
Home > Fantasy > Coeus? > Page 48
Coeus? Page 48

by Andur

  This time I shroud myself inside an information barrier. Until now I refused to use invisibility since we are intending to make this operation public. But now it turns out that the aliens have a similar capability and they managed to take out some of the faceless, so holding back is foolish.

  What greets me on the other side are several dead bodies. Two faceless and half a dozen of the blue guards and four of the grey tripods. One of the faceless died in a deadly hug with a tripod, but not without ramming his hand right through the tripods torso. Since the blood is already bogged down they must have been dead before I used the claymore. The other three tripods and a few of the guards look fresh.

  I aim my gun down the corridor of level four, but there are no opponents, so I advance further down to level five where I find three tripods in a fire-fight with someone. They are on the floor's central corridor with a faceless lying between them on the floor. They are aiming around a corner at the end of the corridor.

  Remembering the speed of our friends I switch my gun to full automatic, pull out a second magazine and take aim. Then I pull down the trigger and hold it there until the magazine is empty. The gun bucks like crazy, spitting out thirty rounds in three seconds. Apparently the aliens rely heavily on their sight. The bullets tear into my target, downing him instantly.

  A second tripod is also hit and stumbles forward, only to be torn to pieces by a fireball from whoever was camping around the corner. I start reloading while the third tripod turns around to face me.

  The downed faceless suddenly comes to life, pulling a nasty bushwhacker from his belt. Tripod number three loses one leg at the joint, then a second as the blade cleanly slices and severs the limbs.

  The alien goes down right next to faceless and tries to fend off the nasty blade. But the man is in a frenzy, pulling himself toward the foe and hacking it to pieces while I approach.

  By the time I arrive the faceless is already hard at work to sever the head from the rest of the body.

  “I think it is dead.” I offer carefully, being reminded of one of my own savage short-outs.

  “Don't care. I want his head for my wall!” The faceless answers.

  “Ok.” A trophy hunter. I can sympathize with that attitude. “So how did you come back to life?”

  The faceless reaches with one hand under his clothes and puts his finger through a walnut-sized hole. “Buggers shot me with their energy weapons. But I am a nature-mage and very good with healing. Simply played dead until I got a chance for payback!”

  “Don't mind Turisu. He is one of the more eccentric ones.” Ed appears from around the corner, drawing my attention away from the faceless on the floor. Normally I don't care about much, but I hope that guy is an exception. It's another good reason for not breaking our society's laws.

  Apparently Ed sees a reason to explain further. “It's not as troublesome as you think. We use Turisu just for the really nasty jobs. He is special ops.”

  Then Ed holds a hand to his ear, which is a signal that he is currently speaking to someone via the net. After few moments he is done. “It looks like the facility is under our control. And the team which started at the lowest level found our diplomat.”

  “Nice. Let's go and take the price!” I reply and turn to head back down the corridor.

  On our way to the research facility Ed gets a better picture of the situation. A hundred faceless and sprites took part in the operation. Of those we lost four men and three sprites.

  We've wiped the area clean of any inhabitants who accounted to about four hundred employees and guards.

  I scratch my cheek. “Do you think they got the message?”

  Ed shrugs. “Who knows. We are dealing with several different factions. The diplomats said that we will get away with a show of force and the elders decided to show all of them that messing with us isn't a small gamble.”

  “It's just that I hope that we don't have to hunt down more facilities like this one. What about this manager guy? Rusch, did we get him?” I ask.

  Ed shakes his head. “I wasn't informed of his whereabouts. If we are unlucky he might have been under the people who tried to run.”

  “Oh.” How very annoying. Identifying him among the charred corpses will be a real pain in the ass.

  Down on the last floor we find a medical facility with our ambassador on an operating table. There are several of our medics who are trying to unplug him from various devices, but to be honest I've not too much hope for the man. His body looks like someone dissected him to make one of those sculptures of dead bodies. Only that the poor guy seems to be alive.

  “By the dark arts!” Ed calls out and places a hand over his mouth. “We should have kept more of them alive to broadcast a few torture videos of our captives!”

  “You made captives?” I ask with curiosity. I've simply shot everyone I encountered. Seemed the best solution since I had no way to secure them.

  Ed ignores me and catches one of the medics by the arm. “Will he survive?”

  The medic shrugs his shoulders. “Maybe. I find it more fascinating that the aliens managed to dissect him like a topological map without actually killing him. It speaks for their medical knowledge.”

  I scratch my neck and turn around. It feels again like someone is following me. Then I face Ed. “Say, oh great faceless. Is it possible that one of your men was following me during my mission? I've had this itchy feeling since a while now. It's like someone is breathing down my neck.”

  “No?” Ed turns to survey the room. “I don't know many techno-mages who could uphold a personal shroud barrier for days while walking around the station. Especially not to the degree that even you can't find them. Are you sure that it isn't just imagination?”

  “I am not sure of anything. That's why I ask.” I answer. “How many?”

