The Bride's Billionaire

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The Bride's Billionaire Page 2

by Sophia Summers

  He laced their fingers together again. “Tell me something you’ve always been afraid to do.”

  Giving him a look of surprise at his abrupt change of topic, she thought for a moment. “I don’t know. It’s hard for me to answer questions like this. My mind freezes up.”

  “Okay, I’ll get us started. I’m afraid of karaoke.”

  She tilted her head. “That surprises me. You don’t seem to be afraid of attention.”

  “It’s not people looking at me, it’s the singing part. I don’t know if I’m any good, and I don’t want to get up there and make a fool of myself.”

  She nodded. “I can see your point. I guess it doesn’t bother me because I don’t have any real expectations. I don’t care if I fail miserably.” She snorted. “And usually everyone else is drunk.”

  He laughed. “Everyone else?”

  “Well, yeah, I don’t drink.”

  “What? Neither do I.” He raised his eyebrows in question and then explained, “I just don’t like losing that edge. People drink to take the edge off, you know, lose a little inhibition, relax, whatever. I like the edge.”

  She nodded but didn’t offer any reasons for her choice. “We should do it.”

  “Do what?” He was starting to wonder if it had been a good idea to discuss this topic with her after all.

  “The things we’re afraid of.”

  “Well, what are you afraid of?”

  “Swimming at night.”

  He eyed her for a moment. “Really?”

  “Well, sure. It’s dark; you can’t see your feet. Or anything.” She shivered. “Petrifying.”

  He thought for a minute. A steady stream of people surged around them, people jostling them as they came and went. They were one block away from the beach, and shops, bars, and restaurants lined the street on either side. “You’re on. We’ll find a way to face our fears tonight.”

  She smiled. “Or not. Now that you say it like that, so definitively, I’m not so sure I want to face them.”

  “We’ll think about it, how’s that? But later. We still have to get through the Samba.”

  “Get through? No way, I’m totally excited about this.”

  He pointed to the end of their street. “See that building that is practically shaking on its own?”

  “With the awesome outdoor balcony?”

  “That’s the one. That’s where we’re headed.”


  They hurried the rest of the way, smiling at the people who greeted them as they passed.

  She laughed at the fourth Boa Noite in as many minutes. “Friendly people. I don’t think I’ve ever been told good night so many times in one evening.”

  “Is it your first trip to Brazil?”

  “No, but it is my first trip on my own, without family or anyone. Obviously, that’s not true of you.”

  “Ooh, I’m honored, a Brazil nightlife virgin. So, what do you think?”

  She blushed prettily at his inference.

  His interest piqued further.

  “I love it. I’ve never met friendlier people.”

  He nodded. “They’re fantastic. Open, ready for friendship, for fun. They want to be successful, but first, they want to enjoy themselves.”

  “That’s nice. I like that.”

  He did too. He wished it was a realistic way to run a business. So often, he’d wondered what was the point of working himself to death if he couldn’t enjoy all that he had acquired. But he didn’t say that, just shrugged. “I’m sure there’s a lot we could learn from them as a culture.”

  As they neared the House of Samba, the sidewalk pulsed beneath their feet to the beat inside. He shuffled his feet in a samba move. “I’ll have you dancing the samba in no time.”

  She tried to imitate him but it came off looking more like little kid shuffling. But what did that matter? She laughed, and she dared. What a woman.

  He picked up their pace, opening the door and leading her straight upstairs to the outdoor balcony which was packed. He hoped the center of the room still had some space in it.

  As he pushed through the people, cradling her hand more firmly in his, the crush did open up and there was space on the actual floor to dance. He held her hands in his and faced her. “This is so simple, much more simple than it looks.”

