The Sheikh's Enemy Lover (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 12)

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The Sheikh's Enemy Lover (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 12) Page 1

by Cara Albany


  Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 12




  "I have a very important announcement to make," Annabelle Louise Summers, the US ambassador to Qazhar said, looking across at her three daughters.

  Belle Summers, the youngest of those daughters, shifted nervously on the sofa and glanced across at her two older sisters, Erin and Nicole. They both stared back at Belle, concern written on their features.

  Their mother sat across from them, here in the sitting room of the American embassy. Outside, in the corridor, from behind the closed doors, Belle could hear the sounds of embassy staff moving around. Busy as always.

  Her mother's brows furrowed, and Belle could see she appeared to be weighing her next words with care. Their mother had asked them to meet her in the sitting room this morning. The bright Qazhar sun shone through the high windows. The ceiling fan circled slowly, sending gentle waves of cooling air down onto the four women.

  Their mother peered across at all three of her daughters. "I'm sure you're aware that, as the US ambassador, here in Qazhar, my position was never intended to be permanent. I can be offered posts in other countries. Especially when there have been political changes back home."

  Belle felt a growing nervousness twist in her middle. They'd all lived with the uncertainty of their mother's diplomatic career for many years. In recent times, they'd lived in a variety of countries. Moving every few years had just been their normal way of life.

  "Are you saying you're going to be offered a new posting somewhere?" Erin asked quickly. Belle glanced at her older sister. Erin was always quicker than anyone else to pick up on things.

  Their mother tilted her head and smiled sagely. "I can see you're ahead of me." She grinned at them. "As usual."

  A new post? Belle sucked in a sharp breath and felt a surge of anxiety. Her mother was leaving Qazhar? An urgent thought immediately took over her mind.

  Belle might have to leave Qazhar. A quiver of nerves fluttered in her middle and she frowned.

  Belle glanced across at Erin. There was a thoughtful, patient expression on Erin's pretty features. Being the oldest sister, Erin was the one sister with a wise head on her shoulders. Not like Nicole who, until recently had specialized in getting into one kind of trouble after another. Belle didn't even want to think about what she herself had been getting up to recently. It was best that no-one knew about that, she told herself.

  "Hasn't this posting in Qazhar been shorter than usual?" Erin asked.

  Their mother sighed. "It has been a couple of years. You know how it is. I go where I'm asked to go. If I'm lucky enough to be offered a new post."

  Once again, nerves snapped inside Belle. She shifted nervously on the sofa. Belle drew in a calming breath and sighed quietly. It was true. Her parents were leaving Qazhar. She could hardly believe what she was hearing.

  "Where is it next, mom?" Belle asked.

  Her mother peered at Belle. "Andalia," she replied.

  Seeing the puzzled expressions on her daughters' faces, Annabelle added a clarification. "It's a small principality on the border of France and Italy." Annabelle smiled. "It's set in the mountains. Very pretty. But, politically quite important. It's similar to Qazhar. There are a number of powerful families." Her mother smiled at Belle. "Lots of royalty."

  Belle had never heard of the little country. Her mind was in a sudden whirl. All she needed to know right now was when all this would be happening. "When are you moving?" she asked, deliberately not hinting that she would be going with her mother.

  "Soon, Belle," her mother replied. Her mother narrowed her eyes at Belle. This would affect Belle more than her sisters. Her mother knew that.

  Before Belle had a chance to say anything else, her mother cut her short. "Sometime in the next few weeks."

  "That quickly?" Belle asked sharply. She looked across at her sisters. In the past, they would all have been demanding more details. They'd have been clamouring to find out where they would all end up living for the next few years. What they'd have to do to prepare. There would have been incessant questions, expressions of concern.

  But, this wasn't like their previous family moves. Not any more.

  All three sisters had heard this speech from their mother before. However, unlike in the past there was one huge difference.

  Two of the ambassador's daughters were married. To Qazhar Sheikhs.

