Visionary Investigator

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Visionary Investigator Page 11

by Yumoyori Wilson

  “He knows about the Elemental.” Kendrick commented; the remark was more to himself than us.

  “What’s an Elemental?” Ethan questioned. I pushed off the wall before walking in front of Kendrick’s desk to face them.

  "Not a what…it’s a who. The Elemental is a person who is born into the world every now and then OR is awakened when the previous Elemental is murdered. It's extremely rare for two Elementals to be alive at the same time and if so, there's usually a correlation or preparation that one is going to die. The Elemental is always female." I explained.

  "Xerxes is afraid of the reading Saikikku foretold about his time being up and the Elemental getting rid of him?" Christian proposed. I nodded.

  “An Elemental is no joke and should never be underestimated. They can live many years, way past the one-hundred-year point. The reason why they die is usually due to being murdered." I explained.

  "What does the Elemental have to do with us?" Junho questioned.

  I glanced over my shoulder. Kendrick nodded. I returned to face them before taking a breath.

  "Scarlet may be the Elemental. Myself, Kendrick and a few higher-ups in charge of paranormal equilibrium in this realm have narrowed it down to five females." I revealed.

  The room was completely silent; the four of them stared at me with blank expressions.

  "So...can I be excused to lose my shit outside?" Ethan’s hand rose. I sighed. Don't want a dark fairy in the office.

  "Go for a walk, Ethan." Jaxson ordered. We watched him rise to his feet before leaving the room.

  "Ethan and his anxiety. Lucky, he's at least good with computers." Junho commented.

  "You know he's the complete opposite of his spirit." Christian pointed out.

  "Of course. He's a dark fairy. They're brutal. Summon that bad boy and you’re guaranteed in a room of twenty people, he'd be the last one standing." Jaxson muttered.

  "How are you guys feeling?" I questioned.

  "Shocked. Confused. Worried. If Xerxes knows about her existence, he'll either get rid of her or want her for his own plans." Jaxson replied.

  "Which means she's in danger." Christian acknowledged.

  "I know you guys said you can't sense anything from Scarlet, but I think you're mistaken." Junho replied.

  We focused our eyes on him. He was relaxed in his chair, looking at the ceiling.

  "Care to elaborate?" I questioned, crossing my arms.

  "Michael and I were talking. We both sense something from her. But it's blocked. Like hmmm. How do I explain it? My spirit can sense something, and Michael's spirit is picking up something from her. But it's muted or out of reach. It’s as if whatever is locked within her is in a glass orb that’s finally cracked; her essence is slowly leaking out. If what you guys are saying is true...the crack is only going to get bigger and bigger." Junho explained, lowering his head to face us.

  "Until it breaks." Christian mumbled. Junho nodded.

  "I don't know if Scarlet's this Elemental, but we need to tell her sooner or later, and I’d prefer sooner. I don't want her unattended, until we can rule out this Elemental thing." Jaxson admitted. The other two nodded.

  "Michael and Ethan would agree there. If Xerxes is after Scarlet or the other four potentials we need to know who they are and keep an eye out. Scarlet, however, is the only one who can't protect herself." Junho reminded.

  "Sir. Can you perhaps assign investigators or private agents to keep an eye on the other potentials?" Christian pointed out.

  "It's been done for quite some time, Christian. Years actually. This project started twenty years ago." Kendrick replied, smiling.

  "Twenty..." Junho commented, trailing off as he gave me a curious look.

  "How old are you, Cece?" He questioned. Christian chuckled. I gave him a look before he stopped.

  “Never ask a woman her age. It's rude. I'll always be twenty-five. And just for reference, I'm the same age as Scarlet. Anyways, best for me to be heading back. Scar should be awake soon and I have to do something before I go back." I announced before making my way to the door. The guys were close – so close to figuring out what was going on, but until Kendrick and I was ready to throw our complete trust into the five males before us…the secret of who Scarlet was would remain just that – a secret.

