MC Chronicles: The Diary of Bink Cummings: Vol 2: (Motorcycle Club Romance Novel)

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MC Chronicles: The Diary of Bink Cummings: Vol 2: (Motorcycle Club Romance Novel) Page 24

by Bink Cummings

  “Don’t you do it,” he darkly cautions. “You need a nap, Sugar Tits.”

  He’s right, I do.

  Snuggling into him, I rub my nose to Big’s chest, and within a minute, I’m out for the count, held in my man’s arms. What the hell have I gotten myself into?

  “Oh my god!!” Jezebel squeals, as I walk into the common room of the clubhouse from the hallway. Jumping up down from her chair at one of the high top tables, she leaves Bulk with their son and scrambles across the room. Throwing herself at me, she wraps her arms around my neck pulling me into the most enthusiastic hug I think I’ve ever had. I, of course, hug her right back with just as much affection.

  “Oh my fucking God,” she shrieks again, her chin on my shoulder.

  I flinch in pain, from her loud ass mouth belting into my ear.

  “Calm down,” I scold.

  “Oh shit, sorry,” she laughs, acting as coocoo as a damn bird.

  We step back from our embrace. Just as I thought, thanks to her outburst, the entire club is now gaping at us. Or more specifically, me, as I stand here still wearing Big’s t-shirt over a pair of my maternity jeans with my feet covered in a pair of funky pink slipper socks. You know, the ones with the grippies on the bottoms? Yeah, I kinda have a sock obsession, aside from my combat boot one. Funky and fuzzy is my sock motto.

  “I heard you were still here,” Debbie announces, as she too strolls up to our growing Sacred Sister huddle.

  “Yeah, I was hoping what Tripper said was true,” Candy Cane says, stepping up next to me and patting my arm for moral support.

  “What’s shakin’?” Viper teases, sliding up to my side, opposite of Candy Cane, and throwing his arm over my shoulder. This boy never learns.

  Pixie is next to corral into our middle of the club huddle. “Good to see you,” she smiles.

  “Sooo,” I drawl. “What’s goin’ on today?”

  The last thing I want to do is divulge the whole Marshall, Marylou, Bink, Big, baby Harley debacle. I need a little more time to kind of come to terms with me being home for good. The rest of the drama and shit is just going to have to wait to settle in when I get enough time to process it. The three orgasms this morning prior to the Marylou shit and a nap afterward was already enough to wrap my head around. I’m only one damn woman, for cryin’ out loud.

  After I woke up from the nap, Big was no longer holding me. He was in the living room on the phone talking club shit. I padded my way over to him, crawled into his lap, and snuggled into his chest. He kept talking business into his cell as his free hand rubbed my bare legs. When he was done, my back was dropped onto the couch, my shorts stripped down my legs, and I didn’t even get a chance to protest before Big’s mouth was covering my pussy, eating me like I was the best thing he’d ever tasted. I came twice. I never knew I could come that many times in one single day, and the day isn’t over. Seems as though Big is trying to make up for lost time. Not that you’ll hear me complaining. I went long enough without orgasms. The more, the merrier as far as I’m concerned. What can I say? I’m a horny bitch.

  Once I floated back down to earth from those earth-shattering climaxes, Big walked me to the front of his house where Kitty and Black Betty sat in pristine condition in the driveway. Big had parked them there while I was napping.

  “Where’d you store ‘em?” I asked, running my hand over the sleek handlebars of my precious Hog.

  “In my garage,” Big jerked his chin at his two-car garage door. “Your apartment shit is in there too.”

  “What?” I shifted to face him, my hand resting on Black Betty’s seat. “I told Gunz to donate the stuff to Salvation Army.”

  And I did. When I moved to Chicago, I had no idea if I was ever going to return, and I didn’t want to deal with it. It’s just stuff. I knew Gunz wouldn’t throw out anything important that he came across. The rest of the junk isn’t of any importance to me. You can always get a new couch, new cookie sheets, or a new bed. I told him to donate it. Apparently, like the pains in the ass that they are, they didn’t listen. Go figure.

  “Well he didn’t. I had the boys move your stuff into my garage,” Big clarified, standing a few feet away, his shoulder leaning against Kitty, who was looking beautiful as ever. Someone had polished and waxed her. She gleamed with bright pink perfection, welcoming her mama home.

