Bound to Them

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Bound to Them Page 6

by Lorna Jean Roberts

  “I’m close. End it.”

  “End what?” Nash teased.

  “Make me come,” Quinn growled.

  Quinn’s thighs trembled and Nash knew he was just seconds away from bliss. He took the other man’s shaft into his mouth, sucking hard as he cupped Quinn’s balls.

  “Oh hell, oh hell, Nash, I’m coming.”

  Nash took him deeper, swallowing quickly as Quinn came with a yell of satisfaction. Nash drew back, licking Quinn’s softening cock as Quinn slumped back on the bed, breathing heavily. Reaching down, Quinn tugged him up, kissing him deep, nipping at his lips before sweeping his tongue inside Nash’s mouth, playing, teasing. He rolled, pushing Nash onto his back.

  “Your turn.”

  Nash took a deep breath, holding back his smile as Quinn attacked his cock. He approached it as he did everything in life, full speed ahead.

  Grasping Nash’s throbbing dick, Quinn held the shaft tightly, squeezing at irregular intervals, making Nash groan. Over and over, he licked and tortured Nash’s dick until his balls were tight and aching, his hips thrusting up, attempting to gain more. More friction, more warmth.

  Quinn drew back. “Pass me some pillows,” he ordered, his voice rough.

  Nash threw him a couple of pillows, anything to make him move faster. Damn, payback was hell.

  Quinn tapped his hip. “Lift.”

  As Nash raised his ass, Quinn slipped the pillows beneath his lower back.

  Quinn spread Nash’s legs. “Wider,” he ordered. Nash’s dominance rose, rebelling against Quinn’s demands. He took a deep breath, holding back his sharp rejection, and spread his thighs wide, his knees bent so his feet rested flat on the bed.

  “Good, very good,” Quinn said with satisfaction before squirting some lube onto his hand.

  Quinn lay on the bed between Nash’s legs and parted Nash’s ass cheeks with his hands. Nash jumped as Quinn pressed his warm, wet tongue inside his asshole.


  Quinn chuckled. He reached up with one hand and grasped Nash’s hard dick, moving his hand up and down as he thrust his tongue in and out of Nash’s ass. Quinn tormented him with his tongue until it was all Nash could do to hold off his orgasm, to keep himself under some semblance of control.

  “Quinn, damn, that feels incredible.” Nash threw his arms over his face as pleasure washed over him in forceful waves. He’d never experienced anything like this. It felt amazing. Overwhelming. Sweat slicked his skin as his body shook. Near the end of his endurance, he had to force the words through his mouth.

  “Quinn, I’m coming.”

  As though the words were enough to release him, his cock stiffened, growing, and he shuddered as spurts of release shot from his dick. Quinn continued to suck until Nash lay there limply, barely able to find the energy to breathe.

  “Good?” Quinn asked.

  “Too good. I think I’ve died,” Nash replied as Quinn climbed into bed.

  “No dying yet. There’s a lot more where that came from. And just imagine when it’s two of us playing with you. You can have Crista’s mouth on your dick with my cock in your ass.”

  Nash groaned. “Bastard. How am I supposed to sleep now?”

  Quinn just chuckled.

  “So much for taking it slow, huh,” Quinn said as he rolled onto his back.

  “Yeah, that kind of went out the window once I saw those assholes surrounding her.”

  “You figure we scared her?” Quinn asked, his voice somber.

  “Yeah, I figure.” Nash sighed. “Two men declaring they want her probably shocked the hell out of her.” He’d been running on adrenaline and arousal when he’d told her that. Probably not his wisest move. No doubt they’d completely scared her off.

  “Christ.” Nash threw his arm over his eyes. “I hope I haven’t fucked everything up. I intended to go slow. I wanted some time with you to make sure we were stable before doing anything with her. It just sort of came out. I still don’t know if it’s a good idea.

  “But damn, when we were dancing with her I wanted her so bad. And then she brought out the Dom in me when I learned she’d put herself in danger. God, just imagine everything that could have happened to her, walking around in the dark alone.” Nash swallowed, fighting back his fear and anger. “It just came spewing out. I can’t stand the idea of her being in trouble, in danger. I have this overwhelming urge to wrap her up and keep her safe.”

