Mister Distraction (Distraction #2)

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Mister Distraction (Distraction #2) Page 19

by Stephanie Jean

  “I don’t think so, Stewie.” My voice was very matter-of-fact. I looked at Sofia, and she sat back and crossed her arms over her large breasts. I threw my shoulders up and said, “What?”

  “You just pretend, Jason. That’s what you do when you love someone. You pretend.” Her voice filled with bitterness.

  I repeated, “Pretend.” I squeezed my eyes shut, remembering where I heard those same words before. The conversation continued around the table, but my mind was wrapped around those words. My mind took me back to the ice cream parlor. Katarina’s young voice filled my head. It was her telling me to pretend. She’d told me to pretend to be in control.

  The waitress came with our drinks and I took a long swig of Katarina’s, but then handed it back to the waitress.

  “It needs more alcohol. Jose Cuervo.” She snatched it back and handed me my beer. Sofia’s judging eyes fell on me again. I gave her another shrug.

  “Do you really have to be so controlling? You can’t just let her have the drink. You have to drink it first.”

  Dave spoke next, defending me, I think. “He wasn’t always like this. In high school, his girlfriend called all the shots. He just did whatever she wanted. He was just like Stewie over there, bowing down before the queen.”

  Stewart shot up out of his seat at the remark. “My name is S-t-e-w-a-r-t, not Stewie. Please, say it right!” Silence engulfed the table as Stewart finished his yelling fit.

  “Now you stick up for yourself? You chose this moment, and not the hemorrhoid gift thing?” I glanced at Stewart and raised a questioning eyebrow. Dave burst out into laughter again.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The waitress came back with Katarina’s drink, and I stirred it with the straw and caught Sofia’s spying eyes. I really wanted to be normal, so I handed the drink over to her without a test sip. It bugged the shit out of me, but I did it anyway. I turned my attention to Katarina, as did everyone else, and set the drink in front of her. She picked it up right away and gave a polished smile to everyone before taking a long swallow. She immediately started choking. I lightly rubbed her back. It was most likely another first. I leaned over, catching her scent again, and whispered in her ear, “You taste like strawberries to me, so I ordered a strawberry drink for you.”

  Her dark blue eyes were full of anxiety. The place was filling up, and the crowd in the bar was growing loud. It was my warning; I needed to wrap this up and take my princess home. I ordered her another drink when the waitress came back. The main fight was up next and I was buying some time. Katarina’s warm, soft body began molding into mine, and it was extremely satisfying. I enjoyed having her with me. I stroked her soft hair, and I handed her another strawberry margarita.

  “Thank you.” Her voice was as smooth as the finest whiskey, and I couldn’t resist; I leaned over and pressed my lips against hers. My hands fisted in her hair and her lips parted. I fought every urge to force my way into her willing mouth. Instead, I was deliberate and unhurried, and the kiss was loaded with passion. She tasted sweet. I could have made out with her for hours. I broke the kiss and a small, disapproving moan left her lips. A victory smile spread across my face as I turned back towards the table. Dave started clapping.

  “Bravo! I actually enjoyed that, the sight of two pretty people kissing. It’s kind of like…classy porn. I have to tell you, man, I am a little turned on right now.” He was smirking.

  “Believe me when I tell you, it was my pleasure.” I winked at him, and he chucked a French fry at me.

  “So, Katarina, Jason tells me you’re a hygienist.” We all turned toward Katarina, but she smiled politely and wrapped her lips around the straw, continuing to take a long drink. My girlfriend was such a snob and I loved it. Dave continued talking.

  “So, I was playing basketball with this bozo,” he pointed to me, “and he had bite and claw marks all over his body. He wouldn’t talk about it.” He glanced at me, but I was proud of the marks, so I just gave him a gratifying grin. Katarina took another long draw off her straw.

  “I think it’s a little ironic that you’re a biting hygienist.” The table broke out into laughter. I think it was more of Dave’s body language rather than what he actually said that was so funny. He had some comical facial expressions going on. Again, the table glanced at Katarina, and this time she looked up at me.

