Explosive (The Black Opals)

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Explosive (The Black Opals) Page 9

by St. Claire, Tori

  Goddamn enchanting.

  “Ah, fuck, Alyssa,” he murmured. “God, you feel good. Your mouth is so soft. So pretty.” He stroked the side of her face with his free hand. “I wish you could see the perfect way your lips wrap around me.”

  She moaned softly, vibrating into his flesh. His hips flexed, his breath caught all over again. When she lifted her hand and cupped his balls, massaging them gently, his cock pulsed. Her tongue cupped his shaft, her throat muscles clenched as she swallowed down the spurt of pre-come. Jayce groaned, tightened his grip on her hair. She was breaking him bit-by-bit.

  And he wasn’t ready to break into pieces. Not by a long shot.

  For ten years he’d hung onto memories, longing to remember the precise feel of her hands on his body, of her mouth fused to his, of the passion that made her tremble. He’d asked her for one night. She’d granted that wish, and nothing would make him succumb to release before he had a chance to savor her. Before he could hear her cry out in ecstasy.

  Jayce pulled his hips away, tuning out the strong suck of her mouth. When she resisted, he placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed. Alyssa relaxed her hold, and he slid one last time through her gloriously soft mouth. She gazed up at him, long lashes failing to disguise the questions written in her eyes. He took in her swollen, parted lips, the flush of desire in her delicate cheeks. Beneath the askew lapels of her robe, her breasts rose as she panted against her arousal. The urge to yank her to her feet and crush her against the door behind him rose like a cresting tidal wave.

  Instead, he offered his hand, giving them both one singular moment of necessary pause. Her fingers trembled as she slid them into his palm. He levered her gently to her feet and tugged on the belt at her waist. The robe fell open, exposing her in the moonlight.

  Sweet, sacred everything…she was beautiful. More beautiful than dreams, than even memories. He reached out slowly, half afraid she’d disappear at the touch of his hand. But as he traced one lone fingertip down the swell of her breast to her puckered nipple, she didn’t vanish. She stood still, her eyes locked with his, her body quivering beneath his hand.

  Jayce stepped into her body heat and dipped his mouth. At the first faint brush of contact, however, all his carefully composed intentions shattered. Her sweet flavor assaulted him. Her softness made him dizzy. And the moan she freed against his lips awakened something fierce and primal inside his soul.

  He wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her off her feet. His mouth devoured hers as he walked them toward her bed, where he broke the kiss only long enough to doff his shirt and shuck his jeans.

  When he reached for her again, she latched on hungrily. Her teeth nipped his lower lip, the sting only ratcheting up his need another degree. They vied for control over the kiss; their hands combated for dominance. He knew he was being rough, but no matter how he told himself to stop, to slow down and take it easy, his body refused to obey.

  “Alyssa,” he rasped. The question he sought lingered just out of his reach, and he dragged his lips down her neck, unable to continue.

  “Yes, Jayce,” she answered equally breathless. “God, yes.”

  Groaning against the intimate way she understood him, he nudged his knee between her thighs and eased her backward onto the bed. When he lowered his body into hers, his cock nestling against the wet flesh between her legs, he closed his eyes and clamped his teeth into his cheek. Her nails scraped down his back. She shifted her hips, parted her legs, and flattened a foot on the bed to make room for his thick erection.

  Jayce choked down the instantaneous rise of release and focused on her mouth once more. Behind him, muffled footsteps entered the room. A slow, agonizing thread of disappointment pulled through him. McTavish. He lifted to his hands and looked over his shoulder.

  Before he could fully process his precise reaction to McTavish’s presence, Alyssa’s teeth latched on to Jayce’s nipple. She danced her tongue around the silver barbell there, the way she’d been doing since she was seventeen. He gasped through the searing rush of ecstasy. Fuck it—he wanted Alyssa too much to care whether or not they were alone.

  E l e v e n

  Everything inside Alyssa trembled as Jayce hung his head and dragged in an unsteady breath, fighting back desire. His biceps twitched with the effort of supporting his weight, another sign of his rapidly faltering control. She twisted the plain silver barbell between her teeth, fully aware of how dangerous her game had become. It would be so easy to let go, to succumb to wild abandon and yield to whatever he wished.