  Quinn snorted. “Tying her to the bed will work just as well.”

  Nash lowered his arm and sat up a little to look at him. “Do you wish I hadn’t said it?”

  “Fuck, no.” Quinn brought his face up to Nash’s for a kiss. “I want her. Bad. And I wouldn’t have suggested this unless I thought it could work. I’ve come to really like her these past two weeks and damn, I want to fuck her.”

  Nash frowned. “You really think the three of us could work together?”

  “I can’t promise happily ever after. No one can, right? But I love you. I’m attracted to her and so are you. Even if she runs screaming, I still want to be with you, Nash.”

  Nash kissed him. Hard.

  “And someone needs to look after her. I don’t like how relaxed she was about her own safety or how her brother treated her.”

  “What if we’re too much for her?” Nash asked.

  Quinn sighed. “I don’t know. If she’s even had sex, I’d bet she only did it missionary style.”

  Nash looked at him in horror. “You think she’s a virgin? We have no business going near a virgin.”

  “Hell, we’ve got no business going near her full stop. And if Doug wasn’t five sheets to the wind most of the time, he’d be beating us off with a stick. But he isn’t. Crista has no one but us protecting her. She’s perfect, gorgeous, sweet and attracted to us both. We can show her what she needs—to feel safe, protected, to have someone else take charge so that she can let go a little bit. Our gorgeous girl works way too hard—she’s wound up tighter than a jack-in-the-box.”

  “We’ll overwhelm her.”

  “Maybe in the beginning,” Quinn acquiesced. “But she’s stronger than she thinks she is.”

  Nash agreed. He took a deep breath, his stomach untangling a bit.

  Quinn grasped Nash’s face in his hands. “I meant what I said before. I’m not hiding what I am. And I’m determined to make us work. With or without Crista. Although I think she belongs with us. We’ll simply have to show her exactly how pleasurable having two men can be.”

  Nash sighed and smiled, dropping the rest of his worries for the moment. He felt the same way about Crista. She was the key. And to get her, keep her, they’d simply have to show her that her place was with them.

  * * * * *

  “What the hell does she think she’s doing?”

  Nash looked up at Quinn’s mutter. It was after six and everyone else had left for the day. He and Quinn were slowly packing up, hoping to catch Crista alone. She’d been doing her best to avoid them for the last few days. Rather than pressure her, they’d decided to give her a while to think things through.

  But their patience was running low.

  Nash’s gaze narrowed as he spied Crista. She stood very still on some scaffolding.

  “She’s stuck,” Nash muttered angrily as he strode toward her.

  “What?” Quinn matched his stride.

  “Don’t move, darlin’,” Nash said calmly as he got closer. “I’m going to come up and get you.”

  Crista stared down at them, so pale he was scared she’d faint and fall off. Climbing faster, Nash reached the platform and looked over at Crista, shocked by the terror in her eyes.

  “Sugar?” He moved slowly, kept his voice steady and low. Her whole body shook as she looked at him through large, fear-filled eyes. She’d wrapped her hands tightly around one of the poles.

  “I-I can’t g-get down. Just g-go. I’ll be f-fine in a moment.”

  She was not fine. She was petrified and trying to be brave. His heart cracked
slightly. Nash forced himself to concentrate.

  “I’m not leaving you up here. I’m going to help you down, all right?”

  “No,” she yelled. “Don’t move, you’ll rock the platform. I said I’m fine.”

  Nash ignored her and stepped forward. She immediately skittered back, closer to the edge.

  “Nash, stop,” Quinn said sharply.

  Nash didn’t need to be told. She looked close to jumping. From this height she wasn’t really in danger of serious harm, but any damage would be unacceptable.

  “Crista,” Quinn said in a stern voice. “Crista, are you listening to me?”

  “Yes,” she replied shakily.

  “Yes Sir,” he chastised.

  “Quinn, now is hardly the time.” Nash tore his gaze from Crista to glare down at Quinn.

  “Now is exactly the right time. Say it, Crista.”

  “Yes Sir,” she whispered. Her eyes were glazed. She wasn’t thinking properly, her fear overwhelming her good sense.

  “Listen to me, Crista. You are going to do exactly what I say,” Quinn spoke firmly.

  She nodded.

