The Scent of Death

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The Scent of Death Page 18

by Shelby Skabelund

  Velengar smiled and announced while hoisting the large mug in front of him “We are all here tonight to celebrate the return of the Keeper. This here at my left is Nick Channing, the new keeper of Terran and our deliverance from the dragon Mortes. Let us all toast. Blessed be your head Nick Channing, here is to your future heroic acts that will keep our kingdom and people safe!” roared the king.

  A loud rumble filled the main hall as all the dwarves present raised their mugs into the air and cried “Health to the keeper!”

  At this Velengar resumed “Let the feast begin!” Instantly the hall was filled with thirty more dwarves bustling around the table dressed in the same white cook hats they had seen the first dwarf wearing. They were carrying trays full of delicious smelling foods that Nick didn’t recognize. One of the dwarfs pushed in between Nick and Rhen and was piling food onto their plates. Nick brought the mug to his nose and smelled the liquid inside. It was an alcoholic mash of some sort. It had the smell of sour apples. Nick set it back down and asked the dwarf next to him if he could bring him a mug of water. With a nod, he hustled out of the room to do as he was asked.

  For the next two hours, they ate and talked between themselves. Nick had been finished eating for a while and was only picking at some of the delicious deserts that had just been brought out. He and Rhen spent the evening learning all about the dwarven customs and history. The king had shared with them how his people had gone into hiding hundreds of years before when another dragon had infested the land. Her name was Seratis. “She was pure evil and like Mortes had a lust for wealth” said the king.

  “As the dwarfs mined gold and silver and every kind of gem, they became her main target. She started capturing the dwarven people one kingdom at a time. There had been 7 kingdoms of dwarfs when she came. She completely destroyed four of them in her quest for treasure.”

  “The dwarven people used to the walk the lands above freely, trading with the humans and the elves. After her arrival, we all went into the mines to hide until the dragon was defeated. After Seratis was destroyed we went above ground one last time. My grandfather wanted to pay tribute to the Keeper. That was the last we were seen above ground and very few saw us at that.”

  “Our kingdom here has been sealed shut ever since. During the reign of Seratis, we learned to reflect light into our caverns to be able to grow our gardens and crops. We raised our own hogs and cattle here within the mountain. If Seratis had any idea where we might have been hiding, she would have done anything to bring our mountain down to get to our jewels and gold.”

  “It was made know across the land when the mighty dragon fell. The rumors of a powerful keeper spread. Stories were told of how he was able to escape to another realm not in this world where he prepared to give the dragon battle one last time….” The king was silent for a moment.

  “He returned and battled the dragon. He was victorious, but at great cost. One of the watchtowers reported back to my grandfather that they had seen the keeper with their own eyes. His skin was scarred from the flames of the dragon. His face resembled a skull with pink skin stretched tightly over it. His eyes were lidless, and he bore only one arm on the right side of his body, and the other was but a stump.” The king paused again and then continued. “My grandfather felt a deep gratitude for his selflessness. He went to him with the royal guard and payed him tribute with the utmost respect for saving our people and world. He fashioned the keeper a mask of silver to hide his face and protect his lidless eyes. He made him an arm to match the mask that could be strapped on to his stump. He was able to enchant the silver hand and arm. It was as if he had never lost it. The Keeper welcomed the gifts and promised to protect our people by telling all that the dragon had destroyed the dwarven kingdom and its people. After this visit, my people were dead to the humans. We celebrated the victory here with in our mountain home, but we chose to stay hidden. Things would be much safer if the world above believed that we had been destroyed by the dragon.”

  Nick could tell the king was a good man who took pride in his people and their legacy. He truly seemed to be excited to have Nick in his kingdom. Nick could tell by the reverence in his voice that he truly appreciated the keeper that had rid the world of Seratis. When he spoke of him, his voice was quiet and pensive. Nick felt undeserving of the respect that Velengar was showing him.

  “King, I am so grateful for this great honor and feast you are having in my honor, but to be honest, I don’t feel it is deserved. The keeper that you speak of sacrificed so much and he is the one that deserves this honor. I have done nothing. I only found that I was the keeper just some short months ago. My powers are so meager. Please don’t expect too much of me. I don’t even know what I’m doing.” Nick whispered as he leaned over to the king.

  “I like your humility boy…don’t you worry, I know a man that can help. There is a man, Saer is his name. He was banished by his father Adamir the Keeper. He was the true heir to the Book of Secrets. He had trained his whole life to become the next keeper, but he was young, arrogant and thought he knew best. His hunger for power drove him mad. He began to practice a darker side of magic and spells of his own making. I won’t go into all the detail, it is not my place to tell, but I will tell you that his father fought with him to keep the book of secrets from him. His father stripped his power and transferred the right to his younger son. He then had him banished a prisoner to the elven kingdom.” Velengar finished.

  “Did you say Saer?” asked Rhen surprised.

  “Yes, do you know of him?” asked the king.

  “My uncle was Vidan Oddfellow, Saer’s younger brother. I have only heard his name a few times. I just knew that he was unstable and was sent off to be helped by healers. Did my uncle know of the elves?” Rhen asked sincerely.