  To submit, body and soul, no matter the consequence.

  Alyssa parted her legs, arched her body into his, and rubbed against his thick cock, aching for the way he would slowly fill her. His hips pressed forward to stroke her clitoris with the hard length of him. Teasing in a way that scattered her awareness of anything but his warm body against hers and the echo of his ragged breath. As her world tipped beyond control, a wave of panic tightened her chest. This was happening too fast, her sense of self slipping away in a rapid downward spiral. She needed an anchor, before surfacing became impossible.

  The mattress gave at her left side, jerking her away from the dangerous ledge of total incapacitation. Brice. She grasped for him blindly with one hand. Her fingers connected with his muscular thigh, and she clenched it tightly, released Jayce’s nipple piercing, and sucked in one deep breath after another. Brice was safe. Far less threatening than Jayce, and as long as he was here, she couldn’t possibly lose herself.

  Brice’s long fingers covered hers and squeezed reassuringly. As his warm hands slid beneath her shoulder blades and eased her from beneath Jayce’s body to brace her against his chest, the hard knot behind her ribs let go. Protective arms encircled her. He dipped his mouth and pressed a soft kiss to her shoulder. “Relax,” he whispered.

  Alyssa nodded, once again able to brave the searing heat of Jayce’s hungry gaze. Whether he noticed her momentary terror or not, she couldn’t be certain. But if he had, he chose not to become distracted by it. Kneeling between her feet, he ran a calloused hand up her bare calf and eased her knees apart. His gaze dropped between her legs, to the ready flesh there, that slickened even more beneath the heat of his stare.

  “You’re so wet, baby,” he murmured as he dipped a finger between her slick folds.

  One lazy stroke left her moaning. She let her head fall onto Brice’s shoulder, and closed her eyes to craving. At the same moment, Brice’s hand cupped her breast. He flicked his thumb over her hardened nipple, then took it between thumb and forefinger and gave it a twist.

  A sharp cry fell from Alyssa’s lips. Before she could recover from the stinger of pain, Jayce slid one thick finger inside her soaked opening. She curled forward, gasping. Conflicting sensation buoyed her, the slow push of Jayce’s finger easing the sharp pinch of Brice’s fingers at her opposite breast. Alyssa parted her legs involuntarily, the hollow ache inside her now unbearable. Sweet heaven…she hadn’t predicted the both of them combined would be such sweet torture. At this rate, she’d come apart in their hands, long before they ever found release.

  “Yeah, just like that, sweetheart,” Jayce murmured as he eased another finger inside her. “Enjoy it.” He bent forward, and his breath dusted the inside of her knee. The brush of his lips followed. “Does it feel good?”

  “Yes,” she managed in a breathless whisper.

  Slowly, he pressed open-mouthed kisses to the inside of her thigh, working his lips closer to her throbbing flesh. She arched her hips, knowing where that devastating tongue would land, knowing when it did, she’d shatter into pieces.

  “Brice,” she murmured, struggling against another wave of sensual oblivion.

  His teeth raked across her bare shoulder. “Right here, Alyssa.”

  Dropping one hand from her breast, he curved his warm palm around her hip, slid it beneath her bottom, and lifted her into the searing heat of Jayce’s mouth. His tongue swirled over her clitoris. Alyssa tried to gasp, to cry ou
t against the sudden ecstasy, but all she managed was a shuddering inhalation that did nothing to ease the constriction of her lungs. Clenching her fists into the sheets, she writhed against the blissful torment, then with a plaintive mewl, surrendered to the coaxing of Jayce’s tongue, letting her hips rise and fall against each mind-numbing stroke.

  Behind her, Brice shifted position, angling her so she fit more tightly against Jayce’s glorious mouth. She felt the hard press of Brice’s erection against her hip, and his arousal only heightened hers. Releasing the sheet with one hand, she wrapped her fingers around that hard thick length and gave his cock a firm pull. Brice’s breath hissed through his teeth. But her ability to move beyond the single caress came to a swift end as Jayce withdrew his fingers and his tongue speared deep inside her soaked flesh.

