Visionary Investigator

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Visionary Investigator Page 15

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Scarlet’s the Elemental, isn't she?" He whispered; his eyes flickered between his original turquoise color and purple.

  I nodded.

  "No doubt about it. But how are we going to tell her without her freaking out? Cassandra said no stress." I proposed.

  "Well, she said to distract her first. Why don't we plan something to get her mind off things? Then we’ll focus on Lizard breath. From the way Cassandra stated it, he won't be appearing tomorrow or the day after so let's see how Scar recovers."

  I nodded in agreement. Cece had some level of foresight; her power very similar to Michael’s and Scar’s. I didn’t know exactly how powerful it was, but Cece always showed up at the right place when you needed her. Her predictions were never wrong either.

  The clanking of a chain echoed in the alleyway as we turned our attention back to Jake who was fighting the chain holding his ankles.

  "Does he think he can escape us?"

  I smiled at the fearful expression on his face; my spirit’s sinister voice echoed in my mind.

  "Get back to Scarlet's. Michael is probably in desperate need of a nap, and Ethan and Jaxson should head back to headquarters and inform Kendrick. He'll lose his shit if we don’t tell him about Scar, and I've had more than enough outrage for one day. Once Scarlet’s stable we need to regroup and put all the pieces together so we all are aware of what we're dealing with. If Saikikku is involved with Scarlet, this isn't just an Earth thing. Whatever this is, it will affect the other realms."

  "Understood. I'll see you in a few." He nodded, turning and walking forward.

  "If you need help with getting rid of the evidence let me know." He called out, walking through the barrier we placed, as he entered the crowded streets.

  I smiled, realizing it was just me and Jake, who continued pulling on the chains on his legs.

  "Now then. Why don't we get started? Don't worry. I'll make sure not even Rebecca will find your remains." I whispered; power flowed in my eyes as I lifted my hand – dark flames emerged.

  Let's have some fun.

  Chapter Thirteen

  "Mommy. Why do we have to enter this house? It's scary."

  I gripped my mom's hand tighter as I cowered behind her. The house before us looked haunted. I didn't like ghosts. Their stories were always sad.

  "Honey, it’s about your visions. It will help you I promise." She whispered.

  "Mommy, am I sick like the doctors and nurses say? They say I'm crazy. I don't think I'm crazy. I don't mind Serenity and Aurora. They don't hurt me."

  The voices in my head loved me. I didn't understand why everyone wanted to take them away. She gave me a sad smile as she knelt down to face me.

  "You're not sick or crazy love. They just don't understand us. We're a little different but Saikikku will help us. I’m sorry for always taking you to those doctors and institutes. You don’t belong there, but Mommy had to do this, so you can stay in school and people don’t start questioning what we are. But with everything going on, I can't put your life in jeopardy. I came down here thinking we'd be safe, but I'm having some regrets." She mumbled the last part to herself.

  "Do you regret having me?" I whispered.

  Her eyes widened as she shook her head.

  "Oh baby, I'd never regret having my bundle of joy. You’re the reason I work so hard and paint again. I know Daddy is just dealing with some issues, but he still loves you. Uncle Kendrick loves you dearly, and your grandma from my side of the family is really far away, so she can't come see you, but she'd love you, Aurora and Serenity. You’re normal in our family love." She pulled me into a hug as she lifted me up, rising to her feet.

  "Okay." I tightened my hold around her neck, still feeling sad.

  "Honey, trust me. Saiki will make things a bit better.”


  I opened my heavy eyelids; the familiar ceiling greeted me in the darkened room. I felt a hand brush against forehead; my eyes peered up to see a pair of turquoise eyes.

  "Junho?" I whispered, realizing I was in his arms, my back pressed against his chest.

  "Hey. Sorry I thought you'd sleep a bit longer, but you looked distressed, so I woke you up." He admitted.

  I looked around my dark room, realizing it was my “Scar Only” room.

  "How did you get in here? Actually, how did I get here? The last thing I remember was Christian at the door. Um...and everything else is kinda blurry." I questioned, trying to remember what happened when Christian arrived, but everything felt fuzzy.

