His Mission (HIS SERIES Book 1)

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His Mission (HIS SERIES Book 1) Page 17


  "So is that a yes?" He says nervously and I nod profusely. He grins, his smile big enough to melt my entire heart. I stand up and he places his hand on my waist before lifting me up and planting a firm kiss on my lips. I pull back, giddy with excitement.

  "I'm finally your girlfriend."

  "Sorry for keeping you waiting," Jake murmurs apologetically, resting his forehead against mine. I smile at him, sub consciously drifting closer towards his lips. He senses my actions and his hands pull me further into his body, strong arms wrapping around me. When he kisses me again, he takes his time, exploring every inch of my mouth with his tongue. I sink into him, his scent invading my senses and drawing me further into a lust filled daze. I know I'll never get bored of the way Jake Melvin kisses with such love and passion.

  To top it all off . . .

  He's mine, all mine.

  Chapter Twenty Five - Bumping into old faces.

  The door swings open and Jake emerges, his eyes lighting up with amusement at the sight of me. The corner of his lips twitch upwards as he leans against the doorway —

  "Muffin, get dressed."

  "Nope, I'm quite happy where I am." I smile, sinking further into my bed sheets. I'm dressed in one of Jake's white tee shirts with my grey jogging bottoms underneath. A jar of Nutella is balanced professionally in my lap and I'm currently licking the spoon.

  The last thing on my mind is getting dressed.

  "Why don't you come join me?" I suggest, holding out the spoon towards Jake. Sharing Nutella is a huge step for me, he should feel honoured.

  "As amazing as that sounds, I want to take you out." Jake smiles, glancing up at me from under his dark lashes. I pause, butterflies fluttering in my stomach from his words.

  "Where to?" I ask calmly, shoving another huge spoonful of Nutella in my mouth which tastes heavenly.

  Seriously, which God created Nutella?

  The chocolate gods and I owe him everything.

  Possibly my first born child.

  Jake walks over to me and grabs the Nutella jar from my hands, shaking his head. I protest and reach forward to grab it back, my mouth still full of the chocolatey goodness. Jake raises an eyebrow at me and I pout, folding my arms.

  "Where to?" I repeat, eyeing up the jar to strike when the time is right.

  "It's a surprise. I'm taking you on a date."

  "Like a date with you?" I ask nervously, biting down on my lower lip. To hide the excitement building up inside me, I lung for the Nutella. Jake is faster than me and raises it high into the air, way out of my reach. I whine and jump, attempting to grab it but fail miserably.

  "Dear God, my girlfriend's a slob." Jake mumbles and I gasp jokingly, slapping his chest.

  "I heard that!" I yell, narrowing my eyes at him.

  "Good, I wanted you to." Jake smirks and I huff, crossing my arms over my chest. He rolled his eyes at my behaviour however the affectionate smile on his face never faltered. I like that smile, it made me feel wanted.

  "Muffin, you've got ten minutes."

  I watch him leave, carrying my Nutella jar with him and internally cried from the distance he was putting between me and Nutella. How does Jake expect me to get dressed for a date in 10 minutes?

  I'm not super human.

  I run to my closet, tearing off my clothes as I stand in front of it in only underwear. The door opens suddenly and I gasp, dropping down onto the floor behind my bed. I scan the floor, looking for my clothes but they're lying in a crumpled up heap on the other side of the room, out of reach. Great, this could only happen to me.

  "Muffin, where the hell are you?"

  "Jake, get out."

  "Are you hiding from me?" He questions, sounding amused.

  "Get out! I'll be ready in ten minutes!"

  "Muffin, come out, come out, wherever you are."

  I hear his footsteps get closer and I do the first stupidest idea that comes to mind. I jump from my hiding spot and run towards a startled looking Jake. I shove hard at his body in an attempt to push him out of the room.

  "Oh, hello." He says smoothly, blue eyes drinking in my appearance. I groan and shove him harder which unfortunately doesn't do much.

  "I forgot you're made of stone," I mumble, grabbing his top from the floor and putting it on quickly.

  "Made of stone?" Jake asks, his smirk growing wider. I feel my cheeks heat up and Jake chuckles, walking towards me.

