Visionary Investigator

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Visionary Investigator Page 17

by Yumoyori Wilson

  He pulled me into an embrace; his hands wrapped around my waist as my chest pressed against his. I blushed.

  "What are you?"

  "GUYS! He's coming to where you guys are. Michael! Distract Scar." Jaxson’s voice boomed into our earpieces. FUCK.

  "Scarlet, I'm going to use my gift on you, and I apologize in advance." Michael announced; his lips against my ear. Gift? Like mine?

  I wanted to question more, but I heard footsteps, only making my heartbeat escalate.

  I nodded quickly in confirmation. If this Lizard breath can sense fear, we were screwed.

  Michael’s hand went under my chin, lifting it up which caused me to stare directly into his eyes.

  My eyes grew as wide as saucers as his began to glow – the bright, gold light mesmerizing as my body tingled.

  I bit my lip, feeling strange and immensely attracted to Michael – my desire for him intensified. I tried to think of how it would be possible for me to feel such a strong, sexual desire to wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him senseless.

  No, I wanted to do more than that. I struggled to keep my hands at my side, but I needed to taste him, needed my hands to go through his ash blonde hair, and my hardened nipples to be pressed even harder against his chest. I wanted Michael Moore like he was the last fucking man in this universe, and I was going to have him now.

  My resistance vanished as my arms slid up his chest and around his neck as I pulled him down into a deep kiss. He froze; his body felt tense, but my lips stayed firmly pressed against his. His arms tightened around my waist to press me harder against his body.

  We kissed, and I tried my hardest to not make any noise as we continued to make out. That was one of the hardest things to do. I just wanted to feel his chiseled body with my hands, cursing at the fact my gloves were still on.

  "Michael enough. I know you're using your magic on her to calm her, but she's gonna pass out with that much magic usage." Jaxson scolded through our earpieces, kicking me out of my dazed state.

  I didn't know how long it had been since hiding in the closet, but I finally pulled away, both of us trying to catch our breath as we kept quiet. I stared into his eyes; my eyes began to sting – the same feeling I had back at my apartment when Christian had arrived.

  I noticed Michael's image shift – his shoulder-length hair which had been tied up was now left loose and way past his shoulders.

  His skin was pale, complimenting his pink, swollen lips and flushed cheeks. His vibrant gold eyes glowed with power, and his cheeks had a beautiful, intricate design.

  I pulled back to see a pair of white wings – the glowing feathers drawn in to fit the closed space. Holy mother of pearl.

  "You’re an angel." I whispered, astonished.

  "Scar…how?" He began.

  "Lizard breath is gone but we have to follow him! I think he has what we're looking for. Christian, Junho! Follow him. Jaxson, regroup with Scar and Michael. Then track Lizard breath." Ethan ordered.

  Michael pulled away, turning to unlock the door; the same glowing light reappeared before the door knob would turn.

  I took three steps before my world began to spin. Shit, can't faint. Nope. Not fainting.

  A pair of hands stabilized me; my eyes looked up to see Jaxson's worried expression. His eyes widened for a moment – the stinging in my eyes returned to me as I noticed his image change.

  His black hair had orange highlights; his amber eyes blazed orange like fire. His skin was tanner, and a pair of flaming wings appeared outstretched from his back.

  "What the fuck, are you a phoenix?" I questioned, utterly confused.

  "What?" He replied, wide-eyed.

  "Fuck, Scarlet you need to snap out of it for a moment." Michael urged.

  I pushed away from Jaxson, needing space and a moment to rub at my eyes.

  Angels, Phoenixes? Next thing you know, people will start walking on water! Ugh, I don’t have time to stand here and debate about this right now.

  “Listen, both of you. THIS needs to be addressed but not now. When we catch Lizard breath, you’re telling me everything. Understood?”

  They both nodded in agreement. I took a deep breath before calling upon Agent Scarlet. Deal with the crazy, paranormal stuff after.

  "Let's go." I announced. Michael nodded, Jaxson met my gaze and nodded before all three of us darted out the house.

