His Mission (HIS SERIES Book 1)

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His Mission (HIS SERIES Book 1) Page 32


  "I live a twenty minute ride away from here, not that far." I respond, making small conversation. That's how I spend the next hour, getting to know a stranger named Andy who has an obsession with cheesy potato mash and didn't really like the clubbing scene.

  I laugh heartedly at a joke Andy tells me and he grins, pointing towards my phone.

  "Can I give you my number?" He asks, beaming at me. He notices the look on my face and holds his hands up in surrender — "As friends."

  "Sure." I grin back, chuckling quietly. I take a sip of my drink, waiting for Andy to add his number to my phone.

  "It's under Andy, because you know. . . That's my name." He says awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. I bite the inside of my cheek, stopping myself from chuckling at his behaviour.

  Suddenly the music in the club turns off abruptly causing everyone to look around, confused. There's shouts of protest coming from the crowd and I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion, what the hell is going on?

  "Something must be wrong with the music..." Andy mutters looking around for one of the club staff to confirm the problem. The crowd begins to get restless and are now shouting angrily for the music to be put back on. The main club doors open all of a sudden, smashing into the walls on the inside.

  Everyone silences and their heads immediately snap towards the bang, including mine and Andy's. My eyes widen in fear as six men dressed in black stand in the doorway, their faces covered with only their eyes on display. My eyes travel down to what they hold in their hands . . . guns.

  I sit frozen to the spot in the corner, my eyes widening in fear. I feel every single hair stand up on my body and my hand instantly hovers over my bullet wound, almost protectively. My heart pulses erratically, threatening to break through my rib cage as I watch them point their guns at the crowd and shout at them to get down.

  A few people scream and instantly drop, their hands covering their heads. Others stand rooted to the spot in fear, staring with their mouths wide open at the men with the guns.

  "GET DOWN!" The main leader of the masked men screams, walking forward threateningly with his gun raised high. He's the biggest from the group, his shoulders wide and his build heavy. The others seem to move on his command, watching his every step.

  He clutches his gun tightly and raises it to the remaining crowd who stand shaking in their trainers and heels. They immediately drop to their knees and whimper in complete fear.

  Images of Jones stood with his gun pointing towards me flash through my mind and suddenly I'm back in that room again, chained to that bed. My lungs tighten as Jones hand wraps around my neck, forcing every breath out of my body. I wheeze and slap my chest, forcing myself to breathe normally. In the distance somewhere, I hear Andy's familiar voice but I can't make out what he's saying.

  My vision is blurred and all I can see is black figures holding murderous weapons surrounding me. Eventually they all blur into one, their guns standing out intimidatingly.


  The voice is so close yet seemed so far away from me chained up to that bed. I'm alone in the house, alone with no-one but Jones.


  I feel myself be pushed down to the ground by my hands and Andy's fearful expression flashes in front of my face. His arm comes over my back protectively as I shiver on the cold club floor, my knees wobbling unsteadily.

  "Do what they say Emily," he whispers in my ear yet all I can hear is Jones' voice. Footsteps surround me and more black figures but I can't concentrate on them. My lungs are tightening further and the sound of gunshots fill my ears, making me rock back and forth.

  Tears spill down my cheeks and my hand presses further into my wound until I can feel the pain flare through my stomach. My eyes are trained on the floor and I don't dare blink or move an inch incase I cause another gunshot to go off in my head.

  Whether it's in my head or actually happening in reality is unconfirmed. I whimper loudly and feel Andy's arm tighten, pulling me closer to him.

  He isn't enough, I don't need a stranger.

  I need Jake.

  Chapter Fifty Two - Obey the orders.

  My breathing eventually calms down as I curl up on the dirty club floor as small as I can possibly make myself. My hand is holding onto Andy's and I can feel him shaking vigorously, his eyes trained on the floor whilst the men with the guns step over us threateningly.

