Bound to Them

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Bound to Them Page 15

by Lorna Jean Roberts

  She straightened her shoulders. He could feel her determination.

  “Remember, all you have to worry about is pleasing us. When you come, where you come, if you come, it’s all up to us. All you need to do is what we tell you. Can you do that, Crista?”

  “Yes Sir,” she breathed.

  “Ahh, my brave girl. I think she deserves a reward. What do you say, Quinn? Does our sweet sub deserve to come?”

  Quinn sat up, his face serious. Then he smiled. “It would be my pleasure.”

  Nash clasped her around the waist, helping her rise. Then he situated his knees between her spread legs.

  “Reach back and clasp my cock, darlin’. You’re going to sit on my cock while Quinn eats that gorgeous pussy.”

  She whimpered slightly but, reaching around, held the base of his cock. He lowered her down, guiding her onto him, driving deep inside her. “Oh, oh, more please,” she begged, trying to move, to thrust. Nash held her still.

  “No moving,” he ordered. “You have to stay very still or Quinn won’t let you come.”

  “I don’t know if I can,” she whimpered.

  “You can, baby. I’m here, I’ll help.”

  She relaxed slightly at his reassurance. Nash grabbed one wrist, holding it lightly as he pulled her arm behind her, trapping it against her back with his stomach. He did the same with her other arm, then wrapped his arms around her body. Firm without being too tight. He wanted her to feel restricted without panicking her.

  He heard her breathing quicken. Being held this way drove her arousal higher.

  Quinn lay on his stomach. Nash nearly jolted as Quinn tongued his balls then sucked them into his mouth, playing with them.

  “Damn it, Quinn,” he swore.

  Crista giggled. “Not so easy to keep still, is it?”

  Quinn let him go and winked up at Crista. Quinn’s ease surprised Nash. The wall he’d put up around himself was crumbling.

  “Oh, oh wow.” Crista stiffened and Nash peered down, watching as Quinn played with her pussy, his tongue lapping at her clit. Every so often his tongue licked Nash’s cock, making it twitch, causing Crista to groan.

  Nash pinched her nipples lightly.

  “Nash, Quinn, please, please let me come. Please,” she begged, her head lolling from side to side.

  “Hold on, darlin’. We don’t want you coming just yet.”

  “I have to,” she cried. “I need to, please.”

  “How does Quinn’s tongue feel? Describe what he’s doing, sugar,” Nash demanded.

  She took a gulping breath. “He-he’s licking my clit.”

  “How does it feel?” Need pounded through him, demanding he find satisfaction. Her tight, hot pussy surrounded him, enveloping him in silk.

  “Hot, incredibly hot. I want more. I want to move. I want to come. Please, Sir, let me come.”

  “Come then, sugar.” He whispered his permission at the same time as he pinched down on her nipples. Hard.

  She exploded, her pussy clenching around his shaft, nearly causing him to shame himself. But he held himself back. Barely.

  Nash stroked his hands over her sides, helping bring her down.

  Finally she gave a shudder and opened her eyes, looking back at him before gazing over at Quinn, who rested on his haunches.

  “That was amazing,” she said dreamily.

  Nash chuckled and nuzzled her neck. She was just too gorgeous for words.

  “Enjoyed it, did you, sugar?”

  “Ahh-huh,” she murmured, clearly still caught up in the afterglow.

  “Good,” he said with satisfaction. “Now it’s time to please your Masters.” He licked the outer shell of her ear and she shuddered. “Lean forward, darlin’, on your hands and knees. Quinn needs your mouth and my cock is about to explode from being tucked inside this tight pussy.”

  He helped her onto her hands and knees, moving with her, keeping his shaft deep. Crista instantly licked Quinn’s dick, taking him into her mouth. Nash pulled back and then thrust forward with a groan.

  Quinn’s hand grasped the back of her nape, guiding her movements.

  “That’s it, baby, take me in. Her mouth is so tiny.” He looked up at Nash, meeting his gaze. “Feels incredible.”

  “So does this pussy. No way am I going to last with this velvety, tight pussy clenching around me.” Nash reached around and found Crista’s clit, pressing hard. “Get ready. I’m about to come and you’re coming with me.”