  "Ethan, where is Lizard breath?" Jaxson questioned as we made our way around the house, heading towards the forest.

  "Christian's on his tail. He's heading your way to the forest. The docks are nearby. There's only one boat stationed there so you have to stop him before he reaches it. Be careful. He has wind skills." Ethan warned. Wind skills?

  "What the fuck is a wind skill?" I called out as I ran; Michael and Jaxson ahead of me.

  "Wind as in the element! He can call upon the wind and bend it to do his bidding."

  "Like a superpower?" I questioned.

  "Yes! Scarlet whatever you do don't get in the path of the wind. It will send you flying." Jaxson warned.

  "Got it." Yup, everyone is insane and I’m chasing a lizard with super powers.

  We ran through the forest. It didn’t take us long to reach the clearing and spotted Lizard breath a few feet ahead.

  "Fuck!" Jaxson cursed; his strides became faster as he bolted towards him.

  Michael began to speed up, making me curse as I huffed. Why the fuck do I have to have short legs?

  "You could run just as fast or even faster than them if you just concentrated for one second." The second, lower toned voice, Aurora pointed out.

  You know, you have some major attitude that you need to fix. I don't like that fucking tone. I can't believe I'm scolding a voice in my head.

  I began to concentrate – my intentions to catch up to Jaxson my new-found goal. I felt my legs feel lighter; my lungs had an easier time breathing in more air which helped with the burning sensation I felt before.

  It didn't take long till I passed Michael; the ground turned from grass to wooden planks as we reached the docks – the single, white boat not too far from reach.

  Lizard breath looked over his shoulder; his reptilian eyes scared me as he growled. His teeth appeared far sharper than the average set.

  He came to a sudden stop before turning around; his arm rose up to face his body parallel before slashing outward – a gust of wind formed and aimed straight for us.

  "SHIT!" Jaxson and Michael cursed, as the gust of powerful wind approached.

  I skidded to a stop, frozen in fear.

  "Lift your hand and command it to not hurt you!" The low tone voice ordered.

  I didn't argue; my hand rose up as I closed my eyes shut. My arm felt immensely warm as words left my mouth before I could think.

  "Wind, I am your governor. You shall not hurt me!" I commanded, bracing for the impact. I didn’t know where the words came from – flowing into my mind as if I’d always known. It was like my body had fallen into a trance – the words flowed without my command or knowledge until they were said.

  My back began to burn; the hot sensation made me grit my teeth, feeling a powerful energy ran within me and up towards my outstretched hand.

  I heard the wind brush past me; the sound muffled as if I was in a bubble. I opened my eyes to see Jaxson fall to the ground and heard a loud splash behind me.

  The lizard guy gawked at me before he glared, turning around and sprinting again. Jaxson scrambled to his feet, running after him. I lowered my hand, about to chase after them when I felt a weird sensation – fear.

  "Why do I feel scared all of a sudden?" I said out loud, looking around, realizing I was the only one left in this section of the dock. Wait...where's Michael?

  I looked back and forth as I began to panic.

  Shit, shit, shit. He can't swim!

  "FIFTEEN STEPS TO YOUR RIGHT!" Serenity screamed in my head, causing me to bolt forward, counting my steps till I saw an area in the clear, blue water bubbling.

  I pulled my jacket off, throwing my phone and earpiece on the ground as I ran, picking up enough speed before taking a large breath of air.

  In one smooth motion, I soared into the water; the frigid, cold water greeted me as I widened my eyes to scan the area. It didn't take me long to find Michael stuck at the bottom of the lake, tugging his feet which were wrapped by something. How did he sink to the bottom?

  I reached him in less than twenty seconds, noticing the unnatural looking seaweed string gripping to his leg. His panicked gaze met mine as I signaled for him to calm down.

  He nodded, relaxing as I swam to his legs. I tugged at the seaweed – the same jolt like the when I touched the coat back at the house pulsed through my hands, causing me to pull back.

  I looked back at Michael who was giving me a worried expression.

  "He's running out of air." Serenity cautioned.

