Magic Hour (DayBreak Book 2)

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Magic Hour (DayBreak Book 2) Page 17

by Meco Brown

  I frowned at him.“Die? You're holding a lot of faith in the strength of your granddaughter.”

  “You don't know her like I do.”

  “I know Eamie, dark hair, cute face, not that bright.” I grinned.

  He snickered behind his hand but immediately became serious.

  “She'll be fine. Oh, uh, you can pull over here.” He said, pointing to the right side of the road.

  I did so and quickly notice Aaliyah Littleton pacing back and forth, by the border. On their land, is an anti-magic barrier. If a witch crosses it, we lose the magic that we possess and could possibly die. We are safer outside of it. However, being that their land is heavily damaged due to the celestial fire, perhaps I could cross it after all.

  “What on earth is she doing out here?” Mr. Littleton said, sitting himself up straighter. Aaliyah was far too distracted to even realize we were approaching her. It was as if she couldn't focus, her mind racing with unknown thoughts. Mr. Littleton unbuckled his seat belt and reached to open the door.

  “Wait,” I said.

  “What is it?”

  “Listen, I am probably not the one who should be telling you this, but,” I paused for a moment,“you lost a great deal of people, during the celestial fire. Including your son, Eamie's father. I honestly think, your grandchildren are the only ones left, due to their ability to turn. I'm sorry.”

  Mr. Littleton merely quirked an eyebrow at my words before turning to fully face me.“Thank you for your kind words, Airius. It isn't necessary, though. I've known for quite a while that we lost a huge number of family. When someone dies, we feel it, no matter the distance. I have grieved alone, it is time we did it as a family.” He said, and placed his hand on my shoulder.

  I nodded. “I understand.

  “You saved my life, Airius and I am forever in your debt. With that, I will allow you full access to Celestial Moon's territory. My family and I will lower the barrier for you and your coven alone. Perhaps in time, we can learn to coexist.”

  “I'm surprised you'd allow this.”

  He nodded and smiled.“Life is a precious thing, because of you, I have another day to experience it. As long as you and yours be sure to no longer feed on a human, I will bestow upon you the light of our family. You're part of us now, witch or not. In addition to your immunity from the barrier, you are also under our protection.”

  I smirked and looked at him, shocked that he'd do this.“I extend the same offer to all of you. Our home is your home.” This was an absolutely wonderful thing. If the Skinwalkers saw me as their own, they wouldn't attack us any longer. Things seem to be falling into place with them.

  Mr. Littleton then offered a stiff nod, before turning to leave, and headed over towards his granddaughter. I watched them from my car, saw the relief showering over Aaliyah upon seeing her grandfather. She didn't fight the urge to just simply watch him, she rushed him with a full force of speed, locking both arms tightly around him.

  I wasn't yet certain if I should leave or not, so I sat gawking out the window at them, then shifted my eyes over at an endless panorama of rocky canyons and dark green and black forest.

  A beautiful sight to see. I thought, as I felt my phone vibrating. Once again, I picked it up. Of course, I knew it was Lillian checking up on me again. She constantly feels the need to spy on me with that pesky premonition power of hers, which is not really a great way to build trust. Lillian honestly wasn't like that in the beginning.

  I first met Lillian after the Greek mainland came under Ottoman control. Our way of life was managed by the Empire's dominance, and they allowed nearly no autonomy to my people and I. One night, while out trying to steal food for my family, I was caught, and the price placed upon me was that of a savage beating. It was at that moment, I begged the Gods to strike me with death. The pain I felt, the blood I lost, followed by the screams of the men whipping my broken body, was something I wouldn't wish on anyone. It was Lillian who saved me that night. She ripped them to shreds, healed me and watched for my safety. She said it was my bravery that caused her to look after me, and that as long as she was alive, she'd make sure no harm would come to me and boy did she keep her promise.

  Not very long after, I and a dozen of others became sick and many of us began dying from an infectious disease, known today as tuberculosis. After my family had passed, Lillian shared blood with me, and I became the first witch she'd ever made.

  It had only been a few hours, since I had awoken with my new life, and I needed to not only hunt, but learn; And so, Lillian taught me all she knew. I wasn't so much interested in a history lesson of our people, of witches. I simply wished to know the basics of what we were.

