His Mission (HIS SERIES Book 1)

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His Mission (HIS SERIES Book 1) Page 12


  "The blood is rushing to my head!" I yell, slapping his back harder. Jake's body vibrates against me as he chuckles and I huff unhappily. I find myself suddenly being flung down onto the bed and I let out a little scream, my eyes widening.

  "That-was-not-funny." I grumble, crossing my arms over my chest and pouting. Jake rolls his eyes and pins me down onto the bed, his body over mine.

  "Jake! You're too strong, you'll squash me like a bug!"

  He laughs loudly, throwing his head back as the joyous sound fills the room.

  "You really do make me smile Muffin," he tells me, blue eyes sparkling brightly. Warmth spreads through my chest and I giggle back at him before he leans down, attacking my lips with his.


  A week inside is causing me to go insane.

  I need to smell the fresh air, feel the grass, hear the birds. I pull on my trainers and clip the dogs lead onto her collar, leading her outside with me.

  My shoulders tense up with nerves and I'm constantly on edge as I head for the local dog park. I need to do this. I can't stay locked up in fear forever. The local park is a ten minute walk away however I get there in five by rushing. My chest rises and falls as I struggle to catch my breath. Damn, I'm unfit.

  "Calm down pup," I instruct Boe who's barking at another dog a few feet away. I tug on her leash and she obeys to my surprise.

  "Good girl!" I praise her, heading for the dog trails. I take the chance to enjoy the atmosphere, it's so calm and peaceful. The sun is shining through the stands of the tree's and I inhale deeply, loving the benefits Mother Nature has to offer. A slight breeze whips around me and I felt my shoulders relax slightly.

  A small rustle from behind me catches my attention and I turn immediately only to find the branches swaying to and fro from the breeze. Stop being paranoid Emily.

  I scold myself, feeling completely on edge. I push any paranoid thoughts to the back of my mind and begin to jog ahead of the dog, smiling as she follows me. We both weave our way through the trails, getting lost in a sea of trees and bushes. Wherever I go, the dog is right behind me.

  I lightly jog up a small pathway, my muscles loosening the further I go. When I glance down, Boe isn't with me. I immediately stop and turn, scanning the area. . . She's nowhere to be found.

  "Boe?" I call out, my voice echoing through the air. I decide to re-trace my steps and turn the corner, colliding into a hard chest.

  "I'm so sorry!" I apologise, looking up to find a man in his early thirties. He has a dark buzz cut with a chiselled structured face that has a faint line of stubble running along his jaw. His dark eyes connect with mine and despite his age, he's clearly handsome. He grins at me, showing off a row of perfectly straight teeth.

  "Don't worry about it. Is this your dog?" He asks me, holding Boe in his arms. I breathe out a sigh of relief, smiling gratefully at him as I take her in my arms.

  "Yes, thank you so much!" I respond, clipping her back onto her lead to stop her from running off again.

  "You're welcome Emily."

  I freeze at the mention of my name and glance up at the man. His whole facial expression has changed, dark eyes now cold and emotionless.

  "How do you know my name?" I ask him quietly, taking a step back. He takes a step forward instantly, his eyes never leaving mine.

  "I know your father."

  He tilts his head to the side as he studies me. I feel my stomach clench tightly —

  "My father is dead."

  The man chuckles quietly in response, the sound causing every hair on my body to stand up in chills.

  "Do you know who I am Emily?" He asks, his tone quiet and chilling. The wind picks up speed and I shiver, wrapping my jacket tightly around myself.

  "No and that's exactly why I'm leaving." I add, turning on my heel and walking away. His hand shoots out and grips onto my elbow tightly.

  "You're not going anywhere," he threatens me quietly, his grip tightening. My heart begins to thump wildly against my chest. I bite my lip to stop myself from screaming out and kick back with my leg with as much strength as I can find.

  My foot connects with his groin and he groans in pain, doubling over. Huh, I'm getting good at this.

  I take the chance to run, the dog right behind me. I hear his shouts of protests but I never once slow down until I'm safe behind a locked door. I slam the front door shut, bolting it and slide down the wall. My chest is rising and falling heavily and I suck in a deep breath, forcing my nerves to calm down.