  Ed tilts his head. “Your grandparents, Sanguin, you, Sadina and maybe three or four others. Maybe Cyla, but she isn't the type to hide.”

  One of Ed's subordinates waves for us. He was checking the alien computer system.

  “I've found something!”

  67. ~Post-It.~


  If our limited sensory input is just a function of what we perceive as our world, then what would happen if we could get a glimpse at reality.


  -Zeen wisdom

  Galactic Centre, Gathering-Station


  'I've found something.' What a weak reaction to what is displayed on the screen in front of us. It's a star-chart with countless lines and variously shaped orbs and blobs which mark political spheres of interest. What's interesting though, is that Sol's position is highlighted in a bright, yellow colour. A grey line runs right through it, circling around the galaxy while several waves of deformed, orange shapes run towards it.

  “That looks like a depiction of the Drazi advance towards Earth.” I order the translator on my hand to convert the time-scale. “And if that's correct, then the Forlorn Empire will be hit in eight to nine years by the first really big wave.”

  “And a few months later it will be our turn.” Ed tilts his head and flicks a finger for his subordinate. “What's that? The grey line? Bring me one of the fucking butchers who worked here.”

  The man nods and leaves the room. Seconds later he returns with a pink, stick-like alien. The faceless manhandles the weak looking creature roughly, but it turns out that the thing proves quite resilient and bends like a weed in the wind. It's base form is humanoid, but the joints are bent the wrong way and it has no head. Instead there is one eye in its torso. The grey clothes are cut to accommodate that feature.

  Ed gestures at the screen. “Explain to avoid pain.” Then he includes the whole room. “What did you hope to accomplish here?”

  The alien remains silent. Its searching eye flicks from Ed to me, then to its guard.

  Ed sighs. “Do your work.”

  The faceless who fetched the alien draws a big bushwhacker and steps closer. I've already seen that guy a
t work and I've to admit that he is efficient.

  But the alien spoils the fun by starting a low humming. “We just did what Resch paid us to do. Researching your species. In every way possible and finding out your connection to the silent gods.”

  “Bullshit. There are no gods.” Ed gestures for his subordinate to continue.

  The alien raises both hands. “Of course they aren't gods. That's just their name. The silent gods are one of the oldest known races which are known to us. Maybe they are even older than the Zeen. But where the Zeen mingle and interact with younger species, the silent gods just watch and go about their own business.”

  The researcher walks to the screen and points at the grey line. “The silent gods don't talk to anyone and if you get too close to one of their ships they simply destroy you.”

  “What does that have to do with us?” I ask, a suspicion creeping up my spine.

  “They move around the galaxy in huge, slow seed ships. Nobody ever managed to get close enough to gleam any valuable information. We call them seed ships because from time to time they visit a dead system. When they leave, one of the planets has a suitable ecosystem with everything that's needed to sustain life.”

  The alien gestures at our ambassador who is still being treated by the medics. “There are only very, very few documented cases in which their passing also left behind an intelligent life-form. In all cases they had abilities which are far beyond reasonable.”

  “Like?” Ed asks.

  “The Binary are one example. They have an unexplainable telepathic bond with each other. Or the Estrim, whom we used as guards. Not only are their bodies stronger and faster than is normal for a creature of their size, but they also have a strange immunity to various forms of energy.”

  It pats once more on the screen. “You also have a strange power and indeed, if our figures are correct, then a few thousand years ago a seed ship of the silent gods passed through your part of the galaxy. They move in very predictable patterns and thanks to their slow movement we can be fairly sure that they visited your homeworld and created you. I've the theory that they created all life within the galaxy.”

  “Oh, cut the crap! Scientology? Really?” I shout. “That's more than lame.”

  “What's Scientology?” Ed asks, confused by my outburst.

  “Never mind. Listen. There was life on Earth long before that, we found the fossils. The most I can believe that they tried to meddle with us for whatever reason. And in the end they had to admit that dealing with our ancestors wasn't worth the effort.”

  Ed nods. “However. As long as those 'silent gods' are flying away from Sol and keep their fingers in their own pockets they are none of our business.” He points at the ambassador. “What about that!”

  The alien turns to look at the operating table. “We tried to learn how your 'magic' works. But he wasn't very useful, so we put him under and took a look at his body. Honestly. Is it true that most members of your race don't know how their ability functions? You simply grab the energy around you and manipulate it into the right pattern and it works?”

  Ed crosses his arms in front of his chest. “Yes, you have a problem with that? Do you know exactly how you breathe and walk? Can you tell me why your heart beats without you controlling it?”

  The alien just stares at Ed. “No. But we learned that it seems to be a matter of the mind. We got your friend to draw a few of the basic magical patterns for us.”

  “And?” I ask. We never shared any form of specific magical education with the aliens. Especially not the runes. We didn't even show them to normal humans as far as we managed to avoid it.

  “Just looking at them caused us severe headaches.” The alien starts shifting uncomfortably. “One of my co-workers looked at a more complex pattern and went mad!”