  I give his hand a reassuring squeeze and he smiles grimly at me, his eyes widening as a black foot steps in front of us. I suck a deep breath in as I feel him looming over us, the presence of his gun filling the air.

  "Hurry up Boss, we haven't got much time." He speaks quietly, his tone icy and dangerous. I hear the tills open and bottles of alcohol smash to the floor next to the bar causing everyone on their knees to whimper loudly.

  "Shut up! Everyone put your hands on your head where we can see them!" Another voice booms out and everyone instantly responds, listening to his command. I place one hand on my head whilst my other holds Andy's. I'm not going to let go of his hand especially when I know how terrified he is.

  You never know real terror until the barrel of a gun is staring at you, threatening to take your life away. You don't know how precious your life is until you can feel it slipping away, drop by drop of blood.

  I hold onto his hand tighter and watch as two black feet stand directly in front of me. I don't dare raise my head and I will him to walk away, let me have some sort of reassurance.

  "Drop his hand and put it on your head!" He screams, leaning down into my ear. I jump out of my skin, his voice booming down my ear. My lungs tighten once more and I grit my teeth in anger, clinging onto Andy's hand like my life depends on it.

  His desire for fear reminds me of Jones.

  I turn my head, my eyes burning with hatred and meet them with green ones. The dangerous sparkle in his eyes only seems to deepen as he takes in my confidence. He chuckles quietly —

  "Got some courage, haven’t you?”

  "More than you will ever have, you're a coward for hiding yourself." I spit back at him, my voice coming out hateful and disgusted. He blinks and his face snaps backwards before one hand rises slowly and he wipes away the spit off his black face mask in slow motion. He tuts loudly and shakes his head —

  "You really shouldn't have done that," he whispers icily, his tone threatening. My heart starts beating faster at his words but I force myself to hold eye contact with him. The last thing I want is to show him I'm scared.

  He stands up back onto his feet slowly and I breathe out the breath I'm holding, letting my lungs finally relax. His hand suddenly shoots out and he grabs me by the scuff of my neck, forcing me to my feet. My hand is ripped away from Andy's and my knees shake in fear causing me to lose my balance if it wasn't for his tight hold. I watch emotionless as his face closes in on mine until he's inches away from me.

  "You're a pretty girl, aren't you?" He sneers, his eyes taking me in from head to toe.

  "Get off me!" I spit back confidently and his eyes widen in surprise for a split second. I'm so over people who want to hurt me, people who thrive on hurting others. In my eyes, I've come face to face with the devil himself, Jones and I've lived to tell the tale. I'm not scared anymore, I refuse to be.

  "Problem over there?" One of them asks him and I watch as green eyes stares me down, the fire in his eyes burning brightly.

  "There won't be in a minute." He replies back angrily before dragging me up further and pulling me through the crowd. I wince from the pain he's inflicting on me but allow him to drag me to the front by the club doors. As we pass terrified clubbers curled up on the floor, his foot shoots out and kicks them hard.

  "Stop that! Stop kicking them!" I yell, shoving him with my hands. He drags me to the front and throws me to the floor, causing me to land hard on my knees. I feel the skin on my legs graze against the floor, the fresh cuts burning from the sudden pain.

  "Stand up!" He barks at me and I pause for a second, closing
my eyes before standing uneasily on my heels. The scene in front of me is heartbreaking. Dozens of people lay on the floor, their hands shaking above their heads. Four men holding pistols supervise them, walking threateningly forwards and backwards making sure no-one steps out of line. I look up to find the main leader of the gang raiding the till and rushing through to the back doors where the offices are.

  Tears prick my eyes as I stand there, my knees bleeding and my clothes crumpled from being dragged.

  Whoever these people are, I hate them.

  Green eyes walks around me slowly, his eyes leering as he drinks in my body. His pistol is raised high in his hands and he presses it against me tightly as he walks around me in a circle. I breathe in sharply as I feel his gun trace over my bandages, the area where a bullet had pierced not too long ago.