  A muffled protest.

  “Oh yes you will,” Quinn growled, interrupting the wordless protest.

  Nash swirled his finger around her clit. Adjusting the angle of his cock, he listened for a change in her breathing to indicate he’d found the spot. Ahh, there it was. He thrust his cock over and over her special spot until she clenched down on him hard.

  “Yes, sugar, come now.”

  She yelled, her passage massaging his dick. It sent him spiraling over the edge, his balls tightening as he came in swift, hard bursts.

  Quinn’s moan of release barely registered as Nash collapsed forward, trying to catch his breath. Recovering slightly, he realized he was practically squashing Crista. Extracting his cock, he pulled off the condom. His dick twitched.

  Down boy.

  “One question,” Crista asked breathlessly as she snuggled into them.

  “What’s that, sugar?”

  “Can we take the plug out now?”

  Chapter Eleven

  Crista put down her cell phone, sighing in frustration.

  “No reply, darlin’?” Nash asked. She glanced over at where he sat on the sofa beside Quinn, watching some sort of sports game on the television.

  She sat curled up in the armchair, still horribly aware of her nakedness while Quinn and Nash remained fully dressed. She kept looking over at the two men and blushing each time one of them looked back. But they hadn’t looked at her with judgment or made any comments.

  Instead, heat filled their gazes. And need. How she could want them again so soon after a truly explosive orgasm, she didn’t know. Yet she did.

  “Doug’s not answering his phone.”

  “Probably too noisy at the bar for him to hear it,” Quinn said. Crista winced at the disgust in his voice. She knew what he thought of Doug. That he was a drunken bum.

  Crista rubbed her forehead.

  “Headache?” Nash asked.

  She glanced up with a nod, wincing at the movement. Not good. This had all the hallmarks of a migraine.

  “I need to find some painkillers.”

  “I’ll get them,” Quinn offered. “You go sit with Nash, baby.”

  Quinn gave her shoulder a squeeze as he passed.

  “Come here, sugar.” Nash patted his knee.

  Crista rose and walked over to him. He drew her between his open legs. Pulling a cushion off the sofa, he placed in on the floor between his feet.

  “Turn around and sit down.”

  Crista sat with her back to him, her bottom on the soft cushion.

  Nash brushed her long hair over her shoulder.

  Quinn returned, perching on the coffee table in front of her. He held out a glass of water and two white pills. “Here you go.”

  “Thanks.” She took the pills and glass with a smile. Quinn handed Nash a tube of something.

  Crista heard something squirting, then Nash rubbed liquid onto her shoulders and neck, massaging her tight muscles. Crista groaned.

  “Feel good, sugar?”

  “Yes.” Tears filled her eyes. The massage was great, but the way they were taking care of her was truly amazing.

  “What’s wrong, Crista?” Quinn asked.

  She raised her gaze, having forgotten he was sitting there. About to blow him off, she suddenly remembered her promise. “I’m just not used to being taken care of, I guess, not since I was a kid.”

  “By your parents,” Quinn said, nodding.

  “No, by Doug.”

  Nash stilled then continued his amazing mass
age. “Doug looked after you?” he asked.

  “Ah-huh.” Her eyes drifted closed as the pain in her head eased. “I never realized how good it would feel to have someone rub my shoulders.”

  “Do you get these headaches often?” Quinn asked.

  Crista shrugged. “A bit. I should probably cut my hair.”

  “Explain what you meant when you said Doug took care of you. Where were your parents?” Nash asked.

  “Not around.”

  Both men were silent, waiting. Letting her know without words how unacceptable that answer was.

  She sighed and stared off over Quinn’s shoulder

  “My dad was away a lot. There wasn’t a lot of work for him where we lived. He worked long hours and he traveled all over the place with his crew.”

  “Your mom?” Quinn asked.

  He leaned over and pulled at her bottom lip. Startled, Crista realized she’d been biting at it. Quinn rubbed his thumb along her lip, soothing, arousing.

  Crista leaned her head back against Nash’s leg, suddenly exhausted.