  Power was all I truly desired, and she happily accepted. Being that I was her first turn, she was eager to do as I pleased. She thought of me as her child, and as any parent would understand, saying no to your child is an extremely hard task to do. So we ran, sailing through the air, crossing over a riverbank and rushing through the settlement at top speed. I knew she was shocked by how fast I was, that I surpassed even her level of speed; But the icing on the cake, came when my telekinetic skills surfaced, and the joy Lillian expressed, I knew she was thoroughly impressed. It was one of the happiest moments of my transformation, a moment that didn't last very long.

  DayBreak came and Lillian prepared to show me how to call the light of the sun. She told me that my senses needed to completely take over, that I must open myself, allowing the light to flow into me on its own free will. I remember her hands reluctantly leaving my shoulders, and she stepped away to let me siphon my first meal. Lillian watched me, as the sweet golden light flowed around me, when suddenly the wind shifted, and a single heartbreaking scream twisted towards me.

  My mind suddenly flung back to when I was beaten, before Lillian saved me. It was made clear at that moment, that my anger definitely carried over to my new existence; But this anger wasn't like before, it was magnified. I suddenly found myself rushing off away from Lillian and towards the screams.

  By the time Lillian found me, the guards were dead, so was the woman being attacked, and the rest of our small village. My anger, and hunger drove me to kill those I called enemies, and those I called family. It was then I realized, the thing Lillian turned me into wasn't good, my soul was burned, ripped away from me. I was no longer a man, my life now belonged to that of a monster.

  Since that day, I have carried a slight hatred towards Lillian, even when I wish to forgive her, that monster within, refuses to allow me to do it. It's no secret that Taideo is the reason I can control that part of me. I just hope, that I can bring him back before the monster escapes its cage.

  I squeezed my hands on the steering wheel and leaned back in the seat, trying to rid the old memory from my head. My eyes scanned up and I frowned, perplexed.“Where did they go?” I said to myself.

  Aaliyah and Mr. Littleton were both gone. I checked my watch, shut the car off, and then exited it. I eased over the ruts in the dirt road, and watched my surrounding with guarded eyes. Silence fell over me, as I carefully crossed the border, thankfully not harmed, and entered dense brush on the right side of the road. As I crept on, the dark forest shifted around me, all while the powerful moon rays poured down.

  “Hey!” I shouted, and twisted around upon feeling a tree branch grabbing at my shirt. I breathe a sigh of relief, thankful that it wasn't a Skinwalker. Being on their land at night was a bit creepy. I didn't like surprises, and the fact that Aaliyah and Mr. Littleton have vanished didn't make any since.

  A haze of shining smoke swayed through rocking trees. As I focused on it, the smoke vanished into thin air. Another hazy smoke suddenly drifted overhead, and was gone when my eyes spotted it.

  “Okay, whose out there?” I shouted, and couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched. Vigilant, and on guard, I glanced all around me, when I spotted him emerging from the shadows.

  A man wearing tanned deerskin clothing. Twigs and owl feathers were both entw
ined in knotted tangles on long black hair that spread-out behind him, and two slashes of glowing red paint cut diagonally across his copper face. He sped towards me, waving a steel lance.

  My gaze met shimmering dark eyes, and suddenly I felt the cold bitter sting of fear creep into my skin. Suddenly, the man's body shifted and he turned into Qui Littleton. Frightened, I twisted around and ran, but my witch speed didn't accompany me. I ran as if I were human.

  Several seconds passed as I now found myself in the middle of a burning forest. Shaken up, I tried to call upon my coven, but my voice didn't have power, I could no longer summon them to my location. Fear and panic heated within my core, as Qui's lion form stood directly in front of me, and clamped his teeth down upon my face.

  I jumped, jerking myself awake with a heavy sigh.

  “A dream, it was dream.” I said to myself. I sat in the car, looking up at Aaliyah and the rest of her family hugging their grandfather. “What the hell,” I said,“this place is enough for me, I need to get out of here.”

  I stared up, and watched as Eamie made her way over to me. I rolled the window down, and peeked out.

