Wrath of the Sea Queen

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Wrath of the Sea Queen Page 11

by Cynthia Woods

  "What's going on?" Vin sat up slowly trying to clear the cobwebs from his heavy head. He was still very tired, but assumed that they must be getting close. He needed to be awake and alert in order to help.

  "We are next to the plane. The captain has a plan, but we cannot contact anyone over there. I thought that I might be able to call to Salma, hoping that she might sense me, somehow, but it hasn't been working. I have been trying to think of a way that it might," Ben caught Vin up on the details of their current situation.

  "Is that all? Why didn't you say so? If you promise not to ask questions that will make my head spin, and you don't mind another three-way call, then I can help. Sit down in the chair and try calling to Salma again," Vin said to Ben in a matter-of-fact, yet still very groggy, voice.

  Ben raised an eyebrow in question then quickly complied with Vin's instructions. As Ben closed his eyes to concentrate on his wife once again, Vin merely reached out his hand and placed it on Ben's forearm. Simultaneously, Vin opened his connection to the winds flowing between the ship and the plane, to the link between himself and Caeli, and then found and followed Ben's connection to Salma; a trick Raphael had taught him. The room became slightly chilled by the draft blowing through it.

  "Salma! Answer me, Love." Ben called out to his wife. This time, the response was immediate.

  "Ben? How did you do that?" Salma asked, astonished at the sudden sound of Ben's voice.

  "No time for that now. Can you see the ship out the window?"


  "Good. We are ready to start the rescue, but we need to coordinate. We are going to pull the plane up against the ship, pop open the door, and then..."

  "Ben, won't the plane flood when you open the door? How will we get out?" Obvious concern emanated from Salma's words.

  "I have an idea about that," Caeli chimed in as she gently squeezed Salma's hand to let her know that she had been listening ever since Vin's strong presence brushed by her awareness to stabilize the connection between Ben and Salma. Caeli was still sitting in the aisle beside Salma's seat, but didn't feel like making the effort it would take to stand up and move into a seat.

  "Caeli, thank goodness! Are you all right?" Finally hearing his wife's voice brought Vin fully out of his drowsy haze.

  "Fine, Vin. I saw a long rope under the pilot's seat earlier. If we could find a way for everyone to hold onto the rope, then it would be easier to exit the plane. Your Coast Guard team could haul on the rope to help us climb out. And if nobody stands directly in front of the water rushing inside, that should help, too. What do you think?"

  "It sounds almost too simple; although, honestly, I cannot think of anything better. Can you two get that done?" Ben answered.

  "Sure. Give us fifteen minutes and then check with Salma again," Caeli assured Ben that they could handle it.

  Then, without warning, she dropped out of the conversation as abruptly as she had joined it.

  "Salma, where did she go?" Vin asked, alarmed by her sudden departure.

  "Apparently, she is already working on it. I told you she was acting odd, but right now, it's not a bad thing. I should go help her."

  "Ok. Fifteen minutes. See you soon, Love," Ben reassured Salma before the connection ended.

  Ben stood up, but Vin stayed seated on the cot. Ben looked down at him and noticed the furrowed brow and concern lining his face.

  "What's wrong, Vin? What did I miss?"

  "Salma was right. Caeli is acting strange. There is something more going on than she said, and she made sure I didn't get the chance to find out what it was or question her about it. I don't like it."

  Vin was puzzled by Caeli's aloof behavior. It wasn't like her at all. He knew her well enough to know that there was something troubling her.

  "If the situation were any different, Salma would have told us," Ben tried to offer Vin some reassurance.

  "Then it must be something only Caeli is aware of and isn't sharing."

  "Well, we can't do anything about it until we get them out of there. So let's deal with rescuing them first," Ben suggested.

  They walked out into the steering room and relayed the revised plan to the captain, who was amazed that Ben had a means of personal communication that could get through to the plane. The captain was naturally curious, but Ben quickly dissuaded him from asking too many questions on the matter.

