The Bride's Billionaire

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The Bride's Billionaire Page 10

by Sophia Summers

  Tyler shook his head. “Kayla, that’s not—”

  Mr. de Santos held up his hand. “Allow me.”

  Tyler nodded for him to continue. Kayla looked from one to the other.

  Mr. de Santos patted her hand. “Tyler came in here, yes, but not to seize opportunity. He came to prove who would be the best bottler.”

  A twinge of hurt twisted inside. “I don’t need the polite spin on it. I get it—”

  He held up his hand. “Allow me to finish.”

  She nodded.

  “He spent twenty minutes convincing Rogerio and myself that the best bottler for the job would, in fact, be Finley Bottlers.”

  Her mouth dropped open. Astonished, she didn’t know what to say. Tyler’s face was pink; was he blushing? “You did this?”

  He shrugged. “I had agreed long ago to always be a man of integrity. I showed them where working with you would cut costs.”

  “But now?”

  They all laughed. Rogerio continued, “And now, we know there are ways to cut costs…” He let that dangle, and Tyler groaned quietly. Then Rogerio said, “We can add some of those cut expenses I described into a new agreement with you.”

  Rogerio nodded. “Isso.” (That’s right.) He and Mr. de Santos exchanged looks and turned to them. They each held out a hand. “Then we shake, and a new relationship with Antar and Finley-Sperring Bottlers begins.”

  Kayla almost fell forward in relief. “Oh, thank you! I look forward to many years of success.”

  They spoke of many things, including future trips to Brazil and sights to see, and then as they were walking out the door, Mr. de Santos called out to them. “And will there be other mergers taking place I wonder?” His impish grin made Kayla laugh.

  Tyler squeezed her hand. “If I have anything to say about it, yes. Details have yet to be discussed.”

  Her heart thrilled inside. Could they salvage a romantic relationship out of all this? She waved as they stepped into the elevator and called out, “You’ll be the first to know.”

  As the door shut, and they were alone, Tyler pulled her into his arms and looked down into her face. “The first? Cause I think your business partner might need to know before Mr. de Santos.” His eyes widened, and he searched her face. “What about it, Kayla Finley, can we make something of us? Continue where we started at the wedding-dress shop?”

  She searched his kind eyes, the goodness in them she first admired sparkling stronger than usual. His earnest hope, the patience she saw there filled her with the same hopeful expectation. But all she said was, “I’m game.”

  Then he held her close, cradling her in his arms, and lowered his lips to hers. At last, the feel of his mouth on hers again warmed, comforted, and set her heart alight. She responded in earnest, but they had only seconds until the door dinged and the elevator opened.

  “Come on, you.” Tyler led them out into the lobby quickly and then out on the street, where he swung her back into his arms. “I wasn’t finished yet.” He kissed her again and again, until she wanted to do nothing ever again except press her mouth to his.


  Two Years Later

  Kayla and Tyler stood hand in hand on a pitch-black night, facing the ocean in Rio. They had come to check out their two newest bottling plants which were doing phenomenally well. Antar and Finley-Sperring had skyrocketed their earnings and were on a trajectory to continue to do so.

  But Kayla shivered.

  Tyler pulled her close. “It’s not cold.”

  “I know.” They dipped their toes into the water. “Who knows what will be in that water with us.”

  “But we’ll both be in there. Could be fun.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

  She rolled her eyes. “Okay, let’s do this. Jump in. Swim some strokes, leave. Got it?”

  “You might enjoy it.” He stepped nearer.

  “Ugh, come on.” She tugged at him, and they entered together. Luckily, the water was nice, almost warm. Kayla looked down, trying to see her feet through the ink-black water.

  “Don’t do that. Look at me.” He lifted her chin. “Tell me again about your brother.”

  So she related how at last they’d found a medication that worked, after his wife had been in the hospital for six months the doctors trying everything. Melissa had been released this week, and she and Kayla’s brother had the marriage they once did.

  They stepped deeper and were up to their waist. Tyler pulled her into his arms. “You’re sexy in the water at night.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  He nodded. “I’m an expert on your sexiness.”

  “Will it always be this wonderful?”

  “Of course. Four months of marriage is only just the beginning of our awesomeness. I love you Kayla Sperring.”

  “I love you too.”

  He lowered his lips to hers, and for a moment, she was lost to his love, his tender pressing and pulling, the warmth that filled her every time they were together. His grip tightened, lifting her up out of the water, and then dunking them both under, cold water rushing all around them. She screamed against his mouth, but he kept his mouth pressed to hers, and so she responded, sealing against the salt water. He brought her up quickly, laughing.

  She swatted at him. “Oh, you are bad.”

  “Well, we did it! Swim a couple strokes, and you’ve conquered your fear.”

  So she did. And she knew with Tyler at her side, she could do anything.

  He lifted her out of the water and carried her to the still warm sand. “I don’t think there’s anything we can’t do.”

  “That’s just what I was thinking. You sang so well at our wedding. Sing me our song. Again.”

  He chuckled. “Very funny.” He cleared his throat. “I don’t know much…”

  She laughed and finished, “But I know I love you.”