  "What the hell happened Emily?"

  I look up, meeting Jake's eyes that are worried and concerned. He's glancing between me and Boe, a confused frown on his face. It takes me a few moments to structure my sentence properly.

  "A man chased me in the park, I think he knows Trevor." I gasp, catching my breath. My hands are trembling by my side and I feel like I'm going to throw up. Jake's eyes widen at my words and within a split second, he grabs his jacket and pulls it on.

  "Stay right here, I'll be back soon." He says firmly, slamming the door shut as he leaves. I lower myself to the floor, replaying the interaction with the creepy man over and over again in my mind.

  After three hours of waiting, I finally give up and drag myself to bed.

  Chapter Eighteen - Heart to heart.

  The room is engulfed in darkness when I hear the faint noise of the door being opened slowly. I groan and bury my head deeper into Jake's blankets, sleep washing over my body. His scent radiates off everything and it's the only place I feel comfort. I've automatically associated his scent with safety so when I can't sleep, his room is my safe haven.

  The mattress dips and I feel him settle beside me, his presence causing the hairs on the back of my neck to prick with anticipation. Despite being half asleep, I reach out, my hand resting on his arm.

  "Where have you been?" I mumble sleepily. He wraps an arm around me, pulling me closer towards him.

  "It doesn't matter, go back to sleep." Jake whispers, his warm breath tickling my ear. I sigh contently and press further into him, getting comfortable. Jake coughs behind me and clears his throat, adjusting himself. I groan in protest and open one eye, turning halfway to question him —

  "What's wrong?"

  "You were backing up into me Muffin, no guy is going to be okay with that."

  It takes me a few seconds to register what he's saying before I burst out laughing.

  "Sorry, I'll try and keep my movements to a minimum." I smile in the dark before leaning forward. I peck his lips and squirm when I feel something warm and wet. I quickly turn around to flick the bedside lamp on and blink as my vision adjusts to the brightness. When I look down, my hands are stained in fresh blood and I gasp.

  "Oh my god. You're bleeding."

  His lower lip is split, the blood slowly dripping from it. I can see the shadow of a bruise darkening under his eye and his hands are a total mess, swollen and the skin tinged with red.

  "Jake, what the hell happened?" I ask, my eyes wide with worry. He glances down at his fists before his eyes flicker elsewhere, avoiding eye contact with me.

  "I don't want to lie to you." He mumbles under his breath and I sit up straighter, my features twisted in confusion. "You don't need to lie to me."

  As soon as I finish speaking Jake sighs and stands up, turning his back on me. Within seconds he disappears out of the door and I hear him walk along the landing before entering the bathroom. The image of his bloody lip and bruised eye flash through my mind on a continuous loop. Has he been fighting with the guy from the park?

  I stand up, folding my arms across my chest to keep myself warm. As I'm walking towards the bathroom, I can hear him mumbling behind the door, making little sounds of discomfort. I push the door open and it creaks, alerting Jake of my presence.

  "Let me help you," I say softly, my words barely a mumble. He pauses and turns around slowly, his eyes fixed on the clothes I'm wearing. It's one of his shirts, ending a few inches above my knee.

  "You al
ways look good in my stuff."

  I blink at his response, wondering whether him changing the subject is intentional. Regardless, his words cause me to blush and I pause for a moment, trying to calm my beetroot red face.

  "Thanks." I murmur. He smiles back at me, a smile that's sweet and sincere.

  "Did you find him? Did he hurt you?" I whisper, remembering Creepy Guy's voice and dangerous dark eyes. Thinking of the way his eyes looked into mine causes me to shudder. His entire presence screamed danger and I never want to experience the cold shiver he set off inside me again. Jake pauses and drops his head, his shoulders tense.

  "I didn't find him."

  "But your face . . . " I question, confused. Jake looks up at me from under his thick dark lashes.

  "My face is the consequence of my line of work." Jake explains, choosing his words carefully. I scrunch my face up in confusion and take a small step towards him. He immediately knows my intentions and shakes his head, looking apologetic.

  "I can't say Muffin."