  “Why? What if I never came back?” I asked, standing in Big’s driveway, barefoot and hoping we weren’t about to lapse into another argument. I could feel my temper flaring. It’s not hard for me to get pissed at him, especially when he doesn’t listen to a lick of what I say.

  “You would come back. We knew it. I couldn’t let it go just in case you needed it, or someone else could use it. You know we got other houses we furnish, and I figured if you didn’t want it back, I’m sure somebody else could make use of it,” he explained, eradicating my temper one word at a time.

  Big and this sweetness thing is something I’m going to have to learn to embrace in an intimate manner. Big’s always been careful and loving towards me in a controlled way, but this goes way beyond the things he did for me when I was a kid. Or should I rephrase that? The things I remember he did for me when I was a kid.

  We talked a few more minutes before I sat in Kitty, turned her over, and listened to her purr like a kitten as she and mama got reacquainted. Big sat in her passenger seat with me, his hand on my knee the whole time. It gave me that gooey feeling all over again, and those butterflies re-appeared. I’ve really got to get used to that.

  “Let’s hit the clubhouse,” Big said, after I’d spent fifteen minutes trying not to cry with joy at having a huge chunk of my life back. The life that doesn’t include faking who I am but embracing me. It felt amazing. No, it felt fan-fucking-tastic.

  We got out of the car, and Big pulled her back into the garage. I tried to roll Black Betty in, only to be reprimanded for trying to roll a heavy ass motorcycle while pregnant. Needless to say, I let Big win that one. Better to be safe than sorry.

  When he finished re-covering Black Betty next to his three motorcycles, who are incidentally named Ruby, Emerald, and Onyx, Big threaded his fingers through mine, and we strolled up to the compound to the clubhouse, hand-in-hand, like we’d been doing it for years.

  Walking into the back door of the clubhouse, Big escorted me to my bedroom and kissed me stupid with tongue, fingers, and growling, before he headed to his office. I felt so dazed from the kiss that I needed a little shove into my bedroom before he left to get on with work stuff for the day. I went inside and headed straight for my phone that was in my suitcase set on silent. I had seven texts, and this is when stuff started to get real interesting.

  Marshall: That was quite a dance. Since when is it okay for another man to have his hand on your butt? I’m not a happy camper, Eva, and I have no idea where you are. Get back to me ASAP. We need to talk.

  Marshall: You’ve been gone two hours, and nobody knows where you are. I’m worried. Text me if you get this. Love you.

  Marshall: I’ve had enough. You want to give me a cold shoulder Eva and run off with a man old enough to be your dad, then so be it. I’m tired of waiting; I’m going to sleep.

  Marshall: It’s morning, and you’re nowhere to be found. Where are you?

  Marshall: Big told me you’re safe, and that you’re staying behind. Maybe it’s for the best. It’s obvious from being here that this place is where you belong. Everyone here loves you, including Big. We talked, and I told him the baby isn’t mine. I know it’s not my place to discuss your secrets, and I’m sorry. I wish you the best. I’m leaving soon. If you want to work this out, get with me before I leave. If not, I wish you the best of luck.

  Marshall: By the time you’ve gotten this, you’ll have known that I left. I miss you already. Please come home to me. I didn’t mean what I said. I get the feeling you don’t care for your mom and sisters much, and I’ll never speak to them again if that means you come home to me. I love you.

l: Eva, I’m home now. The apartment is empty without you. Even your side of the bed smells like you, but it feels so cold. I need you to come home. We can work this out. I will learn to accept the biker lifestyle, and I’ll even buy a motorcycle if that’s what you want. I can’t take this. I need you. Please don’t forget about me. Please don’t give up on us. I will do anything you ask, just come home. I promise we can make love. I shouldn’t have held out on you. I was still mad at myself about what I did to you when I was drunk, and now I know I took it out on you. Call me. Text me. Or come home.

  I read them one right after other. For the first time in my life I didn’t feel remorse, like I knew I should have. I felt at peace. I felt free. Free to be myself. And it felt amazing.

  I texted Marshall back.

