The Sheikh's Enemy Lover (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 12)

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The Sheikh's Enemy Lover (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 12) Page 4

by Cara Albany

  "Have you already forgotten what happened?" she asked sharply. There was a quiver of emotion in her voice. For some reason, that display of feeling made something clutch at his heart. It was a confirmation, he told himself triumphantly. She felt as he did.

  Khalid shook his head. "Of course not. How could I forget the way you walked out on me?" he replied quietly. He tried to make sure his voice hadn't even the slightest hint of resentment or frustration.

  She had no idea what he'd been through these last few weeks without her. Or was he just being unkind in making that assumption? Maybe she'd also felt the separation as keenly as him. Perhaps she just didn't want to admit that fact.

  "I didn't walk out on you, Khalid," she said defensively. "You know what happened," she pleaded.

  He thought about his outburst, the way he'd tried to defend the actions of his father, the rage he'd felt and how he'd directed it so unfairly toward her. She'd had every right to walk out on him, and he knew that as a simple statement of fact.

  "You never gave me a chance to explain," he said.

  "There wasn't any point," she replied in flat voice.

  Khalid leaned closer. Her gaze flickered down, watching him advance inches closer. Her body stiffened. Was she getting ready to react? Was she about to ask him to drive her back to the embassy?

  "Of course there was a point," he retorted. "What I did was unacceptable. You know it. I know it."

  Belle tilted her head. "It's understandable you'd feel that way, Khalid. Your father was forced to leave the country. You're bound to feel frustrated," she said, her gaze softening with understanding. "I know what you said wasn't aimed at me," she added.

  He felt a stinging guilt as he gazed into her deep blue eyes. There was that thing, again, he told himself. What she did every time he opened himself up to her. The unlimited depths of empathy which existed inside her.

  Knowing that she seemed to appreciate the strength of his pain didn't make the hurt of his father's exile any easier to endure. But he knew he would have to heal that wound.

  Sooner or later.

  But Belle was so close to the man who had caused that wound. Karim. The husband of Belle's sister, Erin. The man Khalid thought about every day.

  Karim was part of Belle's family. Even that simple fact had made Khalid's passion for this beautiful American seem almost mystifying, as if destiny were taunting him. As if fate was placing him in the situation that was virtually guaranteed to provide Khalid with maximum suffering.

  And to top it all, here was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, sitting right next to him. And she was pushing him away, keeping him at bay, making it clear that the barrier between them was still as strong as before. Still as real as when he'd created it by acting like an impulsive, inconsiderate fool.

  "Everyone has moved on, Khalid," she said. Her voice was soft and measured.

  Then she did something which took him aback. Belle laid a hand gently on his arm, curling her fingers around the fabric of his dark jacket. The feel of that touch made his heart quicken. His gaze shifted abruptly to her eyes.

  She lifted a brow. "Maybe it's time you did the same," Belle added.

  The desire coursing through him was instantly held in check by the shock caused by her words.

  Move on? How could she ask him to forget what Karim had done?

  Khalid drew in a deep breath and met Belle's gaze. Could she see the emotion whirling through him? There was a flicker of a smile at the corner of her mouth. He wanted to reach out and run his thumb along the length of her full, lower lip. He needed to savor the soft moistness, wanted so badly to feel the tempting warmth of her mouth. But, he held himself steady. He didn't trust himself, didn't know how she would react.

  Khalid nodded and sighed. "I know you're right, Belle," he replied. "In theory, at least." He breathed out impatiently. "It's just not that simple."

  "Maybe if you spoke with Karim," Belle suggested.

  He flashed a dark look at Belle, lifting his brows in astonishment. "Are you serious? You think he'd even speak to me?"

  Belle nodded. "I'm sure he would. Maybe you both can figure out how to move on."

  Khalid shook his head. "That's impossible. He won't talk to me. I just know it."

  Belle's brows furrowed and she seemed to consider what he'd just said for a few moments.

  Finally she spoke. "I think I know someone who might be able to help," Belle announced.

