The Fifth Realm

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The Fifth Realm Page 10

by Michael Chatfield

  Around the outside of the roundabout, the main road ran from the castle compound, through the inner city and outer city splitting into the west, north, and eastern roads.

  In a circle, one could see the grand buildings: The utilitarian Adventurer’s Guild with their main administration building, and attached hostel and store. The Crafter’s Association’s different segmented buildings, each supporting a symbol for the different associated craft. Their main admin building rested in the middle, with the Crafter’s Association emblem carved into its wall.

  The Alchemist Association with their compound, their administration building at the front with other buildings visible inside the walled compound. Then there was the Blue Lotus building, created from blue, gold, and white stone—a lotus flower blooming.

  Each of them take up a quarter of the area. The size and grandeur of the buildings reflect the power of the administrators and how powerful they think that the area they are in is. These buildings are comparable to the ones you would see for a regional headquarters. I wonder what we’ll need to do to get this to an outer headquarters location standard. Hiao Xen smiled to himself, remembering the humble buildings that had been erected when the associations started to arrive. Behind their main fronts were walled compounds for people to stay in from their association. The Crafter’s Association’s quarters were growing to be as big as their administrative building, with crafters wanting to join in on the trial. They were expending a massive amount of resources to build Expert-level crafting areas to be on the same level as the proposed facilities in Vuzgal and the Crafting trial dungeon.

  The front of the Blue Lotus was filled with guards keeping people back and checking invitations.

  Hiao Xen’s carriage came to a halt.

  Everyone looked at the guards sporting their strange armor and helmets. Their new glasses made it hard to see their eyes.

  Lieutenant Yui had assigned them to assist Hiao Xen, augmenting his personal guard. They rode on their sleek black panthers, completely armored, with their repeaters mounted on top.

  It might be a bit over the top, but it sends a message, and a powerful one.

  Hiao Xen stepped out as the guards with him looked around.

  People called out as they saw him leave his carriage and walk to the entrance.

  Two of the Vuzgal guards followed, scanning the area as they moved. There was something cold and calculating about them—a difference between them and others that made them seem predatory.

  Yui and Erik explained that before they took Vuzgal, they had just been Alva adventurers. Then, with taking Vuzgal, since they had a city and they wanted to look good in the eyes of the associations, they called themselves the Alva Army.

  Sects have forces as powerful as them, but what group of adventurers coming from the Earth realms could be so powerful? Then there is the matter of just how they took Vuzgal. No one knows how, and they’re not talking about it. Though taking the city might explain how they have such high levels. It doesn’t explain how they became professional soldiers with high Mana Gathering Cultivation and Body Cultivation, or have so many open mana gates.

  Hiao Xen knew that Erik, Rugrat, and their people were keeping secrets from him. That didn’t mean he was going to look into them. If they weren’t telling him, he trusted there was a good reason not to. They didn’t pry into what he knew of the Blue Lotus or push him to use his authority. It was a careful dance and Hiao Xen made sure to do his job and carry out what they asked of him.

  He was about to present his invitation when the vice leader of the location personally walked up with a wide smile on her face.

  “Manager Hiao, it is good to see you,” she said with a light laugh.

  Hiao Xen smiled. He could see that she was very good at her job, as he already started to feel comfortable around her. A few months ago, he would have found it hard to get an audience with her. Now she was taking the chance to talk to him, ignoring others.

  Hiao Xen cupped his hands in greeting. “Miss Shriver, it is good to see you. I am sorry that I have not been able to see you.”

  “You are a busy man, running one of the largest cities in the Fourth Realm. I can understand that getting a meeting with you can be incredibly difficult.” She gave him a small bow, lower than his, speaking to his new position and she easily looped her arm into his. “Come. I will take you personally to your viewing box.”

  The guards looked on, unfeeling expressions on their faces. Half of them were originals from the Alva Army; the second half were personal guards Hiao Xen had brought over.

