Logan's Leap

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Logan's Leap Page 14

by JJ Ellis

  Turning quickly, Reggie took a good, long look. The bitch had cut her hair. She would have to pay the price for that. She knew he liked her hair long and flowing. How dare she! He just knew that little prick made her do it.

  Smiling evilly, he gave a friendly wave to the older lady who stopped to let him cross the street. Looking around him, he noticed that the area was now pretty much deserted. The kids were on the bus, the traffic was gone with everyone being at work now, and the grocery store and surrounding businesses were still quiet from having just opened. Perfect, the pair were alone and had stopped and were busy digging though the diaper bag. The baby carrier was now on the sidewalk next to them. He briefly considered grabbing the baby but quickly squashed the idea. Even though the kid was his, he wouldn’t be able to prove it without DNA testing and he would just be a crying, pooping pain in the ass.

  “Well, well, well, what do we have here,” he said as he approached the couple. They both reacted with shock. “A cheating slut and a lowlife piece of shit.”

  “Reggie! What are you doing here…” Jayna finally asked, her eyes wide. The shock had only partially worn off when she found her voice again. “You aren’t allowed to be here.”

  “I’m here to collect what is mine,” Reggie replied, his voice menacing. “You and my child.”

  “They aren’t yours,” Logan growled, stepping between Reggie and CJ’s carrier. “I won’t let you hurt them.”

  “I don’t think you have any say in the matter,” Reggie grinned menacingly. He pulled a pistol from inside his jacket. “You seem to be outgunned.”

  Jayna’s hand dropped to her hip. “That’s the last time you underestimate me, Reggie.” Only to find she had left the pistol in the apartment. She took a half a step forward. It was time to change tactics. “I’ll go with you Reggie. Just put the gun down. You don’t want to hurt the baby.”

  “I think it is the other way around, my dear. You underestimated me. I noticed you weren’t armed even if you didn’t. I noticed that just about everyone in this town is wearing a gun but you and Mr. Harper.”

  Jayna looked down in embarrassment. Reggie was never so observant. Maybe he was more dangerous than she had thought. But he could not hurt Logan or the baby. So she looked up, her resolve giving her strength against Reggie’s emotional abuse. “Just cut the crap and take me with you.”

  “Yes you will come with me,” he cackled. “But lover boy won’t be going anywhere but straight to Hell.”

  “Calm down, Reggie,” Jayna said softly. “You’re in public, you can’t do anything to anybody right here and not get caught.”

  A bizarre chuckle came from his mouth. “Well, well, the girl finally says something intelligent. I guess all three of you will be coming with me. And you better act like we are all old friends getting reacquainted or you won’t see your little brat again. I hear kids do great in the foster system.” The bizarre chuckle came back, louder and more menacing.

  “Come on, Reggie. How about you just take me and let Logan and the baby stay here,” Jayna said, trying to keep her voice steady despite the fear that was getting ready to overtake her body. Why in the hell hadn’t she remembered to bring the damn gun?

  “You think I’m going to let this country boy piece of shit live after what he did to you? You must be insane. I always knew you were a dumb little twit, but I never figured you were crazy.”

  “He didn’t do anything to me that I didn’t want him to,” she said softly. “You can punish me when we get home, just let Logan and the baby go.”

  Reggie seemed flustered at the idea that Jayna was agreeing to the punishment and he didn’t quite know what to do. Maybe she was the one who actually deserved to be punished instead of lover boy. His gun arm wavered a bit and Logan stepped forward. Reginald regained his focus just in time to whip the pistol across Logan’s face, causing him to step back.

  “Don’t you fucking try anything or I will shoot your ass right here on the spot,” Reggie raged, pointing the gun at Logan. His arm was shaking.

  “No Reggie,” Jayna cried, moving closer to her ex. “Please don’t shoot him.”

  “You! You have feelings for this prick,” he snarled, his gaze shifting briefly to Jayna. “I was right, you are a little slut.”

  “Put the pistol down before something really bad happens,” came a strange male voice, belonging to man who had just stepped out of the store. He held a box of donuts in his hands.