  I pause for a few moments before nodding. If he didn't want to or couldn't tell me, I wouldn't press the subject further. I take a hand towel and begin cleaning his face and hands up. Once I'm done, he kisses the tip of my nose and grins down at me —

  "Cheers for patching me up, doll face."

  "Doll face? That's new."

  "Yeah, it doesn't really suit you, does it? I much prefer Muffin."

  I playfully roll my eyes and he shoots me a heart stopping smile. I grin back at him, unable to stop staring at his smile. Despite his lip being split, he looks as good as ever. I look away, feeling guilty for wanting to kiss him. The memory of our first kiss flashes through my mind and I bite down on my lip once again to stop the smile from spreading across my face. I don't think I'll ever forget my first kiss with him.

  How can I?

  "You're blushing." Jake notices, closing the space between us. I don't respond and watch as his eyes roam my body, stopping on my legs. His eyes flash with approval and his lips twitch up into a smirk.

  We spend the next few minutes inches away from each other, our breathing laboured. I'm unable to tear my eyes away and can barely breathe in anticipation. Eventually he clears his throat and runs a hand through his hair before walking away from me and towards the shower. I watch him, making no effort to leave. Jake turns slowly, his eyes flashing with amusement.

  "Do you want to watch me shower Muffin? Or even better . . . you can join me?"

  I snap out of the daze I'm in and huff, crossing my arms over my chest before opening the bathroom door.

  "Oh please, I think we both know you're taking a cold shower to calm yourself down Jake." I nod towards his jeans and he stares back at me for a second, mouth open before his lips turned up into a lazy smirk.

  "I can't help it when you're around me looking like that," he shoots back smoothly, eyes turning a shade darker. I leave the bathroom quickly so he wouldn't notice my cheeks blushing a bright red.

  Note to self - Control my cheek colour when Jake is around.

  I'm fully awake now (thanks to Jake) so I tiptoe downstairs, careful not to wake Ivory or Tobias. Tobias and I are keeping our distance from each other and I have a strong feeling we wouldn't be the best of friends anytime soon.

  I walk into the kitchen and turn to find Jake's dog following me, yawning having just woken from a sleep. I bend down and stroke her behind her ear, smiling as she leaned upwards in enjoyment.

  "You little cutie," I mutter, planting a soft kiss on her head. I stand up, reaching for the freezer. My hand instantly wraps around the tub of heavenly ice cream and I lick my lips, reaching for a spoon.

  Cookie dough, get in my face.

  I make my way into the living room, settling down onto the main couch. I reach over to turn the screen on and flicked through the channels before landing on Friends.

  "I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour!" I sing along in a hushed whisper, using the spoon as my microphone. I flip my hair forward dramatically before settling further back into the couch, getting comfortable.

  I've taken the first spoonful of my ice cream, murmuring in approval when the door pushes open slowly. I turn to find Jake watching me, eyebrow raised in amusement.

  "Do you and the ice cream need a moment together? Because you really seem to be enjoying each others company."

  I narrow my eyes at him before lifting the tub of ice cream to my lips.

  "Don't listen to him C.D. He's just jealous." I whisper loudly, cradling it close to my chest.

  "C.D?" Jake questions, a confused smile on his face.

  "It's initials, cookie dough."

  Jake chuckles, shaking his head disapprovingly at me before he walks over and settles himself down right beside me. Small beads of water are glistening in his dark hair from his shower and the bleeding from his lip was now gone. I give him a small smile before holding out my spoon for him to take. He spooned out a huge chuck of ice cream and shovels it into his mouth.

  "I'm impressed," I admit.

  "I have that effect on girls," he responds, swallowing the ice cream in his mouth. I shove his shoulder lightly.

  "Shut up." I tease him. He grins back at me before leaning over, closing the distance between us. I breathe in sharply, blinking in surprise. Jake's blue eyes flicker between mine and I feel my stomach begin to flip upside down.

  "What's happening between us?" I whisper, my breathing ragged. I can barely pronounce my words from having Jake so close to me. The effect he has on my mind and body will always surprise me.

  "I don't know." Jake tells me, his words a hushed whisper. He leans over, placing his hand on my bare arm. My eyes flicker down to it and I watch as he runs his fingers up and down the skin. It erupts with goosebumps and Jake chuckles quietly under his breath, noticing the way my body reacts to his touch.