  The end.

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  Read all the books in The Swoony Sports Romances

  Hitching the Pitcher

  Falling for Centerfield

  Charming the Shortstop

  Snatching the Catcher

  Flirting with First

  Kissing on Third

  Her Billionaire Royals Series:

  The Heir

  The Crown

  The Duke

  The Duke’s Brother

  The Prince

  The American

  The Spy

  The Princess

  Her Billionaire Cowboys Series:

  Her Billionaire Cowboy

  Her Billionaire Protector

  Her Billionaire in Hiding

  Her Billionaire Christmas Secret

  Her Billionaire to Remember

  Her Love and Marriage Brides Series

  The Bride’s Secret

  The Bride’s Cowboy

  The Bride’s Billionaire

  Her Single Holiday Romances

  Taming Scrooge

  Chapter One of The Heir-Billionaire Royals

  Jo Finley wiggled her toes with restless energy, contemplating two troublesome things. Ten years and nothing had changed in Shady Lake, South Carolina. And after a full week here, she did not once miss her boyfriend.

  One year of dating and studying and catching most meals together, it felt…nice to be away. His overbearing nature had become almost stifling to her. The more she thought about him, a slow dread grew and settled in her gut. She had to end things with Kevin.

  She sat outside with her best friend, Sierra, in the beautiful weather of early March at the Tiki Rumble Marina restaurant. The water stretched out, calm and still to her front, an occasional fish rippling the mirror image. She let the calm seep inside. Heaven knows, after the week she just had, she needed to relax.

  A man approached the
bar at her far right.

  Her interest piqued. What she needed was a distraction.

  His tall, broad body leaned over the top, and he began a conversation with Sam, the bartender/daytime chef. She only caught his profile, but for the first time in a long time, someone besides Kevin caught her eye. She checked him out, from his deck shoes, well-defined calves—the man looked like a cyclist—tight shirt that stretched across his back, to his thick, blond hair. A happy twist warmed her insides, and she grinned.

  Sierra hadn’t seen him. She sipped her drink, staring out across the boats in their slips at the docks behind them. “I’m happy you’re back, Jo. This town would be a sorry place if your marina went under.”

  Jo’s heart clenched, and she looked away—embarrassed, guilty, just plain sad. She hadn’t known her father had let things fall apart. “Thanks for clueing me in to how bad it’d gotten.”

  Sierra’s eyes filled with concern. “Sorry I didn’t know sooner. How is he?”

  Jo’s father was now on in-house hospice care. His dementia took a firm hold the moment Jo arrived home from school, as if he had held on strong as long as he could. She swallowed a huge gulp of water to try to stem her tears. “He’s resting.”

  “What will you do?”

  Jo shrugged. She didn’t know, and she couldn’t talk about it anymore. She wanted to save the marina and take care of her father. But taking the leave of absence from her university was hard and highly unusual. Kevin had been understanding about a long-distance relationship. She knew he was hoping to take things to the next level, and had hinted about marriage. She reminded herself with a sigh that she would need to correct his expectations.

  Sierra stood. “My break’s almost over. We still on for tonight?”

  “Wouldn’t miss it.”

  “Sierra.” Jo stopped her before she walked away. Then she laughed, at a loss. How did you tell your best friend she was the absolute best? “Just thanks.”

  They hugged for a long moment and Jo was so grateful again that her friend was around this summer.

  “It’s going to be OK.” Sierra squeezed her extra tight.

  When Sierra left, Jo pulled out her latest book to relax before she had to get back to the financials. Lost in the chapter, the world around her faded until a shadow crossed her page. She shifted so the book was once again in the sunlight, but the shadow moved to further block her light, followed by a deep, shiver-causing chuckle.

  She held a hand up to block the sun from her eyes and had to blink several times before she realized what she was seeing.

  Deep electric blue eyes, thick blond hair, strong jawline, broad shoulders. The guy at the bar—so much better looking up close.

  “Is this seat taken?” His grin melted her insides.

  Realizing she was staring, and a little hesitant at the intrusion, she stammered, “Um, yes, sure, I mean, no, it’s not taken.” She swallowed and slid her romance novel into her deck bag, sure this guy might even be on the cover. Her face heated.

  His tall frame dwarfed one of the wide deck chairs at her table. “The view is stunning.” He pointed off to the left. “Especially that bit over there.”

  She wished he would say more. His formal way of speaking, his precise pronunciation mixed with his deep, reverberating voice did things to her stomach. “It’s my favorite spot.” They both looked out over the water. Then the dreaded pause. She looked at him and then away. Awkward. Say something. A million thoughts raced through her mind, but none of them interesting. Ugh. I’ve never been good at talking to hot guys. I’m so over this. Kevin was at least comfortable. She stood. “I need to get back to work.” Then she stopped. “Sorry, that sounded so…”

  He shook his head. “I’ll never live it down.”

  She lifted her bag onto one shoulder.

  His eyes filled with pretend sadness.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve never been shut down so quickly. My brothers, when they get wind of this, they’ll torment me.”