  The captain maneuvered the ship into place alongside the wreckage, and the plane was secured against the hull as close as possible. Crewmen, along with Ben and Vin, moved into place at the railing and down the sides of the cargo net. They prepared to help pull the survivors on board. Ben and Vin were assigned positions where the railing opened, one on each side, attached with safety lines. Since they did not have the proper gear, they were not permitted to help at the plane's door as Vin had asked to do. Instead, they would help haul the passengers onto the deck as they reached the top of the cargo net.

  Once on deck, guardsmen and additional crew took charge of the survivors, escorting them to a starboard bunkroom, just off the side of the mess hall below deck, that had been made ready with blankets, pillows, and dry clothing. The ship's doctor geared up the infirmary for those who might need his help. The kitchen crew was preparing a meal so that once the rescue was complete, the survivors, guests, and crew would be able to restore some of their vitality with a good, hot meal.

  The rain began to pick up again, and spray from the waves drenched the rescue workers. It was going to be very busy for the next hour or more on deck.

  On the plane, Caeli, Salma, and the pilot got everyone ready. The passengers were all given a place in line and told to wrap their right wrists one time around the rope. They were spaced as close together as they could be so that the exit could be made quickly, but without stepping on each other. The co-pilot would exit first, followed by Salma, and then Apela would carry Max, the businessmen and other passengers, the redhead, Caeli, and the pilot last. As Caeli moved along the line, checking to make sure that everyone was secure, Max reached out and grabbed her hand. She stopped and knelt down beside him.

  "Hi, Max. Do you need something?" Caeli smiled at him.

  "I'm scared, pretty Caeli."

  "That's ok, Max. Honestly, I'm a bit scared myself, but everything will be fine," Caeli smiled and tussled Max's hair.

  "Are you sure?" Max's skepticism seemed perfectly reasonable.

  "Yes. Do you know why?"


  "Because Vin is on that ship keeping an eye on me. As long as I know that Vin is here, everything will be all right."

  Max considered her answer before continuing.

  "Ok then. But I have to tell you a secret, pretty Caeli. It's important."


  "Lean closer."

  The little boy motioned with his hand so that he could whisper in her ear. Caeli glanced up at Apela who shrugged to indicate that he did not know what Max wanted to say. Caeli leaned close to the boy who cupped his small hands around her ear and whispered a few words.

  When he finished, Caeli stared at him for a minute with her eyes wide open. How could this young boy know such details about her and where did he get such a wild notion about the origin of her gift? And what kind of uncle discusses such topics with a child anyway? Caeli shook her head as if to clear a haze.

  "I am not one of those characters Max, but I will make you a promise. After you and your Papa get home, Vin and I will come for a visit. I would very much like to hear the whole story about this Sea Queen and her Sea Goddesses. It sounds fascinating." She smiled sweetly at Max and hugged him briefly. Caeli completed her trek to the end of the line and then found her own spot in front of the pilot, all the while disturbed by what Max said to her. He couldn't possibly know such things. He shouldn't know them. She would ask Vin to visit Apela's hotel with her to see if he could help her resolve that mystery. Of course, in order for Vin to be of any significant help, she would have to tell him her secret first. It was looking more and more like t
hat was going to happen sooner than she originally planned.

  Caeli asked Apela to keep an eye on Salma because of her injured leg. Of course, she first had to convince him to permit her to remain at a position near the end of the line. Caeli explained that she had been a competitive swimmer and would be better suited to help anyone who might have difficulty once the water began to fill the plane. She assured Apela that helping Salma reach her waiting husband on the ship was the best thing he could do for her. The preparations were accomplished in less than ten minutes. Now, they were waiting to hear from Ben. Salma would let the copilot waiting by the door know when to open it. Both the pilot and copilot carefully avoided questions regarding the method by which Salma could communicate with the people on the ship.