  "Make sure you guys inform Ethan and Michael of all the details. I'll let you know when it's the best time to confront Scarlet." I turned and gave Kendrick a nod before taking my leave, opening the door to a green-eyed male.

  "I'm back." Ethan announced.

  "The others will catch you up. I'll see you around, fairy boy." I patted his head.

  "You know I'm not new anymore." He mumbled but walked in.

  "How does she appear anytime you need her and knows everything?" I heard Ethan remark as I began to close the door.

  "That's just Cece for you." Christian replied; the amusement leaked off his deep voice. I lightly closed the door; a smile formed on my lips.

  Yup. That's me alright. Now, back to my duties.


  “Mommy. Don't go outside. I don't want you to leave me."

  I couldn't stop the tears from flowing; my heart hurt as I pulled at my mom's hand, not wanting her to leave me. It was dangerous outside, I could feel it.

  "Honey, it's okay. Shhh, come here."

  She picked me up as I cried into her shoulder, clinging to her like my life depended on it.

  "Mommy just needs some fresh air from Daddy. I promise I'll be back tonight to tuck you in, and then tomorrow, we'll open Christmas gifts." She brushed my hair with her hand as she swayed side to side.

  "But snow? It's snowing. Mommy don't go. It's bad." I continued to cry.

  "I'll be fine Scarlet. I'll be quick I promise. I need to give a stone to someone. It's for them to protect."

  "Protect? Can I protect it, so you don't go?” I asked her, pulling back to stare at her bright green eyes.

  "Hmm. I still need to go out, but I could give you something, but you have to promise me to ALWAYS wear it."

  "Always. Yes, I promise! Cross my heart." She smiled before setting me down, walking back into her room and retrieving a decorated box. She went on her knees, presenting me the gift.

  I squealed before taking the box that was as big as me, rushing to open it.

  I gasped at the necklace; the shiny, rose gold jewelry with a beautiful, familiar mark on it.

  "Mommy! This matches my mark!" I jumped up and down.

  "Haha yes, honey. Now, come here so I can put it on.”

  I came up close to her face as she took the locket from my hand, clasping it around my neck.

  "Always keep this with you. No one else will be able to take it off. Inside is something precious but you won't be able to open it until the time is right. Understood Scarlet? Always keep it with you. It will protect you."

  "Yes, Mommy." I replied, holding it in my hands.

  "Now go back to drawing, and don't go touching everything. Vision adventures can happen later." She tickled me, making me laugh.

  "But Mommy! I'm gonna be an investigator one day. I can be a Visionary Investigator. Grandma said I could. I'll stop bad guys."

  I would help people with my gift. Grandma said so.

  "Yes, you will honey. I'll always be watching you succeed. Trust in the objects that share their memories with you. It will help you save many people one day." She encouraged.

  "Yes, Mommy. I love you." I opened my arms to hug her, holding her tight. Why does it feel like I'll never see mommy again?

  "I love you too, Scarlet. My little prodigy. Be strong till I return okay? Stay in your room till Auntie Nela gets here." I nodded.


  She let me go before making her way to my room, opening the door for me.

  "Bye-bye, Mommy."

  "Bye-bye, Scarlet love. Be good." I watched her walk down the hall that looked so far away, waving over and over.

  She looked over her shoulder one last
time – her eyes turned blue for a split second as she smiled; a tear rolled down her cheek. A bright yellow light shone around her; my eyes grew wide at the double pair of wings; one set of black and one set of white.

  I blinked, rubbing at my eyes but when I opened them, she was gone.


  “Scarlet wake up.”

  I opened my eyes, feeling a tear roll down my cheek as I saw a fuzzy image before me – bright blue-green eyes looking down. My vision focused; Cece’s face peered down at me.

  "Cece?" I questioned; my head felt fuzzy. What the fuck happened? Where am I?

  "Hey. How you are feeling?"

  My eyes scanned the unfamiliar room. I tried to sit up; Cece helped me.

