Unexpected (Unexpected #1)

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Unexpected (Unexpected #1) Page 2

by Cross, Amity

  When he pulled away, my eyes snapped open and he gave me a wink. A wink? He just fucking winked at me? The cocky bastard. He had a condom in his hand and I went to snatch it so I could do the honors, but he pulled it out of reach.

  "You want to fuck me," he said, "but I want to fuck you."

  He totally got that I wanted to dominate him and it was obvious he wasn't going to go down without a fight, but right now? I didn't care as long as he got me off. "As long as one of us is fucking the other, I don't give a shit."

  A grin tugged at his lips as he rolled the condom over his length and ran a hand up and down, before rubbing it against my opening.

  "Put it in, for fuck’s sake," I groaned, locking my legs around his waist, trying to force him in.

  "We've got all night, beautiful," he murmured, sliding over my folds and across my clit. "Let me savor you."

  No man had ever wanted to take his time with me before. It had always been hard and fast. In the backseat of a car, a dark corner of a park, the back room of some bar, a storage closet, but never in an expensive hotel and never so slow. Truthfully, I didn't know how to savor it. All I chased was the high of a violent orgasm.

  Sliding his tip just inside sent shivers through my entire body and his lip curved into a wicked grin. "You like that?" he asked, pulling out.

  "I prefer full penetration," I said through heavy breaths, arching my back off the mattress.

  Winding his arms around my waist, he thrust into me without warning, skin slapping hard against my clit, and I cried out, throwing my head back. He held firm for a moment, circling his hips against me, allowing my body to stretch to accommodate his size before sliding out to the tip. Then he was striking deep again, holding me up and at the perfect angle.

  "Is this what you want?" he grunted between thrusts, setting up a rhythm.

  "Yes," I cried, feeling an orgasm building inside me already. "Fuck, yes."

  Pushing me back down into the mattress, he pressed my legs up, opening me further, his weight feeling explosive above me. Taut muscles, skin covered in a shiny sheen of sweat, everything he was right then was raw. We weren’t human beings anymore; it was almost animalistic the way he fucked me. It was the thing I'd been chasing with all those other guys and had never found. No man had truly let go of himself when he was with me, but the Dark and Dangerous I'd picked up in that bar was gone.

  His hand slid over my chest and curved around my neck, fingers pushing my head back, allowing him to bite and suck my throat as his cock slid in and out. Through heavy breaths, I angled my hips to meet his and every time he thrusted in, it was deep. Good for him and even better for me. The harder he hit my clit, the more pleasure spiked through my body.

  He didn't say anything else as we fucked, he just grunted as he pounded into me. He'd obviously let the notion go of savoring this, or maybe he didn't have a choice. My body began tipping over the edge as the onslaught continued, my muscles tightening around his cock, squeezing and coaxing him to follow.

  "Don't stop," I panted as the control I'd been fighting for left me and the pleasure that had been building all night splintered through my body. He kept fucking me, my orgasm rolling over me again and again, so much so that I thought I'd never come down. I didn't want to.

  With a grunt he thrust one last time, deep and hard, his body quaking against mine as he came inside me, teeth grazing against my skin.

  "Fuck," he panted and drew my face to his. Sucking my bottom lip into his mouth, our tongues slid together in a long, slow kiss, his cock still firmly inside me.

  I clenched around around him and he shuddered again, flexing his pelvis against my sensitive clit. I was far from inexperienced but that was…he’d just fucked me raw. There wasn't any other word to describe it. Dark and Dangerous had just eclipsed every other man I'd ever been with by about a billion to one.

  "Who the fuck are you?" he murmured, sliding out.

  "A good fuck," I retorted as he rolled off the condom, tying the end and flinging it onto the floor. What a dirty prick. Sliding my hand over him, I rubbed him hard again in two seconds flat.

  "I know we agreed on no names," he groaned, flexing into my hand. "But I've never come like that before. Who are you?"