  As they waited, Caeli slipped out of line once more and moved toward the pilot's seat at the front of the plane. She casually glanced up as she walked beneath the damaged hull. She found that her earlier work still held. The rest of her plan was simple. She would maintain the barriers around the torn ceiling and the broken wing until everyone could exit the plane. As soon as she and the pilot were safely on the ship's cargo net, Caeli would release both barriers, allowing the plane to be pulled down to a watery demise.

  Caeli knew that as long as she held onto the rope, even if utterly spent by her continuing exertions, she could still be pulled to safety. She counted on Vin for that. Knowing he was near helped ease Caeli's anxiety. Vin never let her down. She looked forward to getting safely on board the ship where she could rest wrapped in his arms. It sounded quite nice in her mind until another voice intruded on her private thoughts.

  "Do you really think it will be that simple? You are already tired and not feeling well. Plus, you are injured. Let me show you a little bit of what I can do to help."

  The pain in Caeli's stomach suddenly subsided and a vaguely familiar, tingling sensation began and lasted for about thirty seconds.

  "There. Your wound is closed. It will not pour forth your precious blood any longer. Go ahead, check for yourself," Rika offered a display of her power.

  When Caeli furtively pulled back a corner of the bandage beneath her shirt, she did not feel an open hole in her stomach and the blood was not fresh. She could still feel a slight ring around the place where the hole had been, but Rika was as good as her word. She had closed the wound. It made Caeli wonder as she completely removed the adhesive squares and let them fall to the floor unnoticed.

  "Why don't you let me help you maintain the work you have already set in place? Let me ease your burden."

  "I believe it will hold long enough. I'm not worn down to the point of needing additional help. We will be leaving any minute now, but thank you again for the offer and for what you did. Your gift is incredible."

  Caeli was still apprehensive about Rika, but also impressed with her skill. Unfortunately, Caeli still knew nothing about this lady other than the fact that she was persistent.

  "As you like; we will talk again once this is behind you. I have been waiting a long time for you to return. Someone like you is a rare find. We still have time to discuss it further."

  "Like me? You mean because of my ability to control water?" Caeli asked silently.

  "To start, yes; but you are so much more interesting than that. The water merely alerted me to your presence once again. Granted, there have been a few who have found their way to me. None of them have been quite like you. You have two other very important traits that make it worth my time to seek you out and talk to you. That is why I am offering to help. It is not something I would normally do."

  Before she could ask what Rika found so intriguing, Caeli heard the loud sound of metal bending and ripping.

  "The wing! It's giving way," the pilot shouted from behind her.

  "Ok, now this is the sort of thing you could help me with, Rika. Please, tell me how to fix it."

  Rika's voice was silent. Caeli had already refused her aid. Caeli frantically tried to replace the barrier around the wing, but found it difficult to regain her concentration after being distracted by Rika. Just when she thought her last reserves of strength were depleted, a steady inflow of energy momentarily boosted her stamina. The addition helped her regain her focus and secure the wing. Could that have been Rika's unannounced aid?

  "Now, Salma!" Vin called to Salma.

  Caeli heard the call from Vin and quickly returned to her place in line. She briefly considered how she and Vin could both share their thoughts ever since his near death incident. Salma's ability continued to grow as well. All three found the ability to be highly convenient, and the more they used it, the stronger and more versatile it became. One such advantage was that Caeli could hear Vin's or Salma's thoughts at a distance. Between her and Vin, the bond was even more personal. They not only shared their thoughts, but also their emotions. Vin's most recent act took his ability a step further by helping Ben initiate such a conversation, even though Ben did not possess the ability to do so on his own. Caeli found it all fascinating and, though she had not sought it, she was eager to tell Vin about her own new talent.