  "Can I tell you something?" He murmurs and I automatically nod, desperately wanting to know his thoughts.

  "When I first met you, I had this feeling that you'd end up making an impression on my life. I ignored it as first but that connection can't be ignored for long. When you told me what Trevor was doing, I felt this uncontrollable rage. All I want to do is help you and make you happy. I've never felt so protective over somebody before and honestly? It scares me."

  I blink several times, replaying his words over and over again.

  "Why does it scare you?" I ask him, my breathing shaking. Jake glances up at me from under his lashes and I see the vulnerability flash through his eyes.

  "I don't open up to people Muffin, that's not who I am. I keep my feelings at a minimum but with you. . . Damn, I can't keep them under control."

  My eyes are fixed on his and I can hear the thumping of my heart against my chest. I reach forward and take hold of our hands, intertwining our fingers together.

  "You don't need to feel scared." I whisper, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. He smiles and reaches up with his free hand, playing with a strand of my hair.

  "Maybe you're right, maybe I don't."

  Chapter Nineteen - “You are in danger, no?”

  "Did you sleep well?" Jake murmurs down my ear. I smile and close my eyes before nodding.

  "I sleep like a baby when you're next to me." I tell him. The nightmare are slowly beginning to become less frequent and for that I'll always be grateful. Jake chuckles quietly in response before climbing out of bed.

  "You should get dressed Muffin, we've got stuff to do today." He tells me firmly, pulling a clean white shirt over his head. I'm slightly disappointed at the sight of his clothes, I prefer the shirtless bedhead look on him.

  "Can I at least know where we're going?" I ask him, feeling slightly nervous from his mysterious act.

  "You'll soon see." Jake replies, not giving away any clues. He walks over to his wardrobe and I roll my eyes at his back before jumping off the bed and heading for his bedroom door. I pull it open and step out in to the hallway, coming face to face with Tobias.

Hey," I say quietly noticing how his eyes are roaming down my body disapprovingly. I quickly tug on Jake's shirt self consciously knowing exactly how this must look to him. Tobias barely glances at me before scoffing and walking away. God, what is his problem?


  "Jake, can you slow down? I'm not an olympian athlete." I mutter in his direction, jogging to try and keep up. He comes to a slow walk, turning to give me an apologetic look.

  "Sorry, I'm a little on edge."

  "A little?" I question, my eyebrow raised as I glance around at our surroundings. We drove for around twenty minutes and the buildings around here don't resemble the ones I see daily. Half of them are closed up, boarded with wood and cardboard to stop anyone from entering. The streets are littered with rubbish, glass bottles and its so deserted, I haven't seen a single other human being.

  "Can you at least tell me where we're going? I don't like surprises." I ask him firmly, reaching out to take hold of his arm. He pauses and turns around, blue eyes darkening with worry. I begin to chew nervously on my bottom lip, noticing how rigid his body is and how he keeps checking over his shoulder every minute.

  "Are we being followed?" I say quietly, glancing around the empty streets. Jake shakes his head, peering down at his watch before sighing.

  "No, I'm checking to make sure it stays like that. Emily, you need to listen to me carefully, okay?"

  I nod my head, looking up into his blue eyes to show him I'm listening. Once he's satisfied with my level of interest, he speaks again —

  "Where I'm about to take you is not a game. Don't speak unless you're spoken to and be very careful what you say. Let me do all of the talking if possible, okay?" Jake says firmly. A thousand and one questions whirl through my mind but I'm so confused, I simply nod back in response.

  His hand finds mine and he intertwines our fingers together before squeezing. The small sign of affection causes my anxiety to subside slightly and I smile up at him tightly, my stomach a ball of nerves.

  "Okay, let's carry on. We're almost there." Jake murmurs. I nod again, resembling a robot and both of us begin walking. We turn the corner and head for the metal staircase placed at the side of a large building. When Jake begins to climb them, I stumble slightly and his hand shoots out, steadying me. We don't speak another word until we're at the top. I peer over the edge, grimacing at the distance to the floor.


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