Visionary Investigator

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Visionary Investigator Page 19

by Yumoyori Wilson

  I bombarded her with questions, looking up into her silver eyes. With a closer look, they looked beautiful; the orbs of silver twinkled – purple and pink lines made a magic circle reflecting in her irises.

  She raised an eyebrow at me; her wand hit my head.

  "Ow." I frowned, giving her a glare.

  "No magic usage. You're not in any condition to be using those eyes of yours." She scowled.

  "I need my eyes to see. I don't have any magic. That stuff doesn't exist." I grumbled, leaning back to lay in bed; my body felt tired. I felt like I'd run a marathon, returned and passed out without replenishing myself. Damn, I'm hungry.

  "Those lads left you in the dark this long? Aren't you a part of PINC?" She questioned.

  "Yes. I'm an apprentice. They gave me the run down…I guess, but I’m still new at this whole paranormal thing. You also didn't introduce yourself by the way.” I reminded. The conversation reminded me of when I was younger, and my mom would get upset about me talking to strangers.

  Apparently, it was a bad habit when I was four. Something about me saying they looked pretty with different wings or calling a person an animal.

  She laughed.

  "Of course, Marilyn must have taught you about asking for stranger’s names before talking to them. My name is Winterlya Frost. Pleased to see you're recovering well Scarlet. You gave the boys a scare. I removed that seal off your mind. You should be able to communicate with your spirits and use your magic."

  I took a moment to digest her comment. She knows about my habit but hadn’t seen me since I was a baby? And the seal is gone meaning I can use abilities? I guess it's nice to talk more to Aurora and Serenity and know I’m not crazy.

  "This is a lot of information to process." I confessed; my head began to pound.

  "I know Scarlet. Why don't we leave the complicated subjects for when you're with the guys and we can explain everything at once? For now, all you need to know is my mother was good friends with your mother and grandmother. That is why I know all about your visions." She revealed.

  "Well Winterlya, nice to meet you." I greeted. She returned to sitting in the chair next to my bed.

  “You still look exhausted.” I felt like I'd slept for hours yet at the same time felt like I'd been asleep for two seconds.

  I heard the tapping of buttons, followed by a click; the door opened slightly. I turned my head to see Jaxson's amber eyes landing on me; relief flooded his attractive face. He slid himself into the space, closing the door lightly.

  "Hey, Baby." He greeted, approaching the bed. Winterlya rose with a smug smile on her face as they nodded at one another in greeting.

  "I'll go calm down the others and Cece. I don't need to watch her eat twelve more tubs of ice cream." Winterlya announced, shivering at the mention of ice cream with a disgusted look on her face.

  Jaxson and I both nodded.

  "Jaxson, don’t distract her, and Scarlet, try to eat something before going to sleep." Winterlya instructed.

  "Okay." I replied.

  "Fine." Jaxson agreed. Winterlya took her leave; Moonlight scurried in as the door closed. He leapt onto the bed, walking on top of the blanket in a circle before settling on my stomach. Guess I'm not getting up.

  I returned my attention to Jaxson who still stood, looking hesitant which was weird to see compared to his usual confident attitude. It reminded me of my conversation with Junho; emphasizing how I needed time before entering a relationship with all of them. Regardless of everything that had just happened, the idea looked more tempting. I could see myself dating them – all of them.

  "Hey, Jax. Missed me?" I joked, hoping to lighten the mood. He smiled.

  "You worried me, Baby." He whispered, not moving an inch. His hesitation bothered me.

  "Jaxson. Come here. I don't bite." I said with a serious tone. The tension between us bothered me.

  "He's afraid he'll hurt you. Or you don't like him anymore."

  Serenity's calm melodic voice breezed through my mind. I sighed; Moonlight jumped down from my stomach, giving me a chance to sit up and move to the middle of the bed before he returned to my lap.

  I didn't understand the sensation that flowed through me, but I knew what Serenity had stated was true. Jaxson was afraid to approach me for fear of me pushing him and the others out of my life.