  Some of the Alva guards looked over. Miss Shriver lit up the room with a smile and her looks.

  They looked away, focused on their job.

  Hiao Xen’s guards had seen everything, checking her over with professional interest and then checking the surroundings as they were led to a grand elevator built on formations. They rose up, looking out of the elevator over the main lobby.

  “Have you told her the truth of the matter?” Hiao Xen’s voice dropped as his expression turned conflicted.

  “Zhen Fu is a respected Expert-level tailor and she has a large pull with other Experts. After all, everyone needs clothes.”

  Hiao Xen’s expression turned neutral and Miss Shriver tried to look through that expression and find out what he was thinking.

  You must treat everyone equally; that was what Erik said. She is an Expert-level crafter so I will have to humor her for this meeting, but we will have to see.

  The elevator stopped and Miss Shriver guided him to a door. The guards followed and they studied the guards who stood on either side of the door in front of them.

  Miss Shriver walked forward, defusing the tense atmosphere as the door opened for her.

  There were a few guards in the back of the room and then a woman sitting in the only chair in the room, smoking something.

  Her robes flowed over the chair, dragons and tigers weaving between lilies. They were so vivid that it looked as if they were truly running across the cloth, with the light playing over them.

  “Expert Zhen, this is Hiao Xen,” Miss Shriver said.

  Zhen Fu took another puff of her smoke.

  Hiao Xen crossed his arms, frowning as he tucked them into the sleeves of his robes. He had Experts looking for meetings all the time. He ran a city that had no less than ten Experts within it and more who visited regularly.

  Bowing to her would not show his impartiality.

  Zhen Fu let out a lazy stream of smoke as Miss Shriver continued to bow.

  Hiao Xen looked past Zhen Fu and over the massive auction house that the Blue Lotus had created. There were ten floors in total, with the ground floor covered with people talking to one another and greeting their neighbors. Each of the people down there controlled a powerful faction that could be called pillars for any city they decided to settle in. The remaining nine floors were filled with private boxes. The lowest people were city lords of the lowest grade, with the mid- and high-level city lords above them; sect leaders in the third tier to the sixth; with the middle managers of associations in the seventh; with their more powerful figures in the eighth and ninth. On the tenth, there was only one box: the box reserved solely for the leaders of Vuzgal.

  Its construction might have only been completed in a few months, but it was the largest auction house that Hiao Xen had been in and the most opulent. He couldn’t accurately estimate the cost of the building.

  Zhen Fu finally let out an irritated exhale of smoke, giving Hiao Xen an aggravated side eye.

  He stopped surveying the auction house and looked back to her, his expression calm.

  “You have been rented out to the city lords but you already think that your standing is much higher than before!”

  Hiao Xen stood there, her words not affecting him in the slightest.

  “I have sent two messengers to your office in order to get access to the dungeon, but they have both been denied. Have you forgotten your roots?” she said in a dangerous tone.

  “There are rules in pl—”

  “I do not care for your legal speak. Get me access to the dungeon and to the facilities within the castle or else don’t blame me for being unkind!” She turned her head to face forward again as she took an irritated puff of her smoke.

  “You will have to follow the same process as all others. Just because we share the same background does not mean I can give preferential treatment. I will not tell the city lords about this unless they ask, which is the only grace I can give you. I hope you have a good day, Expert Zhen.” He cupped his hands and turned to leave.

  Zhen Fu choked on her smoke as she tried to talk.

  Hiao Xen got to the door. The two guards there blocked him, their power overbearing and pressuring Hiao Xen.

  “Move out of the way or else I’ll have you kicked out of Vuzgal,” Hiao Xen said to the guards, not showing any weakness to them.

  They stood there, as Zhen Fu got herself under control.

  Hiao Xen tapped his sound transmission device.

  There was a noise outside before the door opened.

  The guards looked to the door as the Alva Army guards held their rifles, ready.