  She laughed. “I’m ready. Let’s do this.” She looked at the people next to her and then began to shift her hips. Already, she’d got the wiggle down; He watched her hips, his gaze riveted, fascinated with her motion, and for a moment, forgot he was supposed to be joining her. She cleared her throat, her eyebrow raised. He winked, then moved his hips in time with hers, approached as she backed up, and then pulled her closer toward him as he moved away. Without a word of explanation, soon her feet and body were moving with the rhythm and flow of the dance, her eyes locked on his.

  They moved even closer, their bodies moving in perfect synch. He wrapped a hand around her and spread a palm at her lower back. The air charged between them, the space between their rhythmic motion lessening. Forward, back, the music continued, and they moved, completely immune to the growing crowds around them, until they were pressed together and had to stop.

  He wrapped his arms around her back, shielding her from the bodies all around them. She melted into him, the full length of her running along his middle. Her heart pounded with his. Her eyes stared up into his face, and she swallowed. Then she smiled. “Well, hello there.”

  He tipped his head back and laughed. “You are something. Yes, hello.” He glanced around. “Not sure how to get out of this crush, but I can’t say I mind.” He wiggled his eyebrows and was pleased she laughed in response.

  “I have to say, I like the samba. First lesson: a success.”

  He shifted so he could more comfortably shield her from people bumping them. “You are a natural.”

  “I had no idea how in synch we’d be.” Her eyes dropped, and a pretty pink colored her cheeks.

  “It’s not always that way.”

  Her eyes popped back up, a hopeful sparkle lighting them. “It’s not?”

  He shook his head. “I mean, sure, we move together and everything, but not like us.” They’d been perfectly in time, the same shift, the same direction, the exact motion, together, and thinking about it now made it difficult for him to concentrate. He looked around. “I have an idea for our next thing.”

  “You have another thing?”

  He paused. “Unless you’re sick of me?”

  She shook her head, and his skin thrilled as she trailed her hands up his chest and rested them on his shoulders. “I’m not sick of you.” Her eyes widened, and he wanted to dip her down low and cradle her in his arms. But they were trapped. “You ready for this?”

  “Sure. For what?”

  “I love that.”


  “Whenever I ask if you’re game for something, your first response is yes. I’ve never met a stronger yes person than you.”

  She lifted a shoulder. “You’re the same.”

  “Maybe.” He looked around for the best opening. “This is maybe gonna be a little uncomfortable, but the only way out is through.”

  She followed his gaze and then nodded. “Okay, after you.”

  “I think we’ll do it together.” He turned her around in front of him but kept her back pressed up against him; then he wrapped his arms around her front and began to push through the crowds. This was just the Brazilian way. A little shared body space never bothered them.

  At last, they were in the hallway, where the air was considerably cooler. He reached for some napkins while they passed a waitress stand. “Here.”

  They both dabbed their faces and then grabbed some mints on the way out.

  He needed a breather, some space. His interest in the lovely Kayla had just amped up, like, ten levels, from fun, harmless tourist to dangerous temptress woman, and she was likely completely unaware.

  Watching her exuberant smile, her laugh
ing with a passing group, he knew she was unaware. Maybe she hadn’t been as affected as he had by their close proximity? He swallowed.

  She sidled up next to him and reached for his hand. “Where to?”

  He dipped his chin, staring into her wide, beautiful blue eyes. Then he tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “Should we just walk for a minute?” His eyes studied her face, her beautiful skin, and travelled to her lips, slightly parted, full, pink. Then he shook his head. “Yes, let’s walk.”

  She nodded, slowly, her eyes darkening, gaze travelling over his face. Okay, so, she’d obviously been at least a little affected. His smile grew before her could stop it.

  She cleared her throat and stepped away. “This way?” She tugged on his hand, and they started to move. After the breeze cooled them off, and the people around them laughed and joked with them, he felt his normal equilibrium returning. “So I’m thinking we just see what grabs us.”

  “Pardon me?”

  “Well, sure. There’s always something to do in this city. Let’s see what grabs us first.” They walked on one of the busiest streets in all of Rio, and he knew it wouldn’t be long before something completely fascinating would grab their eyes.