  "Um...I'm kind of confused. I had a dream about my mom again." I confessed; my voice cracked. Cece pulled me in a hug.

  "I know. You were calling her name in your sleep." She rubbed my back as I hugged her, letting the tears spill down my cheeks.

  "Maybe if...if I stopped her. She'd be here...I miss her Cece." I confessed as I cried quietly.

  "I know."

  We shared a moment as Cece let me cry in her arms; needing to vent the anxiety and sadness in me. When I finally calmed down, I pulled away.

  "Thanks, Cece. Sorry," I apologized.

  "You're my best friend, Scarlet. I'll always be here." Cece replied, giving me a smile.

  I relaxed taking in my surroundings. I was in a large bedroom, lying on one side of the king-size bed; the headboard black to match the black and white sheets. The whole room was themed with the simplistic white that covered the walls to the little pieces of art around the room. The rest of the furniture was either plain black or a mixture of both colors in a pop out print like polka dots or stripes.

  Cece relaxed in an expensive looking chair that had been moved closer to the bed.

  The window was covered by black curtains; the thick fabric had a white dove design in rows from top to bottom. The lamp on the nightstand was the only thing shining enough to light most of the room. What time is it?

  As I continued to assess my surroundings in immense detail, courtesy of four years of schooling, I noticed the familiar black fur-ball at the end of the bed; his head lifted as if sensing my shocked expression.

  "Where am I, and why is Moonlight here?" I questioned.

  Moonlight walked up to me before brushing his head against my hand, purring away. I smiled.

  "Hello to you, too, Moonlight. How did you get here, hmm?" I cooed to him as he sat; his tail waved back and forth as he continued to purr. I enjoyed a moment to pet him and reassure him I was okay, before glancing at Cece.

  "You’re at Jaxson's place. From what the guys explained, Ethan's accident-prone self crashed into you, and you knocked into evidence and were able to save it from destruction but hit your head really hard before going into a vision, drawing everything out and passing out in front of all of them." She explained.

  I took a moment to process everything before I closed my eyes.

  "Alright heavenly Father, you can take me now." I prayed, ready for death.

  "Stop being dramatic." Cece nudged me. My eyes opened as I turned to glare at her. I already felt like crying again.

  "Cece! I just ruined my chance with the top organization in this whole damn country! Especially with Jaxson's team, with investigators who are fun but get shit done! I probably failed my exam. Maybe ruined my chance with Jaxson too. Ugh, my life is ruined." I laid back down, grabbing the pillow next to me.

  I pressed it against my face.

  "My life is so fucking over." I cried; my voice muffled thanks to the pillow. Cece just sighed, waiting for me to finish my pity party.

  I took a moment to compose myself before removing the pillow to look at her.

  "Are you done?" She questioned, giving me her ‘stop sobbing or I'll slap you’ look.

  "Yes." I replied.

  "Kendrick called me. He said you passed. He wanted to tell you himself, but he has to deal with some student spilling acid all over a dead body.”

  "I passed. How? But I went all vision like and passed out and caused trouble, and now, I'm in the guy’s, who I had a one-night stand with and who by the way is leader of the team, bedroom with my CAT! How did Moonlight even get here?" I looked down at the cat who laid in my lap.

  Cece shrugged.

  "Don't know. Maybe he followed you. Remember the time when you were so drunk you couldn't find your way home, and Moonlight came out of nowhere and your drunk ass followed him all the way to the front door where Alfred had to carry your ass up to your apartment."

  "I wanted to forget that. So embarrassing, but I see your point." I seriously wondered about my cat. Feline stalker level – EXPERT.

  "Anyways, it was a unanimous decision. The boys want you as an apprentice with PINC."




  "Scar did you break on me? Ugh, this better not be like that time I thought you went into shock. Scar? Hello?" She waved her hand in front of my face. I'm a part of PINC?

  "'re joking. Or pulling my leg." I whispered.

