Ultimate Paranormal Romance, 15 in 1! (BWWM Paranormal Boxed Set)

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Ultimate Paranormal Romance, 15 in 1! (BWWM Paranormal Boxed Set) Page 2

by R S Holloway

  As Hathen’s strong fingers reached around to massage her breasts and stomach, Sebastian embraced and caressed her, all the while thrusting her hips forward to fill and stretch her pussy.

  “We are both here for your pleasure”. His voice raspy with pleasure, Hathen stroked Jess’s sleek bob of hair as his shaft penetrated her hungry insides. “We live to please you”.

  Jess couldn’t help but believe him; especially as she lost herself in a lavish, ecstatic cocoon of hair, muscle, and sweet, sweet cock.

  The experienced continued, until finally the trio exploded in an incredible shared orgasm. Jess howled her pleasure as both vampires unleashed themselves inside her.

  They caught her sweaty, trembling body up in four muscled arms, cradling her as she graced them both with a warm, satisfied smile.

  “Talk about a nice introduction,” she tweaked Sebastian’s sculpted nose before turning to Hathen. “And an even nicer farewell”.

  “Oh, this isn’t goodbye,” Hathen corrected, planting a kind kiss on her cheek. “I’ll be back”.

  “Make it soon,” Jess sighed with relief.


  2. Fucked By Two Vampires Again (Vampires sex)

  Last night she slept in the depths of hell. This morning, by stark contrast, she woke up in heaven.

  The radiant waves of a Florida sun bathed Jess Green in a warm, sensual light; one that cast her naked curvaceous body in a tender glow that roused and pleasured her.

  Yet even the majesty of this mighty sun could not compete with the heat of a muscled, multi-layered embrace; one offered by the two lovers who must be angels in disguise.

  She opened her eyes to gaze upon the beauty of Nightingale Park, the place where she and her two lovers had met the night before to engage in the most thrilling, passionate night of her life.

  Her gaze took in the nature made spectacle of this beautiful park, one that formed a decorative center in the community of Clearview, Florida; the city where Green served as the chief of police.

  Yet as she rolled free in the emerald grasses of this ethereal haven, she felt more like a nymph of nature than an officer of the law. The centerpiece of this small but ebullient park was an elaborate ivory stone fountain that bore the likeness of a smiling, round-cheeked cherub; one that seemed to revel in the continuous spray of crystalline water that rained free upon its head.

  Surrounding this sculpture were brilliant bouquets of roses and lilies in all the colors of the rainbow; as well as a neat and well-tended lawn of gem green grasses, dotted liberally with golden dandelions that caught the light of the moon above them.

  Yet even this natural wonder paled in comparison to the vision of her two lovers; the men who lay asleep on either side of her, slumbering in the shadow of a majestic oak. She beamed as she turned to face Hathen Noble; the blond vampire who bore a stronger resemblance to an angel when captured in the light of a newborn sun.

  The silken reams of his long golden hair glowed in this light, as did his bronze skin; and she couldn’t wait for his azure eyes to open and sear her with their uncharacteristic not to mention unnerving--stare.

  And if anyone could rival the beauty of the man who had held her rapt and enamored for nearly a year, it was the new lover he’d just introduced into their realm; the handsome, mystical fire haired vampire known as Sebastian. She cherished the vision of his waist-length fall of red auburn hair, carved cheekbones and full, supple lips; and she knew that all too soon she’d be overwhelmed by two wide, dark eyes.

  The two toned muscular bodies that brought her so much pleasure last night stood as studies in delicious contrast; while Hathen was massive, muscular and bronzed, Sebastian was a lean ivory god who was oh so flexible…

  Last night these two vampiric idols had loved and pleasured her in every way imaginable; treating her to so many pleasurable delights that she felt dirty, corrupted, immoral…..

  …and downright incredible. She stretched her arms high above her head, meeting the rays of the morning sun with a lush, drunken smile. If being a fallen woman was this much fun, she mused, then she should definitely try it more often.

  She aimed her cheeky grin in the direction of Hathen, also running a loving hand down the length of his carved, bronzed cheek.

