Max went to sit on Apela's lap on the far side of the lounge. Neither wanted anything to do with the blonde lady. Max watched the shoreline as if he expected to see something important in the water. Maku went to the kitchen to start the coffee brewing. When he returned five minutes later, nothing had changed. Maku decided to be polite and joined the lady on the couch while she waited. He knew this wasn't her fault. She was just doing her job. He introduced himself and engaged her in civil conversation.
"So, Vicki, how did you get into this line of work?"
"Oh, I guess you could say I know what it's like to be rejected. I understand what it is like when someone is kept by a person who should not have him in the first place. Sometimes you have to pull the person out of that situation before he can begin to see how wrong it is for him. I try to prevent that from happening to others," Vicki explained her chosen career, though she neglected to mention how far out of her way she had gone in order to work on this particular case.
"Do you really believe that Max is not well cared for by Apela?"
"On the contrary, I can see that Max is doing great. What I cannot see is whether or not he belongs here. Perhaps there is a worried father out there looking for his son. Perhaps Max will do just as well with that man as he has done with Apela. Don't you think that man has a right to raise his own son?" Vicki countered.
"If that were the case, which it isn't, then of course he would. I don't think this is the right way to go about learning the truth," Maku concurred with her general theory.
"I have to be honest. You couldn't have chosen a worse day to do this. Apela's sister, Lorrie, passed away less than half an hour ago. He does not even know about it yet. I was on my way to break the news when I heard you two arguing. Now, I cannot tell him. It will be too much for him to deal with until the matter with Max is resolved."
"Lorrie's dead?" Vicki was so shocked that her reaction caused her to begin to choke on the coffee she had just sipped.
"Yes. Do you know her?" Maku thought Vicki's reaction implied that she did.
"Not directly. I read a lot about her in my case files. She seemed rather fond of Max. This is quite an unexpected and sad turn of events. How did she die?"
Vicki inwardly held her breath. She hoped that Lorrie had been able to finalize the adoption papers before her untimely demise, but Vicki intended to take Max with her regardless. She was overly confident and too close to stop now. She would have the son she wanted. Max fit all of her prerequisites.
The only piece missing from Vicki's puzzle was Vin, and he would be a bit trickier. Children were so much easier to mold and shape than adults. Lorrie assured her that Caeli would be out of the picture for good before the week was over. If Lorrie succeeded in accomplishing that, then Vin could soon be made to forget her. Vicki was certain of that as she smiled to herself. The lightning flashed wildly outside and the rain continued to pour.
While they waited for Colonel Franks to return, Vin told Ben how he almost caught up with Scott on the beach. If Vin's chase had not been interrupted, then Scott's threat might already be nullified. Unfortunately, Scott slipped away. When Salma added details about Scott's plan to permanently enhance his own blood, it was all Vin could do not to rush off in the direction Scott was last seen. The bad weather did not discourage Vin at all. It was Ben who kept Vin from charging off on a wild chase.
"Vin, you have no idea where Scott went or who might be with him. What happens if you rush off and get yourself into more trouble than you can handle? Caeli will need you to be here when she returns. We will catch up with Scott soon enough. We have the advantage of knowing what he wants. He will eventually have to come through us to get it," Ben said, his own restrained anger tainting his voice despite his attempt to maintain a calm demeanor.
Colonel Franks returned and joined them by the cave wall. He reported that all of the protestors had been rounded up and were being bused to the jailhouse. Each was going to be charged with some type of criminal mischief, if not a more serious crime, given the nature of events that transpired as a result of their actions. The beach was safe, though the storm continued to move closer with each minute that ticked by. Now was the best time to move Dr. Erickson up to the hotel and call for an ambulance. Jeremy arrived while the Colonel spoke and offered Ben a sling for Salma's arm, to keep it from getting jostled.