  "You know Muffin, I will see you naked. I'm your boyfriend now."

  I crossed my arms over my chest, glaring at him.

  "Not anytime soon, you won't."

  I huff and turn my back on him. I feel his hands trail along my hips underneath the shirt and I shiver from his touch, butterflies exploding in my stomach. He brings his head down till he's near my ear and nibbles on it gently.

  "Can you take this off again?" He whispers and I'd slap him if he didn't sound so damn attractive.

  "Ten minutes, that's all you've got." He murmurs, kissing the spot behind my ear. I instantly feel his body move away from mine and miss his warmth.

  As he walks out of the room, I turn to see him give me a heart stopping smile before disappearing. I shake my head, my mouth tugging up into the widest or smiles . . . The boy makes me happy, okay?

  Exactly 9 minutes and 30 seconds later I'm ready for my first ever date with Jake.

  I settle for a white top and jean combo with my black leather jacket over the top. My hair is naturally wavy on my shoulders and I've applied some makeup with the spare time I had. I grab my phone, ruffling my hair a little before walking downstairs.

  Jake is leaning against the front door, scrolling through his phone. He's wearing a black t-shirt with black ripped jeans. He'd finished his look off with a gorgeous looking watch on his wrist. Every time he moves, it catches the light perfectly. His dark hair is sprawled messily across his head, thick strands falling over onto his forehead. I clear my throat and Jake glances up at me, smiling softly when his eyes meet mine.

  He slides his phone away into his pocket and stretches out his hand —

  "Ready Muffin?" He asks me and I nod in response, slipping my hand into his. He intertwines our fingers together instantly, his thumb drawing circles on the back of my hand. With his other hand, he picks up his car keys and pulls open the front door —

  "After you, m'lady."

  I couldn't help but giggle as I step outside only to be stopped again.

  "Wait — " he says quietly, his arm snaking around my waist. He turns me around in one swift motion, leaning in close.

  "You look beautiful Emily."

  "You don't look too bad yourself." I breathe out, butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Jake leans down, pressing his lips against mine in a slow kiss. He holds me up with one arm, his scent causing me to feel intoxicated. With him, it feels like I'm floating on clouds, far away in our own little land.

  "Can't we just stay here and do this?" I whisper against his mouth.

  "There'll be plenty of time for that," Jake shoots back smugly, walking me along to his car. He pulls open the door —

  "Hop in Muffin."

  "Why thank you. You're such a gentleman," I smile and he grins as I slid inside. I watch as he walks around the front of the car, towards the drivers seat. His features are so insanely striking and it's difficult for me not to stop and stare.

  He settles in beside me, his posture relaxed and laid back. It's nice to see him so chilled out for once, a faint smile constantly playing on his lips.

  "Ready?" He asks, starting the car up. It roars to life underneath me, the engine reducing to a soft, smooth purr. I nod my head, excitement building up —

  "Ready when you are."


  No way!" I squeal, looking around at all the brightly lit lights and the crowds of people.

  "I thought you'd like it," Jake grins at me and I look up at him, squeezing his hand gently. "I love it."

  The blue in his eyes light up brightly from my words and his smile grow
s wider. He releases my hand and instead pulls me closer to his side, draping his arm over my shoulder. Jake drove me to the fair which I haven't been to since I was a little girl. I love everything about the fair, the rides, the greasy food and definitely the overly priced games that no-one ever seems to win.

  We walk over to the ticket booth and Jake pays, grabbing a bunch of tickets and pocketing them.

  "Come on" he smiles, taking my hand again. I let him drag me to a ride called the spinning booth and watch as people are spun in different directions, the lights and music blaring loudly. We wait patiently till the ride is over and then take a seat in the front booth, pulling the bar over us.

  "Don't vomit on me Muffin," Jake teases and I roll my eyes.

  "It'll be you who'll be doing the puking." I say childishly, sticking my tongue out at him. Jake chuckles and pulled me to his side tightly, draping an arm over my shoulder.

  "It's starting!" I squeal, feeling the booth move slowly. I grip onto the bar tightly and giggle as the ride speeds up, feeling like a little girl again.

  "Let's never do that again."

