by Anne Malcom
Eros watched the two of the fated from her perch in the space between mortals and humans, between dark and light and good and evil. She watched and was both saddened and gladdened by the fact that her prophecy was indeed coming to fruition. The first of the three would define the fate of the world and the fate of the three themselves.
Yet they were not finished with heartbreak, or blood, or despair.
This was an ending, after all.
It had only just started.
They had seen blood. But they had seen nothing yet.
“For the blood will run,” she whispered against the wind.
And then, like the wind, she was gone.
“And Eros, the fairest of all immortals, arose,
who frees us all from our sorrows but ruins our hearts’ good sense,
breaking the wisest intention of gods and mortals alike.”
~Hesiod, Theogony~
The End…
The Beginning
Once again, the special people in my life had to brave the crazy that descended when I lost myself in this book. I became somewhat of a vampire myself, sleep a long forgotten friend with Isla in my head. I would never have been able to come out somewhat human or sane, for that matter, if it wasn’t for these people.
Mum. You’ve always been my biggest cheerleader, my best friend and my sometimes therapist. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t know the magic of reading and I wouldn’t be able to write a word. Thank you for telling me I could be anything I wanted to be. I’d never be who I am today if it wasn’t for you.
My Dad. You’re not here with us but you’re the reason why I can shoot a gun, ride a motorbike, shop like a champ, and believe in myself. I miss you every day.
Amo Jones. You continue to show me how lucky I am to have found someone who my crazy can play with. I know I would have gone off the deep end already if it wasn’t for you. Harley and Ivy forever.
Andrea and Caro. You two ladies are so very special and your generosity and support is amazing. I’m so lucky I have you.
This book wouldn’t be what it is without my wonderful team of betas. These special ladies helped to make this book what it is. Ginny, Amy, Sarah, and... you are wonderful.
Carl (with a silent L). I can conjure up vampires easily enough but I couldn’t have ever dreamed of having someone like you in my life. Real life with you is so much better than dreams. I’ll go on any adventure with you.
Harriet, Polly and Emma. My girls. The ones who talk me down when I’m getting crazy, or bring a bottle of wine and get crazy with me. True friendships are rare in this world, but I’ve got it with you ladies.
And to you, the reader. Thank you. Thank you for reading my books. Thank you for taking a chance on something different from me. Thanks for every e-mail, comment, and review you give me. I treasure each and every one.
About the Author
Anne Malcom has been an avid reader since before she can remember, her mother responsible for her book addiction. It started with magical journeys into the world of Hogwarts and Middle Earth, then as she grew up her reading tastes grew with her. Her obsession with books and romance novels in particular gave Anne the opportunity to find another passion, writing. Finding writing about alpha males and happily ever afters more fun than reading about them, Anne is not about to stop any time soon.
[email protected]
Also by Anne Malcom
The Vein Chronicles
Fatal Harmony
The Sons of Templar MC
Making the Cut
Outside the Lines: A Sons of Templar Novella
Out of the Ashes
Beyond the Horizon
Unquiet Mind
Echoes of Silence
Skeletons of Us
Greenstone Security
Still Waters