  When I’d broken up with Jake, the thought of being with more than one guy was way over my head. But just seeing the hesitation in Jaxson’s eyes; the fear I would forget about the whole idea made me want this even more. I didn’t know if it would work out, especially with me finding out that they weren’t necessarily human. But, I didn’t want them to leave my life. The connection to all of them had grown stronger over these couple of days, and I didn’t want it to end here. I needed to see how far this would go – if I’d be happier.

  "Jaxson. I'm not mad. I don't get what's going on, but I'm assuming you and the others are going to explain, or I'll kick all your asses until you do. I want us...and the others to happen. Just as long as you're truthful to me and there for me."

  He gulped but nodded, finally approaching the bed. He opened the sheets, sliding to sit next to me before pulling me into his arms.

  I closed my eyes, tightening my arms around him as I laid in his arms; my head rested against his chest – his heartbeat raced. He was so nervous.

  "I'm sorry." He whispered. His chin rested lightly on my head; his hold around my waist tightened.

  "I don't get why you’re so apologetic. Where's my confident Jax?" I shifted my head wanting to see his amber eyes.

  "I put you in a difficult situation with a lot of pressure for an apprentice. I should have thought of the possibility of Lizard breath coming back to the site. I didn't think you'd have to encounter this part of the world, but my assumptions were proven wrong. You handled it well, but I and the others almost caused you to go into shock and drown." He vented, frowning.

  I leaned upward, pressing my lips lightly to his. I didn't understand why but it pained me to see him in agony. Maybe my mind was still fuzzy over the whole situation and my reaction to everything was abnormal, but I couldn't stand the sadness in his eyes – as if he was at fault for everything that transpired.

  He tensed up at first; his shoulders relaxed before he responded and kissed back. I just wanted to enjoy this moment in his arms – the same strong arms that wrapped around my waist and held me as we danced. The same arms that cradled me while I broke down after the Jake incident. Now, he was here again, and I just wanted him to feel reassured that I wasn't planning to run away.

  I'd experienced my share of weird throughout my life. Even though this paranormal thing was as weird as it got, I wasn't going to let it push me away from these men.

  Maybe everything happened for a reason. If being with them helped solve the mysterious voices in my head, so I wouldn't voluntarily admit myself to a mental institution, then I was totally fine with whatever was to come. I also needed to discover why my mom's card was in that coat pocket after her being dead for twenty years.

  I pulled away reluctantly, feeling dizzy from the lack of oxygen.

  "I'm not upset, and I did handle the situation like a boss." I winked at him. He smiled; a low chuckle escaped his lips.

  "There's my Jaxson." I whispered. We kissed again, shorter this time before he held me in his arms.

  "Yes you did, baby. I'm sorry. I…I was just afraid to lose you. I know we haven't gotten time to really get to know each other and maybe my feelings for you are premature, but I'm not ignoring the connection I have with you. I've never felt this way with anyone and just the thought of losing another person I care about..." He trailed off, looking away.

  I pulled my right hand from beneath him, trailing the side of his clean-shaven cheek before holding his chin firmly, moving his head to look back at me.

  "I've been told I'm pretty hard to take down. You guys just caught me on a bad day. You won't be losing me anytime soon. I can survive anything."
r />   "Anything?"

  "Anything. I can dodge bullets pretty well, like Usain Bolt. I'm pretty good at car chases, a black belt in karate, taekwondo and martial arts. Pretty good in gymnastics and I know how to defuse bombs. OH! I can ride a motorcycle and shoot without falling off."

  "With one hand."

  "No with two." I smiled devilishly. Benefits of cruise control. Gotta take advantage of advanced technology. I just wished that was the same for our cell phone devices.


  I giggled at his astonished expression.

  "Told you, I can survive anything."

  "I'm not going to even question why you've been involved in car chases, defused bombs or rode a motorbike with no hands while shooting at people. I guess when it comes down to Kendrick as your guardian, I wouldn't be surprised."

  "He told you?" I questioned. He nodded.

  "He stopped by. We kinda freaked him out."

  "Let me guess. You told Ethan to tell him what happened, and he went on one of his nervous tangents, explaining the situation in ten seconds and probably hanging the phone up."