  I groan loudly, hiding my face in my hands. Jake chuckles in response and I glare at him from the corner of my eye.

  "You're supposed to be the one who loves rides."

  "I hated it! I didn't realise how dizzy rides actually make me," I respond sadly. Jake chuckles and bends down, pecking my lips quickly.

  "Don't be such a baby," he teases. I roll my eyes and lean up, brushing my lips lightly against his.

  "I'm feeling much better now."

  "Good. I'll buy us some drinks. Do you want something to eat?" He asks me and I shake my head, taking a seat on one of the free benches.

  "Are you sure?"

  I think about it for a moment, suddenly feeling peckish.

  "Actually . . . Can I have a burger please? Lots of ketchup," I smile and Jake nods, grinning slightly from my sudden change of mind.

  "I'll be five minutes. Don't miss me too much," he winks, turning away and heading towards the burger van. I watch him go and don't miss the attention he gets from several other girls. They watch him hungrily as he walks by, their eyes drinking him in. One of the girls turn towards me, scowling and I raise my brow at her in response. How rude. . .

  "Well, well, well."

  I freeze, my heart immediately picking up pace. That drunken slurred voice could only belong to one person. I turn slowly to find Trevor stood a few feet away from me, clutching a beer can in his hand. The smell of alcohol hits me and I feel bile rise to the back of my throat. I swallow, blinking and meet his eyes that are cold and hold a glimmer of evil.

  I'm back at home, cowering in the corner as Trevor landed blow after blow. My eyes fill with tears, each one bigger and heavier than the next causing the lights of the fair ground to blur in my vision.

  "What do you want?" I whisper quietly, feeling my heart thump wildly against my chest. Everyone else faded, the music disappears and all I can see is Trevor in front of me.

  He tilts his head slightly, examining me and I sway a little, feeling dizzy and unbalanced. The only thing supporting me is the bench. He takes a step towards me and I whimper, causing Trevor to smirk horribly. He knew he still has control and power over me and he loves it. The past few weeks of progress suddenly vanish within seconds and I feel like a scared powerless little girl once again.

  This was it . . . he was my trigger to everything I've been working towards. I lose all my confidence, I'm back to being petrified and feeling like I'm not worthy. I close my eyes, the tight hold on my lungs causing it hard to breathe.

  "Where have you been staying?" he hisses angrily, standing over me. I push myself as far back as I can go, feeling the bench dig into my back. His hand shoot out and grab my arm, twisting it painfully. I yelp but Trevor is oblivious to this, still waiting for an answer.

  "Get off me. You can't do this anymore!" I plead, my eyes wide. He responds by tightening his grip, nails digging painfully into my skin. I shut my eyes and clench my jaw, hissing from the pain.

  "I can do what I want! I'll find out where are you and I'll kill you," he hisses in my ear. My entire body is shaking in fright and I can feel my throat tightening as I struggle to breathe. His drunken scent invades mine and I gag, turning my face away from his.

  "Get — your — hands — off — her."

  I spin round and we were back in the fairground, the music blaring through my ears. My vision is blurred from the tears in my eyes and my hands are shaking vigorously in my lap.

  Jake stands in front of me and Trevor, holding a burger box and two drinks. His eyes are cold, emotionless and his jaw is clenched tightly as he stares at Trevor's grip around my arm. I try to free myself from his tight hold, failing miserably.

  "Who the hell are you?" Trevor spits in Jake's direction, refusing to release his grip on me.

  "I said . . . get your hands off her."

  Jake's tone is full of danger. Trevor chuckles in amusement, turning back towards me. His face drifts closer to mine and I turn away, shutting my eyes tightly. I feel his dirty breath hit my cheek —

  "Found yourself a little boyfriend, have you?" He hisses and I gag again, feeling the bile rise threateningly to the back of my throat.

  "How much are you paying her?" He jokes around, chuckling at his own sick joke. He finally drops my arm and I clutch it tightly against my chest, letting my tears fall silently.

  I watch in horror as Trevor walks over to Jake, puffing his chest out intimidatingly. Jake remains rooted to the spot, his eyebrow raised at Trevor's actions as he watches him. His head is slightly tilted and a small smirk plays on his lips.