  “What?” Her look of confusion and annoyance was classic. I encased her body with mine, my arm pulling her whole body closer to me. Her face turned pink, and the look of sheer embarrassment was clear in her wide eyes. My fierce protection of Katarina kicked in, and I explained Dave’s comment to her, getting as close to her as possible. She drew from my confidence, and my sassy princess spouted off.

  “It is very funny. I think it’s Jason’s fault. He brings out the animal in me.” I shifted my attention back to the table and nodded my head, my smug smile telling Dave everything he needed to know about how great an animal she was.

  I glanced back at Katarina and she looked anxious again, with a slight dotting of sweat on her brow. She was attempting to get off her stool. I hopped off mine, in a hurry to help her.

  “You okay?” Shit, I let her drink too much. I never tasted the drinks after the first, so I wasn’t sure how much she actually consumed. That would never happen again. I knew she was little and wasn’t a party girl, but the glass was medium in size, and we had just eaten dinner.

  “Yes, I just have to use the bathroom.” Her eyes broke from mine, and I felt a pang in my heart for how I treated her before we entered the bar.

  “I’ll walk you.” I grabbed her hand and was surprised when her body fell into mine. She struggled with walking. I fought the urge to carry her. My arms wanted to sweep her up and take her where she needed to go. Her palm was sweaty, and her stagger had me worried that she was going to slip and fall.

  She disappeared from me when she went inside the ladies’ room, and I paced nervously just outside the door. I peeked over at our table and saw our waitress. I was suddenly in a hurry to leave. I jogged back to the table and caught the waitress before she was gone, giving her a handful of cash and calling it good. I turned back to look at the ladies’ room door, but the place was packed and my vision was blocked.

  “Sofia, can you check on Katarina? She didn’t look well when she went inside the restroom.” I knew my face had panic written all over it, because tiny Sofia was quick to respond. Dave and I followed her, squeezing in and out of the crowds of people. We stood outside the ladies’ room as Sofia vanished inside. She came out moments later; her big brown eyes were filled with horror.

  “She’s not in there.” Her voice was barely audible over the TVs and people.

  I turned around, scanning the bar for her. “She has to be in there, Sofia.” I pushed past her, stepping into the bright lights of the women’s bathroom.

  “Katarina! Katarina!” I yelled, seeing only two other women in the whole place. They were stunned and began shuffling with their purses to leave.

  “Have either of you seen a black haired woman with blue eyes, wearing a black dress?” The ladies both turned towards each other, and then frantically shook their heads no. I knew I could be intimidating sometimes, and the look of pure fright in their eyes told me to calm the fuck down.

  I found Dave and Sofia waiting outside the restroom for me. Dave told me he already notified the manager that Katarina was missing. He said that they had a few security guards looking for her. I knew she wasn’t here. My gut told me she was gone, hopefully not for good. Katarina was a runner. She already told me she didn’t do people and drinks, and I forced her to do both. And then I remembered Dave’s comment, the table’s laughter about it, and her horrified look of embarrassment.

  “I think she’s outside. I am going to check my Jeep,” I yelled over my shoulder as I pushed through the chaos on the way to my Jeep. Minutes later I was circling my four wheel vehicle and she wasn’t there. I jumped in and started it up. The rev of the engine didn’t sooth my temper. I
knew in my gut she ran away, and I was instantly furious. That was why she was so nervous. It was her plan to get away from me. I tore out of the parking lot, heading straight for her apartment. Katarina was smart. She had anticipated this. This time I would discipline her, whether she wanted it or not. She had to learn that running away from me was not an option. My cell rang, jerking me from my aggressive thoughts.

  “Yeah,” I answered, my voice rough and extremely loud.

  “Hey, Jason, this is Trevin. The club has been trying to call you, but for some reason it won’t go through.” I knew this already. I had blocked the club because of Bettina’s relentless calling.

  “What’s up, Trevin?” He was silent, and I was way too agitated to continue to hold a silent phone to my ear. “Seriously, spit it out. I have a lot going on right now.” I honked at the car in front of me that had slowed to a stop at the yellow light.