  Me: I’m sorry you left before I got to say goodbye. I will miss you, and I will always be grateful for the times we shared and all the help that you provided. You are a great man, and you deserve an even greater woman. A woman who is like you and can be herself with you. I realized while being home that I belong here. It’s my home and has always been this way. Being away has only confirmed it even more for me. I don’t regret the time we spent together, and I will always hold a special place in my heart for you. You truly are a wonderful person, but my heart could never be yours. And for that I’m sorry. You deserve better. I wish you well.

  I turned off my phone and washed up in the bathroom before putting on a bit of makeup. I didn’t even try to cover the marks on my neck. They’re too dark to fix anyhow. Then I slid on a clean pair of red lace panties, pants, and shirt. Here I am now, standing in the common room, Viper’s arm over my shoulder, with my family huddled around.

  “We saw Gunz carrying Marshall’s bag to his car this morning,” Debbie explains, wearing a pair of jeans and bright orange t-shirt that looks great with her brown hair and complexion.

  “Big locked me in his basement last night,” I explain.

  All my Sacred Sister’s eyes get huge, and Viper snorts a deep laugh beside me.

  “He did not,” Jezebel sounds astonished, with her hand resting on her jean-clad hip, eyes wide, and pink lips parted in surprise.

  I bob my head. “Yeah, yeah he did. I pounded on the door for probably close to an hour. Nobody came. I ended up sleepin’ in Big’s bed with Pretzel.”

  “So that’s where you went,” Candy Cane says, brushing errant strands of her red hair to the side with the sweep of her hand. “We saw you leave with Big, then fifteen minutes later he returns to the table, and you were nowhere to be seen. I think Jez even asked where ya went, and he said you went to bed.”

  “Yeah I did, and yeah he did,” Jezebel confirms.

  “What else happened last night?” I ask because I haven’t had a chance to really talk with Big about anything other than us.

  “We danced, got drunk, and there was a late night buffet with all kinds of snacky foods. The boys played Euchre most of the night with Big. Deke kicked most people’s asses at that game. He’s like a card shark or something. Even when he’s three sheets to the wind….” Candy Cane rattles on and stops talking when the sounds of kids erupt in the room. I glance around her to see Deke with his daughters entering in through the front doors. Both of them hesitantly walk in front of their dad; his hands are on their shoulders for moral support.

  I break away from Viper, who grunts in protest, and head straight for them. As soon as both Cherry and Ginger catch sight of me, they detach from their dad and come straight for me. I kneel on the ground to get to their level, and they nearly plow me over, as both sets of their arms wrap around my neck.

  “Hey! Hey!” Deke chastises his girls, and I laugh, wrapping both of my arms around his curly haired, green-eyed little beauties. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think they were twins. They both look exactly alike. Even though one of them isn’t biologically Deke’s, you couldn’t tell.

  “How are you girls?” I ask, hugging them to me and tucking my nose into Cherry’s floral scented hair.

  “We’re good,” they answer simultaneously.

  Releasing them from the hug, I stay kneeling, and they stand close to me. I glance up higher to see an extremely amused Deke staring down at us.

  “Hey Deke,” I greet.

  “Hey Bink,” he smirks and reaches down, offering me his hand. I take it, and he pulls me to stand and straight into his arms. He hugs me and kisses my temple before releasing me. But it’s not soon enough. The ferocious growl from that special man in my life slices through the air, as I hear boots stomp with purpose, coming my way.

  I try to spin around just as Big’s hand latches around my chest, yanking me to him. My back collides with his brawny torso, and his warm possessive embrace takes hold, like two iron bars strapped across my chest.

  I can feel Big’s lungs pumping air rapidly in and out, as his chest pistons into my back. His arm muscles stiffen over my chest. I try to glance up and look over my shoulder, only to be held tighter. Then the battle of rage begins to rumble in Big’s chest. He’s crossing over into his beast.

  What the hell?

  “Big,” I call and gaze up to see Deke’s eyes pointed like lasers at Big. Apparently we’ve got a seriously problem here.

  “Don’t touch her,” Big dementedly cautions Deke, with fury percolating in his voice.

  Oh for Christ sake, this is stupid.