  "You fainted. I think everything that happened took a toll on you and you passed out. Cece knows and told us the passcode to your room. She said you’re more comfortable in here. Jaxson carried you in here.” He explained.

  "Oh." I replied.

  "Scarlet. How are you feeling?"

  "Tired. Depressed...I feel like shit. Guess, I thought it would be easier breaking up with Jake." I mumbled, relaxing in his embrace.

  When was the last time Jake held me in his arms? All he cared about was sex. Once that was over and done with he'd turn to his side of the bed and be snoring away. Yet, a guy I just met was willing to hold me in his arms while I slept to make me feel better.

  "Breaking up with someone you once loved is never easy." He whispered.

  "Why are you holding me anyways? You barely know me." I didn't mean to sound rude, but I couldn't wrap my head the idea around.

  "When I was small and didn't feel well, my mom would always let me lay against her chest. She said that human touch can have amazing healing potential and make your soul feel better. Now that I'm an adult, I know it was just her way to comfort me. But, I still think it does some good. You were restless before but the moment I held you in my arms; you fell into a deep sleep." He admitted.

  I looked up to see his eyes; sadness reflected from those light turquoise orbs as he stared forward.

  "Where is she now?" He looked down at my curious face, a sad smile formed on his pink lips.

  "She's with the stars now. She was killed." He replied.

  "I'm sorry." I couldn't help reaching up; my hand pressed against his cheek. He closed his eyes for a moment, looking like he enjoyed the warmth of my hand. Maybe the human touch did do something to calm one's soul.

  "I know you don't know any of us very well yet, but Team Seven all have one thing in common: we’ve all lost someone dear to us. I guess, it's our motivation to tackle these cases. So many murders are unsolved; their memory nothing but a file in a dusty cabinet. We want to help bring closure to those families and friends left behind. Maybe for some, life goes on, but for other people, they hold on to the memory not able to move on or move past it. I just want to help bring justice. That's what I would want for my mom."

  His hand pressed against mine as he smiled – those fingers fell into the spaces of my spread-out hand. He lowered my hand, still holding it in his. I stared at my palm; his fingers relaxed against it.

  "I want to help bring justice too. It may not fill the void in their heart, but the closure that comes with finding out the person who stole that light away from them is receiving their rightful punishment is a satisfying feeling." I whispered.

  "Did they find who murdered your mom?" He questioned softly.

  I shook my head. "Nope. It's just one of those files in the forgotten cabinet. My father didn't care that she was murdered. He had already moved on to his mistress, but I guess he still loved her seeing as he took his anger and regret out on me. Maybe one day I'll be able to do what you guys do and solve her murder case. Maybe then, she'd truly rest in peace." I explained.

  "When the time is right, I'll join you." Junho replied. I looked up to him, seeing the determination in his eyes.


  "Because I want to. I know we just met, but it feels like I've known you for years. Weird, right? I think the others feel the same; like there’s some type of connection. When I saw you in the living room it just kinda clicked. I didn't even realize you were a student. I guess the
stars brought us together. When you’re ready to tackle that mountain, you let me know."

  I smiled.

  "Okay." I whispered, feeling a tad better. I relaxed in his embrace as we sat in the dark, the silence comforting. Whoever Junho's girlfriend is, she’s a lucky girl.

  "Junho?" I whispered.


  "Do you have a girlfriend?"


  "Why?" I didn't understand how he couldn't have one. He was the whole package, from his looks to his kind personality. He did have a sense of pride and power in his initial appearance, but it wasn't cocky.

  "I don't know. I haven't found anyone who catches my interest. Well, until recently." He commented.

  "Recently. Who?" I asked looking up.

  "A bright orange head who can stop traffic and find more evidence in three minutes than a whole task force did in four hours." He smiled at my shocked expression.

  "You...think I'm interesting? I'm weird. All I've done is faint, and my drama just fell into you guys’ laps." I argued.