  “Well…Bettina’s here, and she brought a girl with her.” This call was taking way too long. He needed to say what he called to say before I gave up and ended the conversation. “She’s with Brad right now, but dude, her big blue eyes look scared to death.” Oh fuck! I turned down the next street, my right foot heavy on the gas pedal.

  “I am on my way, Trevin. Nobody gets near her, understand? I want a three-foot radius. Nobody talks to her, sits next to her, and God help them if anyone touches her.” I hung up, anger coursing through my body. I searched my contacts for Alex and called him.


  “Alex, this is Jason. I need your help.” I was quick about telling him everything that was happening. When I finally stopped, I was dizzy. I took some deep breaths and could hear Alex trying hard to calm me down.

  “I am on my way. Jason, don’t go in without me. I am really close. We’ll get her out of there together. No more beating people up, in or outside of the club. Jason, you’re going to end up in trouble; even I can’t protect you from. I know that you beat the shit out of Red a few nights ago, and so do the people inside the club. Don’t give them a reason to put you in jail.” His voice was stern and full of concern, so I agreed.

  I parked in the underground garage. “Hurry, Alex. Trevin said Katarina’s scared. It’s tearing me apart that she’s frightened and I can’t do anything to protect her.”

  “I am turning the corner now, about to turn into the garage.” His phone went dead after that.

  I waited outside my Jeep, trying to decide who I was going to kill first: Bettina, for this desperate move for attention, or Brad, for not getting her the help she needed. My cell rang, and I answered without hesitation.

  “Hello,” I flinched at my own voice. It sounded more like a loud bark.

  “Hey, man, this is Dave. I am just checking to see if she was outside or in your Jeep. We have searched every inch of the bar, and nobody seems to have seen her. Which is crazy, right? Because she is wickedly hot.” There was a short pause and then an “ouch”. I heard Sofia’s high-pitched voice, followed by more smacking.

  “Sorry, man, wrong choice of words.” He took another moment and then clarified. “She is just not your regular fugly girl that goes unnoticed.” I heard Sofia hit him again, and he pulled the phone away from his mouth. “Babe, I just said she’s not fucking ugly, fugly,” he said, followed by another smack from Sofia, calling him insensitive.

  “Dave, I found her. Bettina took her, and I am just about to get her back.” Alex approached me with a nod and we moved quickly to the elevators. “I got to go, but thanks for your help.”

  “Call me if you need anything.” We said our goodbyes and I turned my attention towards Alex. He was dressed in a suit, his shiny, dark blue dress shirt matching his eyes. The silver bowtie matched his vest. Everything else was navy blue, and he carried a black briefcase.

  “Let me do the talking when we get inside.” I nodded grateful he was helping me.

  “Thanks for this.” I ran my rough fingers through my hair and inhaled, trying to calm myself before the elevator doors opened. “Did I pull you away from something?”

  “Yes. Don’t worry about it. You…this is way more important.” He flashed me an evil smile as the door flung open, and we stepped into the foyer of the club. Alex stalked ahead of me and nodded at the other members. I could only give everyone a death glare. My blood was boiling, and my clenched fists itched to pound flesh.

  Alex was directed to the security room off the foyer, and he was the first to step inside. He glanced at me, and his hard stare told me to calm down. I inhaled, finding it hard to breathe. The room was small, and computer screens filled the place. They had a variety of different activities taking place inside the club. Five men sat with headphones over their ears, focusing on every inch of the different large screens. A table was off to the side, and Bettina and the redhead, Chelsea, sat facing us. I gritted my teeth and narrowed my eyes as I glanced at the two guilty women. Let’s get this started. Someone’s gotta pay.

  Bettina was snuffling her curly blonde hair giving her a lunatic appearance. Her eyes sunk in with black makeup smeared. Her cheek was bright red I could almost see the outlining of a handprint, and where her skin used to be porcelain before, it now looked pasty white and extremely unhealthy. She looked like she needed to be in a nut house, crazy to the bone.

