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Coeus? Page 34

by Andur

  “... But strangely enough the job stays in the family!” The reporter continues and Grandmother stops trying to kill her sweetheart.

  “The new governor of Aether is Gideon Alvar. Age twenty three and soon to be twenty four. That makes him one of the youngest people who have ever reached such a high position. It also happens so that he is our good old governor's grandson. So he can be sure to have someone with experience close to him.” The reporter finishes.

  All eyes in the room turn to me. I turn my eyes to the ground, thinking hard about my conversation with Exo. “I think I said to him that he should put me up for whatever job seems to fit me? But I didn't mean that I want to get into the government.” How did this happen? I am not even good at doing speeches!

  “Gideon, I am so proud of you!” Grandma drops Grandpa like something filthy and runs over to hug me.

  I feel the blood draining from my face. Grandma is happy about this! There is no way I can give this job back! Exo! I'll fry that bastard the next time I see him!

  “Gideon! That means we'll stay here for a few years at least! That's so cool.” Cyla hugs me from the other side, stars gleaming in her eyes. I wonder what's going through her head?

  Being sandwiched between the two of them I decide to retreat into my own world to calm down. I'll simply switch on my own VR and spend a few subjective weeks with playing games.

  Who needs the real world?

  47. ~Piece of advice.~


  Mars was the second big colony which was settled by the mages. Unlike the colony on the moon it was moved underground right away. The Mars colony flourished since the planet had all necessary resources available.

  Earth-magic proved to be a very valuable asset in creating the huge underground caverns.


  -The true history of space flight

  Sol, Aether


  “Here you go.” Cyla hands me a plate with lasagne which she personally made. She even gives me a kiss on the cheek before sitting down right next to me, humming happily. We are alone in the mansions kitchen because I came home late again. To my surprise Cyla was still awake and waiting for me.

  While I eat I try to sort out my memories. The last month as the new governor was a real downer. I did effectively nothing else than trying to come to grips with the job. That included mainly learning the inner workings of the city. As the governor my job is to deal with everything that's unexpected or causing trouble without being already regulated by the city's laws and protocols.

  I've tried with all my might to change nothing without knowing the greater picture, relying on my predecessors. We are installing one of the new anti matter generators and a big dome, made out of diamond to make the city completely space worthy. It doesn't look like we'll ever return to earth. Until then we've to rely on energy field magic to keep a bubble of air around the city.

  Putting up a dome on a disc of Aether's size is a big project. I was also informed that the elders are thinking about sending Aether on a mission to the society of civilised races.

  They are intending to impress them as much as possible. I can hardly blame them, if a flying city like Aether isn't going to intimidate the aliens, then nothing will. In addition we've probably the biggest spell circuit in relation to our size. That means that we could use Aether as a weapon.

  But all that is only theory until we find out how much power we can really pull out of that new reactor. I made the suggestion to use the new technology in order to set up a long range teleportation network to get faster around the galaxy.

  Of course not in every star, but one node close to every intelligent species would be very convenient. We could even take fees for transportation of material and messages. Gathering intelligence is very important since we are apparently being used in a greater game.

  There was only this one incident where a new mage-immigrant from Earth got into a fight with a bar owner. Apparently the fool is an alcoholic and the bar owner refused to serve him more than just a few drinks.

  It's a clash of societies. Alcohol is something akin to poison to us since it dims our abilities. On the other hand it's still regarded as a luxury food. You aren't looked down upon if you order something alcoholic, but people start getting concerned if you order more than one drink.

  There is no explicit law against drinking, but the bar owner would be seen as irresponsible if he had served the man too many drinks.

  Who in his right mind wants to aid someone in slowly killing himself. On the other hand the people from Earth are coming from a completely different society and most of them are getting shipped to Aether.

  So I could say that we currently have a slight immigrant problem since a lot of mages are leaving Earth at the moment. I've to arrange that they are distributed to other colonies as soon as possible. I don't want any ghettos to form or a society within a society.

  The only reasonable measure against that is splitting them up as much as possible. Not hoarding them inside a care-taking centre like it's happening now.

  “You look like there are a lot of things on your mind.” Cyla smiles and tilts her head. “I can always help.”

  I force a smile onto my face. “Ah, it's just that this job involves so many social problems at the moment and I feel kind of inadequate for it.” So I tell Cyla about the cultural clashes with some of the immigrants.

  And there is also the issue with the observers from Earth who will pay a visit to Aether. How we'll deal with them should they cause trouble completely escapes my grasp. I think I'll beg the faceless to give them a watchdog. We don't want something to happen to them.

  “You'll be doing fine. You have your grandparents as aides. Probably you could simply lean back and let them do the job.” She grins at me sheepishly.

  “Yes. But I've to try at least. Luckily the boring paperwork is no big deal to me. I can simply retreat into my VR and take my time with it.” I answer.

  “So is there anything else you... want?” She runs her finger down my chest, electrocuting me a little.

  “Err... how about going to sleep?” I ask.

  “I'll be in our bed.” Cyla stands up and walks out of the room, moving her hips in a suggestive way.