  Alyssa bucked forward so hard, she nearly dislodged him. He chuckle vibrated into her, and he gripped her hips, holding her in place once more. “Stay still, baby,” he whispered against her moist folds. “Stay…” He licked her slowly, gliding over her opening to tease her clit once more. “Still.”

  He took the tiny bud between his teeth and bit it ever so gently, making his quiet command impossible to obey. She let out a sharp keen, and closed her eyes, ordering herself to focus on Brice, on the rustling behind her, and the movement of Brice’s hands as he fidgeted with something on the other side of his long rangy body.

  How much longer she could lay here, enslaved to the pleasure Jayce so masterfully created, she didn’t know. She’d go mad with want, with the need for fulfillment, if the building pressure inside her didn’t find a means of release. Heat flared over her skin, her heart hammered erratically. And the ache within became unbearable.

  “Jayce,” she murmured as she arched into his mouth again. “God, Jayce…”

  “You’re so beautiful when you’re about to come,” he answered. He looked up for a moment, trapping her with his darkly intense stare, before his long lashes shuttered his eyes once more, and he lowered his mouth to her flesh again. Releasing her hips, he slid his palms to the inside of her thighs and spread her wider.

  She trembled between them, biting down on her lower lip to maintain some hold over her senses, no matter how thin it might be. Pleasure she could embrace. But the frightening ledge she hovered on was too intense. He was too intense. The things he made her feel, made her want. Need that knew no boundary.

  She pushed aside the haziness that clouded her mind and reached for Brice once more. This time, the back of his knuckles scraped down her side, and he angled his lower body away from her, denying her the ability to concentrate on pleasing him. He eased her onto her side, Jayce moving with Brice’s subtle manipulations, drawing her bent knee up higher.

  Brice’s hand curved around her hip, and the explanation for the rustling she’d heard became clear as his lubricated finger glided down the thin line between her buttocks. He stroked her rear entrance in perfect countermotion to the taunting thrust of Jayce’s tongue. Pleasure zinged through Alyssa. She gripped the corner of the pillow, unable to do more than rock her hips between both men. When she pushed forward, Jayce’s tongue slid in deep. As he withdrew, Brice’s fingertip nudged into the puckered opening, sinking inside her narrow channel to the first knuckle.

  Sensation blistered through Alyssa, and perspiration broke over her skin. She sucked in a deep breath, held it. But it was useless. Her body refused to obey her attempts to control what she couldn’t, and she glided against both men, teetering on a dangerous precipice.

  One misstep, one…

  As her hips angled backward, Brice sank two fingers inside her tight rear entrance, pressing her against Jayce’s flickering tongue. Ecstasy shot down her spine, so sharp, so keen, her entire body coiled inward. She clawed at the mattress and let out a strangled moan as her orgasm raced through her veins.

  “That’s it, baby,” Jayce murmured. “Let go. Just like that.”

  “Enjoy it, Alyssa,” Brice whispered.

  Dimly, she felt the warm heat of Brice’s mouth against her shoulder, recognized the sensual way he ran his tongue down the length of her spine. Somewhere, she vaguely registered that they were once again moving her, bending her limp body where they wanted her until she lay completely on her side, Jayce’s handsome face a breath away from hers, Brice’s strong body warming her backside. Brice’s sheathed cock fit tight between her trembling legs, his wide girth sliding between her rear cheeks even as Jayce dipped his fingers between her legs once more.

  Slow awareness crept over her. As she gradually descended from the blissful plateau they’d taken her to, she opened her eyes to the reality of what was about to occur. Before she could find the strength to move, Jayce would be tightly fitted inside her pussy. Brice would fill her from behind. Both men. Both devoted to her pleasure.

  One looking her straight in the eye and making it impossible to hide from his too-perceptive stare.

  She couldn’t do this. Not like this. Not face-to-face with Jayce. It was too intimate, and intimacy was the last thing she wanted from him. Intimacy meant letting him in, and not just inside her body.

  Somehow managing to push strength into her shaking limbs, she sat up, twisted the opposite direction, and draped herself across Brice’s body to capture him in a kiss that shot straight to her spirit and quieted the chaos there. The familiar, undemanding stroke of his tongue soothed and perfectly lacked exactly what she didn’t want—gut-deep, insatiable hunger. So why then, when she wanted nothing to do with that uncontrollable need, did kissing Brice leave her feeling strangely disappointed?