  In the past few years her immortal lover had tempted, teased and totally satisfied her; luring her into unspeakable acts as he fulfilled her deepest and darkest fantasies.

  “I didn’t rightly know it was possible for one mortal woman to experience so many consecutive orgasms in such a relatively brief time span,” her grin widened as she stroked the strands of his soft golden hair. “Or, for that matter, to fall so deeply in love.”

  This last thought wiped the smile right off her face, as her heart was seized in a wave of sudden despair that tightened her chest and made her pulse pound.

  Aside from treating her to a vampiric ménage that had filled her heart and satisfied her body, Hathen had delivered a second surprise last night that wasn’t nearly as pleasing: the news that Alida the woman who had made him a vampire and placed him in a position of authority over the Clearview den had ordered him to oversee a new nightclub she’d opened in the Atlanta area.

  “From what I understand she herself has a home there,” Jess pursed her lips, running a soothing hand through her short crop of soft ebony hair, “and, for that matter, that she’s ‘calling him home’.”

  She wondered if the two of them would be sharing a home; and, for that matter, if they would be running the new nightclub as a couple.

  “Once he moves to Atlanta, the geographic distance between us will be substantial,” she frowned, laying a sudden and possessive tug on the very hair she had stroked moments earlier. “If Alida commands him to love and serve her, the distance just may become unsurpassable.”

  Her frown deepened as a second, even more troubling thought invaded her beset psyche: Both of her lovers walked the night as sensual, powerful vampires.

  “In the daytime, though, if they so much as attempt a sunbathing session, they’d both be rendered pretty much toast.”

  Her eyes flying wide at this sudden revelation, Jess shook the shoulders of her immortal lovers; yelling their names as she roused them most literally from the sleep of the dead.

  In eerie synch their eyes flew open, regarding her with stares that were equal parts loving and totally bewildered.

  “What troubles you babe?” The ever loving Hathen gathered Jess into two strong arms, easing her worries and silencing her cries with a warm, all-encompassing hug.

  The effect of Hathen’s nurturing embrace brought quiet and peace to her tumultuous mind and tense, strained body.

  As per Jess’s general nature, this effect lasted all of 10 seconds.

  “What troubles me?” Jess sprang to her feet, gathering up the nearby pile of clothes she’d left discarded on the grass beside her. “You mean besides the rather obvious fact that my boyfriend and my…” she bit her lip, casting a cautious glance in Sebastian’s direction, “new ‘special friend’ are about to be fileted and flame broiled before my very eyes?”

  She froze as her two lovers met her words with a round of gentle but, she couldn’t help but notice, quite pronounced laughter.

  “No worries, love.” Sebastian wrapped his arms around her sturdy waist, completing a warm communal hug that made her giggle in spite of herself.

  Ain’t nothing wrong with a vampire sandwich, she wriggled contented in four loving arms, her cheeks flushing hot as two attentive vamps rained sweet baby kisses across her face. Even if it is indeed the second one a lady has enjoyed in say 24 hours.

  Aloud she said, “We need to get you two out of the sun pronto, if not sooner!”

  Hathen and Sebastian exchanged knowing looks as they all rose to their feet; gathering their scattered clothes and throwing them across the planes of their hard, sweaty bodies.

  Sure, plenty of dudes look hot when they strip. Jess bit her lip, their sleek moves making her heart beat just a
little bit faster. Just how many look quite this alluring when they’re putting their clothes on, I quite rightly say….

  Moments later, though, the reflection of sunlight on their long, silky hair brought her back to reality with a jolt.

  “Hurry up, you two!” She suddenly felt like she was back at the police station, corralling her officers for undercover detail. “We have to get you two inside.”

  Hathen shook his head.

  “There’s no big rush, babe.” He took her hand in his, motioning for Sebastian to do the same.

  “None at all,” Sebastian confirmed, nestling her neck in the process. “Alida set us a new brand of sun block she’s been developing one made specifically for vampires.”