  "None of your fucking business," I growled, reaching for another condom. "If you want to come again, you won't ask." Questions led to the inevitable deep and meaningfuls and sucked the intensity out of everything. This moment right here was one that I wanted to hold onto. Emotional connections were something I wasn't good at. Was it because I felt like I wasn't worthy? Like there was nothing there worth knowing? Who knew? Maybe I just liked to fuck. There was always that explanation.

  Pushing Dark and Dangerous on his back, I rolled the condom over his cock, his eyes watching my every move. Straddling his hot tattooed body, I positioned him over my opening and I slid down his shaft slowly, feeling him fill me again. Leaning backwards, his tip hit me so deep it was almost painful, but what delicious pain it was, hearing him moan and writhe underneath me as I took him to the hilt, squeezing my walls tight around him.

  "That's just how I like it," I said, rubbing circles over my clit, building another orgasm. My other hand went behind me, locking around his thigh as I slid up his length, almost to the tip and back down again, savoring, like he had. He’d wanted to take his time and had shown me just how good it could be. Granted, he didn't finish that way, but he'd given me a taste and that was all it took. He drove me wild and now it was my turn to take the power back from him.

  Abruptly, he sat up, pulled me against his chest and sucked my bottom lip into his mouth. He wrested control from me and annoyance began to sear in my veins. Fisting my hands into his hair, I curled my fingers around his mussed-up locks, tugging his head back hard and he grunted, flexing his cock inside me.

  "Who are you?" he said, hands digging into my hips.

  Clenching around him, I sunk my teeth into his bottom lip, fingernails biting into his scalp.

  "God," he groaned.

  "On your back," I hissed.

  "No," he growled. Abruptly, he flipped me over, and he was on top. Sliding out, he then thrust back in again and I cried out as he hit my sensitive clit.

  "Do you know what those sounds you make do to me?" he said, thrusting again. "Knowing that I got them out of you? You. Are. Fucking. Exquisite." The last part he said in staccato with his cock striking deep, and it was fucking hot. It was all I could do to hold on and not come. I wasn't ready to give in to him yet.

  His lips grazed my neck, sweat sticking our skin together, the air broken by our labored breathing. Every time he moved against me, I let out a moan, holding back, trying to prolong the fantasy for as long as I could.

  "Give it to me," he said, moving faster, our flesh pounding together so hard, I knew I'd feel where he'd been for days afterward. "Come for me, beautiful. Let it go."

  As his words sliced through me, I couldn't hold on anymore. I came harder than the first time, clawing his back, writhing underneath his body, and it was just as he'd said in the elevator—I was the one screaming. It didn't take him long to follow me over the edge and his entire body tensed as he spilled inside me, grunting like a fucking animal.

  He collapsed on top of me, both of us spent, breathing hard and unable to move. That was…there were no words for that.

  When he finally rolled his sticky body off me to discard the condom, I sat up, fully intending to get dressed and leave. I'd endure the ride home smelling like him, smelling like sex, and then I'd wash it off and go back to reality.

  "Stay," he said, reaching for me. "Please."

  Tensing, I looked into his chocolate eyes, and this time I really looked, and found myself actually considering it. I'd never thought about staying before and fear prickled through my skin. It wouldn't hurt to live the fantasy for a few more hours, would it?

  I slid back onto the bed and he drew the covers over us, wrapping his arms around me. His lips grazed my shoulder before he sunk back into the
pillow, a sigh fluttering against my exposed skin. Trying not to let myself doze off, I let myself study his arms. He was heavily tattooed with tribal stuff. It wasn’t my favorite, but he seemed to pull it off. The one on his left arm snaked over his wrist onto his hand, a point finishing at the knuckle on both his thumb and pinky. I wondered what kind of job he had that allowed him to have hand tattoos? A pretty shit hot one, if you asked me.

  I had my fair share of tattoos and while most of them had a story, there were one or two that I got just for kicks. I knew people got them for both reasons, but did they mean anything to him? I was too chicken shit to ask.

  His grip began to loosen slightly and I knew Dark and Dangerous had fallen asleep. His breathing evened out and he didn't flinch when I flexed my ass against his crotch. If I was going to ditch the guy, then now would be the right time to do it.

