Visionary Investigator

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Visionary Investigator Page 21

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Stop being a pussy and come give me a hug you hoe. Who else would I find to accept my weirdness and go to strip clubs with?" I teased, laughing at her wide-eyed expression.

  She beamed, speed walking to the sofa before body slamming me into a hug.

  "Fuck, Cece! Get off me. You're too fucking heavy." I complained as she hugged me.

  "I love you, Scarlet. Best friend for life. I'll buy you whatever you want and take you to all the strips clubs you desire."

  "Ugh, okay get off me dammit." I groaned, pushing her off. I gave her a tired smile; my exhaustion apparent as her happy expression turned to a worried one.

  "You look like shit." She voiced.

  "I know. I need a bath...a long bath with some wine and candles.

  "Got it. I'll go make one!" Cece launched up, making her way to the bathroom.


  She stopped at the entrance of the hallway, looking back at me.

  "Yes, Scarlet?"

  "Thanks for sticking around. You still have some explaining to do, which I expect pretty soon. After this whole case thing gets settled...but I'm thankful to have you in my life. It really helped me reach this far and get the opportunity to meet the guys. So...I guess I'm thankful to those Starlight gods for bringing you to me. Thank Grandma Neptune, as well."

  I truly meant every word. I'd have to do my research on this new reality and the gods associated with it, but I was glad to finally know and was thankful that Cece was here to help.

  "I wouldn't have it any other way, Scarlet. Thanks for accepting us. We won't let you down."

  She made her way down the hall, leaving me and Moonlight.

  Moonlight jumped back onto the sofa; his top paws landed on my leg as he stared up at me.

  "When I was at Jaxson's house you came on your own accord didn't you?" I reached out to rub under his chin, the action rewarded with a purr.


  "I'm gonna assume that's a yes. Hmm, I hope one day I can understand you more." I whispered, more to myself than my cat or rather, familiar.

  "Meow meow." He walked onto my lap, sitting. I let my head settle on the back of the chair; my eyes already heavy.

  Today, I'll just rest my mind. Tomorrow, it's back to business. I won't let this stop me from achieving my goals. No, it only motivates me more. I wouldn't let the boys down.

  "We're here if you need us." Aurora's low voice reassured.

  "Yes. When you need help, we will be here." Serenity reassured.

  I grinned; my mind drifted. I felt at peace; my mind cleared.

  Mom, are you watching? I found a group of people who accept me. It's a lot of information for me to handle, but I'm not as weird as I once thought I was. I belong somewhere. I hope I get to figure out everything. Maybe, I'll find out who took you away from me. I'll avenge you, Mom. I promise.

  Chapter Eighteen

  "I have good news and bad news," I announced.

  The guys all froze – frightened expressions written on their faces as they faced me. I was sitting down in the middle seat of my sofa, Moonlight relaxed in my lap; petting his soft, black fur.

  "It's not that serious. Stop looking like I announced I was running for president." I huffed. They relaxed slightly, their bodies still looked rigid with anticipation.

  "What are the chances they're afraid Scar's gonna dump them all?" Aurora suggested

  "She hasn't even said she's dating them. Can't dump someone if you're not together." Serenity replied.

  "Why not. I can dump whoever I want." Aurora argued.

  "That makes no sense. Do I need to break this down for you?" Serenity retorted.

  "Do we get a choice of which one we get first?" Ethan asked.

  "Sure." I shrugged my shoulders.

  "Bad." They said in unison.

  I snickered, clearing my throat before I sat up straighter. "Cece informed me that she's my guardian and has known me my whole life," I replied.

  It only took six seconds, before they began their bickering.

  "I knew there was something fishy about Cece!" Ethan began.

  "Not fishy. Just different." Junho suggested,

  "Is that why she appears at the right moments?" Michael questioned.

  "She has foresight like you," Christian pointed out.

  "Oh shit! Really?" Michael replied.

  "Well, that makes more sense." Jaxson sighed, looking relieved.