  “The stuff is amazing.” Hathen moved forward, leading his two companions under a thick copse of emerald leaved trees that lead to a deep forested area bordering the park. “I think it has a SPF of about 4,000, right Bas?” He shrugged. “All the same, she did encourage us to try it out for short periods of time, in case there happens to be a glitch in her formula. So I do think it would be a good idea for us to hightail it to my house.”

  So the great Alida is not only a vampire goddess and ruler of all she surveys. Jess rolled her eyes. She’s also an inventor. Too precious.

  Her mood darkened further the moment they arrived at Hathen’s self-made ‘man cave’; a thatched roof hut that somehow managed to contain a full set of Victorian era furniture and in even more startling contrast a full high tech entertainment center and computer set.

  “That’s my man,” Jess thought, taking Hathen’s arm as they cleared the entrance of the hut, “but not for much longer, I suppose.”

  The reality of this point was driven home moments later, when she saw the open, partially filled suitcases on Hathen’s bed.

  Following the direction of her troubled gaze, her lover of three years wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her away from Sebastian; looking deep into her eyes as he spoke soft and sweet into her ear.

  “I couldn’t bear to tell you before, Baby.” His tongue lapped at her lobe. “The truth is, though, that today is the day I have to go. Alida commands it.”

  He cringed as Jess tore away from him, balling her fists at her sides.

  “Would you grow some balls already?!” She roared, pointing an accusing finger in his direction. “You are an adult male, a very powerful one I might add, and you have the right to control your own life.” She made a broad gesture in his direction, shooting him a smile that was not kind. “What is the worst thing that this all mighty Alida can do to you if you reject her demands?”

  Hathen shrugged, shooting a wide-eyed stare at a frozen Sebastian.

  “Oh I dunno.” He scratched his head in mock contemplation. “Banish me from the only family I’ve ever known? Eat me alive, as vampires have been known to do, with a bit of ketchup and mustard coated on for good measure?”

  Jess was unimpressed.

  “From what I know of your den, Hathen, you are a bunch of incubus vamps who feed on little more than the sexual energies of others.” She arched her eyebrows. “What is the worst that she can do, realistically? Screw you into oblivion?” Her tone softened as she moved closer to him. “Did you at least try to say no to her, Hathen? Did you at least try to tell her that you wanted to stay here, with me?” She choked back unbidden tears, lifting her chin high. “Didn’t you at least try to fight for us?”

  Hathen sighed, stepping forward to plant his hands on her shoulders.

  “Of course I did babe,” his words soft and coaxing. “I told her that I loved you, more than I could say, and that I’ve also grown so attached to my people here. I did fight for us, bella.”

  “And what did she say?” Although she did not resist his touch, Jess stood strong in Hathen’s arms as she looked him straight in the eyes.

  Ignoring Jess’s tough stance, her lover pulled her close to him and planted a warm kiss on her cheek.

  “She said she’d never seen me so much in love, and she was touched that I had found such a remarkable person with whom to share this part of my life someone who made me feel and act like a human being again.” He smiled, but only briefly. “She also stressed, however, that we as vampires must never lose our focus on our purpose and mission. And we should never get too close to humans, no matter how amazing and utterly remarkable they are.” He gave her an affirming squeeze to reinforce these words.

  Jess sighed, stepping back as Hathen approached his bed and zipped his suitcases; staring back at her with a sincere gaze that tore at her heart.

  “Think about it Jess,” he said finally. “If you were offered a job as chief of police in a major city, wouldn’t you seize it?”

  Jess thought a moment, then nodded.

  “I’ve always made my career a priority in my life,” she admitted. “It’s something that is very important to me.” She tilted her head, fixing Hathen with a side eyed gaze that drew twin cringes from him and Sebastian. “I do think, however, that I would discuss an out of town job offer with the person who has been a part of my life for three years.”

  Hathen nodded in kind return.

  “Fair enough,” he allowed, adding in a lowered voice, “I also know, though, that I would support and encourage you to take advantage of a great opportunity to follow your dreams.”

  His eyes flew wide as Jess surged forward, taking him in a strong, all-encompassing embrace as his arms wrapped around her.