  My tone is shaky, displaying my fear. The second the tip of the gun touches my bullet wound, my confidence shatters. Everything I went through with Jones runs through my mind and I could feel the pain invade my heart.

  "Ah! Finally. . . " He hisses, pressing his gun into my stomach further. He twists it tightly into my skin and I scream in pain, my knees buckling to the floor. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the main leader stop what he's doing.

  He appears taken aback before he finally snaps out of it, walking towards me and Green eyes. I shake in fear as he comes closer, the aura around him terrifying. I shut my eyes tightly and instead pray silently to whatever God that is listening to me right now.

  I didn't died before but there was no chance I'd be twice as lucky.

  I open my eyes slowly, tears spilling down my cheeks as the main leader stands in front of me, his presence invading all my senses.

  "Get up," he says quietly, his voice firm and full of authority. I do as he asks, my body shaking uncontrollably. I stumble a little on my feet but finally stand up, my head hanging low. I hide behind my hair like a terrified little girl, his body an inch away from mine. I can only see his chest, covered with black clothing to protect his identity.

  Moments pass and I notice his chest rising heavily up and down. Is this the moment he kills me?

  I shut my eyes and think of everything that brings happiness to my life.

  Jake, Ivory, Trish, Tobias, The Big Bang Theory, cheese pizza, Nutella...

  "Open your eyes."

  I obey his order, opening my eyes slowly and lifting my head. I expect to find myself staring down the barrel of a gun but what I do find myself looking at is something I never expected.

  In that second my heart completely stops beating as I look into familiar blue eyes. A pained gasp escapes my mouth as I feel my heart rip away from my body.

  All along he was closer to me than I thought.


  Chapter Fifty Three - Torn.

  Jake's POV-

  I stop breathing when I look into her terrified eyes as recognition flashes through them. Her scream fills the room and my bad boy front completely crumbles to the ground. My hands releases my gun and it shatters to the ground, bouncing before it eventually lies still.

  "Boss, are you alright?"

  I vaguely hear the unstable voices of my team around me, their eyes widening in confusion as they stand there, unsure of what to do. My eyes never leave hers and she reaches up, tears spilling down her cheeks.

  My jaw tightens as she takes my face mask off and I watch her lip tremble before her legs give out and she falls to the floor.

  It finally happened... She knows what I am.

  "Your mask!"


  "Let's get out of here!"

  My team scurry around me and Gregg picks Emily up off the floor by the scuff of her neck. He drags her like she's nothing and I finally snap out of my daze after hearing her whimpers of pain.

  "Get off her!" I yell, lunging for Gregg. He immediately drops Emily and backs up into the club wall, sending a table toppling over. Glasses smash to the floor, covering me in alcohol. I hiss and grab his throat, pushing him further into the wall, smashing his body against it. His eyes widen in fear —

  "Boss, what are you doing?!" He yells in my face and I sneer at him, my fists flying out and smashing into the side of his skull, silencing him. My chest rises heavily as I glance to my right to find her lying on the floor, her body lifeless.

  "Emily," I choke out, releasing him. He stumbles on to the floor, his hand holding onto his head as he whimpers from the force of my punch.

  My mind whirls with a thousand thoughts and I hear the faint sound of police sirens in the background. The panic of my team is immediate and they pick up what they can before fleeing through the back of the club like we originally planned.

  Now everything has gone so wrong. . .

  Why did she have to be here?

  One of my team grabs my arm, forcing me to follow them and I shove them off, sending them flying into the floor. I run to her side, leaning down and studying her body as the sirens grow louder and louder. My head snaps to the noises outside and I clench my jaw tightly knowing I don't have much time. I pick her up in one swift motion, holding her in both of my arms before I turn and weave my way through the crowd who remain on their knees, heading for the back doors.

  I breathe heavily and look down at her face that is contorted in pain despite being passed out. I'll never forget the way her scream filled the room, surrounding me.

  "Fuck!" I yell, pushing the club back door open with my body. Tears of frustration run down my cheeks and I stumble over something on the floor outside, causing my hold on Emily to loosen. The sounds of sirens and police are almost deafening now and I know they're only inches away from me.