  I relaxed in the cushions, waiting for them to finish their conversation. I didn't know what a guardian was, and Cece did say she'd explain everything from the beginning once this case was settled. My mind was exhausted, and I didn't need any more information at this moment. I was in a serious need for some alcohol.

  "Wait, what's the good news?" Ethan inquired, bringing me out of my thoughts.

  "Well, I thought about the whole dating all of you thing. Um...well, I'm new to this. Jake was the only guy I ever dated. If you’re all okay with dating me and nobody else, I'm willing to try it. Of course, I won't date anyone else either. Anyways, ya. I'm willing to date all of you, if you’re fine with my vision seeing, half human shifter self." I concluded.

  We sat in silence; even Moonlight was quiet as if waiting for their answer.

  "I claim dibs." Michael announced.

  "You can't claim dibs. You only just met her." Junho argued.

  "I drove her, does that count?" Christian questioned.

  "No, it doesn't." Ethan replied.

  "I don't get why you three are all arguing. I met her before all of you and I'm the leader so fuck off. She's mine." Jaxson announced.

  "You just want her cause she’s hot, smart and has a perky ass." Michael retorted.

  "I knew he had a booty addiction. Call the booty police." Ethan mused.

  "Why doesn't me driving her count?" Christian inquired.

  "Because it just doesn't. You can't compete in this. Go away, playboy. I'm already at a disadvantage with your fine looks." Ethan argued.

  "How about if she likes guys who're good with their hands?” Michael pointed out.

  "I'm good with my hands." Junho said, seductively.

  "Go away. You can't participate either." Ethan groaned.

  “I’ll offer my entire bank account.” Junho proposed.

  "Junho, sit the fuck down. You're not in this, millionaire!" Jaxson pointed at him.

  "All three of us are millionaires, and the last time I checked my bank account, I'll be ranked billionaire at the end of the year so both of you sit this one out." He pointed at both Jaxson and Michael.

  "Or you all suddenly die in a mysterious car accident leaving me as the only survivor." Christian mumbled.

  The four of them stared at him with horrified expressions.

  "You wouldn't dare." Ethan began.

  "We trust you to not kill us." Michael pointed out.

  "You drive like a maniac, but at least we survive without a scratch, eighty percent of the time." Junho commented.

  "Ya, that twenty percent is still a risk. Remember the time Ethan fell out of the car onto the highway? I'm surprised he didn't get run over." Jaxson nodded in thought.

  "Can we stay on topic? I don’t need a reminder of my near-death experience. Are we fighting to the death for Scarlet or can we share, cause I love me some chicken and fries and I don't want to die until Avengers 28 comes out."

  "I guess we're sharing. I wouldn't want to bury you guys anyways." Christian shrugged.

  "Were you fucking serious?" Ethan questioned, astonished.

  "Maybe." He shrugged.

  I blinked, watching the whole scene unfold; Moonlight returned to his purring session, his tail swaying back and forth.

  "I guess they’re happy? What do you think, Moonlight?”


  "Ya. I agree.” I continued petting him as I relaxed. “Are you guys done bickering?" I questioned.

  They all nodded before each getting up to give me a hug, with Christian first in line. Once I finished hugging Jaxson, Christian ret
urned with a bowl of food and sat next to me.

  "For our new girlfriend." He said dramatically, presenting me the white bowl of pasta slathered in parmesan cheese. I licked my lips; my stomach growled.

  "You shouldn't have." I took the bowl from his hand, the fork already poking away at the food before entering my mouth. I squealed in delight at the delicious taste, the parmesan cheese complemented the pasta and tomato sauce.

  "And yes. We've agreed to put our differences in rank aside and share you." He revealed. He leaned in to whisper into my ear.

  "But in reality, I would kill and hide their bodies if they didn't agree to share you."

  "Hey! We can hear you, dammit." Ethan called out.

  I giggled. I knew I shouldn't be laughing at the fact Christian was more than willing to kill the others for my hand, but the whole idea was hilarious.

  Who would have thought breaking up with my boyfriend of five years would bring me to this moment where I was willing to date not one, but five, attractive investigators who were also my partners in crime. I think the fates have big things planned for me.