  “Answer me.” Quinn’s voice was pure steel.

  “Yes Sir.” A surge of pleasure hit Nash, almost knocking him to his knees as she called Quinn Sir. Shit, he longed to hear her call him Sir while she knelt at his feet, completely naked, her eyes glistening with arousal, her full lips ready to envelop his cock. He nearly groaned as his dick pressed painfully against his jeans.

  “That’s my good girl. You stay exactly where you are. Nash is going to come to you, but I don’t want you to move an inch, understand?” Quinn said firmly.

  “Yes Sir.”

  Nash took a step toward her. She gasped.

  “Crista, stay still,” Quinn said urgently. “You move one more inch and I am going to make sure you don’t sit for a week.”

  Nash grabbed her, holding her close. Her breath came in ragged, shuddering gasps as her pulse raced at high speed.

  Nash rubbed his hand soothingly over her back. “It’s okay, darlin’. I’ve got you. I won’t let anything hurt you.”

  “I’m sorry I’m such a wimp,” she whispered

  “There’s no need to be sorry.” He kept his voice low, reassuring.

  “Nash, hand her down to me,” Quinn called up.

  “No,” she yelled, clasping Nash even tighter. He tried to keep some space between the lower half of their bodies. He didn’t think she’d appreciate how turned-on he was. It wasn’t exactly appropriate to want to fuck her when she was near terrified out of her mind. But he couldn’t help it—he was constantly hard around her. Think unsexy thoughts. Think unsexy thoughts.

  It was a losing battle. Giving in, he kissed the top of her head, breathing in her scent. Raspberries and cream. Tart, sweet and lush.

  “It’s okay, sugar. Neither one of us are going to let you fall,” he soothed as she trembled against him. He couldn’t help but feel a surge of satisfaction in the way she clung to him, looking to him for safety.

  “No, no, no,” she moaned, letting out a small sob that almost broke his heart. What was it about this woman that brought his protective instincts screaming to attention?

  “Crista,” Quinn growled. “Do as you’re told.”

  She stiffened and Nash glared down at Quinn.

  “She’s terrified,” he protested. Couldn’t Quinn see she was close to losing her control entirely? Nash rubbed her back soothingly as she buried closer to him.

  “Well, the sun’s about to disappear behind the mountains and she’s going to be terrified, cold and in the dark. The longer she stays up there, the scarier it becomes. Come on now, sweetheart,” Quinn told her in a softer voice. “I won’t drop you.”

  Nash ran his hand over her hair. “We’ll sit down first, darlin’. Then I’m going to slip you over the edge and Quinn will grab hold of you, okay?”

  She shook her head.

  “We can’t stay up here all night,” he said quietly. “If we don’t move soon then the big bear down there is going to come looking for Goldilocks.”

  She snorted, making him smile a little.

  “I’ll climb down myself,” she said.

  He raised his eyebrows. “Will you? And how are you going to do that when you’re shaking like a leaf and too scared to move?”

  “I can do it,” she said, a stubborn tinge to her voice.

  “Okay, then. I’m going to step back. You walk over and climb down.” He raised his voice. “She’s coming down by herself, Quinn.”

  “What? Like hell. Just pick her up and pass her down,” Quinn replied.

  Nash shook his head and pulled her arms off him, taking a step back. Crista let out a small cry, immediately grasping the metal rail.

  “Ready when you are, darlin’.”

  She remained silent for a long moment. “I can’t. I’m going to be sick.”

  Nash grabbed her, pulling her back against his front. He forced her to sit and held her between his thighs, their legs dangling over the side.

  “Shh, shh, it will all be over soon,” he crooned as she whimpered. “I’m going to lift you down.”

  “No, you can’t,” she cried.

  “Crista,” he warned, deliberately hardening his voice. Enough was enough. She’d make herself ill with worry.

  “I’m too heavy.”

  “Excuse me?” he asked.

  Quinn growled. “What did you say?”

  “I’m too heavy, you’ll hurt yourself.”

  “Oh darlin’, if you weren’t already terrified out of your mind, you’d be in so much trouble for that nonsense.” As Nash spoke, he slid her over the side, not giving her any warning. Quinn grasped her, cutting off her scream. He caught her up against his chest, holding her close as she cried.