  Khalid looked quizzically as Belle. She smiled. "My sister Erin knows how to get Karim to do just about anything she wants him to do. I could speak to her, if you like," Belle suggested.

  "I can't ask you do any such thing," he grunted. Was that instinctive pride always destined to cause him so much trouble?

  Belle squeezed his arm. "Don't be proud, Khalid."

  He peered into her eyes and lifted his chin defiantly. "If there is one thing I will not give up, it is my pride in my family," he retorted. "Especially when it comes to its reputation. In spite of how my father behaved, I still have that to hold onto," he said.

  Belle's brows furrowed. "Of course. I'm not suggesting anything more than you talking things through with Karim."

  Khalid twisted and leaned back against the seat, sighing heavily. He gazed ahead through the front windscreen of the limo. The road was busy with traffic as they made their way through the tall, modern buildings of downtown Qazhar city.

  An idea formed in his mind. Maybe this could work to his advantage, he told himself. He'd intended the invitation to be only for Belle. A way of getting her to himself. But, the way she'd reacted to him, he doubted she'd even accept his invitation. Perhaps there would be a way of ensuring she would agree to attend the reception, after all.

  Khalid looked at Belle. "One reason I came today was to give you an invitation."

  Belle's eyes widened. "An invitation? To what?"

  "I'm holding a special reception this weekend. At my palace. I've invited some of the finest people in Qazhar to attend." He rolled his eyes. "Thankfully, most of them have already agreed to attend."

  "Could Karim be one of those people?"

  "Maybe," he murmured.

  "What's the special occasion?" she asked.

  "Does a sheikh need an excuse to throw a party?" he replied, raising his brows.

  Belle laughed softly. "I guess not."

  "Perhaps you could find a way to persuade Karim and your sister to attend," Khalid suggested, hardly believing he was saying such a thing. But, he'd do anything to get Belle to come to the palace this weekend. Including put up with the presence of the man who was his sworn enemy.

  Belle's features tightened. She turned away from him.

  Khalid reached across and touched Belle's arm. "And, of course, I'd have to insist that you'd also come," he said.

  Belle turned her head and peered at Khalid. At first, she didn't respond and his heart skipped a beat at the thought she was about to refuse.

  Khalid lifted a brow. "You will come, won't you?"

  Belle's eyes narrowed. Her gaze was filled with temporary uncertainty. He saw her eyes examine him, as if searching for evidence of his true intentions.

  She paused and then nodded. "Of course I will, Khalid. I'd be happy to." She smiled softly. "I'll do my best to get Karim and Erin to attend."

  Relief swept through him and he wanted to seal the agreement with a brief, polite kiss, but knew from her hesitant expression that such a gesture would be one step too far. That would ruin everything, he told himself.

  He needed to restrain himself, hold back every impulse that threatened to undo all he'd achieved in these last few moments.

  Restraint was the only sensible option. For the moment, at least.

  "Saturday evening?" she asked.

  Khalid nodded. "I'll send a car for you."

  "No need," she replied suddenly formal, as if the barrier had been suddenly thrust up between them again. "I'll arrange something myself."

  He drew in a deep breath and forced
the urge to disagree back into its cage. Of course she would want to make her own way to his palace, he told himself. Independent as usual, he realized.

  Khalid nodded. "I'll look forward to seeing you," he admitted, trying to control the need to say so much more.

  He knew one thing. Once Belle was back in his domain, back within the confines of his palace, he would do whatever it took to persuade her to stay.


  "Are you kidding me?" Erin shrieked at Belle. "Sheikh Khalid has asked Karim and I to one of his receptions?"

  Belle nodded. "What's wrong with that?" she asked although she already knew how her sister would respond.

  Erin squinted at Belle, saying nothing.

  "Don't you think it'll be a way to put things behind us all once and for all?" Belle continued.

  Erin snorted and leaned back on the sofa. "And why would we want to do that?"

