Magic Hour (DayBreak Book 2)

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Magic Hour (DayBreak Book 2) Page 9

by Meco Brown

  I took a ragged breath, and felt the muscles tighten within my legs. I shot off in a full sprint, hurrying across the soft and grassy bridge, heading toward the Elder Kingdom. I was only halfway across, when a massive blow to the head knocked me on my ass.

  The sharp pain was overwhelming. I pulled myself up, letting out a single gasp upon seeing a tall, gray-bearded figure, in a long white and gold robe, standing over me. Pale gray hair swung back and forth from a high fore-head. “Sorcerer Yo'el,” I said, and spotted within his hand a bright purple armored staff. Leering at me with deep-set purple eyes, he said something I couldn't understand; Yet I had an exceptionally good idea of what his tone meant. Though old and shriveled-looking, Yo'el still emitted a sense of supreme power. He founded the Nioeaon, and is considered one of the most talented sorcerers the world had seen in centuries.

  “Why are you here?” Yo'el said quietly, pushing his long and stringy hair behind his pierced ear.

  I forced a smile, and went to stand, slowly. “I've come for a spell,” I said in as polite a voice as I could muster, “one that I believe only you can help me with, sir.”

  “How, might I ask, did you arrive? What spell brought you here?” He asked, tightening his grip on his staff as he grinned nastily at me. The look in his eyes actually made me feel a tad more afraid than I had ever been. I certainly wasn't up for taking him on in a fight.

  “I found a spell,” my voice was low and raspy.

  He gave me an insulting smile and made a small gesture with his finger. I gasped loudly, then screamed as a burning sensation entered my stomach. Felt as if there were a flaming blade cutting apart my insides.

  “Stop, please!” I screamed in panic.

  “What spell brought you!” He yelled, his voice dripping with anger.

  Instinctively, I threw out my hand. Where I expected him to fly backwards with telekinetic force, he only staggered a bit.

  He lowered his hand and stopped his attack. Yo'el scowled. “You dare attack me?” His expression grew even darker, and his staff began to glow.

  “Please you have to understand, I am not here to harm anyone, I just need your help.” I pleaded.

  Yo'el leveled his staff at me, and began to chant fiery words. I suddenly felt a shiver of cold skipping along my skin and I knew that he was about to strike upon me the second death.

  “Terra Russell!” I shouted.

  He cocked his head at me and slowed his chanting. Yo'el's voice suddenly broke off all together. He stood over me, immobile.

  “I’ve slain Terra Russell, for the murder of the witches in Olah, West Virginia. I brought upon her the second death.” I told him, hoping this would be enough for him to spare me. Terra Russell became an apostate, after the murder of her coven as well as other witches. Once the Nioeaon mark you as such, every witch in the world, will instinctively haunt the apostate. I hoped, Yo'el would help me, knowing what I did, even if my motives were solely based on revenge.

  He slowly lowered his staff, narrowing his eyes, then without question, helped me to my feet.

  “Well done, my boy!” He barked happily. Relief washed over me, as he dusted my shoulders off, then crooked his finger at me, summoning me to follow. “Do tell me all about it.”

  We were suddenly standing within a tower, heading up a series of spiraling concrete stairs. The power within him, is absolutely great.

  As I briefly explained the battle between Terra and I, of course leaving Taideo out of it, we made our way through the tower, through several libraries and past a couple of labs, that were used in the creation of various magical potions.

  “It seems as if you've done the Nioeaon a great favor, Airius.”

  “Well I'd do anything for you, sir.” I smiled, wishing to be gone very soon. The longer I was here, the more uneasy I became.

  “Tell me, you say you've come for a spell? One that I could gift to you?”

  “A good friend of mine, a fellow witch, has slipped into a mystical coma; Cursed by Terra herself.” I said, watching as Yo'el nodded sympathetically. “I was hoping, you'd allow me to use the spell, Nemri-Kishin.”