  “He did not know of the elves. His father learned of them by accident while exploring and mapping the northern forests. The elven king recognized him for who he was and reluctantly showed himself to him when his daughter was captured by one of his spells. She had found the human interesting and was watching him from the trees. She thought she had remained unseen. She did not know he had the power he did. He detected and captured her. Reluctantly the elven king came forward to reveal himself to the keeper to ensure the safety of his daughter.”

  “Once Saer was stripped of his powers, Adamir his father pled with the king to allow him to hide him away with the elves. His hope was that their peaceful demeanor would help his mind heal. Much has changed since the coming of Mortes and hopefully Saer has changed as well. We must get you to the elven kingdom. There you will can be trained.” Said the king.

  “I thought you said he was mad? Won’t he try to take the book from me? Why would he train me?” Nick questioned.

  “He is mad all right, mad with sorrow for what he has done. He has lost everything he held most dear, his family and the magic he loved. I don’t know that Saer will help, but I believe that there is good in everyone. I believe that everyone deserves a chance to rise after they have fallen. If he won’t help, then chances are greater that the dragon will eventually become unstoppable. Her armies grow as does she. Eventually Terran will lose everything. We will be discovered, even destroyed, and this world will mourn its existence.” Said Velengar.

  They spoke for another hour about the potential fall of the world to the dragon Mortes. They spoke of other options and plans if Saer would not help. The torches began to burn low in the great hall. Many of the dwarves at the feast had drank and ate themselves into deep sleep. Their heads and arms rested on the tables. Others sat with their heads lolled back with their mouths a gape. The others were still picking at the food left on the tables. Gone was the loud laughter and ruckus singing that had been present at the beginning of the feast.

  The king could see the two humans were tired and called for their guards to take them back to their quarters. Nick and Rhen bowed to the king and thanked him for the feast and his hospitality. Velengar smiled broadly. It was obvious he was pleased that th
ey had enjoyed the evening. They wished each other a good night as Owengar came to their side. He escorted them together with four other guards back to their quarters and left two in the street to watch the entrance. Another two were stationed right outside the entry door and Owengar informed them that he would be sleeping inside in the great room. He assured them that he would give them their privacy.

  Nick and Rhen didn’t complain. Owengar had a very pleasant personality. He was very courteous and well spoken. Nick felt more comfortable around him than the other dwarves. He had noticed at dinner that most of the other dwarves had been very pushy and very self-centered. Many boasted about the great deeds their family was known for and some boasted of their own bravery and craftsmanship. Halfway through dinner Nick had whispered to Rhen asking him who the strongest and best might be. Rhen was thinking the same thing because when he mentioned it, Rhen began to grin.

  Owengar was different. He was reserved and humble. He was intelligent and quite handsome for a dwarf. He seemed much more kind and sincere than those that sat around the table at the feast. Nick had noticed that the other dwarves seemed to ignore him and seemed to discount him. Nick and Rhen had found their interactions with him to be pleasant and felt at ease in his presence.

  Just as the king had noticed, Nick and Rhen were exhausted. As soon as they returned, they slipped into the luxurious beds they had been given for the night. The last thing Nick heard in his head as he fell asleep was the ringing of plates and glasses and the loud voices he had heard at the feast.

  Chapter 17

  The Armory

  Nick woke to the smell of fried eggs and fresh bread. He dressed himself and stumbled out into the great room. Owengar was moving about in the cooking area placing plates and utensils at two place settings. Rhen was already seated at the table and eying a platter on the counter. Owengar motioned to Nick to sit down as he saw him enter the room.

  Owengar served them up the fried eggs, ham and fresh cooked bread. There was the most delicious butter and fruit spread he had ever had to go with it. Nick thought he could get used to the way the dwarven people liked to eat. “Why are there only two place settings?” Nick asked, “Won’t you be eating as well?”

  “Oh, no I must not. I am on guard duty.” Owengar replied seriously.

  “I would be offended if you don’t.” Nick stated, “You have gone to all of this trouble and you have been away from your family all night.”

  “Are you sure? “Owengar asked tentatively.

  “I am certain.” Said Nick. Rhen nodded in the affirmative as well and pulled out the chair next to him.

  “We would be honored.” Rhen said though a mouth full off bread.

  Rhen, Nick and Owengar ate together and talked for the first part of the morning. Nick was still confused at the fact there was not much more than torch light outside the window, yet he felt like it was early on a cold winter day when the sun is scarce. He didn’t understand how a people could live inside the mountain like this without the warm sun on their skin. It made him yearn for a peak at the sky. The air in the room they were in seemed to be moist and stale. He couldn’t stop thinking of fresh air and sunlight.

  During their discussion at the table, Nick learned that Owengar was a new father. He had a wife named Keern. He glowed as he spoke of her beauty. The picture that he painted with his words was of a short midsize dwarven woman with silky red hair. He told them of her uncommonly pale wrinkle free skin and her stunning green eyes. She had been a clothing maker for the royal family and had become accustomed to the finer fabrics and niceties of the king’s family. She was always very particular about the way she was dressed and maintained her appearance. He was smitten the first time he saw her as an adult while on guard for the king’s daughter. He knew of her when they were children but never had noticed her. She was offered an apprentice position with the Royal staff and took it on her parents urging.