  Okay. I am dense, but there is definitely something going on. It's stupid of me to complain about her being nice, understanding, helpful and sexy. But that's not Cyla. Cyla tells me in no uncertain words if there is a problem.

  I continue eating while I search my memories. She became like this shortly after it was settled in stone that we stay in Aether for a while.

  She started getting really understanding and considerate. In bed she's trying to please me as best as she can and otherwise she always asks for my wishes. But I feel that she is forcing herself to do this. It's not good.

  My thoughts are interrupted by Grandma entering the kitchen. She sits down across from me, supporting her head with her hands. “How is it going?”

  “How is what going?” I ask perplexed, sensing an annoying discussion.

  “You and Cyla?” She clarifies, not breaking her smile.

  A flashback of memories takes me back. I think Melan and Cyla spent an awful lot of time together. I often came home late and saw them talking to each other.

  I squint my eyes. “Something is going on.”

  Suddenly Melan slams her head onto the table. One of her eyes pops out and rolls across the table, coming to rest right next to my lasagne.

  Then Grandmother raises her head, looking at me with an injured expression. “Seriously? All this effort and all we got out of you is, 'Something is going on'?”

  I put down the fork in my hand, having lost my appetite. Melan's eyeballs popping out like that makes me uneasy for some reason. I am fine with blood and gore and all that stuff, but Melan's rolling eyeballs freak me out. Especially since she doesn't seem to be affected by it.

  “Cyla and you are acting strange.” I reply. “She was much too compliant during the last weeks.”
br />   “Of course she was!” Melan shakes her head and takes her eyeball back. “She was trying to get you to confess.”

  Stumped, I push the rest of the lasagne away from me. “But I already confessed? She knows how we feel about each other. We are sharing our feelings every day.”

  Melan turns red. “You may not tell others so openly about this.” Then she puts her eye back in its place.

  I raise an eyebrow. “Why not?”

  She sighs. “Sharing feelings and thoughts between lovers is something very intimate. It's the same as saying that you are fucking with each other. You aren't eating that?” She points at the lasagne.

  “Oh.” And that's against the ethic code. “No, eat it.”

  She takes the plate and simply uses my fork. “Back to topic. She wants you to 'confess' as in 'Let's marry and have children'. Cyla didn't want to tell it to you openly because she doesn't want to be the one who is offensive in this matter. I told her that it would never work with you, even if she plays cute little girlfriend for years. Dense as you are. This is going on since weeks, but after your comment right now I don't feel like watching any more. I like the girl and if you two continue this someone will get hurt. Blunt enough?”

  “Err, yeah? I guess.” Seeing it in that light. “Isn't it too early? We are still young.”

  “Please. You knew each other for almost a year and you are a good team.-”

  I interrupt Grandma to clarify. “Eight months.”

  She makes a dismissive gesture. “Trust me. That girl managed to stay at your side for that long and is still head over heels for you. She has looks and a working brain, though I am not sure what she sees in you. She didn't get that detailed with me, yet. You won't find another one like that for a few centuries, even if you are actively searching.”

  “I don't want to search for another one!” I call out. How could she get that idea.

  “Then take out your chips and fuck each others brains out. Tie the knot and be done with it. Marriage contracts can be signed afterwards.” Melan answers with a full mouth. “What do you think mages are? We may have a long lifespan, but you should be really happy if you find someone that compatible. Use the time as best you can and don't waste it with staying idle. Who knows how long you can be together without evolving apart. Especially you.”

  Melan drops the fork and starts counting with her fingers. “Before I got together with Hedeon I was together with Laurin. It was a nice time but after twenty years we eventually got bored of each other. We never even thought about having children.”

  A second finger goes up. “Then I ran completely dry until I met Ralph, I think I was eighty at that time? He was a habitat engineer. Maybe we could have become more if he hadn't died in that stupid accident with the air lock. I was completely destroyed afterwards, but that's how most mages die. Dying in an accident is much more likely than dying of old age.”

  Third finger. “Then there was Siegfried. Oh, boy. I loved that one, he was a stud. Thought there was enough time, so no need to rush. Before I knew it he ran off with that bitch to an asteroid settlement. They have something like polygamy there and he had no interest in women beyond their bodily features. I wasn't open minded enough for him. Well, sorry that I disliked his fantasies which border-lined on gang-bangs from morning till night. I don't swing that way. Was a mistake on my part, I got smarter since then. I endured another thirty years being alone. Siegfried made me a little picky in my partners.”

  Fourth finger. “Until I met Edmund. He was a high point in my life. We even had three kids until our marriage fell apart after sixty years. Don't ask for the details, some people change after a few decades. But Our kids still live on Neptune, no idea where he is, didn't bother to contact me even once since then. I've to visit them sometime.”

  Fifth finger. “Fred, was just a filler. Both of us knew that there will never be more between us than sex. But as long as it lasted we could at least comfort each other when another date didn't go as we wished.”