  “Stay out of this old man,” Reggie snarled at the new comer. “You are messing with one bad ass mother fucker here.”

  “I don’t want any trouble. I’ll just…” the man said exploding into action. The donut box flew into the air as he grabbed Reggie’s gun arm at the wrist and yanked it back and down. At the same moment his leg planted between Reggie’s legs while the other arm snaked around his neck. Reggie went over backward and the pistol went off.

  “You were right,” the middle-aged man said. “Only you were the one messing with a bad ass mother fucker.”

  Suddenly the area was flooded with bodies. As soon as the pistol went off, the police swarmed out of the hotel and ran to the scene. Reggie was quickly rolled over, handcuffed and dragged away. Logan noticed the goons sneering as they said something to Reggie.

  “Damn it, the donuts got smashed,” their rescuer said after he stood back up. “My dad is going to kill me.”

  “Sir, thank you. I wasn’t sure what we would have done…” Logan started to say as he walked over to the stranger.

  “You’re welcome. Hey, are you one of the Harper boys?”

  “Yes sir. I’m Logan Harper,” he replied. “Is that important?”

  “I’ll need directions to the ranch. It seems that I’ll be staying there for a bit. How rude of me, I’m Ethan Ellis.”

  “Well Mr. Ellis, it’s nice to meet you,” Logan said smiling. “Not under the circumstances I would have preferred though.”

  “The feeling is mutual, sir,” Ethan replied, looking down at the ruined donuts. “Your Uncle Cowboy and my dad aren’t going to get their special treats after all. Do you want to be the one to have to tell them?”

  Recognition dawned. “You’re Jack’s son!” Logan said, shaking his hand. “I guess the rumors are true, you were a Navy Seal.”

  “Yes I was,” he smiled. “It looks like your wife and child are safe. It was a brave thing for you to step in the way like that. Stupid, but brave.”

  A shrug was the only thing the man got. Logan looked over at the pair, a strange feeling coming over him. He wanted to scream and hold her at the same time. “If you’ll excuse me, I had better help her. CJ usually calms down faster for me,” Logan replied. “Thank you again, Mr. Ellis.”

  Chapter 14

  Logan and Jayna sat on the couch in the apartment. CJ was tucked away in his bassinet and the monitor was turned on.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked her, noticing the sad look on her face. “You’re safe.”

  “For now,” she murmured. “He’ll find a way to get off.”

  “Sleeping Beauty, he's being charged with assault in Nevada, conspiracy to commit murder and God knows what else here. He’ll be going to prison."

  A single tear slid down her cheek. “It won’t be long enough. He’ll be back…someday. It’s a revenge thing now.”

  Logan took her into his arms and held her while she cried. Truthfully he didn’t know how long Reginald would be away, with all of his money and contacts. Hopefully it would be long enough.”

  Logan heard a ringing coming from the diaper bag and Jayna pulled away. “Go ahead and answer that,” she said. "I’m okay.”

  It was Jayna’s old phone, which Andrew had returned to them. The number on caller ID was from Nevada.

  “Hello,” he answered warily.

  “Yes sir. This is Pierce Sanders I’m looking to speak with Miss Jayna McIntyre.”

  “I don’t know if that’s a good idea sir, after what your son put her through. It might be best if you cease contac
t with her.”

  The line was static for a moment then cleared. “Mr. Harper, I’m assuming that is to whom I’m talking. I do not wish to cause Jayna any more trouble. I’m just wanting to apologize on behalf of our family.”

  “I can pass the message along,” he said tightly.

  Jayna motioned for him to hand the phone to her. “I’ll talk to him.”

  Logan put the phone on speaker. “Go ahead Mr. Sanders. She can hear you.”

  “Jayna dear,” he said, his voice shaky. “I just want to say how very sorry I am for what my idiot son did. I thought being stuck in the middle of nowhere Alaska would turn him around. I was wrong. I finally believe that my youngest child is seriously disturbed."

  “Thank you, Pierce,” she said softly. She didn’t know what else to say.

  “Jayna dear, I also want to reassure you that you never have to fear my son again.”

