hand moved down my arm leaving goose bumps in its wake.

  “It’s a damn good idea, buttercup. I didn’t nearly get my fix of you that day. I’ve been dreaming about all the things I’m going to do to that perfect little body of yours.” A full body shiver
worked through me then as he continued, “Want the taste of you on my tongue. Want my taste on yours.”

  A moan escaped the back of my throat at the thought of him in my mouth—hard, yet velvety soft as his cum coated my tongue.


  It was so not good that I became this weakened individual at the thought of having mind-blowing sex with this man.

  “What time is your shift done?” He asked. His fingertips continued to torment my skin as they gently ran up and then down my arm.

  “Seven,” I heard myself saying without thought.

  “I’ll pick you up then.”

  Shaking my head to clear the lust-induced fog taking it over, I tried to step away but his grip tightened. “I told you this isn’t a good idea and I meant it.”

  “And I told you it is. Be ready at seven or I’ll track you down. I’m warning you now that if I have to find you, there will be punishment.”

  My chin dropped, and my mouth gaped. Punishment? What the hell did that mean?

  “Yeah, that’s right. Punishment. I’m thinking I’ll spank your ass until it’s pink and hot to the touch, and your pussy is dripping wet. Then I’ll bring you to the brink over and over again until you’re begging me to let you come. Only when I feel like it will I give in though.”

  “You… insolent…” I stammered in an effort to hide my true reaction after continuing to gape at him for several long minutes. My thighs squeezed together at the promise of that scenario actually happening. The rise and fall of my chest escalated in time with the sudden crazy beating of my heart. If my pupils were dilated, I wouldn’t have been at all surprised.

  When I stopped making a fool out of myself, I opted to glare at him instead, seeing as how he was chuckling at my reaction. I hated how obvious my arousal to his words were.

  “Oh, buttercup. I seriously hope I have to track you down.” He kissed my forehead and headed off in the same direction as Jacob.


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