Several of the Colonel's men offered to rig a stretcher and carry Salma up to the hotel, but Ben politely declined. He preferred to keep Salma at his side. However, Ben did permit them to take the lead and make sure the way was clear and that there would be no further trouble once inside the hotel. Subsequently, Ben, Salma, and Vin were alone in the cave and beginning to make their way onto the beach when the storm finally hit the main island.
Large waves began to roll toward shore. Strong winds nearly knocked them from their feet as they headed for the safety of the hotel. It was all they could do to make their way forward through the rain and wind. Vin stopped halfway to the hotel. He turned as if to run toward the lighthouse to find Maku's tunnel. He didn't know what was taking Caeli so long, and wanted to be as close as possible when she made it out.
"Please, Vin, stay with Ben and Salma. Keep them safe."
Her voice was barely a whisper, but it made him stop.
"Caeli, oh, thank God! Ben and Salma are fine. Where are you?"
"Go inside."
"Not without you. I'll come get you. If you need help, just tell me how to reach you. Are you in the tunnel?"
Vin got no further reply. Maybe she waiting out the storm in the tunnel. Would she be safer there than if she risked the trek across the open beach to the hotel? Vin didn't like it, but he heeded her request.
"Come on, Vin. You can't stay out here," Ben said.
"Take Salma inside, Ben. I'm waiting for Caeli." Vin had already planted his feet in the sand as he stared out into the storm. It was almost as if he were daring the elements to try and make him move. Caeli was out here somewhere. Vin would not move for shelter until he was certain that she was all right. If he had to do that from here, then that's what he would do.
Ben finally got Salma settled into their room after declining several requests to take her to a hospital. Ben did not want to take the chance of traveling in this weather, running into anyone else on Scott's payroll, or giving away the fact that Salma was already out of immediate danger.
Instead, Ben made arrangements for Colonel Franks to have one or two of his men continue to stand guard inside the hotel. This environment was much easier to control, especially now that they knew their enemy. They met Maku in the lounge, and he followed them to their room. Ben invited him inside, closing the door so that they could speak privately.
Maku first apologized for not protecting Salma. Ben, feeling guilty himself, more than this man could possibly know, assured Maku that he was not to blame. Salma's abduction had happened on Ben's watch. Next, Maku explained about the encounter with Lorrie and how she died. Ben and Salma were relieved to hear from Maku how he was able to help Caeli, though he could not tell them anything about what happened after he left her at the entrance to the tunnel.
"Where is Mr. Harding? I think he will want to hear this, too," Maku inquired.
"He is out on the beach. He refuses to come inside until she returns," Ben explained.
"Then I shall go to him. Perhaps, if the tunnel is not yet flooded, I can take him out to the island. Maybe we can still reach her," Maku offered.
"You can try. Vin may very well want to go with you. Before you leave, what can you tell us about the blonde lady in the lounge?" Ben asked, surprising Salma with his inquiry.
Maku explained about Vicki, her reason for being there, and why they were waiting. Maku had hoped to find a way to prevent her from taking Max, but the solution eluded him thus far. The question reminded him that he would not be able to go out to Vin right away.
"What did you say her name was again?" Ben asked with a thoughtful look on his
"Vicki. Do you know her?"
"No. Something about her seems familiar, that's all. I'm sure I have never met her before. I do think it is a rather big coincidence that she is here today, in the middle of all this chaos. It seems a bit unusual that child services would show up a year after Apela's wife died. If I were a gambling man, I would say that she was sent here by the same folks who have been stirring up the rest of the trouble we have seen this week. Yet another distraction to divert our attention," Ben shared his thoughts.
"When you explain it like that, it does seem odd. I will keep a close eye on her. I will watch for this redheaded fella, too. I know who he is. He will not slip by me if I see him again." With that, Maku left and returned to the lounge to sit with their guest.
Salma sat propped up in bed, and Ben pulled up a chair to sit nearby. He kicked his shoes off and propped his feet on the edge of the bed, rubbing his chin in silent contemplation.