  I swam up, pulling his face to my lips. I gave him a large portion of air, pulling back before making my way down to the seaweed, ignoring the jolt as I struggled to pull it apart.

  Dammit. It won't budge! He won't last much longer.

  "Command the water to move." The low voice announced.

  WHAT? We're in a fucking LAKE! Where am I moving the water too?

  "Stop questioning and just do it! Tell the water to make a path!" The voice commanded.

  I closed my eyes, allowing myself to calm as words began to flow into my mind.

  Merciless water, hear my plea. Divide thy self in half and create a path, like the scriptures foretold. Give me time to free my friend and return to the safety of the land above. Then, you may return to your peaceful being. Please, help me.

  The water began to swirl around us – becoming faster and faster and I reluctantly closed my eyes. I felt a hand wrap around my wrist; Michael pulled me into his chest as the water swirled around us like a whirlpool.

  I struggled to continue holding my breath; the fear of Michael getting hurt and us being swallowed by the waves caused the panic rising inside of me. We fell onto a hard surface; the impact caused both of us to gasp.

  I prepared myself to swallow water, but air greeted us, causing the both of us to gasp and cough. I scrambled to my hands and knees; my eyes opened to see what happened.

  I almost shrieked, shocked at what I was witnessing.

  As if the Bible scriptures had come to life; the water had split in half – making a path from where Michael and I were to the dock which was fifteen feet away; the top of the water wall the same height as the brown, wood dock.


  I turned over to Michael; his eyes wide in astonishment. I blinked before looking down at myself.

  I subconsciously raised my hands, which now glowed a light blue, multiple swirls imprinted into my skin like a tattoo. I turned to the wall of water; the density clear enough to reflect my image – glowing, green eyes and glowing, white, curly hair that floated lightly in the air, reflected back at me. That can't be me.


  We both turned to the loud voice – Christian waved frantically on the deck.

  "Scar, we need to move. Can you walk?" Michael's concerned voice questioned.

  "Ya. The seaweed." I pointed out, noticing it was still attached to his leg.

  "Don't freak out."

  I nodded. I'd apparently cut the lake in half and looked like Storm from that comic, X-Men. Yup, no need to freak out.

  A small, red circle formed on his hand – a dagger emerged from the light. I blinked, watching him cut the seaweed in half, freeing himself. He jumped to his feet, rushing to my side. I tried to pull myself up, but my legs wouldn't work, struggling.

  Michael noticed; his arms went under my arms and legs, lifting me up and running forward. As he ran the water began to collapse.

  "Um, Michael. The water’s falling." I screamed.

  "Scarlet close your eyes."


  "Please Scar."

  "Okay." I squeezed my eyes shut, praying I'd live to tell all of this to Cece. I felt the air shift, feeling as if we floated in the air. The weird sensation ended just as fast; a loud splash prompted me to open my eyes.

  We stood on the dock; Christian now faced us. I glanced back at Michael, the same white wings as before spreading out wide, retreating into his back and vanished within seconds. Oh Nah, I'm done.

  I wiggled in his embrace. My legs received an energy boost from the fresh amount of adrenaline pumping through my veins. Michael let me go, lowering my feet to the ground before I pushed away, making space between the two of them.

  I noticed Jaxson in the distance, running back.

  "Shit, are you guys okay?" He called out, reaching us in ten seconds. I took another step back.

  "Fuck, Scarlet. Look at me. We aren't going to hurt you, just don't freak out." Michael warned.

  I stared at the three of them in silence.

  “Scar?” Jaxson questioned.


  “I think we’re in serious trouble,” Christian commented.

  "You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Freak out? FREAK OUT! Nope, nope. I've officially lost it. Yes, my dad was right. I'm crazy. I must be crazy. Insane? What category would that be classified as?" My hands trembled; my drenched clothes contributed to the chill gripping at my skin.

  "Scarlet." Christian took a step forward, making me take a step back as I waved my hand.

  "Nope. Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope! I'm not dealing with y'all. You're a fucking angel, you’re a flaming bird which I'm one hundred percent sure is a phoenix, and YOU are a demon, aren't you? Oh god, is Cece a fucking demon? My best friend is a fucking demon! I can't believe this! That's why you're called Paranormal INC. CAUSE YOU’RE ALL INHUMAN!"