  Nash quickly climbed down off the scaffolding and reached for her. “Give her to me.”

  “No way.”

  Quinn ignored the frustration on Nash’s face as he turned away, keeping hold of Crista. Nash had gotten to play hero, now it was his turn.

  Maybe it was a bit petty, but damned if he would let her go now that he had her in his arms.

  “Put me down.”

  He walked toward his Jeep. “No.”

  “I can walk. I’m too he—”

  “Don’t say it,” he interrupted her. “I’m not the gentleman Nash is. I hear you disparaging yourself one more time and you will end up over my knee.”

  Her eyes widened as she gaped at him. Quinn stared down at her calmly. Her gaze dropped as she blushed. Good. She needed to understand some rules. And one rule was that he would retaliate against anyone who put her down. Including herself.

  “Open the door for me,” he ordered Nash.

  “Give her to me and open it yourself.”

  “You can’t take her on your bike,” Quinn said. “I’m driving her back to the motel. Now open the door for me.”

  Nash blew out a deep breath but did as Quinn asked.

  “Wait. What are you doing? My car—”

  “Will still be here tomorrow,” Quinn soothed her. “No one would steal that heap of junk.” Another thing he’d change once she was his. No woman of his would drive around in a tiny rust bucket. His Jeep could run right over the top of the tiny car.

  He placed her on the seat and did up her seat belt.

  “I’ll meet you there,” Nash said before turning to his bike.

  Chapter Four

  Crista wiped the tears from her cheeks as Nash sped ahead of them on his Ducati. Normally she’d be drooling over how sexy he looked on his motorcycle. Tonight, she was so embarrassed by her behavior that she barely even spared him a glance.

  “So you want to tell me what the hell you were doing up on that scaffolding?” Quinn asked in a quiet voice infused with steel. But his hand reached over and grabbed hers, squeezing gently.

  “Working. Not that it’s any of your business.”

  He glanced at her, his brow raised. She blushed, ducking
her head. Damn it, why did she keep doing that? Taking a deep breath, she raised her chin to stare back at him. His lips twitched as he started the truck.

  “Got some backbone there, don’t you, sweetheart? Just make sure you don’t bite off more than you can chew.”

  What does that mean?

  “And we both know that climbing around a building site is not part of your job. Your job involves your feet being safely on the ground. I want to know why you would climb scaffolding when you’re obviously terrified of heights.”

  “I thought I would be okay. That platform is barely off the ground. I’m being ridiculous.” Taking a breath, she tried to still her trembling stomach. Why couldn’t she get over this?

  “I’m not asking again, Crista.”

  She sighed. “Fine. You know Brett? Well, Doug hired him and he, umm, doesn’t always do the greatest job. Sometimes he rushes things.”

  “So get rid of him.”

  Her eyes shifted away. “I can’t. He really needs the job.”

  “What?” Quinn asked incredulously. “Honey, you can’t let that affect your decision.”

  “How can I not?” she cried. “Just look what happened with Sam. That ended up a disaster.”

  Quinn sighed. “And now you don’t want to fire anyone else.”

  God, she sounded pathetic. “What I do is none of your business.”

  “It is my business when your decisions put you in danger.”

  “I wasn’t in danger. I was stuck on some scaffolding because of a foolish fear of heights.”

  He ran his thumb over the top of her hand. “Lots of people are afraid of heights, sweetheart. Ain’t nothing to be ashamed of.”

  And just like that she melted a little.

  “When Doug was around everything was pretty good. But lately…” She trailed off, feeling disloyal by complaining about her brother. “Well, Doug hasn’t been around. And with Pete gone—”

  “You thought you had to check up on Brett’s work,” Quinn finished her sentence.

  “Yeah,” she agreed, glad he understood.

  Quinn pulled into the motel parking lot. “You know you could’ve asked Nash or me to check his work. But you were trying to prove a point to yourself, weren’t you? You were trying to prove that you could get up on that scaffolding and not get scared. Asking for help when you need it doesn’t make you weak, Crista. It makes you smart. If we hadn’t been there you’d still be up that scaffolding. That is unacceptable.” He turned the Jeep’s engine off and looked over at her. “From now on you keep both feet on the ground, you got me?”


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