  “Mom worked long hours, but there never seemed to be enough money. I didn’t really think about it as a kid, all I knew was that we never had much. When Doug took over the company and I went to work for him, I looked for old debts in the paperwork. Seems the business went through a bad patch and Dad borrowed at a high rate. Took him a long time to pay it back. Mom died when I was thirteen. She fell asleep at the wheel and ran off the road into a bank.”

  “Oh darlin’.” Nash scooped her off the floor and held her in his lap. She closed her eyes, leaning into him, willing herself not to cry.

  “It was a long time ago.”

  A hand cupped her cheek. She opened her eyes to find Quinn staring down at her. “Some pain never goes away,” he said.

  She shook her head. “No, no, it doesn’t.”

  “That must have been so hard,” Nash added. “Losing your mom at such a vulnerable age.”

  Blinking, she pushed back the tears. “It was horrible.”

  “Talk to us, Crista,” Quinn said. “Keeping things bottled up isn’t good.”

  She snorted. “Isn’t that the kettle calling the pot black?”

  Quinn’s eyes narrowed and he started to withdraw. Shoot. You’re an idiot, Crista Lee. Should’ve kept your mouth shut.

  Nash tensed beneath her but didn’t say anything. Quinn turned, staring across the room. Then he sighed and shook his head, turning back to them with a smile.

  “You’re right.”

  Nash jolted, obviously as surprised as she was at Quinn’s admission.

  “I am?”

  “Yeah, baby. You are. Seems like tonight is going to be a night of sharing. You tell me yours. I’ll tell you mine.”

  Crista shook her head. “No.”

  “No?” He raised his eyebrow, questioning.

  “It’s not right to force you to do something you’re not comfortable with. If you don’t want to tell us anything, you don’t have to.” No way would she make him talk if he didn’t want to.

  Quinn smiled and, reaching out, grasped her hand then Nash’s.

  “I want to share. I can’t demand anything from my sub that I’m not willing to give myself. More than that, I don’t want to drive the two of you away because I’m scared of getting hurt. I trust you and I want you both to trust me. You first, sweetheart. Tell us about losing your mom.”

  Crista took a deep breath, feeling the pain that remained, even after all these years. “My mom was a real lady. She hardly ever swore. She was always polite. And she had a backbone of steel. She loved Doug and me. Immensely. We always knew that, even though she never made it to our school events or met us after school or even tucked us into bed. We knew she loved us.

  “When she died I thought my world would never be the same. And it wasn’t. We didn’t even have the money to pay for the funeral. My dad was out of town and he went a bit crazy when he heard about her death. Apparently he just took off. He didn’t come back for three weeks. By that time, Mom was buried. The town raised the funds for her funeral.”

  Quinn wiped her cheeks. Huh, she was crying. “What happened after that? Did your father stay home to take care of you and Doug?”

  “No. If anything we saw him less. He tried to send us to our aunt, but she lived in the city and already had three kids and one on the way. So Doug and I stayed in our house. He was seventeen and no one from child services ever came by.”

  “Who looked after you, darlin’?” Nash asked with concern.

  “Doug did. Doug and our neighbors. It’s a nice town. Odd, and sure there are some people who weren’t very kind. There was this one bully at school… Well, anyway, it doesn’t matter. The town helped us. Doug got a part-time job.”

  “Jesus, your father should have been shot,” Quinn said, outraged.

  Crista shook her head. “He did the best he could, I guess. When he came home and found us that first time, he didn’t make us leave. Just gave us some money and left again. Every so often we’d get a check in the mail and it would tide us over.”

  “A thirteen-year-old girl needs more than a teenager to take care of her. Hell, he needed someone to take care of him.”

  “He did a fairly good job. Most of the time.” She giggled.

  “What’s so funny?” Quinn asked.

  “Umm, well,” she hesitated, blushing. “I was just remembering the first time I got my period and Doug’s reaction. He completely panicked. He honestly went so pale I thought he would faint. Here I was, beet-red, and poor Doug was white as a ghost. What a pair we must have made at the drugstore. Luckily Elsa, who was a friend of Mom’s, was working the till. She took me into the bathroom and told me what was what.”