  He held my gaze for a brief moment, then turned and stepped through a doorway to a massive chamber. It was a rampage of color, and filled with strange-looking objects and artifacts. As I followed him, white flames appeared, dancing within the empty space of the air.

  “Nemri-Kishin huh? Come alive lost soul. That's a tricky spell, some of the ingredients are not so easy to come across.”

  “I'll do what I must to awaken him.”

  Yo'el turned to me, confusion swept across his shaggy brows. “Him?” He said, “My boy, the way you speak, I assumed this was for your mate.”

  I let out a breathy laugh and nodded, “It is for my mate.”

  He released a sharp inward sigh, and gave an accepting smile.

  “Then who am I to stand in the way of true love?” He said, twisting his body, and drew a series of signs in the air with the end of his staff, and began to utter a short and confusing chant. I quickly felt a strange flutter of uneasiness, centering around the palm of my left hand.

  “Yo'el? Sir, what's happening?”

  “I'm giving you what you want, of course.” He faced me, and tapped my hand with his purple rod of power. My hand was suddenly engulfed in a flash of light. “I have bestowed upon you the spell. Nemri-Kishin, is now a part of you. The light of your hand, will show you one by one, each ingredient to the awakening spell. Once obtain, you will mix them together, and create a single potion. Feed it to your mate, and watch him awake.” He said. Absolute happiness spread across my face, knowing full well that this was the moment I've been waiting for. “You will also be needing this, in order to obtain the first part of the spell.” He handed me a small metal tool, covered in deep golden etchings.

  “Thank you, Yo'el, this means a great deal to me.”

  I turned away from him, readying myself to leave back towards the grassy bridge.

  “Oh, and Airius” He said, as if our conversation wasn't yet over. “Before you take your leave, I must say one last thing.” He cocked his head. “My fellow brethren and I, will be looking into the death of Terra Russell. If we discover you lied here, today, you won't have to worry about waking your mate,” He let out in a threatening tone.

  “Because we, will kill you all.”



  My eyes burned with excitement as I found myself running in the dark and chaotic forest of Olah. I made my way noiselessly through the woods, following the low sway of rushing water. I didn't think I would stop running anytime soon; Not until I found the first ingredient to the awakening spell. If I was to be honest with myself, the heavy miles I had put between Taideo and I, weren't helping to erase the deep agony that weighed like a ton a concrete. Part of me needed to be near him, to watch and wait for him to wake on his own; My numb and silent heart, felt as though it were being crushed under the weight of pain I felt, due to my being so far away from him. Yet I knew I needed to do this, I needed to find a light of parkli. If I wished to see him wake any faster, then I must endure the pain of him being away from me, if only temporary.

  Before long, I came to a small clearing in the forest. To the left of it ran a sparkling stream, reflecting the moon's glow in its cold and crisp body. I slowly edged over, watching thousands of parkli floating aimlessly around the area in front of me. A soft smile graced my lips, as I felt my mission one step closer in being complete. Just as I retrieved the small metal tool that would hold a single light of parkli, I heard a noise, and smelled something awful. The scent was close to that of cinnamon whiskey.

  “You bastard!” A dark voice snarled from behind me!

  I twisted around, catching sight of a shadowed figure. Thrusting its fist forward, it released a volcanic blast of fire directly towards me. A sudden anger rose deep within me upon seeing the curve of flames! Immediately, I dropped the small metal tool, leaped forward and with a flick of my wrists, I bent t
he water from the nearby stream to shield myself, using telekinesis. Fire met water, setting up a cascade of steam, which rose fiercely into the night sky. My skin grew unbearably hot, as I felt the flames split around me, as if I were a rock in the middle of a raging river.

  “It's all your fault, Airius!” The voice spat out in a fit of anger.

  “Easy there buddy, someone might think you're trying to kill me!” I shouted back, catching sight of a patch of short brown hair and golden eyes that were set in a furious glare. My mind rushed through millions of faces that were glued within my memory, only one face matched what was in front of me; my old friend, and fellow pyrokinetic witch, “Gregory?” I let out sharply.