  "Everything you said but he didn't hang the phone up. He accidentally tripped and the phone fell into the water, thus hanging up on Kendrick. It's now drying in a bag of rice, and we had a very upset Kendrick at your door when we arrived." I shivered at the thought.

  "Kendrick’s scary when he's angry." He nodded; fear flickered in his eyes. Indeed.

  The door clicked, opening to reveal the man we were just talking about; Kendrick with a whole tray of food.

  "I'm glad you’re awake, and I'm not scary when I'm angry." He greeted, pointing out he overheard our conversation.

  "How did you hear that?"

  "Scarlet, your room isn't sound-proof. Didn't I teach you to always listen for conversation before entering an occupied room?" He placed the tray of food on my dresser, turning to face me and Jaxson.

  I noticed his gaze looking up and down, making me confused. Why is he giving me that look as if I snuck out of a party and came home past curfew?

  "You’re in your underwear and t-shirt that barely covers your ass, plastered on your lover's chest in front of your papa. Smooth." Aurora announced.


  I scrambled off Jaxson's chest, pulling the blankets over my head. Ugh!

  Jaxson laughed.

  "Kendrick, stop giving her a hard time. Admit it, even though we got her in this mess you’re happy she's with us rather than some random douche." Jaxson voiced; the bed creaked as he got up.

  I peeked my head to see Kendrick roll his eyes.

  "Whatever. Scarlet’s like a daughter to me, and I'm still fucking pissed you got her tangled in this mess. Ethan and his stupid clumsiness hanging up the phone right when he’s about to explain why you guys needed Winterlya. No one needs Winter unless the person is on the verge of death." He ranted; his face red.

  Moonlight nudged himself between the sheets and my chest. Jaxson huffed.

  "I guess everyone does call Winter when someone's about to die or having spirit complications." He disclosed.

  I frowned as my empty stomach growled. So hungry.

  "Um. You two can continue bonding, but I'd love to eat whatever is in that steamy bowl over there." I lowered the thick blanket below my neck, pointing at the delicious goodness.

  "Oh shit. Sorry Scar." Jaxson apologized, walking over to grab the tray and bringing it over.

  "See. You don't feed her either. If she loses weight, I'll kick all your asses! You hear me, Jaxson?"

  "Yes Sir." He gulped, placing the tray next to me, revealing a bowl of cream and mushroom soup, bread with butter and sliced cheese.

  I didn't hesitate to sit up, crossing my legs before Jaxson helped put the tray on my lap. I went straight to devouring the food, ignoring their gazes as I slurped each spoonful of my cream and mushroom soup; the spoon left my mouth before I quickly swallowed, stuffing the white bread in my mouth to take a large bite.

  "Scar, baby, there's more food. You don't need to eat like it's your last day on earth."

  I ignored him, continuing my conquest. He didn't understand the hunger struggle I faced.

  "Meow." Moonlight curled next to my leg, watching me eat.

  "Because you don't feed her." Kendrick mumbled.

  I smiled at his comment. My mom loved baking and her ethics on eating regularly passed to Kendrick.

  I was used to not eating a lot thanks to the busy life of criminology school, but once my meal of the day came along, I'd eat till I experienced a food coma. I didn't care how unladylike I was slurping away as I bit into the bread.

  I was starving, and no one was going to stop me from fulfilling my quest of eating food.

  I finished in two minutes, frowning at the empty bowl that I'd licked clean. Yes, licked completely clean. No shame what so ever, with the other empty plate with small breadcrumbs.

  I looked up to Kendrick who groaned.

  "Nope. You’re not eating anymore, or you’ll go into a food coma."

  "Food coma?" Jaxson questioned.

  "She'll eat until she can't move. It was a pain, especially when she was younger. She'd sleep right at the table. It's STILL a pain in my ass." I crossed my arms over my chest.

  "It is not, and I was a very energetic child. I simply fell asleep out of exhaustion."

  "Exhaustion from eating all the food in the fucking house." He retorted.

  "Meanie." I grumbled, returning to stare at the empty tray.

  "Fine. I'll ask Ethan to make some more. In the meantime, you can try to get some more sleep. We have some explaining to do, and I need your agent attention. Not the wishy-washy attention span you have."