  "You aren't weird. You’re unique and your life drama didn't fall in our lap. Jaxson and the rest of us want to be here. We help each other regardless, whether it's work-related or personal. We're a team, and you’re a part of that team now, Scarlet."

  I gawked at him, trying to find the words to argue but was more surprised when he lowered his head – his lips met my parted ones.

  My body seemed to relax; my eyes closed as I kissed him back. I didn't know what was wrong with me, or maybe I just needed the physical contact after being heartbroken. Is this not cheating?

  I pulled away to face him.

  “If…I’m interested in you and Jaxson. Wouldn’t that make me like Jake? I don’t want to cheat like Jake did to me. He'd been cheating for who knows how long, yet I was just too blind to see. I don’t want either of you to feel the way I currently do."

  "You weren't blind, Scarlet. You trusted him, and he took advantage of that trust. You were in school, weren't you? How would you possibly focus on his activities when you were balancing school and any other commitments you had? You're not in a relationship to babysit. Jake is a grown ass man, and you trusted he'd commit or tell you if he wanted to move on. Not be sneaky and be with someone else behind your back. This doesn’t make you like him. You bringing light to the issue now shows you don’t want anyone getting hurt in an open relationship. Jaxson cares about you and would give one-hundred percent to be with you. "

  "But...I just kissed you."


  "So? But you just said Jaxson would commit to me. If I commit to him, I can't um…I can't be committed to you, too.” He laughed, making me confused.

  "Sweetheart, trust me. Jaxson wouldn't care if I wanted you too. In fact, we'd probably end up sharing you. Michael and Christian look interested too. Even Ethan looks at you in a lovey-dovey way. If we tried fighting for you, we'd all lose to Michael. Actually, Michael and Jaxson would probably be tied qualifiers, unless they brought money into the picture. Then I'd win." He winked, a playful smirk formed on his lips.

  Wait they would share me? “You’re...okay with sharing?" I was horrified. I'd never seen anyone date more than one person at the same time. Jake was my first and only boyfriend. How would I possibly jump from one guy to five?

  "Let's just say our team doesn't mind sharing one girl." He noted. My mind was trying to process this new option.

  I can start over but with five guys? I don’t know if I can deal with that now. I tried to think of an excuse.

  “How about if I’m not ready? I barely know Jaxson or you, or the others. I feel connected to all of you, don’t get me wrong. I just…can’t fathom the idea. Would you hate me if I wanted to wait? I just need some time to get to know you more and get over Jake.” I gulped, bracing myself for his rejection.

  “We’d wait for as long as you need Scarlet. This isn’t a race. I’d rather have you when you're ready to try this out than not at all. I don’t want you feeling pressured or forced to try this group relationship. The others would agree with me. Therefore, to answer your question, no we wouldn’t hate you if you needed more time. Take as much as you need. We’ll be waiting, and you’d be the only woman we’d date.” He gave me a light smile.

  I hadn’t realized my jaw was open as I stared at him wide-eyed. He’s okay with it. They’re okay with it? Maybe another excuse will do.

  "But, you don't think I'm crazy? I see visions with a touch of an object and pass out everywhere." I mumbled. Not to mention the voices in my head recently.

  "That's not crazy. It's a part of your gift and what makes you Scarlet Sinclair. You can faint every day and we'd take turns catching you." He joked. I rolled my eyes.

  "Funny." I gave him a light nudge in his ribs.

  "Ah! You’re so mean. I was joking. Don't go attacking me, black belt."

  "How do you know I'm a black belt?" I sat up, making sure I wouldn't fall over before rotating myself to face him – sitting on my knees.

  "It's in your file." He smiled, relaxing against my headboard. I blushed, noticing his thin white, V-neck t-shirt that pressed against his body. I could see every line of muscle, and his biceps that bulged out, while his hands relaxed behind his head. Junho was one attractive man, especially in my bed.

  "What else does it say?" I questioned.

  "Hmm. Perfect grades, you’ve never lost a match and can shoot anything within eyesight. You’re athletic and flexible enough to jump between buildings and flip off of cliffs. The school wanted you to participate in the Olympics, but you refused, and you've been offered scholarships to join the Army, Navy, CIA and Special Ops. Hmm, am I missing anything?" He pondered, looking up in thought.