  The fire started to spiral and twist as if it had a mind of its own; Which of course was nothing more than Gregory mind controlling the flames to do his bidding. He lifted his face, his golden eyes glazed with the tears he fought to hold inward. My mouth twisted as I caught that faint pulse of sadness radiating from Gregory, and the determination of him standing up for something he holds close to his heart, something I too am fighting for, love. He and I were much the same, yearning to be part of something greater than ourselves, to be of value, to be the sun in someone else's universe.

  “She was my world, and I hold you responsible for what happened! You and your pathetic coven!” Gregory pushed his hands outward, and upped the ante, pouring more and more concentration and energy into his attack. “No matter how hard I try, I can't shake the memories of the past from my mind!” Calling forth more bursts of flames, he grew his attack into an even higher intensity than I thought possible. The stench of charred ozone was enough to wake the dead, still, Gregory kept the attack coming.

  “I'm offering you once chance to explain yourself Gregory; You're blaming my coven and I for something that must have happened to Naomi, am I right?” I questioned angrily.

  The shear force between the two elements of fire and water, began summoning an impossibly massive cover of steam, draping the entire area in thick unnatural fog, which oddly reminded me of the Ice Age. I watched as the fog swirled up around us, closing me off from the sight of Gregory, yet the roar of flames still caught my attention. I realized that Gregory's anger had gotten the better of him, and he was completely consumed and swept away by the rush of power, he didn't realize he was providing me with enough cover to take him out.

  With speed, I leaped from shadow to shadow without making a sound, watching as his attack tore through the shield of water I had built to protect myself.

  “You think hiding will do you any good, Airius?” Gregory whispered. Spying from behind a tree, I noticed the puffiness in Gregory's eyes. Naomi was the love of his life, they'd been together for at least two decades, seeing him like this must mean Naomi has met the second death. But why target me? The last time I'd seen Naomi was.... the night Taideo was murdered.

  The night Terra slain all the other witches.

  “Oh Gregory,” I whispered to myself. I invited witches whom I met throughout my life, to the party that was held for Taideo; After Terra chased and murdered him, she circled back and did the same to every other witch in the room. Only keeping my coven and I alive. Gregory must blame me for Naomi's death. I quickly felt a bubble of guilt growing in my stomach.

  “I'm sorry for what happened to Naomi, Gregory. I know you must blame me for her death, but you must know I took care of Terra. She poses a threat to no one anymore.”

  It was suddenly quiet, so quiet in fact it seemed as if I were all by myself. Inching closer to the edge of the tree, I quickly noticed Gregory lunging towards me; I leaped, drawing my feet up just out of Gregory's burning reach. Flames torched the tree where I'd been, peeling bark and sending a patch of leaves shriveling to a burning clump of ash.

  “You think I'm angry just because I lost the love of my life?” He let out as I landed on my feet.

  “Well what the hell else could it be?”

  He twisted himself to face me. “You killed Terra! It should have been me to end her life after she murdered Naomi, I should have been the one to give her the second death!” Again, he lunged at me; Wind swirled into my ears as I rolled forward, striking from a crouched position, I forced a hard kick and swept his feet from under him; In mid fall, my hand snapped around his throat, pushing him onto the ground with enough force, I heard his skull slightly shatter, just as an agonizing scream escaped Gregory's mouth.

  I took this free moment and gathered the small metal tool, holding it up and allowed it to call a single light of parkli. I turned and faced Gregory, placing the tool into my pocket and made my way over to him.

  Of course, I knew what I've done to Gregory didn't kill him, just stunned him. After all, the best and easiest way to kill a witch is decapitation.

  “When you're all healed up, I advise you to leave Olah, and never come back. Naomi is dead, and I'm sorry Gregory. I understand more than you know, of what it is like to lose the love of your life.”