  "My attention span isn't wishy-washy. I don't understand how you guys can sit there for hours talking about the same shit in meetings. Just get to the point and....move on." I paused to yawn. Kendrick walked over, to the other side that I was closest to.

  "Why don't you get a bit more snooze? I want to make sure you’re okay Scarlet." He said softly.

  "I know." I replied in a small, tiny voice.

  I knew that look on his face; he was worried about me. I sometimes forgot that he still cared about me, even if we weren't related by blood. He'd taken me under his wing when my own father threw me away; I was the government's responsibility.

  He pulled me into a hug, allowing myself to relax and live in this moment.

  With my multiple assignments, essays, and cases versus his chaotic work schedule, which made sense now that I realized he was working with PINC and balancing his professor’s job, we didn't get much time together.

  "I'm glad you’re okay, Scar. I can't afford to lose you, too." He whispered.

  I bit my lip, ignoring the sting in my eyes as I tightened my hold.

  "I know. I'm okay, promise."

  He gave me a kiss on my forehead before pulling away, ruffling my hair which made me groan.

  "You always mess up my hair." I glared at him.

  "Because you get all feisty when I do. Now, go nap." He grabbed my tray, making his way to the door, giving Jaxson a nod. He stopped at the door, looking over his shoulder.

  "I'll be in the room next door if you need me. And no lovey dovey shit." He turned to face Jaxson who frowned.

  "Understood?" He pressed, eyeing Jaxson.

  "Yes, Sir." Jaxson replied, looking disappointed. I giggled; Moonlight walked on top of me to rest on my lap.

  "Sleep well, Scarlet. I love you."

  "I love you too, Dad."

  His eyes went wide for a moment; a big grin spread on his lips as he nodded, leaving the room.

  "He’s gonna talk about that all over work for weeks." Jaxson announced returning to the bed, climbing right in next to me.

  "He is not."

  “Oh yes, he will. Now that I know he's your guardian it totally makes sense." He emphasized.

  "What do you mean?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

  "He'd always say how his daughter rarely calls him D
ad, but calls him by his name but there would be occasions where she'd call him Dad and bam, Monday morning the whole office would see the dramatic difference it made. The office could burn down, and he wouldn't care. Nothing could sour his mood when his daughter called him Dad." Jaxson confessed.

  His hand brushed against my cheek, removing the tear that escaped my eye.

  "I feel awkward calling him Dad...he didn't have to step into the role, yet there he was when I needed him the most." I whispered.

  "Kendrick loves you dearly Scarlet. You don't need to be blood to be family."

  I nodded, letting him pull me into his side as I relaxed.

  My eyes began to grow heavy, the peacefulness of being in Jaxson's arms and Moonlight relaxed in my lap as we enjoyed each other’s company, calmed the multiple questions pouring into my head.


  "Hmm?" I looked up at him, opening my eyes. He smiled, leaning in and giving me a kiss. I moaned; Moonlight walked off my lap and jumped off the bed. I rotated myself in his arms, laying on top of him again as we continued to kiss.

  I was so into kissing those addictive lips while my hands roamed his body that I couldn't recall when we changed positions – my back now pressed against the sheets as he pinned me; his eyes wild as they took a moment to roam down my face and chest.

  "Scar." His husky voice was so low and deep it sent excitement tingling through me; my pussy already anticipating his cock.

  He leaned forward, claiming my lips again when a banging noise came from the wall.

  "SLEEPING! NO LOVEY DOVEY STUFF. Don't make me come in there, Jaxson! I will."

  I pulled away to laugh as Jaxson groaned.

  "I swear to the stars above. He needs to go home or something." Jaxson muttered. I let out a yawn.

  "Maybe I should take a power nap. I think I'll need it for our long conversation."

  He nodded, giving me one last passionate kiss before pulling away. He made his way out of the bed, but I stopped him; my hand held onto his wrist.

  "Jax, stay." I whispered. I wanted him here with me.


  He got up, making his way to the dresser and taking his watch off, placing it and his wallet on the white, wood-like surface. He proceeded to pull his shirt off, his bare back in view as he placed his shirt neatly next to his belongings. I licked my lips, enjoying the view as he turned around with a smirk.


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