  I raise an eyebrow. “Well. The patterns derivate from complex calculations and formulas. Maybe your minds are too feeble to see the truth behind reality.” I close my eyes. “That would at least explain why the Drazi whose minds I read all turned into vegetables. If someone whose mind isn't fit for the use of magic connects deep to a mage's mind the fuse simply lights up and is gone.”

  “What truth?” The alien asks.

  “It's all just energy.” I mock the creature. “Who knows. There is no way to know what it is you can't comprehend. Once you come into contact with the unexplainable the question turns pointless since you turn mad.” I grin at our captive.

  “To get back to the more important point.” Ed turns the conversation away from scientific matters and to political ones. “What does Resch have to do with the Zeen and other political powers?”

  The scientist shakes his head. “I am just a lowly researcher! Nobody tells me what the information I unearth is used for.”

  “I see.” Ed gestures with his hand and the alien is taken away by a faceless. “Of course we'll have to increase our political efforts and verify what the alien just told us. But we have people who are specializing in verifying the truthfulness of information.”

  “Why not simply take a look at their memories and be done with it?” I ask.

  At least the scientist didn't lie when he said that some species turn mad upon getting in contact with our minds. I am not fully sure why, but the Forlorn and Zeen were less affected.

  I purse my lips and point out. “We never interrogated a Forlorn or Zeen with mind magic.”

  “That's true and unless they fuck up it won't happen soon. And we won't throw away our prisoners of war, just to get a little hasty information.” Ed explains.

  “Now, if that wasn't sarcasm, then I don't know what is.” I sigh. “Am I right that my presence isn't needed any longer? I'll go back to my work.”

  Galactic Centre, Gathering-Station


  This is so unbelievably interesting! And it explains many things. I always wondered why some parts of mage DNA looks engineered and optimized.

  I've to research all this further. When I followed Gideon to assist him from the shadows I never expected to stumble across such a secret. Although Gideon is able to take care of himself. My assistance wasn't really needed.

  I walk to the alien computer, carefully avoiding the faceless who is working on it. Then I connect to its database and pull a complete image to my hand-held touchpad.

  It's just a matter of a few seconds, then I've all the data I need to satisfy my curiosity.

  My eyes wander to Gideon and Ed who are talking to each other. Giving in to a sudden inspiration I pull a sticky Post-it note and a pencil from my coat and start writing.

  “Dear Gideon,

  You did very well today and I am happy about your new family. I am so proud and I already paid the child a visit.

  PS: Don't always do Cyla from behind. Girls like it from the front.

  Your Mom”

  I pull the Post-it from the block and slam it on Gideon's back one moment before he teleports. Feeling like having accomplished something I retreat from the facility as fast as possible. It isn't the first time that I was surrounded by faceless, but I shouldn't strain my luck too much.

  68. ~Reactions.~


  And today one of Resch Coorp.'s branch facilities was literally purged from Gathering-Station by the newly arrived species called Humans. The inhabitants of Gathering-Station have to mourn over two hundred people who worked for the company. We don't know the actual fate of many who were caught up in the incident, but the released footage doesn't give much hope.

  The reason for this diplomatic disaster is apparently the abduction of an ambassador by Resch Coorp. The newcomers retaliated in a most disconcerting way. Some species voiced their approval after the Humans released proof that their ambassador was indeed found in Resch's facility and that his treatment was against everything what should be done to an intelligent being.

  The Zeen see no viable way to intervene or mediate in this conflict, as the Humans still refuse to sign any of the contracts between civilised species.

>   Meanwhile Resch Coorp. is denying all evidence and voiced their intention to retaliate with all possible force...


  -Calderian news channel

  Galactic Centre, Aether


  I crumble the note between my fingers and look at Melan who is sitting across from me in my office. “So? Any idea how she managed to walk up right next to me and stick that fucking thing onto my back? And apparently she was right next to us in our house! I don't know where to feel safe any more. Up until now it was just those creepy calls, but now it feels like hunting her down is my only option!”

  Melan shakes her head. “It might not be as bad as you think. As you know our house is full of cameras and microphones for safety reasons. It's far more likely that she hacked the security system. I'll check it from top to bottom as soon as I get home.”

  “And her shroud spell?” I ask.

  “Sadina was a very eager student of mine. Before I met your grandfather I earned my money with a trait which isn't quite legal.” Melan starts kneading her fingers. Luckily all I have to do to get her spilling the beans is squinting my eyes.

  “Industrial espionage. I was quite good at it.” She confesses.

  I gesture at her face. “Is that where the eyes come from?”

  “Not quite. Though I have to say that my mutation is quite handy if I want to set up a secret surveillance system.” She sighs. “But the problem is that I taught Sadina an illegal version of the shroud spell when she was younger. It's illegal because it's so good, there is almost no possibility to get through it. It is used for our ships, but this version is optimized to a degree that it can be used as a personal cloaking spell by a techno-mage. The version you know of is probably only half as efficient, as it doesn't include sound or smell and some electromagnetic signals.”

  “And how did you happen to learn an illegal spell?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.


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