  Salma relayed Vin's message to the co-pilot, who forced the plane's door open. Water came rushing in much too fast. Caeli took another moment to create one additional barrier to stop the sudden inflow. Unfortunately, even with her bolstered energy, Caeli neared her extended limit and could only lessen the speed at which the cabin flooded. She could not stop the water entirely. Thankfully, her effort reduced the panic and eased the way for the survivors to exit the doomed plane.

  It occurred to Caeli that this test of her talent was an oddly amusing sink or swim situation. Then her musing was cut short as the slack in the rope was pulled taut. The line began to move slowly forward. Caeli could hear the waves crashing against the plane, trying to pry it free from the ship's clasp. As the disembarking passengers made their way to the waiting ship, Caeli hoped they would move quick enough to reach safety before her strength gave out. There was nothing more that she could do while she maintained the shielding around the plane. As another spasm of pain acutely cramped her abdomen, Caeli noticed a small trickle of water begin to flow into the plane from the hull area she had been shielding the longest.

  From above, Ben and Vin were busy tugging at the end of the rope that had been tossed up to them. They reached out to give their hands to those reaching the top of the net, pulling them to safety and the aid of waiting crewmen. The copilot was the first person to reach the deck, muttering something about the strange behavior of the water.

  "Ben! Do you see the water at the door?" Vin shouted to be heard over the commotion of the storm.

  "Yes, I noticed. It's not rushing in, and the compartment hasn't flooded yet. It's very strange!" Ben hollered to Vin.

  "And did you see the wing on the far side of the plane?" Vin asked curiously.

  "Yes. It started to tear off then seemed to right itself. It appears as if something is holding it steady in the water."

  "Holding what?" Salma smiled as she released Vin's hand after being pulled onto the ship. Ben's broad grim could have lit a city block when he saw his wife.

  "Salma! It's good to see you, Love."

  "I swear. I don't think you two ever have your minds entirely on the task at hand," Salma joked to relieve her own tension.

  Ben detached himself from the safety line, jumped up, and pulled Salma into his arms. He motioned for the crewman behind him to take his post for a few minutes, then ushered Salma into the steering room. He placed a blanket around her shoulders and a kiss on her lips. Ben quickly made sure that the cut on her leg was not too serious and that she was not otherwise injured. He left Salma standing near the door as he headed outside to finish helping the others. Before he got out the door, Salma informed him that Caeli chose to be near the end of the line. Salma didn't want Vin to worry when Caeli did not show up directly behind her.

  Immediately after Ben moved Salma into the steering room, a crewman pulled a young boy off of his father's back and safe
ly on board, followed closely by his father. Vin overheard the boy trying to make his father understand something about what one of the other passengers did.

  "I told you Papa! I was right. The pretty lady has to stay at the back to make the water stay down. Otherwise, it would have drowned us all."

  "Max, you have to stop this," the man gently chided his son.

  "I told you already that she is a good swimmer and wanted to make sure she was able to help anyone who was not. She has a good heart to risk her life for other people, and you should not make up such tales about her. You are going to apologize to her later, and that is going to be the end of it, ok? I don't want to hear you mention it again. She has enough to worry about. Now come on, let's get out of the way." The man put his arm around the boy's shoulders and followed one of the crewmen below deck. Vin got the distinct impression that they were talking about Caeli, who definitely fit the boy's description. Nonetheless, Vin could not imagine how the kid could have noticed the connection between Caeli and the water. Vin was more than a little curious to know what the man meant by his last comment.

  As Caeli finally stepped over the threshold and grabbed hold of the cargo net, she caught a glimpse of Vin near the top railing, his dark hair blowing in the wind. She couldn't help but smile. She could not have asked for a better sight after such turmoil. Caeli began climbing slowly, but steadily, up the net. When she and the pilot were nearly halfway up, the Coast Guard rescue team returned to the deck to add their strength to the wearying efforts of Ben and Vin to finish pulling the remaining few survivors aboard.

  "It's rude to leave in the middle of a conversation without even so much as thanking me for my help."

  "I did say thank you. Please, don't distract me right now, Rika."


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