  She shrugged. “Okay. The cool breeze is nice.”

  “Yes, I needed to cool off a little bit.”

  Her eyes flicked up to his, and her small smile told him she understood. She squeezed his hand.

  For the first time tonight, he wondered if it was wise to spend time with such a fascinating woman. It might be the best date of his life, and that was great...until he started to wonder if it also might be their last.

  Chapter 3

  Kayla swung her hand in Tyler’s gently. She found Brazilian nightlife fascinating, fun, full of energy, and the man beside her even more so. She didn’t think she’d ever had a more sensual dance with anyone, and she guessed it wasn’t just the samba. Tyler was right. They were in synch with each other.

  The breeze flowed up and around her, cooling, refreshing, while her hand in his warmed with the heat of promise. The friction of their skin with each sway and swing of their arms sent excited tingles up her arm. Being pressed up against him had ignited something in her that as yet remained unquenched.

  Up ahead, limos were dropping guests off at an event. She tipped her head to see the top of a tall, fancy hotel.

  “You thinking what I’m thinking?”

  She widened her eyes, trying to guess what he was thinking. “Um.”

  “I say we go.”


  He pointed to the limos. “I think it’s a shame we were left off that invitation list, something we should rectify immediately.”

  She laughed and then stopped. “Are you serious?” His eyes showed that he was. She looked down indicating her sundress.

  “Okay, clothing.” He turned his head, looking up and down the street. “Easily fixed.” He led her four doors down to a boutique, held the door open, and followed her inside.

  The shopkeeper immediately hovered.

  Tyler mumbled in her ear, his breath tickling her neck and sending new waves of awareness through her. “This is on me.”

  Before she could protest, he said, “We are in immediate need of some formal wear.”

  The eyes of the shopkeeper lit, and he directed them toward the back of the store.

  Tyler grinned. “The only catch is: I choose your outfit and you choose mine.”

  She raised her eyebrow, secretly loving everything about this whole idea. “Oh really, where’s the fun in that for me?” She reached for the suit coats. “This blue jacket or that black one?”

  “Oh, come now, surely you can be more creative…”

  Her eyes searched the area and then a slow grin began to grow. “You are so on!”

  After a surprisingly short amount of time and a few outfits tried, they both left the store looking amazing. She wore a short white dress, a lace sheath, tall white heels, and a small wrap against the night air.

  She grinned every time she looked at him. She’d picked a conservative light-tan jacket, matching suit pants, an aqua shirt, and a bright floral tie.

  “You keep looking at me like I’m looking at you. Does that mean you approve, or are you laughing inside at my expense?”

  “No way; you’re hot. You wear aqua and flowers like no one I know.” And she meant it. He could model that outfit, and she’d believe he was paid to do so.

  He paused on the sidewalk, pulling her up against him. “And you look amazing. This dress. Mmm.” His eyes traveled up her body, and she warmed under his gaze along their trail across her skin. “It’s like it was made for you.”

  “Thank you for the dress. I do admit, it’s gonna be a favorite.” She’d made quick use of the store’s bathroom to refresh her makeup and pull her hair into an updo of sorts. She thought the pair of them pulled off formal pretty well.

  He stepped away again, and they made their way to the hotel. Limos were still arriving and people exiting.

  Her heart rate picked up. “What if they kick us out?”

  He shrugged. “Then we’ll go somewhere else to appreciate our new clothes.” He stood taller as they drew near, and she watched with fascination as a new mask fell over his face. A sense of power, importance, surety emanated from him, and she followed his example, pasting on her boardroom face.

  “Whoa.” He stopped and held her hand up. “Now, that’s a woman I don’t want to cross in a meeting.”

  She laughed. “I was just thinking the same about you.”

  His eyes sparkled with appreciation. “If work wasn’t such a taboo subject tonight, I think I’d be really interested to hear what you do for a living.”