  “Acting City Lord?” one of the Alva Army asked.

  “Meeting ran longer than I thought,” Hiao Xen said.

  He walked out of the room, and the guards moved out of his way.

  “Very good, Hiao Xen, very good!” Zhen Fu said, her fury clear in her words.

  “I hope you enjoy the auction, Expert Zhen.” Xen left the floor and went to the elevator.


  Miss Shriver didn’t know what to do. She had an idea of what Zhen Fu wanted when she had recruited Miss Shriver’s help.

  I didn’t think that he would be so unyielding. If he just allowed her access to the workshops and materials in the castle, then he would have gained a supporter. Instead, he slapped her face.

  “This Hiao Xen forgets his position. He is only a lowly half manager in the bottom of the Fourth Realm!” Zhen Fu said, letting out her fury and stomping her foot. “It looks like it will come to this elder to teach him the truth of the world!”

  Miss Shriver wanted to say something, to calm Zhen Fu and try to de-escalate the situation when she saw movement on the highest floor. Hiao Xen sat in the highest seat in the auction house. An attendant came up, giving him a tea as people in the auction hall all looked to him.

  The acting city lord was the most powerful figure within Vuzgal, but it was normally impossible to see him as he was dealing with running the actual city.

  Hiao Xen took a tea from an attendant. Seeing the stares and people talking about him, Hiao Xen raised his cup and smiled to them all.

  Others bowed and smiled back to him.

  Zhen Fu had arrived just a few days ago, but Miss Shriver had been here ever since they found out about the crafter dungeon and the two extra hidden dungeons in the valley.

  She had seen Hiao Xen enter the position of acting city lord.

  I thought that he was in over his head. But he has been totally neutral in his treatment of everyone. Now, not even the guards from the associations dare to accept a bribe for the fact that they will be kicked out of Vuzgal. The Alva Army is a mysterious organization and the profits as well as the bank have driven people from across the Fourth Realm to call Vuzgal the upcoming trading capital of the Fourth Realm. Is his unwillingness to get into the political games of the associations and running the city a weakness or a strength? I will have to make sure to protect the Blue Lotus. No matter what Zhen Fu decides, this could be seen as a test of sorts to see his resolve.

  “There he stands, thinking himself a lord above us all. I, Zhen Fu, will not let anyone stand over me! I might not have fighting strength, but there are plenty who owe me a favor or are willing to act in my stead. Let’s see what he does when he draws their ire.” Zhen Fu had a malicious look in her eyes. As she smoked, the corners of her mouth curled up into a cruel smile. “Watch—I will play you to death, Hiao Xen. Not even the Blue Lotus will willingly accept you back into our ranks.

  “Miss Shriver, get me the names of the Experts in Vuzgal. Hiao Xen will come back, begging for forgiveness on his knees. Power doesn’t come from one’s skill—it comes from one’s ability to move others! You should learn it well.” Zhen Fu waved her hand, dismissing Miss Shriver.

  Miss Shriver bent lower in her bow before she left. As soon as she was past the guards, a conflicted look appeared on her face.

  I don’t know what will happen in the future. The Hiao Xen of the Blue Lotus would have done her bidding, but now he refuses to budge. It’s said that he might even have the ear of Elder Lu from the headquarters. I need to report this to the manager.


  As the sun had lowered, they got closer and closer to the pillar standing over Vuzgal.

  Bai Ping felt relief as the road ahead opened up. The trees gave away to cleared ground. It was patchy, with ditches and hills, signs of a battle not long past showing. Closer to the wall, the ground had been leveled out. Mages could be seen walking around with groups of knights, repairing the ground.

  Everyone felt relieved seeing the capital.

  Why haven’t they repaired the walls? It looks as if they’re even tearing them down in some places. Bai Ping and the others continued along the road that curved toward the massive gates of the capital.

  “Riders!” someone called out from the rear.