  "Don't hurt him," I yell towards Trevor, feeling completely helpless. Trevor chuckles louder this time, stopping until he's an inch away from Jake. My eyes widen as I realised Jake is taller than Trevor and his shoulders are broader. Jake briefly glances at me, his eyes flashing with concern.

  "Are you alright?" He asks me quietly, his eyes flickering down to my arm. I nod silently.

  "Leave him alone Trevor!" I whisper, glancing around for some help. I'll never forgive myself if Jake ended up hurt. Amusement flashes through Jake's eyes at my words and he releases small laugh, his lips curling up into a smile. He drops his head and shakes it, dark strands of hair falling over into his eyes.

  I frown, wondering why Jake isn't phased or fears Trevor who is stood right in front of him, chests inches apart.

  "So Trevor, I finally get to meet you." Jake says calmly, glaring down at Trevor. "I've heard lots about you."

  "Get the hell out of here," Trevor responds, scoffing at him. Jake doesn't flinch and calmly places the food onto the bench beside him before turning back towards Trevor. The crowd around us are now silent, watching whilst keeping a fair distance away from the two of them. I watch, wide eyed as Jake leans closer to Trevor before whispering, loud enough for me to hear —

  "I promised myself that if I ever met the man who laid a finger on Emily, I'd break every single bone in his worthless cowardly body."

  Trevor takes a step back, stumbling from his drunken state and I see a hint of amusement flash through Jake's eyes. It suddenly hits me —

  Trevor is scared. . . if Jake.

  Jake leans forward, closing the distance between them. His eyes are burning with hatred, dangerous and ready to kill.

  "If there's anything you should know about me . . . it's that I never break my promises." Jake hisses, his mouth inches away from Trevor's ear. Before Trevor has a chance to run, Jake pulls back his arm and smashes his fist against Trevor's face causing him to stagger backwards from the force of the impact. The thud from Jake's fist could be heard and the crowd freezes, mesmerised by the scene.

  A few gasps can be heard as everyone takes a step back from the two men, parents dragging their children away from the scene. Trevor stands back onto his feet, clutching his jaw, ready for vengeance.

  Jake took his chance to swing at Trevor again and landed his fists on the
side of Trevor's head. It instantly knocks him down and Jake stands over him, his foot pounding hard into Trevor's stomach. He lies there, his body limp and lifeless.

  A scream can be heard coming from the crowd and it takes me a few seconds to realise it was coming from me. Jake doesn't look like he's going to stop, even when Trevor lies motionless. A wheezing cough comes from Trevor as Jake smashes his foot into his stomach for the fifth time.

  Images of Trevor doing the same to me flashes through my mind and I shake, unable to tear my gaze away from the scene in front of me. I run up to Jake and clutch his arm, pleading for him to stop. He shakes me off effortlessly and bounces towards Trevor's body, grabbing him roughly by the collar and dragging him up onto his feet. He resembles a rag doll as he flops over, his head falling onto his chest.

  "Stand up and fight me like the man you claim to be!" Jake screams in his face, his voice laced with hatred. I fall back into the crowd, knowing Jake is too far gone for me to stop him. Blood trickles from the side of Trevor's face and his eyes are now wide, masked with fear. I couldn't help but think this is what Trevor deserves. He beat me for years and now, the same thing is happening to him. He finally understands what it feels like to be terrified and helpless.

  There's nothing worse than seeing someone stand over you, mouth turned up into a snarl as they lay into your weak body whilst ignoring your screams to stop.

  Trevor stumbles on his feet, his body swaying from the impact on his head. He holds out his arms weakly, ready to grab onto something to steady himself. Jake lunges for him again, grabbing the back of his head roughly. He turns him around and Trevor groans loudly from the pain Jake is inflicting. I watch in horror as Jake bends down to his knees, still gripping tightly on the back of Trevor's head.

  "Goodbye Trevor." Jake mutters before pulling back his face and smashing it forcefully onto the stone floor. The crunch noise echoes in the air and I freeze in fear, the scream lodged in my throat. Everything is silent and all that can be heard is Jake's heavy breathing and the faint sound of siren's.

  The police.

  I snap out of my shock and run forward, gripping onto Jake's arm tightly.


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