  First, Erin had married Karim.

  Then, Nicole had married Rashid just over a year ago.

  The last two years had seen two marriages in the Summers family. Which was amazing its own right. Belle though her sisters were just about the luckiest women in Qazhar.

  Both sisters were enjoying lives of married bliss. Belle, of course, had to admit that she was more than a little bit jealous that her sisters' romances with sheikhs had worked out so well. Was that bad of her? Was she being selfish feeling like that about her sisters' happiness? She'd asked herself that question so many times, especially during the last few weeks.

  Especially because of her own secret. She felt her cheeks color slightly just thinking about it. There was a hint of sadness as she thought about him.

  Again. But there was nothing to be done about that now. Her own relationship with a Qazhar sheikh had ended only weeks before. Just thinking about him made her heart beat faster. Memories fluttered into her mind; recollections of amazing nights.

  Belle dragged her mind back to the present. It would do no good to think about Khalid. Not right now. This wasn't the time or place to go torturing herself about the man she had turned her back on for good. The lingering pain she felt when she thought about that part of her life still cut deep into her.

  "What does father think?" Nicole asked.

  Their mother smiled warmly. "You know him. He's quite happy with the whole thing. He's already started to investigate some business connections in the region."

  So it was almost a done deal, Belle told herself. They were moving. And soon. That meant she'd never see Khalid again. She should be relieved, shouldn't she? This had come at the perfect time, she told herself. She could put the past behind her, once and for all. That was good. Wasn't it?

  If so, why did the prospect of never seeing him again trigger a familiar tug of emotion?

  Nicole groaned. "That means we're all going to be separated," she complained, looking genuinely pained by the news. Nicole looked at Belle and Erin. Belle could see the obvious distress Nicole felt at the prospect of them all living so far apart.

  Their mother's brows furrowed. "I know, Nicole. And it pains me as much as you. But, we'll see each other regularly, won't we? You and Rashid can visit." Annabelle glanced at Erin. "You and Karim can come to Andalia, Erin. Once we're settled there you can spend some time. I hear the mountains are beautiful."

  There was a long pause. Belle listened as her two sisters chatted amongst themselves about how they could persuade their sheikh husbands to travel to the mountain principality.

  "What about me?" Belle asked quietly.

  Her sisters abruptly stopped talking, turning to face Belle.

  Her mother squinted at her. "What do you mean?"

  Belle wasn't sure whether she could utter the next words. But she knew she had to be honest.

  She took a deep breath and sighed softly. "I'm not sure I want to go," Belle said bluntly.

  There was a long silence. All eyes were on Belle.

  "You don't want to go to Andalia?" her mother asked in an even voice.

  "I like Qazhar," Belle said evenly, glancing at
Erin and Nicole. "And you two won't be coming," Belle declared, her voice cracking slightly with emotion.

  Belle swallowed. She saw her sisters' brows furrow.

  "Erin and Nicole have lives with their husbands," Annabelle responded.

  "I know that, mom," Belle replied sharply.

  Her mother frowned. "Of course, you're old enough to make your own decisions, Belle. You don't have to come with your father and I, if you don't want to."

  "I'm twenty-four," Belle announced defiantly. She felt she had to make the blindingly obvious statement. Not for the first time. Her sisters and mother were all too familiar with Belle's feisty, independent spirit.

  All three women looked suddenly thoughtful. They knew what this could mean for her. Her entire life uprooted. Another new start in a foreign land. Just when she was getting used to her life in Qazhar. And now she was supposed to just up and leave?

  She wasn't sure she wanted that. Qazhar had found its way into her heart, into her soul. She already knew she'd fallen in love with the place. Was that the only thing she'd fallen in love with? Once again, she forced that rebellious thought to the back of her mind. The thought about him. About Khalid.

  Something more urgent had forced its way into her life. The prospect of starting a new life in a small, European country. It just didn't appeal. Maybe when she'd been younger it would have filled her with excitement. But, not any more.