  I untangled myself from his arms as gently as I could manage. He must have been well and truly fucked, because he didn't wake, he just rolled over onto his stomach, the sheet falling away. Tiptoeing around the bed, I gathered my clothes and started dressing, one eye on Dark and Dangerous, one on the door. Pulling my boots on and grabbing my leather jacket from the floor, I hesitated at the last second, the place between my legs feeling raw and tender.

  His wallet sat on the bench, shining like a beacon against the white countertop. Temptation began to pulse and I glanced back to the bed where Dark and Dangerous lay sprawled on top of the sheets, his tight ass on full view. I could so easily open up his wallet and learn his name. Pull out his ID and find out where he was from, how old he was. I could totally fuck off with his credit card if I really wanted to. Looking around the room one last time, I could imagine the limit on it.

  I stared at his wallet for another minute until he moved on the bed, letting out a whimper in his sleep. Snapping to attention, I threw on my jacket and went for the door. When the sun came up and the fantasy was over, I'd be back at the bottom of the pile and he'd go back to his mid-list life doing whatever the fuck it was he did. It wouldn't work. It never did. They always fucked me and left. Do unto others, ad nauseum.

  Closing the door behind me as softly as I could, I strode down the hall and into the elevator. When I got to the lobby, I walked right out of that fancy hotel and back into reality. The fantasy dissolved and my mask slipped off and I was just plain, ordinary Blair Hayden again. Flat out on the road to Nowhereseville.

  The only difference was, the edge was taken off…for now at least.

  I jerked awake at the sound of my phone ringing shrilly. Fumbling blindly, I hit the answer button on the screen and pressed it to my ear. No guesses who'd be on the other end.

  "Yeah?" I muttered through my sleep-induced haze. Sleep and…I rolled over and the bed was empty, save for my sorry ass. The woman was gone and my heart sank.

  "West, you better not be in bed, high with some hussy," came the familiar whine of Dean Furlough, manager extraordinaire. More like asshole extraordinaire.

  "I'm not fucking high, asshole," I groaned.

  "But you're in bed with some random groupie."

  "You say that like it's a bad thing."

  "I fucking knew it," he exclaimed. "West, after all that shit, you want to go back there?"

  "I'm alone, dickwad," I spat, sitting up. The sheets were tinged with her perfume and the musky smell of sex. She wasn't a groupie. I don't even think she knew who I was. "I'm clean, Furlough, and that's the way I'm staying," I added for emphasis.

  "Good. Don't forget sound check at Billboard is at three."

  "No, I won't. I'll be there." Looking at my watch on the nightstand, I saw it was already eleven.

  "If you're even a second late, I'll punch you in the face myself."

  "Good thing I'm never late." I ended the call before he could rip more shreds off of me. If he knew what I'd been up to last night, I'm sure he'd have a few more choice words to say.

  The phone clattered onto the tabletop and I ran my eyes over the room. If it wasn't for her scent sticking on my skin and the claw marks all over my chest and back, I would've sworn that woman was a ghost. She was the most dangerous downward spiral of them all and I'd enjoyed every single second of it. The way she fit around my cock, the way she'd tried to dominate me, her taste. She was the best kind of drug…the best kind of natural high. And knowing that she'd disappeared, never to be seen again, was fucking torture.

  I was a member of rock 'n' roll band Affliction. Correction, I was the fucker who'd started the thing and had never once thought I'd be the one to become addicted to the lifestyle. A new town, a new country every other day, a new set of women throwing themselves at me, another line of coke and another bottle of Jack. A guitar and a stage, the things that spoke to my heart, those things had faded into the background. A fuck and a high were the things I'd chased until it almost cost me my life. I was the fucking rock star stereotype down to the dotted i's and crossed t's. Now, I was working through it day by day. The band was what mattered. The band and my life.

  I'd been clean for six months. Six painful fucking months. Furlough was hard on me for a reason and he was one of the few people that kept me on the straight and narrow. My downfall was one of the best-kept secrets in the entertainment business because of him.