  Nash rubbed his hand up and down her back.

  “Doug dropped out of school before graduation and found a full-time job. He stuck around, looking after me until I finished school. By then, Dad was pressuring him to join the business. Doug wanted me to go to college, so I went to a local one and studied English and history. I was scared to go too far away. I’d nearly finished when I discovered Dad was ill. I graduated because Doug wouldn’t hear of me doing anything else, then I came home to take care of Dad. He didn’t last long. Colon cancer. After he died it was just Doug and me.”

  “When did Doug start drinking?” Nash asked.

  She shrugged. “Once he started working for Dad I started to notice him drinking a bit more, but nothing bad. When Dad died, it got worse. I took over the books and started to help him out more and more.”

  “And now you’re doing everything.”

  “Not everything. You don’t understand. Doug gave up so much for me. He didn’t even graduate high school. He could have gone off and done anything. Instead I held him back. I owe him so much.”

  Nash turned her, cupping her face. “Sugar, he did all that because he loves you. You were a child. The person who owes Doug is your father. He’s the one who failed you both. I understand why you would feel responsible for Doug. You love him. I feel the same about my sister. But you are not to feel any guilt over Doug’s drinking.”

  “He needs help.”

  “Yes, he does, sugar.”

  “I can’t get hold of him. What if he’s in trouble? What if he’s fallen over somewhere? I can’t sleep tonight without knowing he’s safe.” Upset, she struggled, trying to rise out of Nash’s lap.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Quinn asked as Nash tightened his arms around her.

  “I’m going for a drive to see if I can find him.”

  Quinn glanced at Nash. “No, you’re not.”

  Crista opened her mouth to protest.

  “Not by yourself. We’ll all go look for Doug.”

  * * * * *

  Crista rubbed her eyes tiredly and glanced at the clock on Quinn’s dashboard—1:54 a.m.

  They’d searched everywhere for Doug without luck. Crista let her eyes drift shut. Just for a second. She gave a startled yelp as something jol
ted her.

  “Shh, sugar, it’s just me. Go back to sleep,” Nash ordered quietly. She nuzzled into his chest then realized they were moving. He was carrying her. Again.

  “Where are we?” she murmured.

  “Back at the motel.”

  Her brain started functioning again. “But Doug—” she protested as they entered the motel suite.

  “It’s been two hours, sweetheart,” Quinn explained. “We couldn’t find him anywhere. We all need some sleep, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do.”

  She blinked as the lights came on. “Oh, I’m sorry, you guys should rest. I can keep looking for him by myself.”

  Nash stared down at her incredulously. “Do you seriously think we’re going to let you wander around at two in the morning by yourself?”

  “Ahh, no, I guess not.”

  Quinn was already in the bedroom, stripping. Nash laid her on the bed and pulled off her clothes. Naked, Quinn stalked toward her and rolled her into the middle of the bed. He hugged her in against him, his front to her back.

  Nash tugged the covers back on her other side, jumping in and cuddling in to her front.

  Nash kissed her forehead as Quinn’s lips brushed over her shoulder.

  “Sleep, darlin’.”

  * * * * *

  Nash slipped into the bathroom the next morning. He’d woken to find Quinn up already but the sound of running water had given him the impetus he needed to get up. Reaching into the cupboard, he pulled out the water-resistant lube they’d bought yesterday.

  He pulled open the shower door and stared at Quinn’s magnificent body.

  Quinn grinned at him. “Not really enough room for two in here.” He looked down at Nash’s erection. Reaching over, he grabbed Nash’s cock. Nash closed his eyes, groaning.

  “I can make room,” he said, slipping in behind Quinn. The fit was so tight that neither of them could turn around, but for Nash that was a bonus. He put the lube on the soap holder attached to the wall and grabbed the soap. Lathering up his hands, he ran them up over Quinn’s firm, flat stomach to his chest. He caught Quinn’s nipples between his fingers and thumbs and pinched.

  “Ahh, shit. Where’s Crista?” Quinn groaned, dropping his head forward slightly.

  “Still dead to the world.”


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