  I continued stuffing my face, and the food finished so fast I frowned in disappointment as I stared at the empty bowl.

  "Scarlet there's more. Do you want seconds?" Michael encouraged.

  "Yes please." I smiled up at him, taking a moment to admire his gold eyes.

  "Coming right up, give me a sec." Ethan called out, in front of the stove.

  "Did Ethan make all of this?" I questioned.

  "Ethan's a pro chef. That's his side job. He owns a few restaurants. He's supposed to be a judge on Master Chef soon." Junho explained.

  "Can you stop making me sound amazing? It's not a big deal. Cooking runs in the family, ignore them." He called out, turning to glare at the others who gathered around in my living room. I could see the red in his cheeks as he turned away quickly. Aww, so cute.

  "Do all of you have side jobs? And are you three really millionaires?" I questioned, pointing to Michael, Jaxson, and Junho. Jaxson and Michael chilled on the two-seater sofa on my right while Junho sat on the one-seater on my left. Christian was still relaxed next to me on the three-seater.

  "I drive my Escalade around town for rich celebrities and tourists. It's only on demand or if I'm available so it's perfect for my job with PINC." Christian started.

  "I manage three restaurants. I used to work every day but now that I'm with PINC I have a management team for all three locations. I still drop by once in awhile." Ethan announced as he made his way to join us, placing the bowl of freshly made pasta – the steam rose up from the bowl before he took a seat next to me.

  "I work at PINC full time, but I own a few clubs and restaurants with Vinzent, and yes, I'm a millionaire." Jaxson explained.

  "I work as a doctor part-time at my own private clinic. I have a few doctors and apprentices there, so I don't need to come in unless it's a serious injury or multiple clients at once and yup, I'm also in the millionaire club."

  "I like cars. I own a bunch of dealerships and have a few stocks. Millionaire club, but I'll be in the billionaire club in January. Trust me, I’m not being cocky, just like rubbing it in those two faces. Christian and Ethan should be millionaires by the end of the year.”

  I munched on the hot pasta while listening to their introductions. "Wait. How old are all of you, and there's a club when you’re a millionaire?" I questioned. I thought that was just an expression. Junho laughed; the others chuckled.

  "Sweetheart, there's definitely a millionaire’s club. You get a black card in the mail and everything. It has your name in gold and can be used as a bank credit card in any country. If someone doesn't recognize that card in any store or restaurant they haven't been trained."

  Black card. Like the one I got in the mail? I wonder if it's still in my wallet. Christian continued.

  "Jaxson and I are twenty-nine, Michael's twenty-seven, Junho's twenty- six and Ethan is twenty-four."

  I turned to face Ethan, giving him a long up and down look. He didn’t look twenty four.

  “Interesting.” I replied, finishing my pasta. I should get my wallet and check that card.

  I saw Moonlight walk into the living room – my Louis Vuitton card holder in his mouth.

  "Moonlight? Why is my card holder in your mouth?"

  He leapt onto the coffee table before me, moving around my pasta bowl to drop the cardholder on the right corner.

  He sat down to stare at me.


  "So, am I the only one that gets crazy vibes from this cat?" Ethan whispered.

  "He's totally not an ordinary cat." Christian nodded.

  "How'd you get him Scar?" Jaxson asked.

  "Um...I don't remember. I've always had him. Since I could crawl. I guess it makes sense now, since he’s my familiar and all." I shrugged. I gave up trying to figure out his age.

  "Do cats live longer than twenty years?" Ethan asked.

  "Well, they have nine lives. I guess they can live as long as they want. Unless they lose all their lives." Junho suggested.

  "That's a myth." Ethan argued

  "Nope." Michael replied.

  "It's from an ancient proverb or something. Only humans think it's a myth." Christian yawned, resting his head against the top of the couch; his eyes closed.

  “Wait, so cat shifters actually can be killed nine times before they actually die?” I questioned. Christian nodded.

  “Yup,” Christian replied.

  I let them continue their bickering, reaching out to pet Moonlight. That’s why Saikkiku didn’t care if Xerxes’ tried to kill her. She’d just, I don’t know, survive?