  I'd dreamed and worked my ass off to be able to one day be a part of Paranormal INC, even if it was just for a moment.

  "Nope. Not joking. You're their new apprentice. The contract is ready for you to sign."

  "O. M. G! Cece! This is awesome. Even though I fucked up, they want me!" I squealed trying not to knock Moonlight off my lap as I tried to stay still.

  "Of course, they do, Scarlet. Don't look down on your gift. It's a blessing, not a curse. They get that. Jaxson and Kendrick explained to them."

  "Kendrick! He told them our...uh...history?" I questioned. My gut was telling me that the boys could be trusted with knowing that my relationship with Kendrick was more than just professor and student, but the anxiety of keeping up his image since my childhood would kick in; resulting in me being concerned.

  "They only know that Kendrick takes great pride in you as both a student and a dear one to him. I don't think they realize the extent of his care for you, but they got the impression that if anything happens to you, they're screwed." Cece laughed.

  "That's good." I smiled.

  "Do you remember anything? Like your vision?" Cece questioned, concern filled her facial expression. I sighed.

  "No. Everything is a blur. I don't really remember all of it." I admitted. The only thing I could remember is some Xerxes person. But I think I should withhold that for now. No point in telling them with no other evidence to back it up.

  With about ninety percent of my visions, I wouldn’t remember any of it. That included the moment I began sketching out the images. The moment I snapped out of my trance, I either fainted or saw the scattered drawings before me – cueing me in on having a vision in the first place. Cece stared at me for a moment, looking deep in thought.

  “Scar. I need to tell you something, but it's not the right time or place. Can I tell you once you get some free time?"

  I stared into her eyes – her colored orbs reflected both worry and a hint of apprehensiveness. I was worried, but my gut wasn't telling me it was bad.

  "Okay. Unless you’re revealing that you're a murderous mastermind or some shit. I can't deal with that." I joked.

  I trusted Cece and knew if it was urgent she'd disclose whatever information she was withholding. If she was waiting till later, chances are she wanted to make sure I'd be out of harm's way.

  "Thank you for always trusting me." She whispered.

  "Always." I replied before yawning.

  "I think you should sleep some more."

  "I can't sleep here! It's not my house and ugh, Jake. I need to text him or call him or something." I replied, wondering where my phone was but already struggling to stay awake.

  "No, you need to break up with him, tomorrow. You know if you're going to be working at PINC you can't deal with any distractions and that includes Jake. I know you don't love him anymore. It
's not fair to you or him. Break up with him." Cece rose to her feet giving me a stern look.

  We stared at one another before I finally gave in with a sigh. I'm too exhausted to argue and she does have a point.

  "Fine. I'll break up with him. But, at least tell him I'm alive. Not like he cares." I mumbled the last part.

  "Scar. He did love you once. Maybe he still does somewhere...but...I think it's time you move on and try something new." Cece whispered as she walked up to my side and gave me a hug.

  She pulled back; her hands landed onto my shoulders, urging me to lay back down.

  "You’re right." I agreed as I yawned again. I watched Cece walk to the door, opening it before lowering the lights.

  "It's just you and me tonight. Jaxson and the boys are working on the case, so they won't be here. If you need anything I’ll be in the other room, but try to get some rest. Tomorrow, you have to go to Jaxson’s office at PINC headquarters and sign the contract before receiving your assignment. Make sure you break up with Jake tomorrow. If you need me, I'm a call away." She explained, giving me a half smile.


  "Yes, Scarlet."

  "He’s cheating…isn't he?"


  "Thanks, Cece."

  I didn't need her to answer. When Cece was quiet it either meant she couldn’t say something, or she didn't want to hurt someone.

  I didn't need her to spell it out. Her tense shoulders and strained expression were enough. I gave her a wide smile.

  "See ya in the morning, bestie. Love ya."

  "I love ya more, Scar. Sleep well." She replied, walking out of the room and closing the door.


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