"I'm worried about her, too, Ben," Salma's voice interrupted his thoughts after a few minutes.
"Is it that obvious?"
"I'm afraid so. If this weather is any indication, I would say things are not going well for Caeli. I would really like to help. I know you are thinking along those same lines. Knowing you, you've already got a plan. So, do you want to tell me what plot you've cooked up?" Salma knew Ben would already be several steps ahead of her. His mind always worked that way.
"I'm not sure that I can help, at least, not directly. I am more concerned about Scott, the book, and that social worker out in the lounge. Besides, you are going to have to sit this one out, Doll," Ben said.
Salma started to object, but Ben held his hand up to stop her protests.
"Sorry, but I won't hear it. You have already been hurt enough. They have successfully targeted you too many times to ignore. Caeli is not the only one who has been in danger this week, though you refuse to acknowledge it. I won't risk your life again. Caeli isn't here to help me save you a second time. Whatever plan I might devise, I will make sure Maku or Jeremy stay here to keep you safe. I will enlist anyone else I run across to guard you as well. This last episode was way too close for comfort, and I'm not taking any further chances."
"Ben, be reasonable. There has to be some way that I can help. You can't ask me to watch from the sidelines."
"I'm not asking. I'm truly sorry, but I won't risk it. You are a target in all this, and you know it. Your further involvement would be like baiting the hook. I simply won't do that," Ben insisted.
Salma was quiet for a few minutes while she considered Ben's words. He was right. Scott was likely to come after her again if presented with the opportunity, even though he had fully intended for her to die in that cave. Since Vin was preoccupied with Caeli's whereabouts, the best way to resolve the remaining situation would be to capture Scott and get the book away from him. How was Ben planning to do that? And what did he know about the lady in the lounge? As Salma thought about both of these, she could not see a way that her participation would benefit either task, at least not yet.
"Ok, Ben. For now, I will stay out of it, as long as you tell me what's going on. Why don't you start by telling me what you know about that social worker?" Salma conceded as she reached out and took Ben's hand.
Ben sighed, a huge weight lifting from his shoulders. He did not want to argue with Salma, but neither would he back down on this issue. He loved Salma too much to see her in harm's way again, especially not when he could prevent it. Ben was relieved that she finally agreed.
"Vicki? I don't really know anything about her. She just looked familiar," Ben tried to avoid this subject.
"Ben, you're a terrible liar. Your words may be true, but you aren't telling me everything. Come on, if I'm going to keep my end of this deal, you are going to have to do better than that," Salma said with a slight smile.
"Very well; the lady is not exactly who she claims to be. I don't know why she is after Max, but it can't be good," Ben treaded carefully around the edges of the subject, hoping Salma would let it pass.
"How do you know who she is?" Salma was not going to let him skirt the issue. She wanted a full explanation.
"Vicki is the client who called Vin the day Caeli came back from New York. She's the reason I had to pick Caeli up at the airport," Ben explained.
"So this lady has the same name. Are you sure it's the same lady? How do you know what she looks like?" Salma persisted.
"I don't suppose I could ask you to drop this, can I? No, I didn't think so. I have seen a photo of Vicki. It was in Caeli's room earlier this week. In fact, I discovered it the same day that Caeli lost her baby. I asked Vin about it, and he told me who she was," Ben continued.
"And?" Salma persisted.
"Vicki is no longer Vin's client. He dropped her the same day she called him," Ben continued his evasion.
"Why would Vin have a photo of her in his hotel room?"
"He didn't. Caeli had them. They were in an envelope on her suitcase. That’s when Vin explained the situation to me. The photos are how I know what Vicki looks like and why I know she is not who she claims to be."
"Ben, what exactly did you see in those photos?" Salma could not imagine Vin doing anything to hurt Caeli.
"Please, let that go, Salma. It was not what you might think, but it was Vicki's unsuccessful attempt to drive a wedge between Vin and Caeli. I don't know why she is here now or what she wants with Max, but I am trying to figure it out before Vin and Caeli return," Ben concluded.