  He looked up at me, grinning. “Wrong!” He shouted, and fired a blast of red orbs. I launched myself at Gregory, listening to the roar of the flames whip past my ear. I grabbed onto his chest and threw him into the tree, using telekinetic force both to hold him in midair and to keep Gregory utterly still.

  “I gave you an opportunity to leave and you still wish to challenge me?”

  “What else do I have to live for, Airius? My coven is dead, my love is too. I have no one else, I feel nothing else but anger, and I am sorry but it is targeted at you and Terra. With her already gone, it's you I wish to destroy.” He whispered low enough that I barely heard him.

  “Gregory, I am on a mission to save the love of my life. Terra killed him, that is why I brought upon her the second death. Someway, somehow, my mate has come back, but he is in a magically induced coma. The Nioeaon, or rather Yo'el, provided me with a list of ingredients for a spell to wake him. All I ask, is for you to allow me time to bring him out of his coma. After that, I will allow you to try to end my life. But only after, I have brought him back.” I promised. Part of me did feel responsible for the death of Gregory's mate and his coven, and I would give him the opportunity to try and make it right.

  “You're willing to save your lover, and at the end of the day, allow him to live with you being slain by my hands?” He questioned.

  I shook my head. “Does that sound like a good deal to you?”

  “I accept. So, free me and allow me to help you in completing your task.”

  After a brief moment, I released my telekinetic hold on him, causing Gregory to slip onto the ground. I paused and took a moment to ready myself upon seeing the next piece of the spell. I stretched out my left hand, watching my skin become transparent, as a hologram of the next ingredient appeared above my palm.

  “That's dragon's blood.” Gregory said.

  “Do you know where I can get such a thing?”

  Gregory let out a deep chuckle, and flashed his eyes from the hologram to me; His smile broadening as his eyes returned to the hologram. “A favor for a favor.” He said.

  “I'm already offering you a deal Gregory.”

  “Well allow me to sweeten that deal.” He tells me.

  “What else do you want?” Help with a spell or something? I don't have a lot of time, let's just get it over with. So, what is it that you want me to do for the great and powerful Gregory?” I asked, my tone dripping in sarcasm.

  He rolled his eyes, and crossed his arms. “There is a town a few hours north of here, within that town is a shop run by a woman who goes by the name Lydia. She has the crystallized blood of a dragon. Tell her I sent you, she'll help, but only in exchange of getting her out of the town and here, to me.”

  “Who is she to you? What town do you speak of? Why would she need my help and not yours?” I asked, assuming things would be pieced together once he answered my questions.

  “Lydia is Naomi's younger, biological sister,” he said, “she's been targeted by the Red Throne Society, trapped within the mono
lithic city of West Fall.” Gregory told me, but I couldn't accept this. The first and only time I've come across the Red Throne Society, was when we found Payton in 1692. Since then rumor spread that the group disbanded.

  “Gregory, the Red Throne Society isn't a threat to us anymore. That organization no longer exists.”

  He gave a shallow head shake that told me I was wrong. “To what reason, do you believe the rumor of their so-called separation? I mean, Airius think about it; The Red Throne Society spread the rumor of their own disbandment, giving way to a multitude of perspectives. Lingering within the shadows, working through a network of beneficial means to truly carry out the sole purpose of their existence. To end all witches everywhere, by means of the second death.” Gregory slithered over next to me upon finishing he little speech.

  “Does the Nioeaon know about this?” I spat out.

  “The Nio.... Airius, the Nioeaon created the Red Throne Society!”

  I stumbled back a few feet, caught off guard by this new set of information. How could that be true, though? The Nioeaon protect the world of magic, sure they may have certain strict rules, but how, or why would they create the one set of individuals who murder our kind?

  “You really don't know do you?”

  “And, how would you?” I asked.

  “I use to be one of their knights. Tasks with protecting the Elder Kingdom from attack, but when I learned of their involvement with the Red Throne Society, I relinquished my duty, lost my advancement in magic and left the kingdom behind.”


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