  They approached the entrance and he returned his power expression to his face. They followed closely behind a couple who had just exited the limo, hoping to not even be stopped.

  But the man at the door asked to see their invitation. “Convite, por favor.”

  “Convite. Não.. We don’t have. Deixa passar.”

  The man eyed them.

  Tyler glanced at his watch, eyeing the man until he shrugged. “Seja bem vindo.”

  Kayla nodded an acknowledgement of the welcome, and they entered together, hiding smiles.

  As soon as they were inside, he turned and held out a fist, which she bumped in response. She would have squealed, but she was still trying to play it cool as they took a minute to get a feel for this party.

  “Oh, it’s a wedding.” The girls held flowers and had matching dresses. She immediately regretted her own white dress.

  But he seemed to sense her doubt, because he whispered in her ear, “You will outshine everyone here. Just own it.”

  She squeezed his fingers in response. “Okay, let’s do this. If they are with the groom, we know the bride’s family, or vice versa.”

  He nodded. “Sounds good.”

  The whole hotel appeared to be rented out just for this party. Everywhere she looked, flowers cascaded down over railings, off of tabletops, along counters and balustrades. The place looked like a floral garden. “Wow, this is really beautiful. I wonder who these people are.”

  “I’m guessing if we stay long enough, we will know.” He winked. “Let’s check out the drinks.”

  She was parched. “Right with you.”

  Most people left them alone. From the few words she overheard, she guessed it to be an international crowd. Some English, some Italian, a bit of Portuguese. They were about to leave the main lobby when a voice called their attention in Italian. Someone was announcing something and gesturing to an enormous staircase that filled the center of the room. People pushed closer and crowded around, facing the stairs. So Tyler and Kayla joined them. He put an arm across her back and pulled her close to his side. If she let herself, she could get used to him, his comforting strength at her side, his amazing spontaneity. She’d been looking for someone like him for a long time.

  He raised his eyebrows, and she shrugged. They wat
ched the stairs.

  A door at the top opened and a couple exited, the bride and groom. Exclamations of delight filled the room as they stepped down the stairs together. Cameras flashed. Tyler got out his phone. He shrugged at her questioning glance. “This is epic. New wedding goals.”

  “What?” She gasped in surprise. Who was this guy?

  The bride was beautiful, the groom broad-shouldered and handsome, and everyone around them was supremely and tastefully dressed. Then a woman approached. Kayla stepped back so she could pass. But she stopped in front of them. “I am Marguerite.” Her English sounded American, with perhaps a touch of an Italian accent. She surely looked Italian, with her tight curls and short stature. She waited expectantly.

  “Oh, hello, nice to meet you, Marguerite.”

  “And you are?” She raised her eyebrows.

  “Enchanted to be here.” Tyler bowed and reached for the woman’s hand, which she reluctantly gave.

  “Yes. We are so happy we made it, unexpectedly,” Kayla backed Tyler up. “Mother is better for the time being, and Father stayed at her side but said, go, please go, support the family.” She nodded sadly. “And so here we are.”

  Marguerite looked from one to the other, her eyes narrowed, but she must have received a call, because she placed a finger at her earbud and began speaking in rapid Italian.

  “Come on.” Tyler whispered.

  They scooted away as fast as they could and tried to get lost in the crowd of people moving in the direction of the dining room.

  Hotel staff stood at the entrance, waving people in. “Open seating.”

  “Yes!” Tyler fist pumped the air, and Kayla had to laugh. “Hopefully, there will be room?”

  He waved his hand. “Of course.”

  Along with everyone else, they joined the buffet line. Kayla leaned close enough to whisper to Tyler, “I’m not really very hungry. Just craving fruit.”

  He nodded. “Me too, after all that meat.”

  They piled their plates with fruit, papaya, passion fruit, goiaba, pineapple, and found a table in the back corner. Once they were situated, Tyler grimaced. “I do admit to feeling a little guilty now that we are partaking of their food.”


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