"Ok. I don't need to know the specific details. Besides, Maku will probably find out more about her than either of us. What will you do about Scott?"
"I don't know yet," Ben answered candidly.
"Well, maybe there is a way that I can help and still stay out of danger," Salma offered.
Ben glanced over at her with a puzzled look on his face.
"I would love to hear your idea, Doll."
"I believe, now that I have touched the Book of Elements directly, that I can use my gift to locate it. I expect Scott will have it with him, wherever he is."
"Salma, you’re a genius!"
There were two large windows in the seldom-used storeroom. Each offered a clear view, one of the shoreline and the other of the street. Lorrie showed him this room the last time they were here. This is where they had stashed the supplies for their return visit. Scott didn't know where Lorrie was now, but assumed, since it was well beyond the prearranged rendezvous time, that she must have met with trouble. Having no idea how long she would be delayed, Scott watched and waited from his hiding place in the hotel attic as Vin paced the shore in front of the cave, heedless of the rain and crashing waves.
Unlike his uncle Neal or that madman, Antonius, Scott knew when to cut his losses and when to take advantage of an unexpected opportunity. He had been seriously considering giving up on Caeli's blood after Salma refused to help him. Knowing that Eyvindr was here protecting her made it much more trouble than it would be worth. Even if he could get to Caeli, Eyvindr would pursue him relentlessly. Scott had heard rumors of the punishment Vin inflicted on Kent for hurting Caeli. He did not want to have to constantly look over his shoulder, living in fear of a similar fate. As long as Vin lived, Scott was certain that would be his fate. Therefore, Scott had to rethink his plan.
No one seemed to know Caeli's whereabouts at the moment. However, Scott knew that Salma was downstairs. Vin was presenting Scott with an opportunity too good to let pass. Alone on the beach and focused on his missing wife, Vin left himself exposed. If Scott could take him out, that would keep everyone distracted for a while and perhaps draw Dr. Erickson's husband away long enough for Scott to recapture her.
If he still wanted to use the book, which he did, then Scott was going to need Dr. Erickson, after all. Thankfully, his original plan misfired, and Salma was freed from her potentially lethal captivity. Scott had watched as the doctor's husband brought her back to the hotel, injured, but alive. There was still a good chance that S
cott could salvage part of his original goal. All he needed to do was get the doctor alone. Without Vin to worry about, Scott would be able to go after Caeli at his leisure. He would again use her aunt as bait. And, since no one except Vin knew that Scott was here at the hotel, he might be able to pull this off.
Scott turned his view from the water and looked up toward the street. All of the protestors were gone, hauled off in buses. The blonde lady's car was still there, but he did not know who she was or what she was doing. Of course, the vehicles belonging to the guardsmen were still parked in the lot as well. Scott's own truck was a safe distance down the road so that it wouldn't be spotted. The scene was clear enough for him to make the attempt on Vin.
He pulled his rifle out of the case and carried it over to a short ladder that led to a roof hatch. Scott worked his way up and out onto the roof of the hotel, keeping to the shadows and hidden behind whatever cover he could find. He stopped behind a chimney, concealing himself from Vin on the beach below. Scott peered through the crosshairs, watching as Vin continued to pace away from the hotel. The shot was clear. Scott needed to wait for Vin to turn around and head toward the hotel, coming back within range so the wind would not blow the shot too far off course.
"Go now, Ben! He is on the roof, and he's going to shoot Vin!"
Salma opened her eyes suddenly. She had spent the last ten minutes trying to focus on the Book of Elements. Because this was only her second attempt at using her gift in this manner, it took her a while to fine tune the process. Once Salma located the book, she explored the boundaries of her gift and tried to find Scott nearby. Thankfully, Salma was able to see him; and the sight was frightful. Scott was on the roof with a rifle aimed at the beach below.
Wrath of the Sea Queen Page 71