  Belle shifted uncomfortably. She'd known this wasn't going to be easy. The overhead fan wafted cool air down on Belle as she leaned forward on the sofa opposite Erin. The sitting room of the palace felt chilled in the late afternoon. Belle was relieved to be out of the heat of the harsh Qazhar sun, even if the temperature between herself and her sister was anything but cool.

  Belle could see the irritation and concern on Erin's even features. Both sisters wore matching loose white dresses and flat pumps. There may have been an informality about their dress choices, but Belle could feel the sudden distance between her and Erin.

  Belle wondered if she'd even done the right thing agreeing to this. Maybe she should have left it all to Khalid. After all, it was his business how he was going to repair the hurts of the past. He should have been the one to issue the invitations, instead of using Belle.

  She thought about what had happened earlier. Her mind hadn't been her own back in the limo. With Khalid so close to her, and looking so unbelievably handsome and sexy, Belle's mind had scrambled. Completely.

  Just like every time she was near him. She knew she hadn't been thinking straight when she'd impulsively agreed to drive to Erin and Karim's palace and put the suggestion to them.

  Thankfully, Karim wasn't in the palace at the moment, leaving Belle to try and work Erin around to the idea of attending Khalid's party. And, just as Belle had anticipated, it wasn't going well.

  Erin shook her head. "Karim won't go. I can tell you that," she said firmly.

  "Does he still hold a grudge against Khalid?"

  Erin shrugged. "I don't know about that. But he certainly hasn't forgiven Khalid's father for what he almost managed to pull off."

  "But Khalid's father failed, didn't he? Isn't that what really matters?" Belle asked.

  Erin shook her head. "Karim can still hardly bring himself to talk about it," she admitted. "For him it was an insult to Qazhar and everything Karim and his generation have worked so hard to achieve."

  "Is he that angry?" Belle prompted. "I mean, isn't it enough that Khalid's father has gone into virtual exile?"

  "Maybe, that's just as well," Erin grunted.

  Belle could see her sister's point. But that still meant that Khalid had been forced to take on the burden of rebuilding his family's reputation. Something Erin's sheikh husband seemed determined to prevent. There was too much bad blood all round, Belle reflected. Wasn't it time to start over? Forget the past.

  Erin sighed heavily. "All I know is that Karim still talks about it. He even wonders if Khalid's father really has left for good."

  Belle grunted. "It's such a shame for Khalid," she muttered.

  Erin frowned. "What do you mean?"

  Belle drew in a long breath and sighed slowly. "He hasn't any other family. He's the only son, and his mother passed away years ago."

  Erin nodded. "I know it can't be easy," she said. "Although, being so wealthy must take the sting off it a little," Erin said.

  Belle scowled at Erin. "What's that supposed to mean?"

  "All that wealth and influence doesn't go away overnight, you know," Erin said. She peered at Belle. "And I hear he's been busy lately, with his romantic conquests."

  Belle felt her face flush. She swallowed abruptly and tried to maintain a calm demeanor. No-one in her family had known anything about her entanglement with Khalid. That was how he had wanted it, and she had kept her side of the bargain. Their secret love affair had been just that. Secret.

  "How do you know that?" Belle asked tentatively.

  "Know what?" Erin replied.

  "That he's been dating."

  Erin squinted at Belle. "Did I mention dating?" Erin said trying to suddenly look innocent.

  Belle scowled at Erin. "You know exactly what you meant," she retorted. "What have you heard?"

  Erin tilted her head. "I'm not saying. It's none of my business."

  Belle leaned forward, needing to know just how much her sister had found out about Khalid. The horrible thought occurred to Belle that Khalid might even have secrets he hadn't revealed to her. Other relationships.

  That was impossible, though. Wasn't it? He would never have done such a thing. Then again, they had been apart for a few weeks. Who knew what Khalid might have gotten up to in that time.

  Belle felt a hard knot of tension settle in her stomach. Back in the limo, he hadn't mentioned what had happened during the weeks they'd been apart. Why would he? She knew she was being presumptuous. Her and Khalid were history, weren't they?