  “Thank you for bringing him home. My grandfather told us what he plans on doing for you and your coven. So, we will do as he said.” She told me, and gave a light smile. I nodded, and watched as Qui edged over.

  “Everything alright over here?”

  “It's fine, Qui.” Eamie told him.

  He bent over and peered into the car.“You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost.”

  “Did you get into my mind!” I called out loudly, watching as he laughed.

  “Oh, no, Qui stop doing that! Now is not the time to be playing mind games.” Eamie shouted at her older brother. She glanced back at me.

  “I am so sorry, Airius. Our land is still partly cursed to witches, so if you're here, we can sometimes get in a witch’shead-”

  “Easy now sister, don't give all our secrets away.” Qui said, as he turned to leave.

  “Forgive him, please.”

  I nodded again. Not liking the fact that Qui can get into my head up here.

  “We'll keep in touch, let us know if you need help getting that crystal.”

  Again, I nodded, started my car and began making my way home, all while secretly wondering, if that dream were to become reality, could I defeat Qui? Or would he actually be the one to vanquish me.



  I was dreaming, floating between consciousness and slumber, as I found myself at a cemetery, looking down at Taideo's grave. To my right I saw Ms. Chestnut's home, it was bright and full of sunshine. To my left was a total patch of darkness that surrounded that side of me; A darkness so heavy I could feel it brushing against my side, coiling up and around my arms. I was heavily tempted to allow it to swallow me whole, but the sight of Ms. Chestnut's home stopped me from going forward with the decision. I looked at the window that was Taideo's bedroom, squinting to make out the face peering through it.

  When suddenly it was clear, and the face of my angel was staring back at me.“Taideo,” I said and was immediately tempted to approach him; But something bound me to the darkness, I couldn't move, and didn't understand why. I squinted again, and saw Taideo's frenzied lips moving unquestionably fast, and I honestly wished I knew what he was trying to say to me.

  Again, I tried to move and bring myself closer to him, but still found myself pinned to the darkness. I growled in annoyance, and grew angry at not being able to calm the panicked expression, that was painted on his face. He was frightened, and I longed to comfort him. With sheer strength and speed, I ripped myself from the claws that bound me and ran. No matter how fast I went, the house seemed to drift further and further away, taking Taideo with it.

  Then suddenly, I was back inside the darkness.

  “You can't have me, not just yet.” His echoing voice sounded serene.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, when I caught a scent behind me. I twisted around to find a woman in a white veil. The silent and mysterious woman slowly lifts the veil, to reveal herself as Ms. Neely, who ignores me, and looks into the light at Taideo. I turn back and notice Taideo is now standing between the line of darkness and light, staring at his grave.

  “You can't have me, not just yet.” He lets out again.

  I twist back around, and see that Ms. Neely has vanished. My eyes shift back to Taideo, only to find that he too has disappeared.

  I awaken the next morning, hardened purpose filling my eyes.“Ms. Neely,” I said as I rushed to my feet. Lillian appeared in front of me, standing at my doorway.

  “Airius, no, you can't do this, not right now.”

  My speed blasted me past her, down stairs and outside, as my body delve deeper into the forest. That just wasn't any dream, it was a sign. I wouldn't be able to have Taideo, if I didn't get that crystal from Ms. Neely. She was technically keeping him from me, whether she knew it or not.

  “Let us handle this, Airius.” Lillian shouted from behind.

  “Yeah, man, she's right, you just may lose control.” Brock chimed in as he ran beside me. I simply ignored them; Their shameless attempts at stopping me were met with deaf ears. Nothing or no one, would stop me from getting that crystal. Without Taideo's love, I'd only be left to exist. Bound to wander this world, alone, and that isn't how I plan on living my life. Eternity was suppose to be with him, and so it shall be.

  Moments later, I found myself at Olah High School, where several dozen trailers were parked throughout the lot. I strode through the mass of teachers and students, paying no attention to my family as they did their best to change my mind.

  “Got ya,” I said, spotting Ms. Neely entering the furthest trailer to my left. I follow her and enter. She stood before her desk, watching as several of the students prepare themselves for whatever she's teaching them. I stride over, watching as Ms. Neely looks up just as I cross the trailer.