  For just a moment the couple said nothing, just savored a long last embrace as their lips joined in an impassioned kiss. Their arms and hands clenched between them as their mouths rubbed against each other; their tongues entangling as her breasts pressed against his chest.

  For a timeless moment they kissed and clung to one another; their lips smacking in a quiet desperation as their bodies clung together.

  Then with a pained sigh Hathen broke away from his lover; fixing her with a long last look as he gathered up his suitcases and headed for the door.

  “I’ll come back for a visit as soon as I can love,” his voice broke on this promise as he blew her a kiss and shook hands with a quiet Sebastian. “Goodbye.”

  Green watched him leave without a word; then she sat down hard on the edge of Hathen’s bed and buried her head in her hands, her sturdy figure shaking in spite of herself as she suppressed a mighty sob.

  “I won’t cry.” She murmured, shaking her head fiercely.

  “No babe, you won’t cry. You’re going to be too busy coming, climaxing, and is this a word? orgasming.”

  Green’s eyes flew wide at these unexpected words, which happened to come from the tall, gorgeous man who now crawled the floor in her direction; his fire red hair tossed over one muscular shoulder as his eyes radiated with intense desire.

  He knelt before her to peel his tight shirt over his head, tossing it to the floor beside them. She had only a moment to admire his massive bronzed chest and sculpted abs before he surged between her legs; licking her thighs as his sturdy hands massaged her full hips.

  “I’m going to make you feel better,” he whispered, fixing her with a devilish grin that made her pussy gush. “I’m gonna bring a smile to that pretty face…”

  Eager to make good on his promise, he slid between her thighs and opened her feminine folds with a loud, resounding lick; next putting his tongue to even better use as he laved her heaving clit, sending shards of pure erotic ecstasy spiraling upward through her entire body.

  Jess threw her head back as his hands shifted upward to knead and caress her breasts; the strands of his silken hair, meanwhile, rubbed soft against her thighs as his mouth continued to kiss her femininity and lick the base of her engorged nub.

  Then he plunged his hand between her legs to intensify her excitement; slipping his finger to the depths of her pussy to sample its slick wetness and, or so she discovered, to intensify it.

  As his lips continued to suckle her clit his fingers aroused her hungry insides; reaching deep within h
er pussy in a seeming search for the ultimate source of her pleasure.

  Just then he hit the spot; his finger making contact with her G-spot as his tongue delivered a long last lick to her clit.

  Like a grenade his lover exploded; her pussy pulsating in the bare heat of an extended, pulsating orgasm as her clit pounded in divine synchronicity.

  Her body gyrated with pleasure as she fell forward into Sebastian’s arms; rolling free on the floor with him as they collapsed in a warm, loving embrace.

  “I’m your lover now baby,” he whispered in her ear, his hands massaging her shoulders in a loving caress as his tongue played along the edge of her neck. “And if I have it my way, you’ll never cry again.”

  The next few hours passed in a haze for Jess, as she and Sebastian spent the day in an extended lovemaking session; sometimes stopping to engage in quiet, tender conversation about their unique situation.

  “You know babe, in a way we have something in common.” He told her at one point, running his hand through her soft dark hair. “I also lost my love to ‘the life,’ just in a different way.” He frowned at the thought of Rhonda, the lover who had left him because of his ties to the immortal world. “A woman I loved left me because she couldn’t handle my lifestyle.”

  He took in his breath as Jess rolled him over on his back, settling herself between his long legs as she stared with a smile into his eyes.

  “Well as it happens Sebastian, I have my share of experience ‘handling’ hot vampires.” She waggled her eyebrows, running a soft, admiring hand across his perfect abs as she ducked her head between his legs.

  He threw his head back with a leonine roar as she took his cock between her lush pink lips and suckled him nice and slow; savoring his moans of ecstasy as his shaft expanded in her mouth and her tongue laved its base.

  “How could Hathen ever leave you?” He growled through gritted teeth. “It’s his loss because now I’m keeping you…” he cried outright as his engorged shaft soared between her lips, “forever!”


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