  "What exactly are you trying to tell us, Belle?" Nicole asked.

  Belle drew in a deep breath and sighed. "It's so sudden," she muttered looking away from them all. Her tone had been too sharp, and she really didn't want to make them feel bad.

  "I know this isn't what you had in mind for yourself," her mother said. "For your life. Being constantly uprooted like this."

  Belle rolled her eyes. "That's one way of putting it," she said.

  Nicole and Erin frowned at Belle, but she ignored them. It was okay for them. They each had settled lives here. Both enjoyed a lavish lifestyle in Qazhar palaces with everything they could ever dream of having. Belle didn't resent her sisters for that. Not one bit. It was just that she'd had other ideas for her life; plans that didn't involve going to Europe. Not right now.

  Her mother's new position shouldn't have come as a surprise. This kind of thing came with the territory. Maybe it was Belle who had changed since coming to Qazhar.

  There was a long, awkward silence. Her sisters glanced at each other. Belle saw them nod imperceptibly.

  Both her sisters scooted along the sofa closer to Belle. She recognized the look in their eyes. They were her sisters, after all.

  "You have to do what's best for you, Belle," Nicole said laying a hand on Belle's arm. Erin leaned around from behind Nicole. Both her sisters looked genuinely concerned.

  "What does that mean?" Belle asked acidly.

  "Just like you said," Erin replied. "Maybe it's time for you to strike out on your own. Start that business you've been talking about for a while now. Karim's offer still stands, you know."

  Belle squinted at Erin. "I don't need anyone's help," she replied firmly. "In any case. I'm not ready for that, yet."

  "But I thought you'd already made plans," Nicole said.

  Belle shrugged. "I have," she murmured. "Kind of," she murmured hesitantly.

  Erin's husband, Sheikh Karim had offered to invest in Belle's idea of starting a property company in Qazhar with the focus on attracting overseas investors. But Belle wasn't even sure she was ready to do that. Even though she'd spent her time in Qazhar getting to know the kingdom. She almost felt as if it was her real home. The place where she really belonged. That feeling had been made even stronger by her time with Khalid.

  But, that was all over now, wasn't it?

  Her time with Khalid had been wonderful. Through him she'd been drawn into the upper levels of Qazhar society.

  It was understandable. Khalid was a sheikh, after all. Belle had simply enjoyed a brief whirlwind romance with the handsome, sexy sheikh. That was all that had happened. There was nothing else to it. At least that was she said to herself every day. Even although she knew it wasn't true.

  It had been so much more than a casual fling.

  It had been a romance conducted entirely in secret. Khalid had been her secret sheikh lover.

  Not even Belle's family had known about it.

  Why had she kept her weeks long relationship hidden from her family? Because of who Khalid was. Because of who Khalid's father was.

  Belle wondered if that had been the real reason for the secrecy, and not some forbidden need to add spice to their relationship. Although it had certainly done that. Just thinking about how it had felt being with Khalid made her blush. She turned away, anxious that no-one would notice her reaction to thinking about Khalid.

  No. The real reason for the need to keep their liaison secret had been much more serious.

  Khalid Al Rasareh was the son of the man who had tried to destroy Qazhar. The man who, ironically, had been instrumental in bringing Erin and Karim together, forcing them both into a temporary marriage of convenience which had ultimately proven to be very permanent.

  Khalid's father had tried to create division in Qazhar society, but in doing so he'd achieved the opposite. Abdullah Al Rasareh had only succeeded in uniting the country even more. And the end result had been a happy marriage for Erin and Karim.

  So, Belle's relationship had been kept secret.

  She and Khalid had discussed what had happened with Belle's sister Erin and her very public romance with her husband. Erin had become a Qazhar celebrity during the early part of her and Karim's marriage. Erin had revealed to Belle that, at first her marriage had been some kind of arrangement. Erin hadn't gone into all the details, and Belle had been sure her sister had been trying to protect from the truth.