  Deke doesn’t speak; his jaw tenses in response. I can’t believe this is going on with two little girls standing between us. What is wrong with these idiots? Do they want them to adjust? Or do these assholes want them to have nightmares, after a mean bastard of a man throws down with their only family? I’m half tempted to grab them both by the ears like insolent children and put them in the corner for a time out. They’re acting like absolute fools.

  “Stop this right now!” I fiercely order, driving my ass backwards into Big’s legs and using my hands to slap at his thighs. Big doesn’t budge.

  Dammit, this isn’t good. Time to try a different approach.

  “Listen, there are children here. If you want to act like a bunch of overgrown babies, then fine, take it outside. And so help me God, if you don’t get a handle on both of your tempers, I will be forced to kick both of your asses. Trust me, you don’t want a pregnant woman kicking your ass. It doesn’t bode well for your reputation,” I say, trying to sound as serious as possible, without letting my temper get the best of me. My mouth flies away with curse words when my temper takes hold, and I am not going to curse up a shit storm with two impressionable girls within arm’s reach.

  Apparently both men find my threat to be hilarious and not an ounce serious. My back starts to vibrate when Big begins to laugh. And it’s not just any laugh; it’s a full body shaking, belting out and gasping for air laugh. Then Deke joins in. The iron bands around my chest slacken, and Big grabs my shoulders, turning me around to face him, still laughing.

  I don’t think it’s funny one fuckin’ bit. They’re making fun of me. Assholes.

  What in the hell ever happened to the serious, unrelenting control freak? I swear this new Big is nothing I’ve ever seen before. Damn he sure looks gorgeous laughing, with his ice-blue eyes glistening with humor, crinkling at the edges, and his mouth curled up till it nearly reaches his ears. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so happy. That in itself makes me smile, my heart flutter, and my belly warm.

  “You’re a jerk,” I snap halfheartedly at him.

  “I know,” Big admits, calming his laughter and bending down to peck my lips.

  I don’t hesitate when I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling his mouth to mine for a better kiss. He takes this invitation and curls his arms around my middle, lifting me onto my tippy toes and devouring my lips. I go lightheaded when Big’s tongue tangles with mine, and his one hand slides down my back, grabbing a handful of my plush ass. I groan to his mouth, seeking more, and he gives it to me. He kisses me hard and fierce until my toes curl, my pussy becomes sopping wet, my nipples ting
le, and I’m left breathless, unable to form a coherent thought or a single word.


  Big pulls away, dazed with a lazy grin. Both of us are left panting for breath and staring into each other’s eyes.

  Then it hits me. My shoulders tense. Shit! I just made out with Big in front of two impressionable children. Dear God save me now, I’m going to go to hell.

  When I turn my head and look down, Deke is still there, but both of his daughters are nowhere to be seen.

  “Wh—ere’s?” my word comes out choppy.

  “Candy Cane took ‘em to her place for ice cream as soon as you two started. Don’t worry, they didn’t see,” he explains with a smirk and knowing wink.

  My shoulders deflate, and I expel a whoosh of air as I sigh. Thank you Candy Cane, I dodged that bullet.

  Big kisses my nose, tells me loves me, and lets me go, turning around to head back to the hall. Three of the bothers that were seated at the bar get up and follow after him, including Viper.

  Deke stays rooted in place, and I swing to face him.

  “Sorry about that,” I mutter, curling my arms around my belly.

  “It’s no problem, Bink. Looks like you two have worked your shit out. That’s good. I hear that you’re stayin’. It’ll be nice to have someone I know here,” Deke explains with a genuine smile, stuffing his hands into his front jean pockets and rocking back on his boot heels.

  “Yeah,” I nod. “I’m not really sure how all this shit is gonna work. But I’m here for the long haul, as long as he doesn’t piss me off enough to leave again.”

  He nods like he understands, and the Sacred Sisters file over to hang with Deke and I.

  “Hey, Deke,” Jezebel greets, sizing him up and not even trying to hide it.

  Yeah I know he’s hot. Like smokin’ hot, but she’s gotta cool her jets and take a cold shower if need be.

  “Do you know Jezebel?” I ask him, thumb pointing to her.

  “Yeah, I met ‘em all,” he explains, then lifts his eyes to greet everyone else. “Hey ladies, what’s shakin’?” he asks, grinning, which is enough to make your legs go wobbly.


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