  Sixth finger. “Finally I and Hedeon got together. I am still a little baffled that he really sold his transporter and stayed with me. That ship was everything to him. Well. We had Rhiannon and Sadina and are playing house since then. Did I forget someone? Probably, but they can't have been that important. Are you still with me, Gideon? Do you get what I want to tell you? Should we find your grandfather and get him to tell his story too? I am sure he has a little more to tell since he is about a hundred years older than me.”

  “I- g-” I close my eyes and try to wrap my brain around this outburst. “I guess I never realized what over two hundred years mean.” Grandma doesn't look old, but hell! She never went all out on me when talking about her past. “You want to tell me that wasting time with a potential partner is stupid, even if it feels like you aren't under time pressure.”

  “Right.” She starts eating again. “So what will you do after listening to a love life of over two hundred years, learning that there were really just two memorable high points in it? Ah, and don't tell Cyla what I told you.”

  “I have to excuse myself.” I answer. “There is something I have to do.”

  “Thought so.” Melan doesn't look up from the plate.

  I stand up and flee the scene, not entirely sure if my respect for Grandma just rose or fell. What will happen if I ask Grandfather about his story?

  One floor higher I find the entire floor dark with the lights out. Probably Cyla already went to sleep. There is a limit to everything I guess.

  Upon entering the bedroom I find Cyla in a dangerous black negligee on the bed. When I enter she turns on the light and rubs her eyes. I can't help myself and have to comment her dangerous outfit. “Holy... where did you get that? I am sure this violates several moral codes.”

  Sol, Aether


  “What's took you so long?” I take a look at the clock. “I already feared that you'll be too tired to appreciate my outfit.” I roll over the bed and urge him with my finger to come closer.

  He sits down next to me. “Actually I want to ask you something.”

  “Really?” I call out with my voice breaking, then I clear my throat. “I mean, everything!”

  “Let's be together.” He kneels down in front of me and takes my hand which startles me a little. “Do you want to marry me? I don't have a ring at the moment, but we'll buy one right next morning.”

  “Yes! Yes!” My heart takes a leap and I hug him. Take that Melan! I managed it on my own and I didn't even need your help! “But why do we need a ring?”

  “Because it's custom?” He asks.

  Then it makes click inside my mind. “Oooh, you mean like in those movies of yours. No. Don't worry about a ring. That's normally not done in mage society. Though it seems like a nice custom. Maybe we will get a matching pair?” Once again he is drawing on the wrong pool of experience.

  Then he pushes me back on the bed and starts kissing me. I savour the feeling and start unbuttoning his shirt.

  Suddenly he whispers into my ears. “Where is your chip.”

  My eyes widen. “L- l- left collarbone?” I ask a little insecure and point with my finger at a little bulb under my skin. It's so small that you can't really find it if you don't know what to look for. Just a few millimetres in size. Is he really going all the way in one leap?

  He grins and hugs me, securing my arms to my body and kissing the spot which I pointed out. I gasp as a sharp pain stings me suddenly, but it quickly fades and I recognize the warmth of a healing spell.

  Gideon raises his head with the chip between his teeth and a trickle of blood on his lips. Then he spits it aside.

  “Oh, you didn't!” I start grinning. “That's such a dirty way to do this. Let me go. Where is yours?” I wriggle free and give him the same treatment. Just a little spell to lightly cut the skin and that's it. Tasting a little blood isn't that bad. “That's the naughtiest thing we've ever done!”

  “I plan to do much naughtier things.” He pulls away
the cloth and frees my breasts while reaching between my legs to use his fingers.

  “That's definitely naughty.” I gasp and hurry to free him from his pants. “You left me waiting for half an hour. Do you have any idea how desperate I already am.” I pull him closer and into me, enclosing him with my legs.

  We open our minds to each other and he starts moving. At first slowly and then faster until my mind is a total mess. After a while he turns desperate and his movements become rough and hard. All I can do is clinging to him until both of us shudder and a warm feeling starts spreading inside me.

  Sol, Aether


  I place my cheek on Cyla's, still struggling for breath. “I don't know why, but this was the best round we've ever had.”

  “Maybe because it was without the drugs from the chip?” She asks, refusing to let go of me.

  Rolling us around I get her to rest on top of me. “How about signing the contract right tomorrow morning?”

  She giggles. “And then we could throw a party for everyone.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “Whom do you want to invite? I don't have that many friends.”

  “Family and a few friends. But mainly family. My father in particular. It will be the end of him!” Cyla purrs into my ear.

  A devilish grin steals itself onto my face. “Sometime you have to explain in detail how he managed to be on your bad side.”

  “That's a long story.” Cyla places a french-kiss on my lips and starts moving again.

  48. ~All in one.~


  Aether is like many other colonies completely self-sufficient. The one kilometre thick plate on which the colony's city is built on has several levels with green houses, fields and gardens where food is produced. The walls and ceilings project a complete imitation of Earth's day and night cycle to provide a suitable environment for cattle and all daily necessities. The lower areas of the colony aren't used as living space because it's necessary to have far more free area for plants than for the population itself.


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