  She laughed, totally unsympathetic. She was sure there were plenty of women in the world pining for this guy. “Jo Finley.” She held out her hand.

  His hand covered hers, his strong smooth palm cradling her own.

  Comforting. Her small hand in his felt safe.

  He brought it to his lips and a zing of energy coursed up her arm.

  Surprised, but not offended, she smiled at the old-fashioned gesture.

  “Pleasure to meet you. I’m Nick.” His accent was slight, and she couldn’t quite place it.

  Greek? Italian, maybe Spanish. He looked like a sculpted Greek miracle, but with blond hair. If she weren’t tied to Kevin, she might get into this guy. She searched his open and confident face, eyes smiling at her, expectant. He knew the effect he had. Satisfaction that she wasn’t about to fall all over him like every other female made her smirk.

  But he surprised her. He glanced down, his cheeks coloring. “I’m actually sorry for disturbing you. I admit to needing some assistance, and the guy at the bar said you would know.”

  Her face heated in embarrassment for her thoughts. He wasn’t trying to hit on her. A tickle of hurt pride needled at her earlier satisfaction. Why wasn’t he? But she swallowed it down. “How can I help?”

  “My store, a couple streets over—The Sweet Treats?” He ran a hand through his hair. “I was told to find the key with Brand Wilson.”

  “Oh, that’s easy. He’s likely in the gym. I’m headed that way if you want me to show you how to get there.”

  Nick walked beside her and seemed more flustered than frustrated. She wondered how much experience he had running a store.

  “You say you own it?” A prickle of dread nudged her. She loved Sweet Treats and couldn’t bear for it to become one more nationwide chain.

  “I do, new purchase. I’m here to get it up and running better before I return home.”

  Relief warmed her. “I’m happy to hear this. When the Dickersons had to sell, I worried we would lose the store. It’s a local icon. Spent all my money on treats there as a kid.”

  They passed by her boat. “Let me just step in here and get my things.”

  “Is this beauty yours?” His eyes appraised her.

  “She is. We’ve had her since her first sail.” Jo didn’t try to hide her grin of pride.

  He stepped nearer and stooped to run his hand along the wood at their feet. “Beautiful grain on the wood. They don’t make them like this anymore.” When he stood, he was much closer than before. “Will you take her out this week?”

  “I hope to.” A gust of wind flew her hair all over the place. “I go out every day there’s a good wind.”

  “A woman who knows her way around boats.” His eyes—friendly, inviting, warm. He reached up and moved an errant strand from her eyelashes.

  She bit her lip. She could not get caught up in his charm. Kevin was smart and capable and handsome too, in his own nerdy way, and successful. And they were still a thing. And this guy, he knew his way around women like she did boats. She inched back, grabbing for the railing, missed, and teetered on the edge of the dock.

  “Whoa, watch out.” Nick reached forward to steady her, but his foot rolled over the top of a water bottle.

  She threw her deck bag down at their feet and grabbed at him as they both lost balance.

  Then he tripped forward, barreled into her, and they tumbled over the edge into icy cold March lake water.

  Horrified, she surfaced. “Oh! It’s cold!” Breathless, she tread water.

  “Hold on.” Laughing, he reached a hand up to the decking and raised himself up.

  Then he lay across the boards, lowering a hand for her. “Here!”

  She reached for it. “Hurry!”

  He pulled her up with one arm till she could reach the deck. Then she tried to raise herself, lifting one leg up, pulling the rest of her body onto the wood. She sat up, water pooling under her and dripping through the slats, feeling absurd. Her white shirt clung,
the lines of her embarrassingly floral bra clearly visible. She wrapped her arms across her chest.

  He rummaged through a backpack and pulled out a sweatshirt, “Here. Put this on.” He shivered.

  Then he pulled his dripping shirt off. It fell with a slop onto the deck. She averted her eyes from a solid, packed chest. Of course he had perfect abs. He shook his hair and ran a hand through it several times. And …done. He looked perfect yet again. Oh, to be a man.

  She shivered. Hair hanging in her face, she felt like a drowned puppy. She pulled his sweatshirt over her head, stalling while it covered her face. It smelled like heaven. Her eyes peeked out. He was watching her with an amused quirk of his lips.

  “Thank you.” She looked away, then caught his eye and burst out laughing. “Hopefully the other residents go easier on you. Or maybe you get this kind of greeting from everyone?” She watched him, surprised at how much she wanted him to like her. He didn’t have to be into her, but she did want him to be impressed.

  He winked. “No, not at all. I’m sorry I didn’t catch you.”

  “It’s my fault.” She shook her head and moved to stand, embarrassment starting to take over. She wanted to hurry into the boat and hide.

  He reached to help her up. “Your skin is ice.”

  “I have to get out of these clothes.”

  “Of course, I’ll wait.”

  She turned to him in surprise, tilting her head, eyebrows raised.

  Then he reddened, a delicious and charming blush spread down to his neck. “No.” He laughed. “You were gonna show me?” He pointed up the dock toward the shops.

  She waved her hand. “Oh right. The gym. It’s easy. Up there on the right. If you ask at the front desk, they can tell you where Brand is.”


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