  “What the fuck Bettina?” Her almost brown eyes widened and her brows shot up. It was her best puppy-dog eyes. It wasn’t working. I stepped closer, an intimidating growl echoing in the tight space. Alex stuck his arm out, blocking me from moving closer to her.

  “Why don’t you give me a moment, Jason?” Alex signaled to one of the security guys. “Can you give him some headphones?”

  My head whipped back toward Alex, and I gave him my WTF face. His long stare told me to trust him, so I did. The whole interaction took seconds, and before I knew it, I was viewing the security feed from inside the club while the three of them chatted. I broke away from the screens occasionally, and Alex had papers spread out over the table; both girls were crying. Bettina’s mascara-stained eyes met mine, and I felt coldness spread through me.

  I turned back to the screen and saw Katarina running, and Trevin scooping her up. He was being gentle with her. She was flailing in his arms, and he was careful and cautious as he carried her, giving her the control she needed, and not pinning her with his strong arms. He settled her at the bar, and very slyly handcuffed her. I could see her anger as she tugged at the handcuffs and yelled at him. I exhaled the breath I hadn’t realized I was holding. She was safe. I repeated it in my head, safe. A slight tension left my body, and I removed the headphones as Brad entered the small room. It was time to go to my sweet princess… fuck everyone else.

  “She’s skittish,” he motioned to the screen with Katarina in it, “I tried calming her down, but she was jittery as hell.” That comment, and the mix of irritation in his eyes had me smiling. I was proud of my scared rabbit. Brad looked powerless to control such a terrified creature.

  We both focused on the sobbing woman on the other side of Alex. He was writing feverishly as they spilled the beans about what happened earlier. Brad took a seat next to Alex and began reading everything he was writing. I strode toward the door, but stopped at Brad’s outburst. “What the hell, Bettina?” His violent fit of rage silenced everybody. “No wonder, she is freaked out. You drugged her, kidnapped her, and brought her here?” Bettina’s watery eyes shifted towards my angry ones.

  “Bettina, it’s fucking over for us. It’s been over. I don’t love you. I have never loved you. What we had was unhealthy, sick, and like a diseased part of my body, I had to cut it off. I won’t ever be with you again. You are a crazy bitch, and I find you ugly and toxic. If you attempt to even talk with Katarina again, it will be the last thing you do.” I was spitting my words out towards the end, making her tears spill out faster.

  “You kissed her!” Bettina’s voice was high-pitched and broken, causing me to twist towards her again. The look on her face was pure misery.

�� My agitated, loud voice repeated, bouncing against all the walls and the hard wood floor. Where was a gag when you needed one?

  “You kissed her; you never once kissed me.” I ignored her cry for attention. She wasn’t going to get any from me. My eyes fell to Alex, and he took over the conversation, having both girls sign his written statement. He turned to Brad, explaining the trouble Bettina was in. Brad was a pissed-off asshole before, but now he was livid. Chelsea scurried out of the room as soon as she was free to leave, and I followed her out.

  “Stay away from her, Chelsea. You have no idea what I am capable of.” I did my best impersonation of a grizzly bear, complete with a snarl at the end. She cowered only slightly, and then I saw a heated look in her eyes, followed by a sinister curl of her lip.

  I scanned the room, trying to calm myself again. The horny men were all staring at the little redhead in front of me. I fixed my iron gaze on her so she knew I wasn’t playing any games, and I caught the flare of disobedience in her eyes.

  “She’s my neighbor, Jason. Did you know that? And if I ever see her again, I will tell her everything. I will let her know how you fucked my mouth first, and then my hot cunt. She will know what a male whore you are. I’ll explain how you made your girlfriend watch. I might even let her know how I still touch myself at the thought of your large dick filling me.” I instinctively reached up and pulled her hair. Her lips closed immediately, and she moaned through gritted teeth. I glanced at another member.

  “She’s a masochist, and she needs to be taught a severe lesson on provoking. Who wants to be her teacher?” My lips were stiff, and her knees buckled as I fisted her hair harder. Two familiar members stepped forward and gave me a curt nod before carrying her away.

  Chapter Eighteen


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