  "I can hold my breath for twenty-five minutes under water.” I added calmly. His eyes went wide for a second before giving me a pride-filled expression.

  "No wonder we get along." He whispered.

  I gave him a puzzled look but before I could question him, I yawned, rubbing at my eyes.

  "You should go back to sleep." He suggested.


  "Why?" He raised an eyebrow.

  "Because you should go home. I'm fine, really." I urged.

  I was far from fine, and my body already missed his warmth. Of course, I didn't want to be alone in my dark room, but I didn't want to hold my teammates up. They just met me and were being kind enough to help me deal with my break up. I couldn't ask him to stay.

  "I have nothing to do when I get home. So, I'm staying. Jaxson and Ethan will be back later in the evening with food. We'll eat together. Jaxson, Michael, and I will stay the night." He explained, and his voice gave off the impression his plans were set.

  "But –" I began but he shook his head.

  "We're a team, Scarlet. If one of us is down, we're all down. If one of us is lonely, we’ll do everything to make them feel wanted and loved. We care about you Scar. Let us take care of you."

  I knew he wasn't going to let me have my way.

  "Fine." I mumbled before yawning. I was tired anyways.

  "Come here." He gestured; his hand fell from behind his head as he reached out for me. My body moved on its own, wanting to feel his warmth. He pulled me into his arms, allowing my head to rest comfortably against his chest as if we were lovers for years.


  "Yes, Scarlet?"

  "Do you guys um, always share girlfriends? I mean...Jaxson dated Rebecca. So…did you guys share her?" I wondered softly.


  "No? Why?"

  "Cause we all hated that bitch. She only dated Jaxson for her own benefit. She loved him maybe the first three months of their relationship. But after the jewellery and other pretty gifts began to decrease she showed her true colours pretty fast. All she wanted was money, power, and fame. All of which was everything Jaxson could provide her. She wasn't good for him." He sounded angry, making me realize their relationship must have really had a negative toll on Jaxson and his team.

sp; "So why me? Why are you guys okay with sharing me?" I whispered.

  He was silent for a moment; his hand played with my hair.

  "Because it's you, Scarlet. I honestly don't have a legitimate reason. I'm attracted to you and so are the others. Of course, the ball is in your court. If you want to try dating all of us before you make your decision or want to date just one of us, we’ll support your decision. I just want you to understand that we're willing to share you amongst our group if you don't want to decide. I guess human terminology likes to call it an open relationship."

  Human terminology? What other terminology would he be referring too? Animals? Well, some animals are fine with dating multiple animals. I guess it would be weird if I asked him.

  I took a moment to digest his words. It sounded like a good bargain if you thought about it. I wanted to know about all of them. Jaxson already had my interest, but so did Christian, Michael, and Junho. Even Ethan caught my eye and made me want to know more about him.

  "I just need some time to get back to my usual self." I confirmed. He nodded, lowering his head to kiss me on the forehead. I loved how easily he showed love to me, even with the fact we were getting to know each other.

  "Fine by me. Get some rest. We’ll talk about it during dinner."


  I closed my eyes, feeling exhausted. I wanted to sleep but I struggled as the events from before resurfaced. My memories of my childhood clung to me. Junho's grip tightened around my waist before he began to hum.

  The melody was slow and intriguing, distracting me from my thoughts.

  "What song is that?"

  "It's a song I love.” He replied.

  "You sing?"

  "A little."

  "Can you sing me something?" I asked, looking up. He nodded.

  "It'll be in Korean though." He added, which made me even more excited to listen to him.

  "Sure. I like Korean music." I replied. I loved diverse music in different languages; ballads being one of my favorites.

  "Nal da-jweo-do mo-ja-ra nal beo-ryeo-do mo-ja-ra. Nae-ga neol eol-ma-man-keum sa-rang-ha-neun-ji-reul. Mo-reul-geo-ya a-ma neon, Here I am."


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