  “How can you know?” she nearly whispered.

  Pierce chuckled. “It seems my son has done some very bad things over the years. He will be going away for a very long time. And if he survives the first year of being Bruno’s bitch and gets out someday, I will personally make sure he never touches you or that baby. After all, you’re family.”

  “Thank you, Pierce,” she said through tears.

  “You’re welcome Jayna. I can only hope that someday you will let me and Roberta see your son.”

  “He's your grandchild,” she murmured. “Thank you again.”

  The phone line went dead and Logan put it on the end table. “How do you know he’s telling the truth?”

  “He’s an old school criminal, Logan. Family means something, and now because of CJ, I’m his family.”

  Logan looked at her warily. “It feels like I’m in the middle of a mob movie.”

  Jayna laughed. “It’s not the mob, Logan. They're just old fashioned thugs, but they keep their word whether it's that he’s going to kill you or kiss you. Now that Reggie has proven that he is no longer worthy, he’s no longer protecting him. I truly am safe.”

  “It must feel good,” he smiled.

  “It does,” she squealed, throwing her arms around him. "I never thought he’d reject Reggie. He never seemed to care how his son treated me, but I guess he went too far by putting CJ in danger. This is the miracle I needed.”

  Logan pulled back and looked away from her. “I guess that means you’ll be leaving here soon. Are you going to Nevada to be close to Deb?”

  “I…I hadn’t really thought about it,” she stammered. “But I guess that is probably best.”

  “Yeah,” he sighed, standing up. Suddenly he didn’t feel so joyous anymore. Jayna and CJ would be leaving. At least he would know where they were going and could see them when he went to Vegas for a visit with his aunt, uncle and cousins. Hell, the next time he saw CJ, he could possibly be walking. “I think I’m going to bed. It’s been one fucked up day and I want it over with.”

  “Okay,” Jayna said quietly, sensing his sudden shift in mood. How in the hell could she leave the man she’d come to love? But she really needed to start over near Deb. At one point, they had been each other’s only family and she knew that was something Logan could never be. “I’ll be in soon.”


  Logan had been fast asleep when Jayna went into the bedroom, and when she woke up for CJ’s first feeding he was gone. CJ fed briefly on both sides then fell back to sleep. She put him in the bassinet and grabbed the baby monitor. She’d lived in fear for so long that she needed to find Logan and make sure he was okay.

  Walking into the living room, she saw him lying on the couch, staring at the ceiling.

  “Are you okay?”

  He looked over at her. “Yeah, I was afraid I would interrupt your sleep because I was so restless, so I came out here. Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I was just up feeding the baby.”

  “Come here,” he said, scooting over on the oversized couch. “Come lie down with me.”

  Jayna joined him and he wrapped his arms around her. “I think I’m going to miss having you here,” he said.

  “No, you’ll miss CJ.”

  “No. He can’t do this,” he said, pressing his lips against hers. Their kiss was sweet, slow and exploratory. When they pulled apart, nothing was said for a few tense moments. Staring at the ceiling, Jayna finally managed to find her voice and ask the question that had been weighing heavily on her mind. “Logan, will you come see CJ sometimes?”

  “I’d like that,” he said, “I want to see him whenever I can.”

  “You technically are his father, but I don’t want you to feel forced…”

  “It’s okay Jayna. I love your son. I actually let myself get attached to another human being, so I will make time for him whenever I can.”

  Jayna’s heart swelled with joy. Logan may not love her, but he would stay a part of her life because of CJ and her son would definitely benefit from that. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “You’re welcome,” he whispered back as his hand slid under the edge of her tank top to caress her supple skin.

  Jayna’s breath caught and he moved his hand higher, teasing the bottom of her breast with his fingertips. “I’m always afraid to touch you here.”

  “Don’t be,” she whispered arching her back to encourage him. “Please don’t be.”

  Logan moved her shirt up over her breasts and placed gentle kisses in the valley between. His hand roamed gently over one swollen mound running his fingers to rest on the nipple. It puckered immediately. “So sensitive,” he moaned as his mouth took over for his fingers. “So sweet too.” He pulled back and let his fingers go to work on the other breast.