  He had seen her and was smitten. After finding the right moment to speak with her in one of the castle corridors in private, he was able to get her to agree to court. She was shy and hardly looked him in the eye but over time this changed. It was from this romance that they were wed and now had had a son.

  Nick could see the pride and excitement beaming from Owengar’s eyes as he told them the details. They had given the boy the name of Rowen to honor his father. Nick couldn’t help but feel a sharp pain as he thought of his father and how he had left their relationship. It made him wonder if he would ever get a chance to tell him how he truly felt. The feelings must have shown through his face as Owengar was silent for a moment…” Are you alright Keeper?” Owengar asked. “Yes, I am fine, just reminded of my family, and please call me Nick, not Keeper.” Answered Nick.

  Owengar couldn’t help but ask Nick about his family. Nick found himself talking about his family and how he came to Terran. Owengar mad e a great audience. He sat on the edge of his seat as he listened to Nick explain his world. “So, you came from a world of magic.” Stated Owengar as Nick finished explaining how an electric light worked. “No not exactly.” Nick replied. He realized that Owengar did not grasp the idea of electricity. After their long conversation, Nick felt like Owengar was very sincere and he could be trusted.

  After breakfast, they were taken before the king again. He had summoned them to come quickly. Owengar seemed tense and the guards fidgeted and looked side to side as they made their way back to the throne room. This made Nicks uneasy as well. Something wasn’t right. The dwarves in the street all stopped to watch them pass and the streets would go quiet.

  Once they entered the castle Nick expected things to settle down, but the guards seemed even more alert. When they came to the polished floors outside of the throne room, Owengar was almost pushing them towards the doors in a hurry.

  When they entered the throne room, they could see the king dressed in his white robes sitting on his throne. A look of worry spread across his brow. When he spoke, he whispered quietly. He beckoned them to come near him to the throne. “We must get you to safety. There is news from my royal guard that my people are restless and uneasy to have humans within our walls.” The king said quietly.

  “Aren’t you the king?” asked Nick without thinking.

  “Of course, I am!” shouted back the king red faced. His lips quickly came back together twitching and a look of shame crossed his face. He returned to the quiet voice he had used before “I am sorry for the lack of control. I did not want to burden you with my problems.” His voice was disturbed and uneven “There has been a group challenging my reign as king. They believe I do not honor those that came before me with my willingness to change the way we have done things for years. They want me removed from the throne and have been gaining political strength each day. Even now we have heard they are twisting this situation. They say bringing humans inside our walls is putting us all in danger and proves I am not fit for king.”

  “How is that hurting them?” Nick asked.

  “My people are very concerned that you will tell others of our existence. Dwarfs are taught not to trust humans and so, the majority don’t trust you. I am mostly concerned for your safety, not for retaining my throne.” The King finished.

  With that king Velengar beckoned a servant to his side and whispered something to him. The servant quickly ran out of the throne room through a side door in the shadows.

  “We will get you to safety, but we need to sneak you out of here now. I have my most trusted men working on supplies now and they will be here shortly. Owengar!” the king called to his guard “I need you to escort these humans and show them the way to Irenthal. You must protect them with your life. I think the high pass will be the best way out undetected. Use the mine slides. No work has been done there for at least a year.” Said the king. He then turned to Nick and Rhen. “Please do not judge my people for this. They mean well but are nervous. I expected a more pleasant reaction at the announcement of the new keeper. I really thought it would give them hope and confidence. T
hey just want to keep things as they have been. They want to be safe.”

  “I understand.” Nick said and then thought to himself “I guess we didn’t impress anyone last night.”

  Suddenly there was the sound of muffled shouting. It grew louder and louder. “Make way.” cried a voice. The sound of the guards bringing their axes together was heard outside the door. Then loud arguing. “Step aside.” came a deep voice. Soon there was pounding on the doors. Several voices called through the door “Open up your highness.” Called one. “Where are the humans?” called the other. A deep booming voice called out “Let us in to see the king. We demand an audience with him!”

  “It is Orthen!” said the guard closest to the door. “I know my own brothers voice.” The king snapped back. Just the king’s servant came scuttling back into the room. “They are ready!” he said excitedly.

  “Quick, this way!” the king motioned towards the stairs in front of the throne. The same grand stairs they had entered up when they were brought before the king.

  Nick took in one more look at the ornately carved ceiling and all the glittering gems. He still couldn’t believe how amazing it was. Then he was headed back down the polished stairs into the darkened doorway. At the bottom of the stairs was two strong looking dwarves. They held three bulging sacks over their shoulders that they handed to Owengar, Nick and Rhen. Owengar whispered something to them both and they headed up the stairs to the king. Owengar turned to face a beautifully carved silver torch holder with a burning torch in it. He reached out and pulled it towards him. With a small crack and a pop, a seam appeared along the carved trim work on the wall and the wall swung back. It was a perfectly hidden door. Nick again was amazed at the craftsmanship of the dwarves. The door was perfectly hidden to the naked eye until the trigger released the door.


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