  “Move to the side to let them pass,” Bai Ping said in a tired voice. The fighting, the journey across unknown terrain with fourteen hundred people relying on him, and the pressure started to lift as he continued to march. He could just envision collapsing on his bedroll; even a nice piece of ground would be enough.

  Why would there be riders coming all this way? Are they going to Vuzgal as well? Something in the back of his mind made him frown and forget his bedroll.

  “Bai Chang, go and get the guards together. Watch those riders,” Bai Ping said.

  Bai Chang looked as though she wanted to argue. They were in sight of the city, after all. “Yes, Commander.” She moved to the rear.

  People started to talk in excited voices with one another, repeating rumors that had grown on the journey. They picked up their pace and lifted their feet up.

  Why are they taking down their wall? Are they that confident of not having anyone attack them? Bai Ping was still confused as they kept marching.

  A blast of light appeared from the rear of the group as the riders attacked with spells and ranged weapons.

  “Attackers!” someone yelled as others screamed.

  The tide of people sped up as they pushed forward.

  “Shit! Everyone, get moving toward the city! Guards, with me!” Bai Ping yelled.

  People broke out into a run as they rushed along the road. Some ran over the uneven ground, trying to get away from the riders.

  Bai Ping could hear them pleading with the people of Vuzgal to help them. He focused on the rear, seeing the rear guard firing arrows and spells at the riders. They killed a few, but their armor was strong and they were higher levels. Bai Ping’s body froze up for a second.

  They’re going to kill us.

  He had to force himself to breathe as he drew his sword.

  I’ll try to buy them some more time.

  He looked at the other guards. They weren’t strong, barely as capable as the soldiers of the sect armies, but it was their families and friends who they were protecting.

  What was their life if they could save a few more of the villagers they swore to protect?

  “With me!” Bai Ping yelled as he charged toward the rear with the guards. They were tired and broken, but they still had their honor and their fighting spirit.

  They had been losers all of their life—what was one more loss to them?

  “Archers and mages in the rear. Those with spears and shield, up front—cover the road! Swords and melee fighters in the middle!” Bai Ping organized them as they ran. People were
hit by arrows from the riders or spells, crying out or just dropping to the ground soundlessly.

  Bai Ping yelled louder, trying to not look at those who dropped and drowning out the screams of the wounded.


  Sergeant Sun Li was taking a break from training and was on patrol of the outer defenses.

  Vuzgal’s walls were opened, making it seem to be inviting people in. The pillars that were part of the walls remained and there was a low wall that soldiers could use as cover and fire over. But the fifteen-meter-tall and six-meter-wide walls were now building materials to rebuild Vuzgal’s buildings, create the Sky Reaching Restaurants, and the Wayside Inns, and fix the roads and the amenities that ran through the city.

  Only when someone got close would they see that in the rise leading up to the small wall, a multi-layered bunker system had been buried into the ground. The tripwires, barbed wire, and obstacles were constantly being worked on. It was a great way to teach the recruits to pay attention and built character with physical jobs.

  He passed one of the skeletons that was being fitted with new armor and weapons. Apparently, they would grow in strength with time, but otherwise, better weapons, armor, and concoctions applied to the bones assisted them in the short-term.

  They were the backbone of Vuzgal’s defense until more recruits were able to become soldiers.

  All of them had sworn oaths that would keep their lips sealed, but still none of them had been sent to Alva yet or learned about it.

  Until they graduated their course, they were just recruits and could fail out at any time.

  The sun was starting to go down and the lights of Vuzgal came on. The city never slept, with crafters working around the clock. Bars and cafes were filled with people from across the Fourth Realm. People celebrated their success or drank away their worries. Agreements were made and trades agreed to. Weary travelers arrived, and others went home.

  The Blue Lotus was a hive of activity as the first auction was underway. There wasn’t one spare seat in the entire building. Everyone was interested in seeing what the Blue Lotus would bring out.


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