  “You don’t have to worry Logan. The milk won’t come rushing out. It actually takes a lot of pressure and finesse to get it out.”

  “If you say so,” he proclaimed before his lips wrapped around her nipple. He suckled, tugged and bit down gently causing her to gasp and squirm beneath him. His hand slipped under the waistband of her bottoms and came to rest on silk and lace. It moved in slow circles over the flimsy barrier that was blocking her most intense pleasure.

  Jayna’s hips swayed under his touch, increasing her pleasure. “Touch me Logan, please. Really touch me.”

  His hand quickly slipped beneath her panties, his fingers immediately finding the treasure they sought. “Oh!” she cried. “Yes!” Her hips raised, pressing against his hand.

  “I wish I could…” Logan whispered desperately. His fingers moved down to tease the outside of her folds.

  “You can!” she moaned. “With your fingers only. Please.”

  Logan looked in her eyes and smiled. “Tell me if I hurt you.” He slid first one finger inside, no longer having to wonder how hot and wet she would feel to him. Gently moving his finer in and out, he watched her face and when he didn’t see any signs of pain, a second finger joined the first. Jayna’s eyes closed and a smile appeared on her face. He worked his fingers in and out as his thumb teased his treasure once again.

  The beauty of her soul shining in her face as he plied her body with pleasure nearly shattered his heart – or was it the ice around his heart. The cold hard barrier that had formed sixteen years ago on the porch of his family’s hunting cabin.

  “Logan,” she sighed. “Oh Logan.” A shudder claimed her body and her muscles clenched tight around his fingers. He saw tears slip from her eyes and down the sides of her face.

  “Jesus! Did I hurt you?” he asked, taking her into his arms.

  “I’m not hurt,” Jayna chuckled. “I’m happy, shocked and surprised.”

  Logan relaxed next to her. “Why? You scared me half to death."

  “I…I don’t want to tell you.” She blushed and looked away.

  “You’re embarrassed,” he teased. “Now you have to tell me.”

  “Oh no, I’d rather do this,” she said, reaching for his waistband. Just as her hand slipped beneath, his fingers grasped her wrist and held it still. “Hu
h uh, not until you tell me."

  “Brat!” she said, trying to slip her other hand beneath the band. Logan laughed and flipped her to where she was lying underneath him. “Tell me and I’ll let you do whatever you want to me. I can’t believe we’d have any secrets by now.”

  “Not fair,” she whispered, looking at him with an exaggerated pout.

  “Please,” he murmured, kissing the side of her face. “Tell me.” His lips came down on hers gently, his tongue teasing her lips until they parted and invited him inside. When he pulled back, their eyes met and he knew he’d won.

  “What you just did for me, to me…” She looked away from him and he brought her back, his hand cupping her face. “No one has ever…I’m the only one who…”

  “I’m the only one who had ever made you lose control?”

  “Yeah,” she smiled, her embarrassment vanishing. “It was always up to me before. If I wanted to come, I had to do it myself.”

  “Did anyone else even try?” he asked, incredulous.

  “He could never get it quite right," she murmured. “Now is it my turn?” Her hands moved between them and worked down to his waistband again.

  “If you must,” he teased, lifting himself off of her to settle back onto his side of the couch then rolled onto his back. “Have your way with me, you beautiful wench.”

  “Wench, huh?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. “Remember my teeth are going to be very close to your dangly bits.”

  Logan’s laugh rang through the apartment but stopped abruptly when she released him from his shorts and took him into her mouth in one smooth gesture. “I trust you,” he gasped as her mouth moved over him and her throat constricted around the head. “Holy…”

  Jayna ran her fingers along the length of him as her mouth set him free only to move back down as she took him back into her throat.

  Logan’s hands grasped the arm of the couch above his head as Jayna continued to capture and release him. Finally, she stopped and concentrated on the head, running her tongue, again and again, around the rim and over the top. When the muscles in his thighs began to tense, she touched her teeth just above the sensitive rim and moved slowly upwards, grazing him. He gasped and lost control as her mouth closed around him one last time.


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