  Back in the limo, she'd done everything she could to make sure he knew that they were over, once and for all. At first, she'd tried to be subtle with her hints, but he'd just been too insistent. She already knew that Khalid had a determined streak in him. It was one of the things she most liked about him.

  But, she wasn't sure he'd gotten the message. The way he'd acted with Belle had made her suspect he wasn't over her, even if she tried to pretend that she was over him. Because she was, wasn't she?

  "Have you made your mind up?" Erin said interrupting Belle's train of thought.

  "About what?"

  "The move to Europe," Erin replied.

  Belle sighed. "I haven't had time to think it over."

  Erin frowned. "You don't have much time."

  "I know," Belle said. "I have to think about it."

  "You want to stay in Qazhar?"

  Belle tilted her head. "I love it here. You know that," she replied.

  Erin gazed around the room and sighed contentedly. "I've found the place where I belong."

  Belle felt jealousy tug at her. She tried to hide how she felt. Erin was her sister. She deserved Belle's total support, not some childish expression of envy. "I'm so happy for you and Nicole," Belle said.

  Erin smiled at Belle. "Ever thought of finding yourself a sheikh?" she asked lifting a brow.

  Belle shook her head. "You make it sound so simple. It's not like they're just sitting around waiting to be picked up," she said with a grin.

  "I never thought about it that way," Erin said, cocking her head to one side.

  "You know what I mean."

  Erin smiled. "I do. I think it was fate that brought Karim and me together."

  "If Khalid's father hadn't done what he did, you and Karim might never have married. Did you ever think about that?" Belle asked.

  "Of course," Erin retorted, a hint of irritation in her voice. "But, that doesn't mean we can just forgive and forget what Khalid's father wanted to do. Does it?" Erin said, beginning to sound as if she might be coming round to Belle's way of thinking.

  "It wasn't any of Khalid's fault," Belle said. She was starting to feel very defensive about Khalid. "He wasn't even involved in any of the things his father tried to do. He kept right out of the whole mess."

  "I know that, Belle. From what I've heard, Khalid seems to be very different to his father."

  Belle narrowed her eyes. "In what way?" she asked, trying to disguise her eagerness to know what her sister really thought of Khalid.

  "I've heard he doesn't share his father's political views." Erin
lifted her brows. "That's a start, I guess."

  Erin paused a moment, her eyes narrowing, obviously considering what to say next. Belle wondered what was on her sister's mind. Then the moment passed, and Erin shook her head as if dismissing what she'd been about to say.

  "Can't you do something to persuade Karim to come?" Belle asked breathlessly. The more she thought about it, the more she realized something truly important relied on getting Karim to accept the invitation.

  "Will you be going?" Erin asked suddenly. Belle was taken by surprise.

  "Probably," she replied bluntly, reluctant to add anything more.

  "So he invited you?" Erin asked.

  Belle cleared her throat. "I bumped into him at the embassy," she explained. "He asked me if I wanted to come." Well, that part was really true, wasn't it? That was all that had happened.

  She had just omitted one or two details. Like the fact that she had spent a while resisting Khalid's advances in the back of his limo. Revealing that to her sister would open up a can of worms. Belle wasn't willing or ready to deal with that. Not yet, at least. Not until she'd attended Khalid's party. There were too many questions in her mind after her earlier encounter with him. Too many doubts.

  Questions about whether she could let Khalid back into her life. Doubts about whether she could resist him if she did.

  "So, he invited you?" Erin replied, obviously impressed.

  Belle frowned, suspecting she might have revealed too much even by admitting that. "He said there'll be like a hundred or so guests there," she replied.

  She realized she'd probably spoken too hastily, too eager to make it all seem innocent. There wasn't much chance of fooling Erin. Older sisters had ways of reading the minds of their younger siblings. Sometimes, it just seemed spooky how Belle could hardly fool Erin or Nicole about anything.

  "He's obviously desperate to make a good impression," Erin said thoughtfully.

  "He hasn't deserved being ostracized the way he's been," Belle said. Once again she knew it was obvious she was trying to defend Khalid.

  Erin peered at Belle, but said nothing in response to Belle's last remark.


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