  “Airius, don't!” Lillian shouted just as she ran inside.

  In one furious motion, my hand wrapped around her neck and SLAMMED her up against the wall. Signs fly everywhere, as the children behind me look up and scream, some standing, shocked, while others find it amusing.

  “Everyone out now!” Brock's voice boomed with so much anger and force, it drove each student to leave rather quickly. He approaches, and tries to grab at me, but I quickly shove him away.

  “Give me the crystal!” I shouted in a murderous tone.

  Ms. Neely's eyes widened in fear, as my hand continued to squeeze around her delicate neck.

  “Airius, stop this, right now! Think of what Taideo will think.” Lillian pleaded.

  “Listen to her, man.” Brock said, approaching me again. I loosen my grip and allow her to fall to the floor, as she gasps for breath. Brock and Lillian help her up, yet I never take my eyes off Ms. Neely.

  “Give it to me. Give me the crystal!”

  “For the love of God, Airiuscalm down.”

  I rolled my eyes at Lillian's comment, swallowed down the lump in my throat and blinked away the anger that was pouring out of me.

  “Perhaps, if you give me the chance to speak with you, and answer your questions, you'd allow me to leave here alive.” Ms. Neely said quietly, yet firmly.

  “So,you can run back to the Red Throne Society? Look, I don't need you to explain anything, I just need the crystal. The one you stole from Mr. Littleton.”

  “What do you want with it?” Ms. Neely asked bluntly, apparently not wanting to beat around the bush.

  “You're acting unusually brave, for someone whose neck I can easily snap.” I said threateningly. Her shoulders slumped in defeat, and she nodded sourly. Reaching and searching through her purse, Ms. Neely pulled the crystal out, which I immediately grabbed.

  “You have to be careful with that, it contains a great deal of power.”

  My eyes shifted over to Ms. Neely and I nodded.

  “I'm aware.” I said and left for the door, when a sudden thought occurred
to me.“You know, I actually do have a question for you.” I faced her.“How exactly did you end up in all of this? You're a partof the Red Throne Society, you were secretly dating Eamie's father and stole this from their family. Who are you?”

  Ms. Neely shook her head, wrapped her arms around herself, and gulped down huge breaths, before speaking.“When I was a child, my home town was overpowered by a coven of witches. Witches who stole the life of everyone I grew to know and love, including my own family. I was saved by the Red Throne Society, and have been part of them ever since.”

  “Did you know about us? My family?” I asked, not necessarily caring about her or her troubled past.

  Ms. Neely's eyebrows crept up“Yes, I knew. But I didn't report it. I knew you all didn't kill humans, so in my eyes you were one of the good. However, I didn't wish to see you interact with anyone, which is why I wanted so desperately to have Taideo focus on school, rather his relationship with you. I feared if you were to slip up, he'd end up dead. I didn't want that.”

  I stifled a laugh.“Everyone tries to save him in their own way. Well, this crystal is my way of bringing him back.”

  “What happened to him? I know he's in a coma. It's magical,isn't it?” A surge of panic was in her voice.

  “You work with our enemy. In essence, you're Taideo's enemy as well. You don't deserve to know what's going on with him.”

  “Yes, it's true. I am a member of the Red Throne Society, b-but you have to understand, I may be a part of it, but I am not like them.” She responded, but not in a manner that sounded like I'd expect. Ms. Neely looked ashamed to admit this. Lillian, Brock and myself all stare at her. She can't even bring herself to look at us.

  “I-I don't believe you.” I struggled to form a comprehensive sentence as I stared at her, my mind not registering what I was hearing.

  “Several years ago, a few of our scholars discovered the crystal in an ancient text, and traced it to this exact town. So, I was sent here to watch the Littleton family. I became involved, with Eamie's father, secretly of course, it would be too much for the children. I never thought I would fall in love with him. But, it's always about completing the mission, with them. Our love wasn't as important as getting my hands on the crystal, and when I did, that entire family lost all respect for me.” She rolled her eyes.“Shortly after, that celestial fire happened, further tossing us all in a pile of mess.” She said, somewhat shyly.


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