  Belle had sensed that Khalid had wanted to avoid anyone knowing about his romance with another of the American ambassador's daughters. Perhaps it was understandable, given the conduct of Khalid's father.

  Belle had been happy to go along with that. In spite of being an ambassador's daughter, Belle tried to avoid getting involved in politics. If it meant she could spend more time with Khalid, that was fine by Belle. The secret meetings had merely added an exciting element of the forbidden to her time with him.

  And what a time it had been! Every moment was seared into her memory. Every recollection of his touch made her tingle, made her feel the pain of the separation.

  Splitting up with Khalid had been hard. She could barely even think of it. But it had been inevitable. Necessary.

  Now this had happened. Everything was suddenly moving so quickly, changing faster than she could comprehend.

  Her parents would be going soon. And Belle had an important decision to make. One that would maybe dictate her future.

  Belle looked at her mother. "Is it really definite?"

  "The move?" her mother asked. She nodded. "It is. I got confirmation yesterday. I'm sure you'll like it there. If you decide to come. I hear there are lots of folks who'll be eager to get to know the ambassador's daughter." Her mother smiled. "And the skiing is supposed to be amazing," she added.

  "These days I prefer the desert, mom," Belle said squinting at her. "The cold reminds me too much of back home."

  Again, Belle knew she was probably being too snarky. But she couldn't help it. Her emotions were roiling around inside her. She needed time to think this over.

  Erin smiled patiently and looked at Nicole. Belle saw her two sisters exchange a look she was all too familiar with. They knew how stubborn Belle could be.

  They all chatted a while longer about it, until there was nothing more they could add to the conversation.

  Decisions would have to be made.

  They all stood and readied themselves to go their separate ways for the rest of the day.

  Her mother smoothed her dress and ran a hand along the side of her perfectly coiffed silvery blonde hair. All the sisters had inherited their mother
's pretty features, fine figure and elegant manner. Even if there had been times when Nicole and Belle's rowdy ways had made Belle doubt that they'd really inherited even the tiniest bit of their mother's calm temperament.

  "I have an important visitor today," Annabelle announced. "In fact, it's the first time he's visited the embassy on his own. Given who he is, I suppose it's understandable. "

  Belle lifted a brow. "Really? Who?"

  Annabelle leaned closer, giving all three daughters a conspiratorial look and lowering her voice. "Sheikh Khalid Al Rasareh is coming to the embassy," she whispered.

  Belle felt her legs go weak, sensed her heart race and did everything she could to mask her reaction.

  "Abdullah's son?" Erin asked.

  Belle's mother nodded. "The very same."

  "I don't know how he can show his face around here. Especially after the way his father treated Karim," Erin said scowling.

  Annabelle peered at her daughter. "Now, Erin. What have we said about that. It's all in the past, now. And his father has decided to live abroad for the time being."

  "In exile, you mean," Erin snapped.

  Belle stared at her elder sister. She could still hear the hurt that Khalid's father had caused her and Karim.

  "The fact that Khalid's father has decided to make his home in England doesn't mean he did anything he need be ashamed of. He was probably only thinking of the good of his country."

  "By trying to arrange a kind of takeover of the government?" Erin blurted out.

  Annabelle wasn't going to be drawn into this conversation. She lifted a brow and peered at Erin.

  There was nothing more to be said.

  Erin snorted and glanced at Belle. Her sister's lips pouted tightly.

  It was just as well no-one knew who Belle had been dating, Belle reflected.

  "I hear Khalid is quite something," Nicole drawled, obviously eager to be a peacemaker in all of this. "Rashid has told me some things about him," she said giving both Erin and Belle knowing looks. "Yes, sir," Nicole added with a grin.

  "Really?" Belle forced herself to say, trying desperately to pretend she didn't want to know what Nicole was suggesting.


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