  I picked up my card holder – opening up to retrieve the card I got in the mail a few years ago.

  "Is this the card you guys are talking about?" I questioned, lifting the black card with my name in thick, cursive gold.

  They all gaped at me; their eyes grew as wide as saucers. Even Christian had lifted his head to see the card; his eyes showed the same amount of shock as the others.

  "Scarlet? What do you do for a living? And when did you get that?" Ethan questioned. His voice barely a whisper.

  "Um...I don't know. A few years ago. It was during my exams, and I don't work. I paint for a living. I participate in Galleria events. Do you know Kai Akiyama? We're acquaintances. We always get chosen to participate in the Art Galleria event that happens during the first day of spring called the Solace Galleria and the Christmas one. Some people call it Lunar."

  They were silent; Moonlight purred, the only sound that could be heard in the room.

  "Um. Did I do say something wrong?" I questioned nervously.

  "Ethan. Check her rank." Junho ordered.

  Ethan pulled out his phone; his fingers flew across the screen. Rank? There's a rank?

  I guess my confusion was apparent as Christian lightly rubbed at my thigh.

  "We're all ranked by our income. It's like how Bill Gates used to be the richest man in the world. "

  "Ah." I nodded, pretending to understand.

  "How much do your paintings usually sell for?" Michael asked.

  "I don't really pay attention. My agent auctions the bigger pieces that take longer for me to create. Smaller ones go for around ten thousand dollars. I guess the ones that are on my wall are considered medium, so fifty thousand is the base price and maybe the large canvas one's are one-hundred thousand starting. That was what it was two years ago. I don't know now." I explained. I really should talk with my agent.

  The four of them gaped at me.

  "Holy shit! You're in the billionaire club!" Ethan practically yelled, staring at his phone screen.

  I blinked, assuming I heard wrong.


  "Scar baby, do you know what you can do with Billionaire status? You get to go to the best of the best events, parties, luxury resorts, VIP suites, everything and bring whoever you want. You could literally flash your card and you can get a whole VIP section in whatever club
you want." Jaxson explained.

  "Don't you need a reservation?" I inquired.

  "Nope. You can dress to impress and just show up. Every club in the city has a spot just for millionaires and billionaires. That's why celebs can go to clubs and no one finds out till after they leave when the paparazzi can get a glimpse of them entering their nice Escalades." Christian replied.


  We sat there in silence before an idea lit up in my head; a mischievous smile formed on my lips.

  Holy shit…I’m a billionaire – I’m rich?? Well, I was rich before, but now I’m filthy rich? What the fuck! I’m going to buy a yacht – no two yachts – no two yachts and a whole building full of apartments. Yes…then I’ll make plans to take over the world.

  “Cue evil laugh.” Serenity announced.

  “Mwahahahaha.” Aurora laughed, making Serenity giggle. I tried to stop the laughter that begged to escape; happiness flooded through me.

  I looked around the room, looking at my partners in crime or should I say love interests.

  "I don’t know whether to laugh, cry or jump like a crazy person in happiness at this new revelation. Let me squeal like a girly girl for five minutes. In the meantime, get dressed. I’m in dire need of a drink, some new heels, and to celebrate.”

  They all smiled.

  "Let's get wasted." I announced.

  "Michael. Didn't Christian tell shouldn't drink too much, or you turn gay? How does that even make sense? Why don't you admit you’re bisexual? It's easier."

  I giggled before taking another shot; the burning sensation going down my throat made me feel alive.

  "I can't call myself bisexual because I'm more open to the same sex when I drink. I'm totally straight when sober." He argued.

  "That's an excuse." I retorted.

  "Scar, stop wiggling." Jaxson mumbled.

  "Stop complaining. I bet you’re a happy mother fucker having Scarlet sitting on your lap. I bet ten thousand dollars you’re as hard as a fucking rock." Junho huffed, taking another shot from his seat.

  "Of course, I am. Scarlet turns me on." He shrugged; his body completely relaxed.

  I turned to face him, leaning forward to give him a passionate kiss.


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