  Jayce’s roughened palm smoothed down her back. “If that’s what you want, sweetheart, fine by me.” Though he chuckled, a trace of resentment bit through his hoarsened voice.

  Resentment she refused to consider.

  Bracing her hands on Brice’s broad chest, she levered herself atop his body and straddled his hips. He broke their kiss as he guided her atop his hardened cock with a soft smile. A friendly smile that lacked the searing heat Jayce’s dark gaze held.

  She lowered herself onto his sheathed erection, taking the wide length of him in one swift measure. He closed his eyes. His jaw flexed as his fingers bit into her hips. As he let out a rough breath, he hissed, “Fuck.”

  But that ragged exhale, that all-too-short glimpse of intense pleasure didn’t last long enough to satisfy Alyssa’s secret yearning to be needed the way Jayce had always seemingly needed her. Before she could convince herself Brice’s simple desire was all she wanted, Brice rolled her onto her side, tucking her back against Jayce’s chest and her buttocks against his stiff cock, and throwing her right back into the intensity.

  Jayce’s hand was gentle as it swept down her thigh, guiding her leg over Brice’s hip. His lips danced across the back of her neck, mimicking the way Brice’s mouth fluttered against her shoulder.

  They maneuvered her expertly, as if they had done this a hundred times together, although she knew they hadn’t—at least not with each other. Brice had his fair share of multiple partners, and Jayce…well, she didn’t want to know. The idea of him touching another woman left a sour taste in her mouth.

  Their lingering kisses left her achy. The sweep of their hands, the glide of their fingers stirred restlessness to life. Her inability to offer the same pleasure in return, frustrated her to no end. But each reverent stroke, each tender caress, each not-so-gentle bite stirred sensation until she writhed between the two, desperate for the satisfaction their whispered words promised.

  Unable to stand Brice’s virtual stillness a moment longer, she eased her hips backward, sliding down his cock. Bliss coursed through her as she undulated forward and took him deep inside once more. A quiet grunt of satisfaction rumbled in the back of his throat, telling her he too was reaching his limit of patience. He wouldn’t last long at this game, and for once she was grateful for their mismatched endurances.

  Jayce, on the other hand, seemed all too content to draw fulfillment out. With one hand on he
r hip, he guided her along the length of Brice’s cock, pulling her against him more completely with each backward thrust. Each time, the tip of his erection nudged her rear entrance, pressing harder, silently demanding inevitable entrance.

  She arched against Brice, a soft cry tearing from her lips.

  Brice’s lips pressed against her throat. “You okay, sweetness?”

  “Need…” She trailed off with a shake of her head.

  “Need what?” Jayce prompted.

  The demand in his quiet voice was unmistakable, and a shiver coursed down Alyssa’s spine. She shook her head again.

  He gripped her hipbone and snugged her ass against his cock. With a roll of his hips, he slid between her narrow cleft, teasing in a most excruciating way. His mouth dipped to her ear. “The condom’s right beside me. What do you need, Alyssa?”

  Oh, God, he couldn’t make her beg. She wouldn’t. She’d die before she ever begged another man for anything.

  “Easy,” Brice murmured. He clasped her lips gently, drawing her away from the edge of panic. “It’s okay to want this, Alyssa,” he whispered. “It’s okay to need the pleasure.”

  Slowly, Brice released her, easing back to hold her gaze with his unwavering blues. Encouragement shone there, and she sucked in a deep breath, unable to break eye-contact for fear all her terrors would rise up and swallow her whole. She let out a shaky breath. She could do this. Brice was right—it was just the three of them. Three people who had, at one time, known everything there was to know about the other. Nothing to fear, so long as they were all together.

  “You,” she whispered. Reaching around behind her, she pressed against the small of Jayce’s back, urging him into her. “I need you both.”

  Her answer came with the sudden stiffening of Jayce’s shoulders, followed by the sound of tearing tinfoil. Deep within her, Brice moved, inching deeper into her throbbing pussy. He hit the mouth of her womb, pulling another startlingly pleasant gasp from Alyssa.


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