  "Junho, get your ass here and call Cece. Scarlet’s freaking out." Jaxson ordered.

  "I’M NOT FREAKING OUT!" I screamed; the winds lashed out around me, hitting all three of them. They didn't expect the impact; all three of them fell on their butts.

  I gaped at them; my eyes returned to my arms which were now a dark green – the same markings glowed brightly.

  "I did that." I whispered.

  "Scarlet, sweetie, you need to calm down or you're going to hurt them." Serenity's soothing voice entered my mind. I don't want to hurt them.

  "Scarlet. Take a deep breath. I know you don't know us. Everything doesn't make sense right now, but we're a part of you and this state isn't good for you or your friends. You need to relax. I'm Aurora. Sorry for being snappy with you. C'mon, breathe." The low voice of Aurora soothed.

  I began to take deep breaths, remembering the techniques I used to practice back at the mental institution when I was younger and had panic attacks.

  Christian was the first one up. He put his hands up, staying still.

  "Scarlet. I get it. This is a lot to take in. Please, trust us. We'll explain everything." He stood in place, not attempting to move any closer.

  I looked to my right; my left foot at the edge of the dock when I noticed a figure from afar – a person walking on water. You have got to be shitting me.

  Junho was speed walking towards us; his brown hair was now turquoise blue with white highlights. His eyes glowed a sapphire blue as he approached; he walked effortlessly across the water like it was land itself.

  Nope...not gonna faint. Not gonna faint. Not...

  My body leaned to the side; my eyes rolled back as my consciousness flooded with darkness.

  The last sounds that my ears picked up on were a number of faraway shouts, followed by a muffled, submerged sound; the same subdued, distant sound I experienced when I dove into a pool.

  Fuck it.

  I gave into the darkness.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I let out another groan, losing count after the fifteenth time as my hand glided through my brown locks. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  I couldn't stop swearing, the word became repetitive, I questioned if I was saying it in my mind
or out loud.

  "Jesus, Junho. Shut the fuck up already. You sound like Ethan." Jaxson scolded.

  "Hey! I don't sound like that! AND I don't swear like Junho either."

  "Your other side swears like him." Christian commented.

  "Truth." Michael noted.

  "I swear when I'm fucking stressed so deal with it." I growled, continuing my pacing as I walked around Scarlet's living room.

  We were all cramped up in her spacious living room that now felt small. I was pacing around like an addict needing their next dose of drugs.

  "Stop freaking out Junho; she's going to be okay." Michael revealed. I gave him a glare, stopping mid-pace.

  "Are you just saying that, or did you have a foresight of her being okay." I questioned.

  Michael had the ability of foresight. It wasn't as strong as his other skills and gifts, but it would be enough to give me some reassurance.

  He rubbed at his eyes; the golden orbs flickered for a moment.

  "She'll be fine. Stop acting like a pussy." He closed his eyes, relaxing in his seat.

  I knew he was worn out from chasing Lizard breath who’d got away. Son of a bitch shifter dove right into the water when Jaxson was only inches away from tackling him.

  Now that I watched him fall asleep; it gave me the impression that Scarlet would be okay. He wouldn't be so relaxed if something was wrong.

  "Junho, come sit down." Christian urged. I grumbled but made my way to the single seater sofa, reluctantly sitting on the soft cushions.

  "Finally. You were making me anxious." Ethan commented, ruffling his ombre blue hair before pulling off his glasses.

  "Whatever." I mumbled, crossing my arms.

  We sat in silence, all of us lost in our own thoughts.

  "Would you guys grow some balls and stop acting like it’s the fucking apocalypse?"

  We all jumped; Cece stood behind Ethan. Mother fucker, I didn't even sense her.

  "Jeez, Cece. How do you sneak up like that?" Ethan complained.

  "She'll give Ethan a heart attack that's for sure." Christian mused.

  "Is everything okay?" Jaxson asked; his voice hinted his worries.


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