  Would I call last night a relapse? Maybe it was, but that was more than a fuck. I'd walked into that bar looking for a connection. I was sick and fucking tired of feeling so empty all the time. Was there someone out there who could love me for being myself and not the guitarist and lead singer of Affliction? The idea seemed so far-fetched it was like a fucking fantasy.

  Then she'd sat down next to me and blown all my carefully placed walls to pieces. I hadn't been with a woman for months, so why her? What was it about her that had drawn me in? Who the fuck knew why anything happened. Sometimes I forgot which city we were in, we toured that much. Right now, I'd never forget this one. Melbourne, Australia.

  Getting up, I stretched my tight muscles and walked round the bed toward the bathroom. That's when I saw the card lying on the carpet. Snatching it up with greedy hands, my heart almost stopped beating for a sickening moment. Her face stared back at me, her fucking beautiful face, and that attitude she'd carried around like a badge of honor clear in her features. She was all wild hair, rock 'n' roll, tattooed, and from experience, I knew she'd kick any man's ass without blinking. She was a firecracker in all senses of the word.

  My gaze ran over the rest of the card, but all I could see was the one thing she didn't want to give me. Her name. Blair. Blair. It fit her like a glove. It couldn't be the last time I saw her, because I was positive there was something there. Something else had happened between us while we were fucking and I'd never felt anything like it before.

  I had her name, address, birthdate, everything. If I wanted to, I could track her down and… And what? What the fuck would she say if I turned up on her doorstep in—I flipped the card over and read her address again—Brunswick? Where the fuck was Brunswick anyway?

  If I didn't want to piss Furlough off, I had to be at the venue at three sharp. I didn't have time to go wandering over the city looking for a woman who may or may not call the cops the moment I knocked on her door. What I didn't need was to be bailed out of the cop shop and in the fucking tabloids. Affliction's bad boy rock star on the prowl again, this time stalking random women. I'd have to come at this one from another angle and right now I still ached from her touch. I needed a shower, my cock was hard, and I'd take care of both at the same time with the memory of Blair's naked body writhing underneath mine.

  I'd figure out a way to contact her after the concert tonight. I'd have her in my bed again before she even knew what hit her. I'd have her screaming with my cock inside her and I'd work my way into her heart. A woman like that was worth the hard climb to the summit. A woman like that could take whatever she wanted from me.

  As soon as I walked through the stage door, Furlough pounced, his smartphone wedged in one hand, the other circling aro
und my bicep.

  "West, for fuck's sake." He was giving me that look. The one where he knew something was up.

  "What?" I scowled. "I'm on time."

  "And it's a fucking miracle," he declared. "I'm talking about last night."

  "So what?" I said, knowing that someone had found me out at some point along the line. Was it the loud, obnoxious sex, or the part where I'd been absent? "I snuck out to a bar like a snot rag teenager. I'm a grown fucking man. If I want a drink, I'll get a drink." I knew I was being an asshole, but I was still wound up over Blair, and I would be for days.

  "West, you know I'm hard on you for a reason."

  "Yeah, yeah," I said, shaking his hand off. "I know, but do you have to keep reminding me? It's hard enough."


  Looking up as we stopped at the side of the stage, I caught sight of Joe at the opposite side, fooling around with the soundboard. Joe was my oldest buddy and the first idiot to sign up as bass player in Affliction. We'd grown up together in backwater Australia and got the fuck outta the country the moment we both turned eighteen. His family were potato farmers and mine ran the local farm machinery dealership, so rock star wasn't on the menu. So, we changed it.

  He was the first one to stand up for me when things started to tank. My face had been all over the tabloids, the vultures were circling and he'd been there. The other guys, Rob and Mick, had been quick to follow, but deep down I couldn't shake the feeling that I didn't deserve their loyalty.

  They'd forgiven me a hundred percent the moment I went to rehab. I was only there for two weeks, but they still forgave me, which was more than I deserved. I'd almost fucked up their lives as well. Joe had always maintained that we were family and family stuck together and all that crap. I was still waiting for the part where he sucker punched me in the face.


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