  "Give her to me."

  I look up to find Tobias' shadow looming over me, his arms outstretched motioning for me to pass him Emily. I shake my head furiously, tears streaming down my face faster.

  "I can't leave her!" I yell, looking at her beautiful face, the person I love the most in this cruel world.

  "You can't outrun them with her, give her to me. I can get her back safely!" Tobias persuades me, the desperation clear in his voice as the shouts of police can be heard from inside the club mere feet away from us.

  "I won't let you have her." I say to him, holding her limp body closer to mine. The panic in Tobias' eyes increases as his head shoots towards the doors of the club, the sound of the police closing in.

  "You don't have a choice! Trust me!" He yells, grabbing her and ripping her from my arms. I lung forwards ready to grab her back but he shakes his head sadly, stepping backwards against the wall to give me room.

  "Run Jake," He says quietly and I swallow the hard lump in my throat, torn between what to do. The back door of the club smashing open finally forces me to take one last look at her before I sprint into the dark streets, weaving my way through traffic. My chest tightens and I struggle to breathe as the rain pelts against my bare skin, mingling with my tears.

  Soon enough I'm unsure whether it's tears or rain that pours down my face, drowning me in a sea of pain.

  Chapter Fifty Four - Pushing limit’s.

  Jake's POV -

  I run as fast as my legs can physically carry me. I run until my lungs ache and my chest heaves with the bile threatening to rise in the back of my throat. It wasn't the running that was making me feel sick, it was Emily's constant scream running through my ears.

  "It's the police, stop running!"

  I hear him panting from the effort of chasing me. From the sound of his voice, he's only a few feet behind me. So I speed up, my legs burning from the effort. I turn into Whitfield Lane, an area I know well.

  A car screeches to a halt as I run in front of it, almost skimming my legs. I don't dare stop or turn around and head for the brick wall at the end of the road, throwing myself at it and hauling myself up with my hands. I grunt as I throw myself over the other side into someone's garden. Sirens blare all around me in the dark night and I grit my teeth, knowing it would be a challenge to get away
this time.

  I continue jumping over garden walls until I fall into the one I want —

  "Reached my destination," I mumble, glancing over my shoulder and hearing the police officer a few gardens back. I sprint to the back door of the house and knock three times. Crucial moments pass and it opens, a hand shoots out gripping my chest before pulling me in.

  I grunt as I'm thrown against his wall and stand to my feet, dusting off the mud and leaves from my clothing. He locks the door, turning all the lights off and peers into his garden.

  "He didn't see me," I say quietly, noticing how his posture is alert, his shoulders squared up defensively.

  "Shut the fuck up!" He spits back at me over his shoulder and I grimace, knowing the ordeal that lay ahead of me. I messed up. I never mess up.


  Tobias' POV -

  "Run Jake," I say quietly, turning my back against the wall to give him the space he needs. I can hear the police inside, getting closer and closer. Jake appears torn, eyes full of pain and I look away, his pained expression too much to bear.

  The back door to the club smashes open and my eyes widen in terror as I see the police charge towards Jake. He'd already started running, a few feet in front of the officer that was now chasing him.

  "Are you okay?" Another officer glances at me and I nod before looking down at Emily.

  "Does she need an ambulance?" The officer asks again, glancing at Emily.

  "Yeah," I nod, knowing it would look suspicious if I declined the offer of an ambulance considering she was passed out cold in my arms. The officer nods and turns her back to us before asking for an ambulance on her radio. I take the chance to turn and sprint off into the night myself, the officer barely noticing due to the commotion.

  Once I'm a few streets away, I stop running and slow down to a walk. I glance down at her laying in my arms and my chest tightens. I'd left her when she needed someone the most.

  I couldn't think about the guilt right now, I promised to get her back safely. I have to get her away from the police before they start asking questions and realise Emily is Jake's girlfriend and I, his cousin.


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